*                                                                 *
*  strsafe.h -- This module defines safer C library string        *
*               routine replacements. These are meant to make C   *
*               a bit more safe in reference to security and      *
*               robustness                                        *
*                                                                 *
*  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp.  All rights reserved.            *
*  Ported to Unix by Ben Allison - Nullsoft, Inc.                 *
*                                                                 *
#pragma once
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <strsafe.h>
#pragma once

#include <stdio.h>      // for _vsnprintf, _vsnwprintf, getc, getwc
#include <string.h>     // for memset
#include <stdarg.h>     // for va_start, etc.
#include <wchar.h>

#include <stdint.h>

typedef long HRESULT;

#define SUCCEEDED(hr)  ((HRESULT)(hr) >= 0)

#ifndef FAILED
#define FAILED(hr)  ((HRESULT)(hr) < 0)

#ifndef S_OK
#define S_OK  ((HRESULT)0x00000000L)

#ifdef __cplusplus
#define _STRSAFE_EXTERN_C    extern "C"
#define _STRSAFE_EXTERN_C    extern

// If you do not want to use these functions inline (and instead want to link w/ strsafe.lib), then
// #define STRSAFE_LIB before including this header file.
#ifndef _WIN32
#define __inline inline
#define __stdcall

#if defined(STRSAFE_LIB)
#pragma comment(lib, "./strsafe.lib")
#elif defined(STRSAFE_LIB_IMPL)
#define STRSAFEAPI  _STRSAFE_EXTERN_C __declspec(dllexport) HRESULT __stdcall
#define STRSAFEAPI  __inline HRESULT __stdcall

// Some functions always run inline because they use stdin and we want to avoid building multiple
// versions of strsafe lib depending on if you use msvcrt, libcmt, etc.
#define STRSAFE_INLINE_API  __inline HRESULT __stdcall

// The user can request no "Cb" or no "Cch" fuctions, but not both!
#error cannot specify both STRSAFE_NO_CB_FUNCTIONS and STRSAFE_NO_CCH_FUNCTIONS !!

// This should only be defined when we are building strsafe.lib

// If both strsafe.h and ntstrsafe.h are included, only use definitions from one.

#define STRSAFE_MAX_CCH  2147483647 // max # of characters we support (same as INT_MAX)

// Flags for controling the Ex functions
//      STRSAFE_FILL_BYTE(0xFF)     0x000000FF  // bottom byte specifies fill pattern
#define STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS        0x00000100  // treat null as TEXT("") -- don't fault on NULL buffers
#define STRSAFE_FILL_BEHIND_NULL    0x00000200  // fill in extra space behind the null terminator
#define STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE     0x00000400  // on failure, overwrite pszDest with fill pattern and null terminate it
#define STRSAFE_NULL_ON_FAILURE     0x00000800  // on failure, set *pszDest = TEXT('\0')
#define STRSAFE_NO_TRUNCATION       0x00001000  // instead of returning a truncated result, copy/append nothing to pszDest and null terminate it


// helper macro to set the fill character and specify buffer filling
#define STRSAFE_FILL_BYTE(x)        ((unsigned long)((x & 0x000000FF) | STRSAFE_FILL_BEHIND_NULL))
#define STRSAFE_FAILURE_BYTE(x)     ((unsigned long)((x & 0x000000FF) | STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE))

#define STRSAFE_GET_FILL_PATTERN(dwFlags)  ((int)(dwFlags & 0x000000FF))


// STRSAFE error return codes
#define STRSAFE_E_INVALID_PARAMETER         ((HRESULT)0x80070057L)  // 0x57 =  87L = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
#define STRSAFE_E_END_OF_FILE               ((HRESULT)0x80070026L)  // 0x26 =  38L = ERROR_HANDLE_EOF

// prototypes for the worker functions
STRSAFEAPI StringCopyWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc);
STRSAFEAPI StringCopyExWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags);
STRSAFEAPI StringCopyNWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cchSrc);
STRSAFEAPI StringCopyNExWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cchSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags);
STRSAFEAPI StringCatWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc);
STRSAFEAPI StringCatExWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags);
STRSAFEAPI StringCatNWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cchMaxAppend);
STRSAFEAPI StringCatNExWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cchMaxAppend, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags);
STRSAFEAPI StringVPrintfWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszFormat, va_list argList);
STRSAFEAPI StringVPrintfExWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, size_t cbDest, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags, const char* pszFormat, va_list argList);
STRSAFEAPI StringLengthWorkerA(const char* psz, size_t cchMax, size_t* pcch);

// these functions are always inline
STRSAFE_INLINE_API StringGetsExWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, size_t cbDest, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags);

#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4995)


    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest,
    IN  size_t  cchDest,
    IN  LPCTSTR pszSrc

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strcpy'.
    The size of the destination buffer (in characters) is a parameter and
    this function will not write past the end of this buffer and it will
    ALWAYS null terminate the destination buffer (unless it is zero length).

    This routine is not a replacement for strncpy.  That function will pad the
    destination string with extra null termination characters if the count is
    greater than the length of the source string, and it will fail to null
    terminate the destination string if the source string length is greater
    than or equal to the count. You can not blindly use this instead of strncpy:
    it is common for code to use it to "patch" strings and you would introduce
    errors if the code started null terminating in the middle of the string.

    This function returns a hresult, and not a pointer.  It returns
    S_OK if the string was copied without truncation and null terminated,
    otherwise it will return a failure code. In failure cases as much of
    pszSrc will be copied to pszDest as possible, and pszDest will be null


    pszDest        -   destination string

    cchDest        -   size of destination buffer in characters.
                       length must be = (_tcslen(src) + 1) to hold all of the
                       source including the null terminator

    pszSrc         -   source string which must be null terminated

    Behavior is undefined if source and destination strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszSrc should not be NULL. See StringCchCopyEx if you require
    the handling of NULL values.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was source data and it was all copied and the
                       resultant dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the copy
                       operation failed due to insufficient space. When this
                       error occurs, the destination buffer is modified to
                       contain a truncated version of the ideal result and is
                       null terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function.


