-- MobDebug -- Lua remote debugger
-- Copyright 2011-15 Paul Kulchenko
-- Based on RemDebug 1.0 Copyright Kepler Project 2005

-- use loaded modules or load explicitly on those systems that require that
local require = require
local io = io or require "io"
local table = table or require "table"
local string = string or require "string"
local coroutine = coroutine or require "coroutine"
local debug = require "debug"
-- protect require "os" as it may fail on embedded systems without os module
local os = os or (function(module)
  local ok, res = pcall(require, module)
  return ok and res or nil

local mobdebug = {
  _NAME = "mobdebug",
  _VERSION = "0.702",
  _COPYRIGHT = "Paul Kulchenko",
  _DESCRIPTION = "Mobile Remote Debugger for the Lua programming language",
  port = os and os.getenv and tonumber((os.getenv("MOBDEBUG_PORT"))) or 8172,
  checkcount = 200,
  yieldtimeout = 0.02, -- yield timeout (s)
  connecttimeout = 2, -- connect timeout (s)

local HOOKMASK = "lcr"
local error = error
local getfenv = getfenv
local setfenv = setfenv
local loadstring = loadstring or load -- "load" replaced "loadstring" in Lua 5.2
local pairs = pairs
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local tonumber = tonumber
local unpack = table.unpack or unpack
local rawget = rawget
local gsub, sub, find = string.gsub, string.sub, string.find

-- if strict.lua is used, then need to avoid referencing some global
-- variables, as they can be undefined;
-- use rawget to avoid complaints from strict.lua at run-time.
-- it's safe to do the initialization here as all these variables
-- should get defined values (if any) before the debugging starts.
-- there is also global 'wx' variable, which is checked as part of
-- the debug loop as 'wx' can be loaded at any time during debugging.
local genv = _G or _ENV
local jit = rawget(genv, "jit")
local MOAICoroutine = rawget(genv, "MOAICoroutine")

-- ngx_lua debugging requires a special handling as its coroutine.*
-- methods use a different mechanism that doesn't allow resume calls
-- from debug hook handlers.
-- Instead, the "original" coroutine.* methods are used.
-- `rawget` needs to be used to protect against `strict` checks, but
-- ngx_lua hides those in a metatable, so need to use that.
local metagindex = getmetatable(genv) and getmetatable(genv).__index
local ngx = type(metagindex) == "table" and metagindex.rawget and metagindex:rawget("ngx") or nil
local corocreate = ngx and coroutine._create or coroutine.create
local cororesume = ngx and coroutine._resume or coroutine.resume
local coroyield = ngx and coroutine._yield or coroutine.yield
local corostatus = ngx and coroutine._status or coroutine.status
local corowrap = coroutine.wrap

if not setfenv then -- Lua 5.2+
  -- based on http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2010-06/msg00314.html
  -- this assumes f is a function
  local function findenv(f)
    local level = 1
      local name, value = debug.getupvalue(f, level)
      if name == '_ENV' then return level, value end
      level = level + 1
    until name == nil
    return nil end
  getfenv = function (f) return(select(2, findenv(f)) or _G) end
  setfenv = function (f, t)
    local level = findenv(f)
    if level then debug.setupvalue(f, level, t) end
    return f end

-- check for OS and convert file names to lower case on windows
-- (its file system is case insensitive, but case preserving), as setting a
-- breakpoint on x:\Foo.lua will not work if the file was loaded as X:\foo.lua.
-- OSX and Windows behave the same way (case insensitive, but case preserving).
-- OSX can be configured to be case-sensitive, so check for that. This doesn't
-- handle the case of different partitions having different case-sensitivity.
local win = os and os.getenv and (os.getenv('WINDIR') or (os.getenv('OS') or ''):match('[Ww]indows')) and true or false
local mac = not win and (os and os.getenv and os.getenv('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH') or not io.open("/proc")) and true or false
local iscasepreserving = win or (mac and io.open('/library') ~= nil)

-- turn jit off based on Mike Pall's comment in this discussion:
-- http://www.freelists.org/post/luajit/Debug-hooks-and-JIT,2
-- "You need to turn it off at the start if you plan to receive
-- reliable hook calls at any later point in time."
if jit and jit.off then jit.off() end

local socket = require "socket"
local coro_debugger
local coro_debugee
local coroutines = {}; setmetatable(coroutines, {__mode = "k"}) -- "weak" keys
local events = { BREAK = 1, WATCH = 2, RESTART = 3, STACK = 4 }
local breakpoints = {}
local watches = {}
local lastsource
local lastfile
local watchescnt = 0
local abort -- default value is nil; this is used in start/loop distinction
local seen_hook = false
local checkcount = 0
local step_into = false
local step_over = false
local step_level = 0
local stack_level = 0
local server
local buf
local outputs = {}
local iobase = {print = print}
local basedir = ""
local deferror = "execution aborted at default debugee"
local debugee = function ()
  local a = 1
  for _ = 1, 10 do a = a + 1 end
local function q(s) return string.gsub(s, '([%(%)%.%%%+%-%*%?%[%^%$%]])','%%%1') end

local serpent = (function() ---- include Serpent module for serialization
local n, v = "serpent", "0.30" -- (C) 2012-17 Paul Kulchenko; MIT License
local c, d = "Paul Kulchenko", "Lua serializer and pretty printer"
local snum = {[tostring(1/0)]='1/0 --[[math.huge]]',[tostring(-1/0)]='-1/0 --[[-math.huge]]',[tostring(0/0)]='0/0'}
local badtype = {thread = true, userdata = true, cdata = true}
local getmetatable = debug and debug.getmetatable or getmetatable
local pairs = function(t) return next, t end -- avoid using __pairs in Lua 5.2+
local keyword, globals, G = {}, {}, (_G or _ENV)
for _,k in ipairs({'and', 'break', 'do', 'else', 'elseif', 'end', 'false',
  'for', 'function', 'goto', 'if', 'in', 'local', 'nil', 'not', 'or', 'repeat',
  'return', 'then', 'true', 'until', 'while'}) do keyword[k] = true end
for k,v in pairs(G) do globals[v] = k end -- build func to name mapping
for _,g in ipairs({'coroutine', 'debug', 'io', 'math', 'string', 'table', 'os'}) do
  for k,v in pairs(type(G[g]) == 'table' and G[g] or {}) do globals[v] = g..'.'..k end end

