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/* nsISupports wrappers for single primitive pieces of data. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

 * Primitive base interface.
 * These first three are pointer types and do data copying
 * using the nsIMemory. Be careful!
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(d0d4b136-1dd1-11b2-9371-f0727ef827c0)]
interface nsISupportsPrimitive : nsISupports
    const unsigned short TYPE_ID                = 1;
    const unsigned short TYPE_CSTRING           = 2;
    const unsigned short TYPE_STRING            = 3;
    const unsigned short TYPE_PRBOOL            = 4;
    const unsigned short TYPE_PRUINT8           = 5;
    const unsigned short TYPE_PRUINT16          = 6;
    const unsigned short TYPE_PRUINT32          = 7;
    const unsigned short TYPE_PRUINT64          = 8;
    const unsigned short TYPE_PRTIME            = 9;
    const unsigned short TYPE_CHAR              = 10;
    const unsigned short TYPE_PRINT16           = 11;
    const unsigned short TYPE_PRINT32           = 12;
    const unsigned short TYPE_PRINT64           = 13;
    const unsigned short TYPE_FLOAT             = 14;
    const unsigned short TYPE_DOUBLE            = 15;
    const unsigned short TYPE_VOID              = 16;
    const unsigned short TYPE_INTERFACE_POINTER = 17;

    readonly attribute unsigned short type;

 * Scriptable storage for nsID structures
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(d18290a0-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)]
interface nsISupportsID : nsISupportsPrimitive
    attribute nsIDPtr data;
    string toString();

 * Scriptable storage for ASCII strings
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(d65ff270-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)]
interface nsISupportsCString : nsISupportsPrimitive
    attribute ACString data;
    string toString();

 * Scriptable storage for Unicode strings
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(d79dc970-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)]
interface nsISupportsString : nsISupportsPrimitive
    attribute AString data;
    wstring toString();

 * The rest are truly primitive and are passed by value

 * Scriptable storage for booleans
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(ddc3b490-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)]
interface nsISupportsPRBool : nsISupportsPrimitive
    attribute PRBool data;
    string toString();

 * Scriptable storage for 8-bit integers
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(dec2e4e0-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)]
interface nsISupportsPRUint8 : nsISupportsPrimitive
    attribute PRUint8 data;
    string toString();

 * Scriptable storage for unsigned 16-bit integers
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(dfacb090-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)]
interface nsISupportsPRUint16 : nsISupportsPrimitive
    attribute PRUint16 data;
    string toString();

 * Scriptable storage for unsigned 32-bit integers
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(e01dc470-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)]
interface nsISupportsPRUint32 : nsISupportsPrimitive
    attribute PRUint32 data;
    string toString();

 * Scriptable storage for 64-bit integers
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(e13567c0-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)]
interface nsISupportsPRUint64 : nsISupportsPrimitive
    attribute PRUint64 data;
    string toString();

 * Scriptable storage for NSPR date/time values
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(e2563630-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)]
interface nsISupportsPRTime : nsISupportsPrimitive
    attribute PRTime data;
    string toString();

 * Scriptable storage for single character values
 * (often used to store an ASCII character)
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(e2b05e40-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)]
interface nsISupportsChar : nsISupportsPrimitive
    attribute char data;
    string toString();

 * Scriptable storage for 16-bit integers
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(e30d94b0-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)]
interface nsISupportsPRInt16 : nsISupportsPrimitive
    attribute PRInt16 data;
    string toString();

 * Scriptable storage for 32-bit integers
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(e36c5250-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)]
interface nsISupportsPRInt32 : nsISupportsPrimitive
    attribute PRInt32 data;
    string toString();

 * Scriptable storage for 64-bit integers
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(e3cb0ff0-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)]
interface nsISupportsPRInt64 : nsISupportsPrimitive
    attribute PRInt64 data;
    string toString();

 * Scriptable storage for floating point numbers
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(abeaa390-4ac0-11d3-baea-00805f8a5dd7)]
interface nsISupportsFloat : nsISupportsPrimitive
    attribute float data;
    string toString();

 * Scriptable storage for doubles
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(b32523a0-4ac0-11d3-baea-00805f8a5dd7)]
interface nsISupportsDouble : nsISupportsPrimitive
    attribute double data;
    string toString();

 * Scriptable storage for generic pointers
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(464484f0-568d-11d3-baf8-00805f8a5dd7)]
interface nsISupportsVoid : nsISupportsPrimitive
    [noscript] attribute voidPtr data;
    string toString();

 * Scriptable storage for other XPCOM objects
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(995ea724-1dd1-11b2-9211-c21bdd3e7ed0)]
interface nsISupportsInterfacePointer : nsISupportsPrimitive
    attribute nsISupports data;
    attribute nsIDPtr dataIID;

    string toString();