STRSAFEAPI StringCchCopyA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc);
#define StringCchCopy  StringCchCopyA

STRSAFEAPI StringCchCopyA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc)
    HRESULT hr;

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        hr = StringCopyWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, pszSrc);

    return hr;



    OUT LPTSTR pszDest,
    IN  size_t cbDest,
    IN  LPCTSTR pszSrc

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strcpy'.
    The size of the destination buffer (in bytes) is a parameter and this
    function will not write past the end of this buffer and it will ALWAYS
    null terminate the destination buffer (unless it is zero length).

    This routine is not a replacement for strncpy.  That function will pad the
    destination string with extra null termination characters if the count is
    greater than the length of the source string, and it will fail to null
    terminate the destination string if the source string length is greater
    than or equal to the count. You can not blindly use this instead of strncpy:
    it is common for code to use it to "patch" strings and you would introduce
    errors if the code started null terminating in the middle of the string.

    This function returns a hresult, and not a pointer.  It returns
    S_OK if the string was copied without truncation and null terminated,
    otherwise it will return a failure code. In failure cases as much of pszSrc
    will be copied to pszDest as possible, and pszDest will be null terminated.


    pszDest        -   destination string

    cbDest         -   size of destination buffer in bytes.
                       length must be = ((_tcslen(src) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)) to
                       hold all of the source including the null terminator

    pszSrc         -   source string which must be null terminated

    Behavior is undefined if source and destination strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszSrc should not be NULL.  See StringCbCopyEx if you require
    the handling of NULL values.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was source data and it was all copied and the
                       resultant dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the copy
                       operation failed due to insufficient space. When this
                       error occurs, the destination buffer is modified to
                       contain a truncated version of the ideal result and is
                       null terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function.


STRSAFEAPI StringCbCopyA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc);
#define StringCbCopy  StringCbCopyA

STRSAFEAPI StringCbCopyA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc)
    HRESULT hr;
    size_t cchDest;

    // convert to count of characters
    cchDest = cbDest / sizeof(char);

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        hr = StringCopyWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, pszSrc);

    return hr;



    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest         OPTIONAL,
    IN  size_t  cchDest,
    IN  LPCTSTR pszSrc          OPTIONAL,
    OUT LPTSTR* ppszDestEnd     OPTIONAL,
    OUT size_t* pcchRemaining   OPTIONAL,
    IN  DWORD   dwFlags

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strcpy' with
    some additional parameters.  In addition to functionality provided by
    StringCchCopy, this routine also returns a pointer to the end of the
    destination string and the number of characters left in the destination string
    including the null terminator. The flags parameter allows additional controls.


    pszDest         -   destination string

    cchDest         -   size of destination buffer in characters.
                        length must be = (_tcslen(pszSrc) + 1) to hold all of
                        the source including the null terminator

    pszSrc          -   source string which must be null terminated

    ppszDestEnd     -   if ppszDestEnd is non-null, the function will return a
                        pointer to the end of the destination string.  If the
                        function copied any data, the result will point to the
                        null termination character

    pcchRemaining   -   if pcchRemaining is non-null, the function will return the
                        number of characters left in the destination string,
                        including the null terminator

    dwFlags         -   controls some details of the string copy:

                    if the function succeeds, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill the uninitialize part of destination buffer
                    behind the null terminator

                    treat NULL string pointers like empty strings (TEXT("")).
                    this flag is useful for emulating functions like lstrcpy

                    if the function fails, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill all of the destination buffer, and it will
                    be null terminated. This will overwrite any truncated
                    string returned when the failure is

                    if the function fails, the destination buffer will be set
                    to the empty string. This will overwrite any truncated string
                    returned when the failure is STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.

    Behavior is undefined if source and destination strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszSrc should not be NULL unless the STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS flag
    is specified.  If STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS is passed, both pszDest and pszSrc
    may be NULL.  An error may still be returned even though NULLS are ignored
    due to insufficient space.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was source data and it was all copied and the
                       resultant dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the copy
                       operation failed due to insufficient space. When this
                       error occurs, the destination buffer is modified to
                       contain a truncated version of the ideal result and is
                       null terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCchCopyExA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags);
#define StringCchCopyEx  StringCchCopyExA

STRSAFEAPI StringCchCopyExA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags)
    HRESULT hr;

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        size_t cbDest;

        // safe to multiply cchDest * sizeof(char) since cchDest < STRSAFE_MAX_CCH and sizeof(char) is 1
        cbDest = cchDest * sizeof(char);

        hr = StringCopyExWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, cbDest, pszSrc, ppszDestEnd, pcchRemaining, dwFlags);

    return hr;



    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest         OPTIONAL,
    IN  size_t  cbDest,
    IN  LPCTSTR pszSrc          OPTIONAL,
    OUT LPTSTR* ppszDestEnd     OPTIONAL,
    OUT size_t* pcbRemaining    OPTIONAL,
    IN  DWORD   dwFlags

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strcpy' with
    some additional parameters.  In addition to functionality provided by
    StringCbCopy, this routine also returns a pointer to the end of the
    destination string and the number of bytes left in the destination string
    including the null terminator. The flags parameter allows additional controls.


    pszDest         -   destination string

    cbDest          -   size of destination buffer in bytes.
                        length must be ((_tcslen(pszSrc) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)) to
                        hold all of the source including the null terminator

    pszSrc          -   source string which must be null terminated

    ppszDestEnd     -   if ppszDestEnd is non-null, the function will return a
                        pointer to the end of the destination string.  If the
                        function copied any data, the result will point to the
                        null termination character

    pcbRemaining    -   pcbRemaining is non-null,the function will return the
                        number of bytes left in the destination string,
                        including the null terminator

    dwFlags         -   controls some details of the string copy:

                    if the function succeeds, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill the uninitialize part of destination buffer
                    behind the null terminator

                    treat NULL string pointers like empty strings (TEXT("")).
                    this flag is useful for emulating functions like lstrcpy

                    if the function fails, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill all of the destination buffer, and it will
                    be null terminated. This will overwrite any truncated
                    string returned when the failure is

                    if the function fails, the destination buffer will be set
                    to the empty string. This will overwrite any truncated string
                    returned when the failure is STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.