local function s(t, opts)
  local name, indent, fatal, maxnum = opts.name, opts.indent, opts.fatal, opts.maxnum
  local sparse, custom, huge = opts.sparse, opts.custom, not opts.nohuge
  local space, maxl = (opts.compact and '' or ' '), (opts.maxlevel or math.huge)
  local maxlen, metatostring = tonumber(opts.maxlength), opts.metatostring
  local iname, comm = '_'..(name or ''), opts.comment and (tonumber(opts.comment) or math.huge)
  local numformat = opts.numformat or "%.17g"
  local seen, sref, syms, symn = {}, {'local '..iname..'={}'}, {}, 0
  local function gensym(val) return '_'..(tostring(tostring(val)):gsub("[^%w]",""):gsub("(%d%w+)",
    -- tostring(val) is needed because __tostring may return a non-string value
    function(s) if not syms[s] then symn = symn+1; syms[s] = symn end return tostring(syms[s]) end)) end
  local function safestr(s) return type(s) == "number" and tostring(huge and snum[tostring(s)] or numformat:format(s))
    or type(s) ~= "string" and tostring(s) -- escape NEWLINE/010 and EOF/026
    or ("%q"):format(s):gsub("\010","n"):gsub("\026","\\026") end
  local function comment(s,l) return comm and (l or 0) < comm and ' --[['..select(2, pcall(tostring, s))..']]' or '' end
  local function globerr(s,l) return globals[s] and globals[s]..comment(s,l) or not fatal
    and safestr(select(2, pcall(tostring, s))) or error("Can't serialize "..tostring(s)) end
  local function safename(path, name) -- generates foo.bar, foo[3], or foo['b a r']
    local n = name == nil and '' or name
    local plain = type(n) == "string" and n:match("^[%l%u_][%w_]*$") and not keyword[n]
    local safe = plain and n or '['..safestr(n)..']'
    return (path or '')..(plain and path and '.' or '')..safe, safe end
  local alphanumsort = type(opts.sortkeys) == 'function' and opts.sortkeys or function(k, o, n) -- k=keys, o=originaltable, n=padding
    local maxn, to = tonumber(n) or 12, {number = 'a', string = 'b'}
    local function padnum(d) return ("%0"..tostring(maxn).."d"):format(tonumber(d)) end
    table.sort(k, function(a,b)
      -- sort numeric keys first: k[key] is not nil for numerical keys
      return (k[a] ~= nil and 0 or to[type(a)] or 'z')..(tostring(a):gsub("%d+",padnum))
           < (k[b] ~= nil and 0 or to[type(b)] or 'z')..(tostring(b):gsub("%d+",padnum)) end) end
  local function val2str(t, name, indent, insref, path, plainindex, level)
    local ttype, level, mt = type(t), (level or 0), getmetatable(t)
    local spath, sname = safename(path, name)
    local tag = plainindex and
      ((type(name) == "number") and '' or name..space..'='..space) or
      (name ~= nil and sname..space..'='..space or '')
    if seen[t] then -- already seen this element
      sref[#sref+1] = spath..space..'='..space..seen[t]
      return tag..'nil'..comment('ref', level) end
    -- protect from those cases where __tostring may fail
    if type(mt) == 'table' then
      local to, tr = pcall(function() return mt.__tostring(t) end)
      local so, sr = pcall(function() return mt.__serialize(t) end)
      if (opts.metatostring ~= false and to or so) then -- knows how to serialize itself
        seen[t] = insref or spath
        t = so and sr or tr
        ttype = type(t)
      end -- new value falls through to be serialized
    if ttype == "table" then
      if level >= maxl then return tag..'{}'..comment('maxlvl', level) end
      seen[t] = insref or spath
      if next(t) == nil then return tag..'{}'..comment(t, level) end -- table empty
      if maxlen and maxlen < 0 then return tag..'{}'..comment('maxlen', level) end
      local maxn, o, out = math.min(#t, maxnum or #t), {}, {}
      for key = 1, maxn do o[key] = key end
      if not maxnum or #o < maxnum then
        local n = #o -- n = n + 1; o[n] is much faster than o[#o+1] on large tables
        for key in pairs(t) do if o[key] ~= key then n = n + 1; o[n] = key end end end
      if maxnum and #o > maxnum then o[maxnum+1] = nil end
      if opts.sortkeys and #o > maxn then alphanumsort(o, t, opts.sortkeys) end
      local sparse = sparse and #o > maxn -- disable sparsness if only numeric keys (shorter output)
      for n, key in ipairs(o) do
        local value, ktype, plainindex = t[key], type(key), n <= maxn and not sparse
        if opts.valignore and opts.valignore[value] -- skip ignored values; do nothing
        or opts.keyallow and not opts.keyallow[key]
        or opts.keyignore and opts.keyignore[key]
        or opts.valtypeignore and opts.valtypeignore[type(value)] -- skipping ignored value types
        or sparse and value == nil then -- skipping nils; do nothing
        elseif ktype == 'table' or ktype == 'function' or badtype[ktype] then
          if not seen[key] and not globals[key] then
            sref[#sref+1] = 'placeholder'
            local sname = safename(iname, gensym(key)) -- iname is table for local variables
            sref[#sref] = val2str(key,sname,indent,sname,iname,true) end
          sref[#sref+1] = 'placeholder'
          local path = seen[t]..'['..tostring(seen[key] or globals[key] or gensym(key))..']'
          sref[#sref] = path..space..'='..space..tostring(seen[value] or val2str(value,nil,indent,path))
          out[#out+1] = val2str(value,key,indent,insref,seen[t],plainindex,level+1)
          if maxlen then
            maxlen = maxlen - #out[#out]
            if maxlen < 0 then break end
      local prefix = string.rep(indent or '', level)
      local head = indent and '{\n'..prefix..indent or '{'
      local body = table.concat(out, ','..(indent and '\n'..prefix..indent or space))
      local tail = indent and "\n"..prefix..'}' or '}'
      return (custom and custom(tag,head,body,tail,level) or tag..head..body..tail)..comment(t, level)
    elseif badtype[ttype] then
      seen[t] = insref or spath
      return tag..globerr(t, level)
    elseif ttype == 'function' then
      seen[t] = insref or spath
      if opts.nocode then return tag.."function() --[[..skipped..]] end"..comment(t, level) end
      local ok, res = pcall(string.dump, t)
      local func = ok and "((loadstring or load)("..safestr(res)..",'@serialized'))"..comment(t, level)
      return tag..(func or globerr(t, level))
    else return tag..safestr(t) end -- handle all other types
  local sepr = indent and "\n" or ";"..space
  local body = val2str(t, name, indent) -- this call also populates sref
  local tail = #sref>1 and table.concat(sref, sepr)..sepr or ''
  local warn = opts.comment and #sref>1 and space.."--[[incomplete output with shared/self-references skipped]]" or ''
  return not name and body..warn or "do local "..body..sepr..tail.."return "..name..sepr.."end"

local function deserialize(data, opts)
  local env = (opts and opts.safe == false) and G
    or setmetatable({}, {
        __index = function(t,k) return t end,
        __call = function(t,...) error("cannot call functions") end
  local f, res = (loadstring or load)('return '..data, nil, nil, env)
  if not f then f, res = (loadstring or load)(data, nil, nil, env) end
  if not f then return f, res end
  if setfenv then setfenv(f, env) end
  return pcall(f)

local function merge(a, b) if b then for k,v in pairs(b) do a[k] = v end end; return a; end
return { _NAME = n, _COPYRIGHT = c, _DESCRIPTION = d, _VERSION = v, serialize = s,
  load = deserialize,
  dump = function(a, opts) return s(a, merge({name = '_', compact = true, sparse = true}, opts)) end,
  line = function(a, opts) return s(a, merge({sortkeys = true, comment = true}, opts)) end,
  block = function(a, opts) return s(a, merge({indent = '  ', sortkeys = true, comment = true}, opts)) end }
end)() ---- end of Serpent module

mobdebug.line = serpent.line
mobdebug.dump = serpent.dump
mobdebug.linemap = nil
mobdebug.loadstring = loadstring

local function removebasedir(path, basedir)
  if iscasepreserving then
    -- check if the lowercased path matches the basedir
    -- if so, return substring of the original path (to not lowercase it)
    return path:lower():find('^'..q(basedir:lower()))
      and path:sub(#basedir+1) or path
    return string.gsub(path, '^'..q(basedir), '')

local function stack(start)
  local function vars(f)
    local func = debug.getinfo(f, "f").func
    local i = 1
    local locals = {}
    -- get locals
    while true do
      local name, value = debug.getlocal(f, i)
      if not name then break end
      if string.sub(name, 1, 1) ~= '(' then
        locals[name] = {value, select(2,pcall(tostring,value))}
      i = i + 1
    -- get varargs (these use negative indices)
    i = 1
    while true do
      local name, value = debug.getlocal(f, -i)
      -- `not name` should be enough, but LuaJIT 2.0.0 incorrectly reports `(*temporary)` names here
      if not name or name ~= "(*vararg)" then break end
      locals[name:gsub("%)$"," "..i..")")] = {value, select(2,pcall(tostring,value))}
      i = i + 1
    -- get upvalues
    i = 1
    local ups = {}
    while func do -- check for func as it may be nil for tail calls
      local name, value = debug.getupvalue(func, i)
      if not name then break end
      ups[name] = {value, select(2,pcall(tostring,value))}
      i = i + 1
    return locals, ups

