#include #include "irctell.h" #include #include #include "api__irctell.h" #include #include "dde.h" #include static WACIrctell Irctell; extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) ifc_wa5component *GetWinamp5SystemComponent() { return &Irctell; } bool dotell=true; api_syscb *sysCallbackApi=0; api_core *core=0; api_service *WASABI_API_SVC = 0; void WACIrctell::RegisterServices(api_service *service) { WASABI_API_SVC = service; waServiceFactory *sf = WASABI_API_SVC->service_getServiceByGuid(syscbApiServiceGuid); if (sf) sysCallbackApi = reinterpret_cast(sf->getInterface()); sysCallbackApi->syscb_registerCallback(static_cast(this)); sf = WASABI_API_SVC->service_getServiceByGuid(coreApiServiceGuid); if (sf) core = reinterpret_cast(sf->getInterface()); if (core) core->core_addCallback(0, this); } void WACIrctell::DeregisterServices(api_service *service) { // be sure to delete all your arch etc HERE, not in the destructor // because the API pointer might be invalid in the destructor // if (core) // core->core_delCallback(0, this); } /* void WACIrctell::onRegisterServices() { dotell.setName("Enabled"); dotell=0; registerAttribute(&dotell); appstr.setName("DDE Target"); appstr="mIRC"; registerAttribute(&appstr); cmdstr.setName("DDE Command"); cmdstr="/me is listening to %s"; registerAttribute(&cmdstr); } */ int WACIrctell::ccb_notify(int msg, int param1, int param2) { if (msg==TITLECHANGE && dotell) { const wchar_t *title = (const wchar_t *)param1; const wchar_t *cur=core->core_getCurrent(0); wchar_t msg[256]; StringCchPrintfW(msg, 256, L"/describe #winamp is now listening to \"%s\"", title); DdeCom::sendCommand(L"mIRC", msg, 1000); } return 0; } FOURCC WACIrctell::getEventType() { return SysCallback::SERVICE; } int WACIrctell::notify(int msg, int param1, int param2) { switch(msg) { case SvcCallback::ONREGISTER: { waServiceFactory *sf = (waServiceFactory *)param2; if (sf->getGuid() == coreApiServiceGuid) { core = reinterpret_cast(sf->getInterface()); core->core_addCallback(0, this); } } break; case SvcNotify::ONDEREGISTERED: { waServiceFactory *sf = (waServiceFactory *)param2; if (sf->getGuid() == coreApiServiceGuid) { if (core) core->core_delCallback(0, this); core = 0; } } break; } return 0; } #define CBCLASS WACIrctell START_MULTIPATCH; START_PATCH(patch_wa5) M_VCB(patch_wa5, ifc_wa5component, API_WA5COMPONENT_REGISTERSERVICES, RegisterServices); M_VCB(patch_wa5, ifc_wa5component, API_WA5COMPONENT_DEREEGISTERSERVICES, DeregisterServices); NEXT_PATCH(patch_core) M_CB(patch_core, CoreCallback, CCB_NOTIFY, ccb_notify); NEXT_PATCH(patch_svc) M_CB(patch_svc, SysCallback, SYSCALLBACK_GETEVENTTYPE, getEventType); M_CB(patch_svc, SysCallback, SYSCALLBACK_NOTIFY, notify); END_PATCH END_MULTIPATCH; #undef CBCLASS