    Behavior is undefined if source and destination strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszSrc should not be NULL unless the STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS flag
    is specified.  If STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS is passed, both pszDest and pszSrc
    may be NULL.  An error may still be returned even though NULLS are ignored
    due to insufficient space.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was source data and it was all copied and the
                       resultant dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the copy
                       operation failed due to insufficient space. When this
                       error occurs, the destination buffer is modified to
                       contain a truncated version of the ideal result and is
                       null terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCbCopyExA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcbRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags);
#define StringCbCopyEx  StringCbCopyExA

STRSAFEAPI StringCbCopyExA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcbRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags)
    HRESULT hr;
    size_t cchDest;
    size_t cchRemaining = 0;

    cchDest = cbDest / sizeof(char);

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        hr = StringCopyExWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, cbDest, pszSrc, ppszDestEnd, &cchRemaining, dwFlags);

        if (pcbRemaining)
            // safe to multiply cchRemaining * sizeof(char) since cchRemaining < STRSAFE_MAX_CCH and sizeof(char) is 1
            *pcbRemaining = (cchRemaining * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char));

    return hr;



    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest,
    IN  size_t  cchDest,
    IN  LPCTSTR pszSrc,
    IN  size_t  cchSrc

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strncpy'.
    The size of the destination buffer (in characters) is a parameter and
    this function will not write past the end of this buffer and it will
    ALWAYS null terminate the destination buffer (unless it is zero length).

    This routine is meant as a replacement for strncpy, but it does behave
    differently. This function will not pad the destination buffer with extra
    null termination characters if cchSrc is greater than the length of pszSrc.

    This function returns a hresult, and not a pointer.  It returns
    S_OK if the entire string or the first cchSrc characters were copied
    without truncation and the resultant destination string was null terminated,
    otherwise it will return a failure code. In failure cases as much of pszSrc
    will be copied to pszDest as possible, and pszDest will be null terminated.


    pszDest        -   destination string

    cchDest        -   size of destination buffer in characters.
                       length must be = (_tcslen(src) + 1) to hold all of the
                       source including the null terminator

    pszSrc         -   source string

    cchSrc         -   maximum number of characters to copy from source string,
                       not including the null terminator.

    Behavior is undefined if source and destination strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszSrc should not be NULL. See StringCchCopyNEx if you require
    the handling of NULL values.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was source data and it was all copied and the
                       resultant dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the copy
                       operation failed due to insufficient space. When this
                       error occurs, the destination buffer is modified to
                       contain a truncated version of the ideal result and is
                       null terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function.


STRSAFEAPI StringCchCopyNA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cchSrc);
#define StringCchCopyN  StringCchCopyNA

STRSAFEAPI StringCchCopyNA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cchSrc)
    HRESULT hr;

    if ((cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH) ||
        (cchSrc > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH))
        hr = StringCopyNWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, pszSrc, cchSrc);

    return hr;



    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest,
    IN  size_t  cbDest,
    IN  LPCTSTR pszSrc,
    IN  size_t  cbSrc

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strncpy'.
    The size of the destination buffer (in bytes) is a parameter and this
    function will not write past the end of this buffer and it will ALWAYS
    null terminate the destination buffer (unless it is zero length).

    This routine is meant as a replacement for strncpy, but it does behave
    differently. This function will not pad the destination buffer with extra
    null termination characters if cbSrc is greater than the size of pszSrc.

    This function returns a hresult, and not a pointer.  It returns
    S_OK if the entire string or the first cbSrc characters were
    copied without truncation and the resultant destination string was null
    terminated, otherwise it will return a failure code. In failure cases as
    much of pszSrc will be copied to pszDest as possible, and pszDest will be
    null terminated.


    pszDest        -   destination string

    cbDest         -   size of destination buffer in bytes.
                       length must be = ((_tcslen(src) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)) to
                       hold all of the source including the null terminator

    pszSrc         -   source string

    cbSrc          -   maximum number of bytes to copy from source string,
                       not including the null terminator.

    Behavior is undefined if source and destination strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszSrc should not be NULL.  See StringCbCopyEx if you require
    the handling of NULL values.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was source data and it was all copied and the
                       resultant dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the copy
                       operation failed due to insufficient space. When this
                       error occurs, the destination buffer is modified to
                       contain a truncated version of the ideal result and is
                       null terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function.


STRSAFEAPI StringCbCopyNA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cbSrc);
#define StringCbCopyN  StringCbCopyNA

STRSAFEAPI StringCbCopyNA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cbSrc)
    HRESULT hr;
    size_t cchDest;
    size_t cchSrc;

    // convert to count of characters
    cchDest = cbDest / sizeof(char);
    cchSrc = cbSrc / sizeof(char);

    if ((cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH) ||
        (cchSrc > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH))
        hr = StringCopyNWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, pszSrc, cchSrc);

    return hr;



    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest         OPTIONAL,
    IN  size_t  cchDest,
    IN  LPCTSTR pszSrc          OPTIONAL,
    IN  size_t  cchSrc,
    OUT LPTSTR* ppszDestEnd     OPTIONAL,
    OUT size_t* pcchRemaining   OPTIONAL,
    IN  DWORD   dwFlags

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strncpy' with
    some additional parameters.  In addition to functionality provided by
    StringCchCopyN, this routine also returns a pointer to the end of the
    destination string and the number of characters left in the destination
    string including the null terminator. The flags parameter allows
    additional controls.