  local stack = {}
  local linemap = mobdebug.linemap
  for i = (start or 0), 100 do
    local source = debug.getinfo(i, "Snl")
    if not source then break end

    local src = source.source
    if src:find("@") == 1 then
      src = src:sub(2):gsub("\\", "/")
      if src:find("%./") == 1 then src = src:sub(3) end

    table.insert(stack, { -- remove basedir from source
      {source.name, removebasedir(src, basedir),
       linemap and linemap(source.linedefined, source.source) or source.linedefined,
       linemap and linemap(source.currentline, source.source) or source.currentline,
       source.what, source.namewhat, source.short_src},
    if source.what == 'main' then break end
  return stack

local function set_breakpoint(file, line)
  if file == '-' and lastfile then file = lastfile
  elseif iscasepreserving then file = string.lower(file) end
  if not breakpoints[line] then breakpoints[line] = {} end
  breakpoints[line][file] = true

local function remove_breakpoint(file, line)
  if file == '-' and lastfile then file = lastfile
  elseif file == '*' and line == 0 then breakpoints = {}
  elseif iscasepreserving then file = string.lower(file) end
  if breakpoints[line] then breakpoints[line][file] = nil end

local function has_breakpoint(file, line)
  return breakpoints[line]
     and breakpoints[line][iscasepreserving and string.lower(file) or file]

local function restore_vars(vars)
  if type(vars) ~= 'table' then return end

  -- locals need to be processed in the reverse order, starting from
  -- the inner block out, to make sure that the localized variables
  -- are correctly updated with only the closest variable with
  -- the same name being changed
  -- first loop find how many local variables there is, while
  -- the second loop processes them from i to 1
  local i = 1
  while true do
    local name = debug.getlocal(3, i)
    if not name then break end
    i = i + 1
  i = i - 1
  local written_vars = {}
  while i > 0 do
    local name = debug.getlocal(3, i)
    if not written_vars[name] then
      if string.sub(name, 1, 1) ~= '(' then
        debug.setlocal(3, i, rawget(vars, name))
      written_vars[name] = true
    i = i - 1

  i = 1
  local func = debug.getinfo(3, "f").func
  while true do
    local name = debug.getupvalue(func, i)
    if not name then break end
    if not written_vars[name] then
      if string.sub(name, 1, 1) ~= '(' then
        debug.setupvalue(func, i, rawget(vars, name))
      written_vars[name] = true
    i = i + 1

local function capture_vars(level, thread)
  level = (level or 0)+2 -- add two levels for this and debug calls
  local func = (thread and debug.getinfo(thread, level, "f") or debug.getinfo(level, "f") or {}).func
  if not func then return {} end

  local vars = {['...'] = {}}
  local i = 1
  while true do
    local name, value = debug.getupvalue(func, i)
    if not name then break end
    if string.sub(name, 1, 1) ~= '(' then vars[name] = value end
    i = i + 1
  i = 1
  while true do
    local name, value
    if thread then
      name, value = debug.getlocal(thread, level, i)
      name, value = debug.getlocal(level, i)
    if not name then break end
    if string.sub(name, 1, 1) ~= '(' then vars[name] = value end
    i = i + 1
  -- get varargs (these use negative indices)
  i = 1
  while true do
    local name, value
    if thread then
      name, value = debug.getlocal(thread, level, -i)
      name, value = debug.getlocal(level, -i)
    -- `not name` should be enough, but LuaJIT 2.0.0 incorrectly reports `(*temporary)` names here
    if not name or name ~= "(*vararg)" then break end
    vars['...'][i] = value
    i = i + 1
  -- returned 'vars' table plays a dual role: (1) it captures local values
  -- and upvalues to be restored later (in case they are modified in "eval"),
  -- and (2) it provides an environment for evaluated chunks.
  -- getfenv(func) is needed to provide proper environment for functions,
  -- including access to globals, but this causes vars[name] to fail in
  -- restore_vars on local variables or upvalues with `nil` values when
  -- 'strict' is in effect. To avoid this `rawget` is used in restore_vars.
  setmetatable(vars, { __index = getfenv(func), __newindex = getfenv(func) })
  return vars

local function stack_depth(start_depth)
  for i = start_depth, 0, -1 do
    if debug.getinfo(i, "l") then return i+1 end
  return start_depth

local function is_safe(stack_level)
  -- the stack grows up: 0 is getinfo, 1 is is_safe, 2 is debug_hook, 3 is user function
  if stack_level == 3 then return true end
  for i = 3, stack_level do
    -- return if it is not safe to abort
    local info = debug.getinfo(i, "S")
    if not info then return true end
    if info.what == "C" then return false end
  return true

local function in_debugger()
  local this = debug.getinfo(1, "S").source
  -- only need to check few frames as mobdebug frames should be close
  for i = 3, 7 do
    local info = debug.getinfo(i, "S")
    if not info then return false end
    if info.source == this then return true end
  return false

local function is_pending(peer)
  -- if there is something already in the buffer, skip check
  if not buf and checkcount >= mobdebug.checkcount then
    peer:settimeout(0) -- non-blocking
    buf = peer:receive(1)
    peer:settimeout() -- back to blocking
    checkcount = 0
  return buf

local function readnext(peer, num)
  peer:settimeout(0) -- non-blocking
  local res, err, partial = peer:receive(num)
  peer:settimeout() -- back to blocking
  return res or partial or '', err

local function handle_breakpoint(peer)
  -- check if the buffer has the beginning of SETB/DELB command;
  -- this is to avoid reading the entire line for commands that
  -- don't need to be handled here.
  if not buf or not (buf:sub(1,1) == 'S' or buf:sub(1,1) == 'D') then return end

  -- check second character to avoid reading STEP or other S* and D* commands
  if #buf == 1 then buf = buf .. readnext(peer, 1) end
  if buf:sub(2,2) ~= 'E' then return end

  -- need to read few more characters
  buf = buf .. readnext(peer, 5-#buf)
  if buf ~= 'SETB ' and buf ~= 'DELB ' then return end

  local res, _, partial = peer:receive() -- get the rest of the line; blocking
  if not res then
    if partial then buf = buf .. partial end

  local _, _, cmd, file, line = (buf..res):find("^([A-Z]+)%s+(.-)%s+(%d+)%s*$")
  if cmd == 'SETB' then set_breakpoint(file, tonumber(line))
  elseif cmd == 'DELB' then remove_breakpoint(file, tonumber(line))
    -- this looks like a breakpoint command, but something went wrong;
    -- return here to let the "normal" processing to handle,
    -- although this is likely to not go well.

  buf = nil

local function normalize_path(file)
  local n
    file, n = file:gsub("/+%.?/+","/") -- remove all `//` and `/./` references
  until n == 0
  -- collapse all up-dir references: this will clobber UNC prefix (\\?\)
  -- and disk on Windows when there are too many up-dir references: `D:\foo\..\..\bar`;
  -- handle the case of multiple up-dir references: `foo/bar/baz/../../../more`;
  -- only remove one at a time as otherwise `../../` could be removed;
    file, n = file:gsub("[^/]+/%.%./", "", 1)
  until n == 0
  -- there may still be a leading up-dir reference left (as `/../` or `../`); remove it
  return (file:gsub("^(/?)%.%./", "%1"))

local function debug_hook(event, line)
  -- (1) LuaJIT needs special treatment. Because debug_hook is set for
  -- *all* coroutines, and not just the one being debugged as in regular Lua
  -- (http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2011-06/msg00513.html),
  -- need to avoid debugging mobdebug's own code as LuaJIT doesn't
  -- always correctly generate call/return hook events (there are more
  -- calls than returns, which breaks stack depth calculation and
  -- 'step' and 'step over' commands stop working; possibly because
  -- 'tail return' events are not generated by LuaJIT).
  -- the next line checks if the debugger is run under LuaJIT and if
  -- one of debugger methods is present in the stack, it simply returns.
  if jit then
    -- when luajit is compiled with LUAJIT_ENABLE_LUA52COMPAT,
    -- coroutine.running() returns non-nil for the main thread.
    local coro, main = coroutine.running()
    if not coro or main then coro = 'main' end
    local disabled = coroutines[coro] == false
      or coroutines[coro] == nil and coro ~= (coro_debugee or 'main')
    if coro_debugee and disabled or not coro_debugee and (disabled or in_debugger())
    then return end

