 * MixFuncTable.h
 * --------------
 * Purpose: Table containing all mixer functions.
 * Notes  : (currently none)
 * Authors: OpenMPT Devs
 * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.

#pragma once

#include "openmpt/all/BuildSettings.hpp"

#include "MixerInterface.h"


namespace MixFuncTable
	// Table index bits:
	// [b1-b0] format (8-bit-mono, 16-bit-mono, 8-bit-stereo, 16-bit-stereo)
	// [b2]    ramp
	// [b3]    filter
	// [b6-b4] src type

	// Sample type / processing type index
	enum FunctionIndex
		ndx16Bit  = 0x01,
		ndxStereo = 0x02,
		ndxRamp   = 0x04,
		ndxFilter = 0x08,

	// SRC index
	enum ResamplingIndex
		ndxNoInterpolation = 0x00,
		ndxLinear          = 0x10,
		ndxFastSinc        = 0x20,
		ndxKaiser          = 0x30,
		ndxFIRFilter       = 0x40,
		ndxAmigaBlep       = 0x50,

	extern const MixFuncInterface Functions[6 * 16];

	ResamplingIndex ResamplingModeToMixFlags(ResamplingMode resamplingMode);