    This routine is meant as a replacement for strncpy, but it does behave
    differently. This function will not pad the destination buffer with extra
    null termination characters if cchSrc is greater than the length of pszSrc.


    pszDest         -   destination string

    cchDest         -   size of destination buffer in characters.
                        length must be = (_tcslen(pszSrc) + 1) to hold all of
                        the source including the null terminator

    pszSrc          -   source string

    cchSrc          -   maximum number of characters to copy from the source

    ppszDestEnd     -   if ppszDestEnd is non-null, the function will return a
                        pointer to the end of the destination string.  If the
                        function copied any data, the result will point to the
                        null termination character

    pcchRemaining   -   if pcchRemaining is non-null, the function will return the
                        number of characters left in the destination string,
                        including the null terminator

    dwFlags         -   controls some details of the string copy:

                    if the function succeeds, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill the uninitialize part of destination buffer
                    behind the null terminator

                    treat NULL string pointers like empty strings (TEXT("")).
                    this flag is useful for emulating functions like lstrcpy

                    if the function fails, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill all of the destination buffer, and it will
                    be null terminated. This will overwrite any truncated
                    string returned when the failure is

                    if the function fails, the destination buffer will be set
                    to the empty string. This will overwrite any truncated string
                    returned when the failure is STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.

    Behavior is undefined if source and destination strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszSrc should not be NULL unless the STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS flag
    is specified. If STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS is passed, both pszDest and pszSrc
    may be NULL. An error may still be returned even though NULLS are ignored
    due to insufficient space.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was source data and it was all copied and the
                       resultant dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the copy
                       operation failed due to insufficient space. When this
                       error occurs, the destination buffer is modified to
                       contain a truncated version of the ideal result and is
                       null terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCchCopyNExA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cchSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags);
#define StringCchCopyNEx  StringCchCopyNExA

STRSAFEAPI StringCchCopyNExA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cchSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags)
    HRESULT hr;

    if ((cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH) ||
        (cchSrc > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH))
        size_t cbDest;

        // safe to multiply cchDest * sizeof(char) since cchDest < STRSAFE_MAX_CCH and sizeof(char) is 1
        cbDest = cchDest * sizeof(char);

        hr = StringCopyNExWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, cbDest, pszSrc, cchSrc, ppszDestEnd, pcchRemaining, dwFlags);

    return hr;



    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest         OPTIONAL,
    IN  size_t  cbDest,
    IN  LPCTSTR pszSrc          OPTIONAL,
    IN  size_t  cbSrc,
    OUT LPTSTR* ppszDestEnd     OPTIONAL,
    OUT size_t* pcbRemaining    OPTIONAL,
    IN  DWORD   dwFlags

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strncpy' with
    some additional parameters.  In addition to functionality provided by
    StringCbCopyN, this routine also returns a pointer to the end of the
    destination string and the number of bytes left in the destination string
    including the null terminator. The flags parameter allows additional controls.

    This routine is meant as a replacement for strncpy, but it does behave
    differently. This function will not pad the destination buffer with extra
    null termination characters if cbSrc is greater than the size of pszSrc.


    pszDest         -   destination string

    cbDest          -   size of destination buffer in bytes.
                        length must be ((_tcslen(pszSrc) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)) to
                        hold all of the source including the null terminator

    pszSrc          -   source string

    cbSrc           -   maximum number of bytes to copy from source string

    ppszDestEnd     -   if ppszDestEnd is non-null, the function will return a
                        pointer to the end of the destination string.  If the
                        function copied any data, the result will point to the
                        null termination character

    pcbRemaining    -   pcbRemaining is non-null,the function will return the
                        number of bytes left in the destination string,
                        including the null terminator

    dwFlags         -   controls some details of the string copy:

                    if the function succeeds, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill the uninitialize part of destination buffer
                    behind the null terminator

                    treat NULL string pointers like empty strings (TEXT("")).
                    this flag is useful for emulating functions like lstrcpy

                    if the function fails, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill all of the destination buffer, and it will
                    be null terminated. This will overwrite any truncated
                    string returned when the failure is

                    if the function fails, the destination buffer will be set
                    to the empty string. This will overwrite any truncated string
                    returned when the failure is STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.

    Behavior is undefined if source and destination strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszSrc should not be NULL unless the STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS flag
    is specified.  If STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS is passed, both pszDest and pszSrc
    may be NULL.  An error may still be returned even though NULLS are ignored
    due to insufficient space.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was source data and it was all copied and the
                       resultant dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the copy
                       operation failed due to insufficient space. When this
                       error occurs, the destination buffer is modified to
                       contain a truncated version of the ideal result and is
                       null terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCbCopyNExA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cbSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcbRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags);
#define StringCbCopyNEx  StringCbCopyNExA

STRSAFEAPI StringCbCopyNExA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cbSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcbRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags)
    HRESULT hr;
    size_t cchDest;
    size_t cchSrc;
    size_t cchRemaining = 0;

    cchDest = cbDest / sizeof(char);
    cchSrc = cbSrc / sizeof(char);

    if ((cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH) ||
        (cchSrc > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH))
        hr = StringCopyNExWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, cbDest, pszSrc, cchSrc, ppszDestEnd, &cchRemaining, dwFlags);

        if (pcbRemaining)
            // safe to multiply cchRemaining * sizeof(char) since cchRemaining < STRSAFE_MAX_CCH and sizeof(char) is 1
            *pcbRemaining = (cchRemaining * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char));

    return hr;



    IN OUT LPTSTR  pszDest,
    IN     size_t  cchDest,
    IN     LPCTSTR pszSrc

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strcat'.
    The size of the destination buffer (in characters) is a parameter and this
    function will not write past the end of this buffer and it will ALWAYS
    null terminate the destination buffer (unless it is zero length).