  -- (2) check if abort has been requested and it's safe to abort
  if abort and is_safe(stack_level) then error(abort) end

  -- (3) also check if this debug hook has not been visited for any reason.
  -- this check is needed to avoid stepping in too early
  -- (for example, when coroutine.resume() is executed inside start()).
  if not seen_hook and in_debugger() then return end

  if event == "call" then
    stack_level = stack_level + 1
  elseif event == "return" or event == "tail return" then
    stack_level = stack_level - 1
  elseif event == "line" then
    if mobdebug.linemap then
      local ok, mappedline = pcall(mobdebug.linemap, line, debug.getinfo(2, "S").source)
      if ok then line = mappedline end
      if not line then return end

    -- may need to fall through because of the following:
    -- (1) step_into
    -- (2) step_over and stack_level <= step_level (need stack_level)
    -- (3) breakpoint; check for line first as it's known; then for file
    -- (4) socket call (only do every Xth check)
    -- (5) at least one watch is registered
    if not (
      step_into or step_over or breakpoints[line] or watchescnt > 0
      or is_pending(server)
    ) then checkcount = checkcount + 1; return end

    checkcount = mobdebug.checkcount -- force check on the next command

    -- this is needed to check if the stack got shorter or longer.
    -- unfortunately counting call/return calls is not reliable.
    -- the discrepancy may happen when "pcall(load, '')" call is made
    -- or when "error()" is called in a function.
    -- in either case there are more "call" than "return" events reported.
    -- this validation is done for every "line" event, but should be "cheap"
    -- as it checks for the stack to get shorter (or longer by one call).
    -- start from one level higher just in case we need to grow the stack.
    -- this may happen after coroutine.resume call to a function that doesn't
    -- have any other instructions to execute. it triggers three returns:
    -- "return, tail return, return", which needs to be accounted for.
    stack_level = stack_depth(stack_level+1)

    local caller = debug.getinfo(2, "S")

    -- grab the filename and fix it if needed
    local file = lastfile
    if (lastsource ~= caller.source) then
      file, lastsource = caller.source, caller.source
      -- technically, users can supply names that may not use '@',
      -- for example when they call loadstring('...', 'filename.lua').
      -- Unfortunately, there is no reliable/quick way to figure out
      -- what is the filename and what is the source code.
      -- If the name doesn't start with `@`, assume it's a file name if it's all on one line.
      if find(file, "^@") or not find(file, "[\r\n]") then
        file = gsub(gsub(file, "^@", ""), "\\", "/")
        -- normalize paths that may include up-dir or same-dir references
        -- if the path starts from the up-dir or reference,
        -- prepend `basedir` to generate absolute path to keep breakpoints working.
        -- ignore qualified relative path (`D:../`) and UNC paths (`\\?\`)
        if find(file, "^%.%./") then file = basedir..file end
        if find(file, "/%.%.?/") then file = normalize_path(file) end
        -- need this conversion to be applied to relative and absolute
        -- file names as you may write "require 'Foo'" to
        -- load "foo.lua" (on a case insensitive file system) and breakpoints
        -- set on foo.lua will not work if not converted to the same case.
        if iscasepreserving then file = string.lower(file) end
        if find(file, "^%./") then file = sub(file, 3)
        else file = gsub(file, "^"..q(basedir), "") end
        -- some file systems allow newlines in file names; remove these.
        file = gsub(file, "\n", ' ')
        file = mobdebug.line(file)

      -- set to true if we got here; this only needs to be done once per
      -- session, so do it here to at least avoid setting it for every line.
      seen_hook = true
      lastfile = file

    if is_pending(server) then handle_breakpoint(server) end

    local vars, status, res
    if (watchescnt > 0) then
      vars = capture_vars(1)
      for index, value in pairs(watches) do
        setfenv(value, vars)
        local ok, fired = pcall(value)
        if ok and fired then
          status, res = cororesume(coro_debugger, events.WATCH, vars, file, line, index)
          break -- any one watch is enough; don't check multiple times

    -- need to get into the "regular" debug handler, but only if there was
    -- no watch that was fired. If there was a watch, handle its result.
    local getin = (status == nil) and
      -- when coroutine.running() return `nil` (main thread in Lua 5.1),
      -- step_over will equal 'main', so need to check for that explicitly.
      or (step_over and step_over == (coroutine.running() or 'main') and stack_level <= step_level)
      or has_breakpoint(file, line)
      or is_pending(server))

    if getin then
      vars = vars or capture_vars(1)
      step_into = false
      step_over = false
      status, res = cororesume(coro_debugger, events.BREAK, vars, file, line)

    -- handle 'stack' command that provides stack() information to the debugger
    while status and res == 'stack' do
      -- resume with the stack trace and variables
      if vars then restore_vars(vars) end -- restore vars so they are reflected in stack values
      status, res = cororesume(coro_debugger, events.STACK, stack(3), file, line)

    -- need to recheck once more as resume after 'stack' command may
    -- return something else (for example, 'exit'), which needs to be handled
    if status and res and res ~= 'stack' then
      if not abort and res == "exit" then mobdebug.onexit(1, true); return end
      if not abort and res == "done" then mobdebug.done(); return end
      abort = res
      -- only abort if safe; if not, there is another (earlier) check inside
      -- debug_hook, which will abort execution at the first safe opportunity
      if is_safe(stack_level) then error(abort) end
    elseif not status and res then
      error(res, 2) -- report any other (internal) errors back to the application

    if vars then restore_vars(vars) end

    -- last command requested Step Over/Out; store the current thread
    if step_over == true then step_over = coroutine.running() or 'main' end

local function stringify_results(params, status, ...)
  if not status then return status, ... end -- on error report as it

  params = params or {}
  if params.nocode == nil then params.nocode = true end
  if params.comment == nil then params.comment = 1 end

  local t = {...}
  for i,v in pairs(t) do -- stringify each of the returned values
    local ok, res = pcall(mobdebug.line, v, params)
    t[i] = ok and res or ("%q"):format(res):gsub("\010","n"):gsub("\026","\\026")
  -- stringify table with all returned values
  -- this is done to allow each returned value to be used (serialized or not)
  -- intependently and to preserve "original" comments
  return pcall(mobdebug.dump, t, {sparse = false})

local function isrunning()
  return coro_debugger and (corostatus(coro_debugger) == 'suspended' or corostatus(coro_debugger) == 'running')

-- this is a function that removes all hooks and closes the socket to
-- report back to the controller that the debugging is done.
-- the script that called `done` can still continue.
local function done()
  if not (isrunning() and server) then return end

  if not jit then
    for co, debugged in pairs(coroutines) do
      if debugged then debug.sethook(co) end


  coro_debugger = nil -- to make sure isrunning() returns `false`
  seen_hook = nil -- to make sure that the next start() call works
  abort = nil -- to make sure that callback calls use proper "abort" value

local function debugger_loop(sev, svars, sfile, sline)
  local command
  local app, osname
  local eval_env = svars or {}
  local function emptyWatch () return false end
  local loaded = {}
  for k in pairs(package.loaded) do loaded[k] = true end

  while true do
    local line, err
    local wx = rawget(genv, "wx") -- use rawread to make strict.lua happy
    if (wx or mobdebug.yield) and server.settimeout then server:settimeout(mobdebug.yieldtimeout) end
    while true do
      line, err = server:receive()
      if not line and err == "timeout" then
        -- yield for wx GUI applications if possible to avoid "busyness"
        app = app or (wx and wx.wxGetApp and wx.wxGetApp())
        if app then
          local win = app:GetTopWindow()
          local inloop = app:IsMainLoopRunning()
          osname = osname or wx.wxPlatformInfo.Get():GetOperatingSystemFamilyName()
          if win and not inloop then
            -- process messages in a regular way
            -- and exit as soon as the event loop is idle
            if osname == 'Unix' then wx.wxTimer(app):Start(10, true) end
            local exitLoop = function()
              win:Disconnect(wx.wxID_ANY, wx.wxID_ANY, wx.wxEVT_IDLE)
              win:Disconnect(wx.wxID_ANY, wx.wxID_ANY, wx.wxEVT_TIMER)
            win:Connect(wx.wxEVT_IDLE, exitLoop)
            win:Connect(wx.wxEVT_TIMER, exitLoop)
        elseif mobdebug.yield then mobdebug.yield()
      elseif not line and err == "closed" then
        error("Debugger connection closed", 0)
        -- if there is something in the pending buffer, prepend it to the line
        if buf then line = buf .. line; buf = nil end
    if server.settimeout then server:settimeout() end -- back to blocking
    command = string.sub(line, string.find(line, "^[A-Z]+"))
    if command == "SETB" then
      local _, _, _, file, line = string.find(line, "^([A-Z]+)%s+(.-)%s+(%d+)%s*$")
      if file and line then
        set_breakpoint(file, tonumber(line))
        server:send("200 OK\n")
        server:send("400 Bad Request\n")
    elseif command == "DELB" then
      local _, _, _, file, line = string.find(line, "^([A-Z]+)%s+(.-)%s+(%d+)%s*$")
      if file and line then
        remove_breakpoint(file, tonumber(line))
        server:send("200 OK\n")
        server:send("400 Bad Request\n")
    elseif command == "EXEC" then
      -- extract any optional parameters
      local params = string.match(line, "--%s*(%b{})%s*$")
      local _, _, chunk = string.find(line, "^[A-Z]+%s+(.+)$")
      if chunk then
        local func, res = mobdebug.loadstring(chunk)
        local status
        if func then
          local pfunc = params and loadstring("return "..params) -- use internal function
          params = pfunc and pfunc()
          params = (type(params) == "table" and params or {})
          local stack = tonumber(params.stack)
          -- if the requested stack frame is not the current one, then use a new capture
          -- with a specific stack frame: `capture_vars(0, coro_debugee)`
          local env = stack and coro_debugee and capture_vars(stack-1, coro_debugee) or eval_env
          setfenv(func, env)
          status, res = stringify_results(params, pcall(func, unpack(env['...'] or {})))
        if status then
          if mobdebug.onscratch then mobdebug.onscratch(res) end
          server:send("200 OK " .. tostring(#res) .. "\n")
          -- fix error if not set (for example, when loadstring is not present)
          if not res then res = "Unknown error" end
          server:send("401 Error in Expression " .. tostring(#res) .. "\n")
        server:send("400 Bad Request\n")
    elseif command == "LOAD" then
      local _, _, size, name = string.find(line, "^[A-Z]+%s+(%d+)%s+(%S.-)%s*$")
      size = tonumber(size)

      if abort == nil then -- no LOAD/RELOAD allowed inside start()
        if size > 0 then server:receive(size) end
        if sfile and sline then
          server:send("201 Started " .. sfile .. " " .. tostring(sline) .. "\n")
          server:send("200 OK 0\n")
        -- reset environment to allow required modules to load again
        -- remove those packages that weren't loaded when debugger started
        for k in pairs(package.loaded) do
          if not loaded[k] then package.loaded[k] = nil end

        if size == 0 and name == '-' then -- RELOAD the current script being debugged
          server:send("200 OK 0\n")
          -- receiving 0 bytes blocks (at least in luasocket 2.0.2), so skip reading
          local chunk = size == 0 and "" or server:receive(size)
          if chunk then -- LOAD a new script for debugging
            local func, res = mobdebug.loadstring(chunk, "@"..name)
            if func then
              server:send("200 OK 0\n")
              debugee = func
              server:send("401 Error in Expression " .. tostring(#res) .. "\n")
            server:send("400 Bad Request\n")
    elseif command == "SETW" then
      local _, _, exp = string.find(line, "^[A-Z]+%s+(.+)%s*$")
      if exp then
        local func, res = mobdebug.loadstring("return(" .. exp .. ")")
        if func then
          watchescnt = watchescnt + 1
          local newidx = #watches + 1
          watches[newidx] = func
          server:send("200 OK " .. tostring(newidx) .. "\n")
          server:send("401 Error in Expression " .. tostring(#res) .. "\n")
        server:send("400 Bad Request\n")
    elseif command == "DELW" then
      local _, _, index = string.find(line, "^[A-Z]+%s+(%d+)%s*$")
      index = tonumber(index)
      if index > 0 and index <= #watches then
        watchescnt = watchescnt - (watches[index] ~= emptyWatch and 1 or 0)
        watches[index] = emptyWatch
        server:send("200 OK\n")
        server:send("400 Bad Request\n")
    elseif command == "RUN" then
      server:send("200 OK\n")

      local ev, vars, file, line, idx_watch = coroyield()
      eval_env = vars
      if ev == events.BREAK then
        server:send("202 Paused " .. file .. " " .. tostring(line) .. "\n")
      elseif ev == events.WATCH then
        server:send("203 Paused " .. file .. " " .. tostring(line) .. " " .. tostring(idx_watch) .. "\n")
      elseif ev == events.RESTART then
        -- nothing to do
        server:send("401 Error in Execution " .. tostring(#file) .. "\n")
    elseif command == "STEP" then
      server:send("200 OK\n")
      step_into = true

      local ev, vars, file, line, idx_watch = coroyield()
      eval_env = vars
      if ev == events.BREAK then
        server:send("202 Paused " .. file .. " " .. tostring(line) .. "\n")
      elseif ev == events.WATCH then
        server:send("203 Paused " .. file .. " " .. tostring(line) .. " " .. tostring(idx_watch) .. "\n")
      elseif ev == events.RESTART then
        -- nothing to do
        server:send("401 Error in Execution " .. tostring(#file) .. "\n")
    elseif command == "OVER" or command == "OUT" then
      server:send("200 OK\n")
      step_over = true

      -- OVER and OUT are very similar except for
      -- the stack level value at which to stop
      if command == "OUT" then step_level = stack_level - 1
      else step_level = stack_level end

      local ev, vars, file, line, idx_watch = coroyield()
      eval_env = vars
      if ev == events.BREAK then
        server:send("202 Paused " .. file .. " " .. tostring(line) .. "\n")
      elseif ev == events.WATCH then
        server:send("203 Paused " .. file .. " " .. tostring(line) .. " " .. tostring(idx_watch) .. "\n")
      elseif ev == events.RESTART then
        -- nothing to do
        server:send("401 Error in Execution " .. tostring(#file) .. "\n")
    elseif command == "BASEDIR" then
      local _, _, dir = string.find(line, "^[A-Z]+%s+(.+)%s*$")
      if dir then
        basedir = iscasepreserving and string.lower(dir) or dir
        -- reset cached source as it may change with basedir
        lastsource = nil
        server:send("200 OK\n")
        server:send("400 Bad Request\n")
    elseif command == "SUSPEND" then
      -- do nothing; it already fulfilled its role
    elseif command == "DONE" then
      return -- done with all the debugging
    elseif command == "STACK" then
      -- first check if we can execute the stack command
      -- as it requires yielding back to debug_hook it cannot be executed
      -- if we have not seen the hook yet as happens after start().
      -- in this case we simply return an empty result
      local vars, ev = {}
      if seen_hook then
        ev, vars = coroyield("stack")
      if ev and ev ~= events.STACK then
        server:send("401 Error in Execution " .. tostring(#vars) .. "\n")
        local params = string.match(line, "--%s*(%b{})%s*$")
        local pfunc = params and loadstring("return "..params) -- use internal function
        params = pfunc and pfunc()
        params = (type(params) == "table" and params or {})
        if params.nocode == nil then params.nocode = true end
        if params.sparse == nil then params.sparse = false end
        -- take into account additional levels for the stack frames and data management
        if tonumber(params.maxlevel) then params.maxlevel = tonumber(params.maxlevel)+4 end