    This function returns a hresult, and not a pointer.  It returns
    S_OK if the string was concatenated without truncation and null terminated,
    otherwise it will return a failure code. In failure cases as much of pszSrc
    will be appended to pszDest as possible, and pszDest will be null


    pszDest     -  destination string which must be null terminated

    cchDest     -  size of destination buffer in characters.
                   length must be = (_tcslen(pszDest) + _tcslen(pszSrc) + 1)
                   to hold all of the combine string plus the null

    pszSrc      -  source string which must be null terminated

    Behavior is undefined if source and destination strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszSrc should not be NULL.  See StringCchCatEx if you require
    the handling of NULL values.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was source data and it was all concatenated and
                       the resultant dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the operation
                       failed due to insufficient space. When this error occurs,
                       the destination buffer is modified to contain a truncated
                       version of the ideal result and is null terminated. This
                       is useful for situations where truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCchCatA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc);
#define StringCchCat  StringCchCatA

STRSAFEAPI StringCchCatA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc)
    HRESULT hr;

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        hr = StringCatWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, pszSrc);

    return hr;



    IN OUT LPTSTR  pszDest,
    IN     size_t  cbDest,
    IN     LPCTSTR pszSrc

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strcat'.
    The size of the destination buffer (in bytes) is a parameter and this
    function will not write past the end of this buffer and it will ALWAYS
    null terminate the destination buffer (unless it is zero length).

    This function returns a hresult, and not a pointer.  It returns
    S_OK if the string was concatenated without truncation and null terminated,
    otherwise it will return a failure code. In failure cases as much of pszSrc
    will be appended to pszDest as possible, and pszDest will be null


    pszDest     -  destination string which must be null terminated

    cbDest      -  size of destination buffer in bytes.
                   length must be = ((_tcslen(pszDest) + _tcslen(pszSrc) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)
                   to hold all of the combine string plus the null

    pszSrc      -  source string which must be null terminated

    Behavior is undefined if source and destination strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszSrc should not be NULL.  See StringCbCatEx if you require
    the handling of NULL values.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was source data and it was all concatenated and
                       the resultant dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the operation
                       failed due to insufficient space. When this error occurs,
                       the destination buffer is modified to contain a truncated
                       version of the ideal result and is null terminated. This
                       is useful for situations where truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCbCatA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc);
#define StringCbCat  StringCbCatA

STRSAFEAPI StringCbCatA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc)
    HRESULT hr;
    size_t cchDest;

    cchDest = cbDest / sizeof(char);

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        hr = StringCatWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, pszSrc);

    return hr;



    IN OUT LPTSTR  pszDest         OPTIONAL,
    IN     size_t  cchDest,
    IN     LPCTSTR pszSrc          OPTIONAL,
    OUT    LPTSTR* ppszDestEnd     OPTIONAL,
    OUT    size_t* pcchRemaining   OPTIONAL,
    IN     DWORD   dwFlags

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strcat' with
    some additional parameters.  In addition to functionality provided by
    StringCchCat, this routine also returns a pointer to the end of the
    destination string and the number of characters left in the destination string
    including the null terminator. The flags parameter allows additional controls.


    pszDest         -   destination string which must be null terminated

    cchDest         -   size of destination buffer in characters
                        length must be (_tcslen(pszDest) + _tcslen(pszSrc) + 1)
                        to hold all of the combine string plus the null

    pszSrc          -   source string which must be null terminated

    ppszDestEnd     -   if ppszDestEnd is non-null, the function will return a
                        pointer to the end of the destination string.  If the
                        function appended any data, the result will point to the
                        null termination character

    pcchRemaining   -   if pcchRemaining is non-null, the function will return the
                        number of characters left in the destination string,
                        including the null terminator

    dwFlags         -   controls some details of the string copy:

                    if the function succeeds, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill the uninitialize part of destination buffer
                    behind the null terminator

                    treat NULL string pointers like empty strings (TEXT("")).
                    this flag is useful for emulating functions like lstrcat

                    if the function fails, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill all of the destination buffer, and it will
                    be null terminated. This will overwrite any pre-existing
                    or truncated string

                    if the function fails, the destination buffer will be set
                    to the empty string. This will overwrite any pre-existing or
                    truncated string

                    if the function returns STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, pszDest
                    will not contain a truncated string, it will remain unchanged.

    Behavior is undefined if source and destination strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszSrc should not be NULL unless the STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS flag
    is specified.  If STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS is passed, both pszDest and pszSrc
    may be NULL.  An error may still be returned even though NULLS are ignored
    due to insufficient space.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was source data and it was all concatenated and
                       the resultant dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the operation
                       failed due to insufficient space. When this error
                       occurs, the destination buffer is modified to contain
                       a truncated version of the ideal result and is null
                       terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCchCatExA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags);
#define StringCchCatEx  StringCchCatExA

STRSAFEAPI StringCchCatExA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags)
    HRESULT hr;

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        size_t cbDest;

        // safe to multiply cchDest * sizeof(char) since cchDest < STRSAFE_MAX_CCH and sizeof(char) is 1
        cbDest = cchDest * sizeof(char);

        hr = StringCatExWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, cbDest, pszSrc, ppszDestEnd, pcchRemaining, dwFlags);

    return hr;



    IN OUT LPTSTR  pszDest         OPTIONAL,
    IN     size_t  cbDest,
    IN     LPCTSTR pszSrc          OPTIONAL,
    OUT    LPTSTR* ppszDestEnd     OPTIONAL,
    OUT    size_t* pcbRemaining    OPTIONAL,
    IN     DWORD   dwFlags

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strcat' with
    some additional parameters.  In addition to functionality provided by
    StringCbCat, this routine also returns a pointer to the end of the
    destination string and the number of bytes left in the destination string
    including the null terminator. The flags parameter allows additional controls.