        local ok, res = pcall(mobdebug.dump, vars, params)
        if ok then
          server:send("200 OK " .. tostring(res) .. "\n")
          server:send("401 Error in Execution " .. tostring(#res) .. "\n")
    elseif command == "OUTPUT" then
      local _, _, stream, mode = string.find(line, "^[A-Z]+%s+(%w+)%s+([dcr])%s*$")
      if stream and mode and stream == "stdout" then
        -- assign "print" in the global environment
        local default = mode == 'd'
        genv.print = default and iobase.print or corowrap(function()
          -- wrapping into coroutine.wrap protects this function from
          -- being stepped through in the debugger.
          -- don't use vararg (...) as it adds a reference for its values,
          -- which may affect how they are garbage collected
          while true do
            local tbl = {coroutine.yield()}
            if mode == 'c' then iobase.print(unpack(tbl)) end
            for n = 1, #tbl do
              tbl[n] = select(2, pcall(mobdebug.line, tbl[n], {nocode = true, comment = false})) end
            local file = table.concat(tbl, "\t").."\n"
            server:send("204 Output " .. stream .. " " .. tostring(#file) .. "\n" .. file)
        if not default then genv.print() end -- "fake" print to start printing loop
        server:send("200 OK\n")
        server:send("400 Bad Request\n")
    elseif command == "EXIT" then
      server:send("200 OK\n")
      server:send("400 Bad Request\n")

local function output(stream, data)
  if server then return server:send("204 Output "..stream.." "..tostring(#data).."\n"..data) end

local function connect(controller_host, controller_port)
  local sock, err = socket.tcp()
  if not sock then return nil, err end

  if sock.settimeout then sock:settimeout(mobdebug.connecttimeout) end
  local res, err = sock:connect(controller_host, tostring(controller_port))
  if sock.settimeout then sock:settimeout() end

  if not res then return nil, err end
  return sock

local lasthost, lastport

-- Starts a debug session by connecting to a controller
local function start(controller_host, controller_port)
  -- only one debugging session can be run (as there is only one debug hook)
  if isrunning() then return end

  lasthost = controller_host or lasthost
  lastport = controller_port or lastport

  controller_host = lasthost or "localhost"
  controller_port = lastport or mobdebug.port

  local err
  server, err = mobdebug.connect(controller_host, controller_port)
  if server then
    -- correct stack depth which already has some calls on it
    -- so it doesn't go into negative when those calls return
    -- as this breaks subsequence checks in stack_depth().
    -- start from 16th frame, which is sufficiently large for this check.
    stack_level = stack_depth(16)

    -- provide our own traceback function to report errors remotely
    -- but only under Lua 5.1/LuaJIT as it's not called under Lua 5.2+
    -- (http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2016-05/msg00297.html)
    local function f() return function()end end
    if f() ~= f() then -- Lua 5.1 or LuaJIT
      local dtraceback = debug.traceback
      debug.traceback = function (...)
        if select('#', ...) >= 1 then
          local thr, err, lvl = ...
          if type(thr) ~= 'thread' then err, lvl = thr, err end
          local trace = dtraceback(err, (lvl or 1)+1)
          if genv.print == iobase.print then -- no remote redirect
            return trace
            genv.print(trace) -- report the error remotely
            return -- don't report locally to avoid double reporting
        -- direct call to debug.traceback: return the original.
        -- debug.traceback(nil, level) doesn't work in Lua 5.1
        -- (http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2011-06/msg00574.html), so
        -- simply remove first frame from the stack trace
        local tb = dtraceback("", 2) -- skip debugger frames
        -- if the string is returned, then remove the first new line as it's not needed
        return type(tb) == "string" and tb:gsub("^\n","") or tb
    coro_debugger = corocreate(debugger_loop)
    debug.sethook(debug_hook, HOOKMASK)
    seen_hook = nil -- reset in case the last start() call was refused
    step_into = true -- start with step command
    return true
    print(("Could not connect to %s:%s: %s")
      :format(controller_host, controller_port, err or "unknown error"))

local function controller(controller_host, controller_port, scratchpad)
  -- only one debugging session can be run (as there is only one debug hook)
  if isrunning() then return end

  lasthost = controller_host or lasthost
  lastport = controller_port or lastport

  controller_host = lasthost or "localhost"
  controller_port = lastport or mobdebug.port

  local exitonerror = not scratchpad
  local err
  server, err = mobdebug.connect(controller_host, controller_port)
  if server then
    local function report(trace, err)
      local msg = err .. "\n" .. trace
      server:send("401 Error in Execution " .. tostring(#msg) .. "\n")
      return err

    seen_hook = true -- allow to accept all commands
    coro_debugger = corocreate(debugger_loop)

    while true do
      step_into = true -- start with step command
      abort = false -- reset abort flag from the previous loop
      if scratchpad then checkcount = mobdebug.checkcount end -- force suspend right away

      coro_debugee = corocreate(debugee)
      debug.sethook(coro_debugee, debug_hook, HOOKMASK)
      local status, err = cororesume(coro_debugee, unpack(arg or {}))

      -- was there an error or is the script done?
      -- 'abort' state is allowed here; ignore it
      if abort then
        if tostring(abort) == 'exit' then break end
        if status then -- no errors
          if corostatus(coro_debugee) == "suspended" then
            -- the script called `coroutine.yield` in the "main" thread
            error("attempt to yield from the main thread", 3)
          break -- normal execution is done
        elseif err and not string.find(tostring(err), deferror) then
          -- report the error back
          -- err is not necessarily a string, so convert to string to report
          report(debug.traceback(coro_debugee), tostring(err))
          if exitonerror then break end
          -- check if the debugging is done (coro_debugger is nil)
          if not coro_debugger then break end
          -- resume once more to clear the response the debugger wants to send
          -- need to use capture_vars(0) to capture only two (default) level,
          -- as even though there is controller() call, because of the tail call,
          -- the caller may not exist for it;
          -- This is not entirely safe as the user may see the local
          -- variable from console, but they will be reset anyway.
          -- This functionality is used when scratchpad is paused to
          -- gain access to remote console to modify global variables.
          local status, err = cororesume(coro_debugger, events.RESTART, capture_vars(0))
          if not status or status and err == "exit" then break end
    print(("Could not connect to %s:%s: %s")
      :format(controller_host, controller_port, err or "unknown error"))
    return false
  return true

local function scratchpad(controller_host, controller_port)
  return controller(controller_host, controller_port, true)

local function loop(controller_host, controller_port)
  return controller(controller_host, controller_port, false)

local function on()
  if not (isrunning() and server) then return end

  -- main is set to true under Lua5.2 for the "main" chunk.
  -- Lua5.1 returns co as `nil` in that case.
  local co, main = coroutine.running()
  if main then co = nil end
  if co then
    coroutines[co] = true
    debug.sethook(co, debug_hook, HOOKMASK)
    if jit then coroutines.main = true end
    debug.sethook(debug_hook, HOOKMASK)

local function off()
  if not (isrunning() and server) then return end

  -- main is set to true under Lua5.2 for the "main" chunk.
  -- Lua5.1 returns co as `nil` in that case.
  local co, main = coroutine.running()
  if main then co = nil end