    pszDest         -   destination string which must be null terminated

    cbDest          -   size of destination buffer in bytes.
                        length must be ((_tcslen(pszDest) + _tcslen(pszSrc) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)
                        to hold all of the combine string plus the null

    pszSrc          -   source string which must be null terminated

    ppszDestEnd     -   if ppszDestEnd is non-null, the function will return a
                        pointer to the end of the destination string.  If the
                        function appended any data, the result will point to the
                        null termination character

    pcbRemaining    -   if pcbRemaining is non-null, the function will return
                        the number of bytes left in the destination string,
                        including the null terminator

    dwFlags         -   controls some details of the string copy:

                    if the function succeeds, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill the uninitialize part of destination buffer
                    behind the null terminator

                    treat NULL string pointers like empty strings (TEXT("")).
                    this flag is useful for emulating functions like lstrcat

                    if the function fails, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill all of the destination buffer, and it will
                    be null terminated. This will overwrite any pre-existing
                    or truncated string

                    if the function fails, the destination buffer will be set
                    to the empty string. This will overwrite any pre-existing or
                    truncated string

                    if the function returns STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, pszDest
                    will not contain a truncated string, it will remain unchanged.

    Behavior is undefined if source and destination strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszSrc should not be NULL unless the STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS flag
    is specified.  If STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS is passed, both pszDest and pszSrc
    may be NULL.  An error may still be returned even though NULLS are ignored
    due to insufficient space.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was source data and it was all concatenated
                       and the resultant dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the operation
                       failed due to insufficient space. When this error
                       occurs, the destination buffer is modified to contain
                       a truncated version of the ideal result and is null
                       terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCbCatExA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcbRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags);
#define StringCbCatEx  StringCbCatExA

STRSAFEAPI StringCbCatExA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcbRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags)
    HRESULT hr;
    size_t cchDest;
    size_t cchRemaining = 0;

    cchDest = cbDest / sizeof(char);

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        hr = StringCatExWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, cbDest, pszSrc, ppszDestEnd, &cchRemaining, dwFlags);

        if (pcbRemaining)
            // safe to multiply cchRemaining * sizeof(char) since cchRemaining < STRSAFE_MAX_CCH and sizeof(char) is 1
            *pcbRemaining = (cchRemaining * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char));

    return hr;



    IN OUT LPTSTR  pszDest,
    IN     size_t  cchDest,
    IN     LPCTSTR pszSrc,
    IN     size_t  cchMaxAppend

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strncat'.
    The size of the destination buffer (in characters) is a parameter as well as
    the maximum number of characters to append, excluding the null terminator.
    This function will not write past the end of the destination buffer and it will
    ALWAYS null terminate pszDest (unless it is zero length).

    This function returns a hresult, and not a pointer.  It returns
    S_OK if all of pszSrc or the first cchMaxAppend characters were appended
    to the destination string and it was null terminated, otherwise it will
    return a failure code. In failure cases as much of pszSrc will be appended
    to pszDest as possible, and pszDest will be null terminated.


    pszDest         -   destination string which must be null terminated

    cchDest         -   size of destination buffer in characters.
                        length must be (_tcslen(pszDest) + min(cchMaxAppend, _tcslen(pszSrc)) + 1)
                        to hold all of the combine string plus the null

    pszSrc          -   source string

    cchMaxAppend    -   maximum number of characters to append

    Behavior is undefined if source and destination strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszSrc should not be NULL. See StringCchCatNEx if you require
    the handling of NULL values.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if all of pszSrc or the first cchMaxAppend characters
                       were concatenated to pszDest and the resultant dest
                       string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the operation
                       failed due to insufficient space. When this error
                       occurs, the destination buffer is modified to contain
                       a truncated version of the ideal result and is null
                       terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCchCatNA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cchMaxAppend);
#define StringCchCatN  StringCchCatNA

STRSAFEAPI StringCchCatNA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cchMaxAppend)
    HRESULT hr;

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        hr = StringCatNWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, pszSrc, cchMaxAppend);

    return hr;



    IN OUT LPTSTR  pszDest,
    IN     size_t  cbDest,
    IN     LPCTSTR pszSrc,
    IN     size_t  cbMaxAppend

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strncat'.
    The size of the destination buffer (in bytes) is a parameter as well as
    the maximum number of bytes to append, excluding the null terminator.
    This function will not write past the end of the destination buffer and it will
    ALWAYS null terminate pszDest (unless it is zero length).

    This function returns a hresult, and not a pointer.  It returns
    S_OK if all of pszSrc or the first cbMaxAppend bytes were appended
    to the destination string and it was null terminated, otherwise it will
    return a failure code. In failure cases as much of pszSrc will be appended
    to pszDest as possible, and pszDest will be null terminated.


    pszDest         -   destination string which must be null terminated

    cbDest          -   size of destination buffer in bytes.
                        length must be ((_tcslen(pszDest) + min(cbMaxAppend / sizeof(TCHAR), _tcslen(pszSrc)) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)
                        to hold all of the combine string plus the null

    pszSrc          -   source string

    cbMaxAppend     -   maximum number of bytes to append

    Behavior is undefined if source and destination strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszSrc should not be NULL. See StringCbCatNEx if you require
    the handling of NULL values.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if all of pszSrc or the first cbMaxAppend bytes were
                       concatenated to pszDest and the resultant dest string
                       was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the operation
                       failed due to insufficient space. When this error
                       occurs, the destination buffer is modified to contain
                       a truncated version of the ideal result and is null
                       terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCbCatNA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cbMaxAppend);

#define StringCbCatN  StringCbCatNA

STRSAFEAPI StringCbCatNA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cbMaxAppend)
    HRESULT hr;
    size_t cchDest;

    cchDest = cbDest / sizeof(char);

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        size_t cchMaxAppend;

        cchMaxAppend = cbMaxAppend / sizeof(char);

        hr = StringCatNWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, pszSrc, cchMaxAppend);

    return hr;