  -- don't remove coroutine hook under LuaJIT as there is only one (global) hook
  if co then
    coroutines[co] = false
    if not jit then debug.sethook(co) end
    if jit then coroutines.main = false end
    if not jit then debug.sethook() end

  -- check if there is any thread that is still being debugged under LuaJIT;
  -- if not, turn the debugging off
  if jit then
    local remove = true
    for _, debugged in pairs(coroutines) do
      if debugged then remove = false; break end
    if remove then debug.sethook() end

-- Handles server debugging commands
local function handle(params, client, options)
  -- when `options.verbose` is not provided, use normal `print`; verbose output can be
  -- disabled (`options.verbose == false`) or redirected (`options.verbose == function()...end`)
  local verbose = not options or options.verbose ~= nil and options.verbose
  local print = verbose and (type(verbose) == "function" and verbose or print) or function() end
  local file, line, watch_idx
  local _, _, command = string.find(params, "^([a-z]+)")
  if command == "run" or command == "step" or command == "out"
  or command == "over" or command == "exit" then
    client:send(string.upper(command) .. "\n")
    client:receive() -- this should consume the first '200 OK' response
    while true do
      local done = true
      local breakpoint = client:receive()
      if not breakpoint then
        print("Program finished")
        return nil, nil, false
      local _, _, status = string.find(breakpoint, "^(%d+)")
      if status == "200" then
        -- don't need to do anything
      elseif status == "202" then
        _, _, file, line = string.find(breakpoint, "^202 Paused%s+(.-)%s+(%d+)%s*$")
        if file and line then
          print("Paused at file " .. file .. " line " .. line)
      elseif status == "203" then
        _, _, file, line, watch_idx = string.find(breakpoint, "^203 Paused%s+(.-)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s*$")
        if file and line and watch_idx then
          print("Paused at file " .. file .. " line " .. line .. " (watch expression " .. watch_idx .. ": [" .. watches[watch_idx] .. "])")
      elseif status == "204" then
        local _, _, stream, size = string.find(breakpoint, "^204 Output (%w+) (%d+)$")
        if stream and size then
          local size = tonumber(size)
          local msg = size > 0 and client:receive(size) or ""
          if outputs[stream] then outputs[stream](msg) end
          -- this was just the output, so go back reading the response
          done = false
      elseif status == "401" then
        local _, _, size = string.find(breakpoint, "^401 Error in Execution (%d+)$")
        if size then
          local msg = client:receive(tonumber(size))
          print("Error in remote application: " .. msg)
          return nil, nil, msg
        print("Unknown error")
        return nil, nil, "Debugger error: unexpected response '" .. breakpoint .. "'"
      if done then break end
  elseif command == "done" then
    client:send(string.upper(command) .. "\n")
    -- no response is expected
  elseif command == "setb" or command == "asetb" then
    _, _, _, file, line = string.find(params, "^([a-z]+)%s+(.-)%s+(%d+)%s*$")
    if file and line then
      -- if this is a file name, and not a file source
      if not file:find('^".*"$') then
        file = string.gsub(file, "\\", "/") -- convert slash
        file = removebasedir(file, basedir)
      client:send("SETB " .. file .. " " .. line .. "\n")
      if command == "asetb" or client:receive() == "200 OK" then
        set_breakpoint(file, line)
        print("Error: breakpoint not inserted")
      print("Invalid command")
  elseif command == "setw" then
    local _, _, exp = string.find(params, "^[a-z]+%s+(.+)$")
    if exp then
      client:send("SETW " .. exp .. "\n")
      local answer = client:receive()
      local _, _, watch_idx = string.find(answer, "^200 OK (%d+)%s*$")
      if watch_idx then
        watches[watch_idx] = exp
        print("Inserted watch exp no. " .. watch_idx)
        local _, _, size = string.find(answer, "^401 Error in Expression (%d+)$")
        if size then
          local err = client:receive(tonumber(size)):gsub(".-:%d+:%s*","")
          print("Error: watch expression not set: " .. err)
          print("Error: watch expression not set")
      print("Invalid command")
  elseif command == "delb" or command == "adelb" then
    _, _, _, file, line = string.find(params, "^([a-z]+)%s+(.-)%s+(%d+)%s*$")
    if file and line then
      -- if this is a file name, and not a file source
      if not file:find('^".*"$') then
        file = string.gsub(file, "\\", "/") -- convert slash
        file = removebasedir(file, basedir)
      client:send("DELB " .. file .. " " .. line .. "\n")
      if command == "adelb" or client:receive() == "200 OK" then
        remove_breakpoint(file, line)
        print("Error: breakpoint not removed")
      print("Invalid command")
  elseif command == "delallb" then
    local file, line = "*", 0
    client:send("DELB " .. file .. " " .. tostring(line) .. "\n")
    if client:receive() == "200 OK" then
      remove_breakpoint(file, line)
      print("Error: all breakpoints not removed")
  elseif command == "delw" then
    local _, _, index = string.find(params, "^[a-z]+%s+(%d+)%s*$")
    if index then
      client:send("DELW " .. index .. "\n")
      if client:receive() == "200 OK" then
        watches[index] = nil
        print("Error: watch expression not removed")
      print("Invalid command")
  elseif command == "delallw" then
    for index, exp in pairs(watches) do
      client:send("DELW " .. index .. "\n")
      if client:receive() == "200 OK" then
        watches[index] = nil
        print("Error: watch expression at index " .. index .. " [" .. exp .. "] not removed")
  elseif command == "eval" or command == "exec"
      or command == "load" or command == "loadstring"
      or command == "reload" then
    local _, _, exp = string.find(params, "^[a-z]+%s+(.+)$")
    if exp or (command == "reload") then
      if command == "eval" or command == "exec" then
        exp = (exp:gsub("%-%-%[(=*)%[.-%]%1%]", "") -- remove comments
                  :gsub("%-%-.-\n", " ") -- remove line comments
                  :gsub("\n", " ")) -- convert new lines
        if command == "eval" then exp = "return " .. exp end
        client:send("EXEC " .. exp .. "\n")
      elseif command == "reload" then
        client:send("LOAD 0 -\n")
      elseif command == "loadstring" then
        local _, _, _, file, lines = string.find(exp, "^([\"'])(.-)%1%s(.+)")
        if not file then
           _, _, file, lines = string.find(exp, "^(%S+)%s(.+)")
        client:send("LOAD " .. tostring(#lines) .. " " .. file .. "\n")
        local file = io.open(exp, "r")
        if not file and pcall(require, "winapi") then
          -- if file is not open and winapi is there, try with a short path;
          -- this may be needed for unicode paths on windows
          local shortp = winapi.short_path(exp)
          file = shortp and io.open(shortp, "r")
        if not file then return nil, nil, "Cannot open file " .. exp end
        -- read the file and remove the shebang line as it causes a compilation error
        local lines = file:read("*all"):gsub("^#!.-\n", "\n")