    IN OUT LPTSTR  pszDest         OPTIONAL,
    IN     size_t  cchDest,
    IN     LPCTSTR pszSrc          OPTIONAL,
    IN     size_t  cchMaxAppend,
    OUT    LPTSTR* ppszDestEnd     OPTIONAL,
    OUT    size_t* pcchRemaining   OPTIONAL,
    IN     DWORD   dwFlags

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strncat', with
    some additional parameters.  In addition to functionality provided by
    StringCchCatN, this routine also returns a pointer to the end of the
    destination string and the number of characters left in the destination string
    including the null terminator. The flags parameter allows additional controls.


    pszDest         -   destination string which must be null terminated

    cchDest         -   size of destination buffer in characters.
                        length must be (_tcslen(pszDest) + min(cchMaxAppend, _tcslen(pszSrc)) + 1)
                        to hold all of the combine string plus the null

    pszSrc          -   source string

    cchMaxAppend    -   maximum number of characters to append

    ppszDestEnd     -   if ppszDestEnd is non-null, the function will return a
                        pointer to the end of the destination string.  If the
                        function appended any data, the result will point to the
                        null termination character

    pcchRemaining   -   if pcchRemaining is non-null, the function will return the
                        number of characters left in the destination string,
                        including the null terminator

    dwFlags         -   controls some details of the string copy:

                    if the function succeeds, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill the uninitialize part of destination buffer
                    behind the null terminator

                    treat NULL string pointers like empty strings (TEXT(""))

                    if the function fails, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill all of the destination buffer, and it will
                    be null terminated. This will overwrite any pre-existing
                    or truncated string

                    if the function fails, the destination buffer will be set
                    to the empty string. This will overwrite any pre-existing or
                    truncated string

                    if the function returns STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, pszDest
                    will not contain a truncated string, it will remain unchanged.

    Behavior is undefined if source and destination strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszSrc should not be NULL unless the STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS flag
    is specified.  If STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS is passed, both pszDest and pszSrc
    may be NULL.  An error may still be returned even though NULLS are ignored
    due to insufficient space.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if all of pszSrc or the first cchMaxAppend characters
                       were concatenated to pszDest and the resultant dest
                       string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the operation
                       failed due to insufficient space. When this error
                       occurs, the destination buffer is modified to contain
                       a truncated version of the ideal result and is null
                       terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCchCatNExA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cchMaxAppend, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags);
#define StringCchCatNEx  StringCchCatNExA

STRSAFEAPI StringCchCatNExA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cchMaxAppend, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags)
    HRESULT hr;

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        size_t cbDest;

        // safe to multiply cchDest * sizeof(char) since cchDest < STRSAFE_MAX_CCH and sizeof(char) is 1
        cbDest = cchDest * sizeof(char);

        hr = StringCatNExWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, cbDest, pszSrc, cchMaxAppend, ppszDestEnd, pcchRemaining, dwFlags);

    return hr;



    IN OUT LPTSTR  pszDest         OPTIONAL,
    IN     size_t  cbDest,
    IN     LPCTSTR pszSrc          OPTIONAL,
    IN     size_t  cbMaxAppend,
    OUT    LPTSTR* ppszDestEnd     OPTIONAL,
    OUT    size_t* pcchRemaining   OPTIONAL,
    IN     DWORD   dwFlags

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strncat', with
    some additional parameters.  In addition to functionality provided by
    StringCbCatN, this routine also returns a pointer to the end of the
    destination string and the number of bytes left in the destination string
    including the null terminator. The flags parameter allows additional controls.


    pszDest         -   destination string which must be null terminated

    cbDest          -   size of destination buffer in bytes.
                        length must be ((_tcslen(pszDest) + min(cbMaxAppend / sizeof(TCHAR), _tcslen(pszSrc)) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)
                        to hold all of the combine string plus the null

    pszSrc          -   source string

    cbMaxAppend     -   maximum number of bytes to append

    ppszDestEnd     -   if ppszDestEnd is non-null, the function will return a
                        pointer to the end of the destination string.  If the
                        function appended any data, the result will point to the
                        null termination character

    pcbRemaining    -   if pcbRemaining is non-null, the function will return the
                        number of bytes left in the destination string,
                        including the null terminator

    dwFlags         -   controls some details of the string copy:

                    if the function succeeds, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill the uninitialize part of destination buffer
                    behind the null terminator

                    treat NULL string pointers like empty strings (TEXT(""))

                    if the function fails, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill all of the destination buffer, and it will
                    be null terminated. This will overwrite any pre-existing
                    or truncated string

                    if the function fails, the destination buffer will be set
                    to the empty string. This will overwrite any pre-existing or
                    truncated string

                    if the function returns STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, pszDest
                    will not contain a truncated string, it will remain unchanged.

    Behavior is undefined if source and destination strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszSrc should not be NULL unless the STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS flag
    is specified.  If STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS is passed, both pszDest and pszSrc
    may be NULL.  An error may still be returned even though NULLS are ignored
    due to insufficient space.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if all of pszSrc or the first cbMaxAppend bytes were
                       concatenated to pszDest and the resultant dest string
                       was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the operation
                       failed due to insufficient space. When this error
                       occurs, the destination buffer is modified to contain
                       a truncated version of the ideal result and is null
                       terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCbCatNExA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cbMaxAppend, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcbRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags);
#define StringCbCatNEx  StringCbCatNExA

STRSAFEAPI StringCbCatNExA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cbMaxAppend, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcbRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags)
    HRESULT hr;
    size_t cchDest;
    size_t cchRemaining = 0;

    cchDest = cbDest / sizeof(char);

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        size_t cchMaxAppend;

        cchMaxAppend = cbMaxAppend / sizeof(char);

        hr = StringCatNExWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, cbDest, pszSrc, cchMaxAppend, ppszDestEnd, &cchRemaining, dwFlags);

        if (pcbRemaining)
            // safe to multiply cchRemaining * sizeof(char) since cchRemaining < STRSAFE_MAX_CCH and sizeof(char) is 1
            *pcbRemaining = (cchRemaining * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char));

    return hr;


    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest,
    IN  size_t  cchDest,
    IN  LPCTSTR pszFormat,
    IN  va_list argList

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'vsprintf'.
    The size of the destination buffer (in characters) is a parameter and
    this function will not write past the end of this buffer and it will
    ALWAYS null terminate the destination buffer (unless it is zero length).