        local file = string.gsub(exp, "\\", "/") -- convert slash
        file = removebasedir(file, basedir)
        client:send("LOAD " .. tostring(#lines) .. " " .. file .. "\n")
        if #lines > 0 then client:send(lines) end
      while true do
        local params, err = client:receive()
        if not params then
          return nil, nil, "Debugger connection " .. (err or "error")
        local done = true
        local _, _, status, len = string.find(params, "^(%d+).-%s+(%d+)%s*$")
        if status == "200" then
          len = tonumber(len)
          if len > 0 then
            local status, res
            local str = client:receive(len)
            -- handle serialized table with results
            local func, err = loadstring(str)
            if func then
              status, res = pcall(func)
              if not status then err = res
              elseif type(res) ~= "table" then
                err = "received "..type(res).." instead of expected 'table'"
            if err then
              print("Error in processing results: " .. err)
              return nil, nil, "Error in processing results: " .. err
            return res[1], res
        elseif status == "201" then
          _, _, file, line = string.find(params, "^201 Started%s+(.-)%s+(%d+)%s*$")
        elseif status == "202" or params == "200 OK" then
          -- do nothing; this only happens when RE/LOAD command gets the response
          -- that was for the original command that was aborted
        elseif status == "204" then
          local _, _, stream, size = string.find(params, "^204 Output (%w+) (%d+)$")
          if stream and size then
            local size = tonumber(size)
            local msg = size > 0 and client:receive(size) or ""
            if outputs[stream] then outputs[stream](msg) end
            -- this was just the output, so go back reading the response
            done = false
        elseif status == "401" then
          len = tonumber(len)
          local res = client:receive(len)
          print("Error in expression: " .. res)
          return nil, nil, res
          print("Unknown error")
          return nil, nil, "Debugger error: unexpected response after EXEC/LOAD '" .. params .. "'"
        if done then break end
      print("Invalid command")
  elseif command == "listb" then
    for l, v in pairs(breakpoints) do
      for f in pairs(v) do
        print(f .. ": " .. l)
  elseif command == "listw" then
    for i, v in pairs(watches) do
      print("Watch exp. " .. i .. ": " .. v)
  elseif command == "suspend" then
  elseif command == "stack" then
    local opts = string.match(params, "^[a-z]+%s+(.+)$")
    client:send("STACK" .. (opts and " "..opts or "") .."\n")
    local resp = client:receive()
    local _, _, status, res = string.find(resp, "^(%d+)%s+%w+%s+(.+)%s*$")
    if status == "200" then
      local func, err = loadstring(res)
      if func == nil then
        print("Error in stack information: " .. err)
        return nil, nil, err
      local ok, stack = pcall(func)
      if not ok then
        print("Error in stack information: " .. stack)
        return nil, nil, stack
      for _,frame in ipairs(stack) do
        print(mobdebug.line(frame[1], {comment = false}))
      return stack
    elseif status == "401" then
      local _, _, len = string.find(resp, "%s+(%d+)%s*$")
      len = tonumber(len)
      local res = len > 0 and client:receive(len) or "Invalid stack information."
      print("Error in expression: " .. res)
      return nil, nil, res
      print("Unknown error")
      return nil, nil, "Debugger error: unexpected response after STACK"
  elseif command == "output" then
    local _, _, stream, mode = string.find(params, "^[a-z]+%s+(%w+)%s+([dcr])%s*$")
    if stream and mode then
      client:send("OUTPUT "..stream.." "..mode.."\n")
      local resp, err = client:receive()
      if not resp then
        print("Unknown error: "..err)
        return nil, nil, "Debugger connection error: "..err
      local _, _, status = string.find(resp, "^(%d+)%s+%w+%s*$")
      if status == "200" then
        print("Stream "..stream.." redirected")
        outputs[stream] = type(options) == 'table' and options.handler or nil
      -- the client knows when she is doing, so install the handler
      elseif type(options) == 'table' and options.handler then
        outputs[stream] = options.handler
        print("Unknown error")
        return nil, nil, "Debugger error: can't redirect "..stream
      print("Invalid command")
  elseif command == "basedir" then
    local _, _, dir = string.find(params, "^[a-z]+%s+(.+)$")
    if dir then
      dir = string.gsub(dir, "\\", "/") -- convert slash
      if not string.find(dir, "/$") then dir = dir .. "/" end

      local remdir = dir:match("\t(.+)")
      if remdir then dir = dir:gsub("/?\t.+", "/") end
      basedir = dir

      client:send("BASEDIR "..(remdir or dir).."\n")
      local resp, err = client:receive()
      if not resp then
        print("Unknown error: "..err)
        return nil, nil, "Debugger connection error: "..err
      local _, _, status = string.find(resp, "^(%d+)%s+%w+%s*$")
      if status == "200" then
        print("New base directory is " .. basedir)
        print("Unknown error")
        return nil, nil, "Debugger error: unexpected response after BASEDIR"
  elseif command == "help" then
    print("setb <file> <line>    -- sets a breakpoint")
    print("delb <file> <line>    -- removes a breakpoint")
    print("delallb               -- removes all breakpoints")
    print("setw <exp>            -- adds a new watch expression")
    print("delw <index>          -- removes the watch expression at index")
    print("delallw               -- removes all watch expressions")
    print("run                   -- runs until next breakpoint")
    print("step                  -- runs until next line, stepping into function calls")
    print("over                  -- runs until next line, stepping over function calls")
    print("out                   -- runs until line after returning from current function")
    print("listb                 -- lists breakpoints")
    print("listw                 -- lists watch expressions")
    print("eval <exp>            -- evaluates expression on the current context and returns its value")
    print("exec <stmt>           -- executes statement on the current context")
    print("load <file>           -- loads a local file for debugging")
    print("reload                -- restarts the current debugging session")
    print("stack                 -- reports stack trace")
    print("output stdout <d|c|r> -- capture and redirect io stream (default|copy|redirect)")
    print("basedir [<path>]      -- sets the base path of the remote application, or shows the current one")
    print("done                  -- stops the debugger and continues application execution")
    print("exit                  -- exits debugger and the application")
    local _, _, spaces = string.find(params, "^(%s*)$")
    if spaces then
      return nil, nil, "Empty command"
      print("Invalid command")
      return nil, nil, "Invalid command"
  return file, line

-- Starts debugging server
local function listen(host, port)
  host = host or "*"
  port = port or mobdebug.port

  local socket = require "socket"

  print("Lua Remote Debugger")
  print("Run the program you wish to debug")

  local server = socket.bind(host, port)
  local client = server:accept()


  local breakpoint = client:receive()
  local _, _, file, line = string.find(breakpoint, "^202 Paused%s+(.-)%s+(%d+)%s*$")
  if file and line then
    print("Paused at file " .. file )
    print("Type 'help' for commands")
    local _, _, size = string.find(breakpoint, "^401 Error in Execution (%d+)%s*$")
    if size then
      print("Error in remote application: ")

  while true do
    io.write("> ")
    local file, line, err = handle(io.read("*line"), client)
    if not file and err == false then break end -- completed debugging


local cocreate
local function coro()
  if cocreate then return end -- only set once
  cocreate = cocreate or coroutine.create
  coroutine.create = function(f, ...)
    return cocreate(function(...)
      return f(...)
    end, ...)

local moconew
local function moai()
  if moconew then return end -- only set once
  moconew = moconew or (MOAICoroutine and MOAICoroutine.new)
  if not moconew then return end
  MOAICoroutine.new = function(...)
    local thread = moconew(...)
    -- need to support both thread.run and getmetatable(thread).run, which
    -- was used in earlier MOAI versions
    local mt = thread.run and thread or getmetatable(thread)
    local patched = mt.run
    mt.run = function(self, f, ...)
      return patched(self,  function(...)
        return f(...)
      end, ...)
    return thread

-- make public functions available
mobdebug.setbreakpoint = set_breakpoint
mobdebug.removebreakpoint = remove_breakpoint
mobdebug.listen = listen
mobdebug.loop = loop
mobdebug.scratchpad = scratchpad
mobdebug.handle = handle
mobdebug.connect = connect
mobdebug.start = start
mobdebug.on = on
mobdebug.off = off
mobdebug.moai = moai
mobdebug.coro = coro
mobdebug.done = done
mobdebug.pause = function() step_into = true end
mobdebug.yield = nil -- callback
mobdebug.output = output
mobdebug.onexit = os and os.exit or done
mobdebug.onscratch = nil -- callback
mobdebug.basedir = function(b) if b then basedir = b end return basedir end

return mobdebug