    This function returns a hresult, and not a pointer.  It returns
    S_OK if the string was printed without truncation and null terminated,
    otherwise it will return a failure code. In failure cases it will return
    a truncated version of the ideal result.


    pszDest     -  destination string

    cchDest     -  size of destination buffer in characters
                   length must be sufficient to hold the resulting formatted
                   string, including the null terminator.

    pszFormat   -  format string which must be null terminated

    argList     -  va_list from the variable arguments according to the
                   stdarg.h convention

    Behavior is undefined if destination, format strings or any arguments
    strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszFormat should not be NULL.  See StringCchVPrintfEx if you
    require the handling of NULL values.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was sufficient space in the dest buffer for
                       the resultant string and it was null terminated.

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the print
                       operation failed due to insufficient space. When this
                       error occurs, the destination buffer is modified to
                       contain a truncated version of the ideal result and is
                       null terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCchVPrintfA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszFormat, va_list argList);
#define StringCchVPrintf  StringCchVPrintfA

STRSAFEAPI StringCchVPrintfA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszFormat, va_list argList)
    HRESULT hr;

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        hr = StringVPrintfWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, pszFormat, argList);

    return hr;


    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest,
    IN  size_t  cbDest,
    IN  LPCTSTR pszFormat,
    IN  va_list argList

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'vsprintf'.
    The size of the destination buffer (in bytes) is a parameter and
    this function will not write past the end of this buffer and it will
    ALWAYS null terminate the destination buffer (unless it is zero length).

    This function returns a hresult, and not a pointer.  It returns
    S_OK if the string was printed without truncation and null terminated,
    otherwise it will return a failure code. In failure cases it will return
    a truncated version of the ideal result.


    pszDest     -  destination string

    cbDest      -  size of destination buffer in bytes
                   length must be sufficient to hold the resulting formatted
                   string, including the null terminator.

    pszFormat   -  format string which must be null terminated

    argList     -  va_list from the variable arguments according to the
                   stdarg.h convention

    Behavior is undefined if destination, format strings or any arguments
    strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszFormat should not be NULL.  See StringCbVPrintfEx if you
    require the handling of NULL values.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was sufficient space in the dest buffer for
                       the resultant string and it was null terminated.

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the print
                       operation failed due to insufficient space. When this
                       error occurs, the destination buffer is modified to
                       contain a truncated version of the ideal result and is
                       null terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCbVPrintfA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszFormat, va_list argList);
#define StringCbVPrintf  StringCbVPrintfA

STRSAFEAPI StringCbVPrintfA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszFormat, va_list argList)
    HRESULT hr;
    size_t cchDest;

    cchDest = cbDest / sizeof(char);

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        hr = StringVPrintfWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, pszFormat, argList);

    return hr;



    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest,
    IN  size_t  cchDest,
    IN  LPCTSTR pszFormat,

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'sprintf'.
    The size of the destination buffer (in characters) is a parameter and
    this function will not write past the end of this buffer and it will
    ALWAYS null terminate the destination buffer (unless it is zero length).

    This function returns a hresult, and not a pointer.  It returns
    S_OK if the string was printed without truncation and null terminated,
    otherwise it will return a failure code. In failure cases it will return
    a truncated version of the ideal result.


    pszDest     -  destination string

    cchDest     -  size of destination buffer in characters
                   length must be sufficient to hold the resulting formatted
                   string, including the null terminator.

    pszFormat   -  format string which must be null terminated

    ...         -  additional parameters to be formatted according to
                   the format string

    Behavior is undefined if destination, format strings or any arguments
    strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszFormat should not be NULL.  See StringCchPrintfEx if you
    require the handling of NULL values.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was sufficient space in the dest buffer for
                       the resultant string and it was null terminated.

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the print
                       operation failed due to insufficient space. When this
                       error occurs, the destination buffer is modified to
                       contain a truncated version of the ideal result and is
                       null terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCchPrintfA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszFormat, ...);
#define StringCchPrintf  StringCchPrintfA

STRSAFEAPI StringCchPrintfA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszFormat, ...)
    HRESULT hr;

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        va_list argList;

        va_start(argList, pszFormat);

        hr = StringVPrintfWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, pszFormat, argList);


    return hr;



    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest,
    IN  size_t  cbDest,
    IN  LPCTSTR pszFormat,

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'sprintf'.
    The size of the destination buffer (in bytes) is a parameter and
    this function will not write past the end of this buffer and it will
    ALWAYS null terminate the destination buffer (unless it is zero length).

    This function returns a hresult, and not a pointer.  It returns
    S_OK if the string was printed without truncation and null terminated,
    otherwise it will return a failure code. In failure cases it will return
    a truncated version of the ideal result.


    pszDest     -  destination string

    cbDest      -  size of destination buffer in bytes
                   length must be sufficient to hold the resulting formatted
                   string, including the null terminator.

    pszFormat   -  format string which must be null terminated

    ...         -  additional parameters to be formatted according to
                   the format string

    Behavior is undefined if destination, format strings or any arguments
    strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszFormat should not be NULL.  See StringCbPrintfEx if you
    require the handling of NULL values.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was sufficient space in the dest buffer for
                       the resultant string and it was null terminated.

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the print
                       operation failed due to insufficient space. When this
                       error occurs, the destination buffer is modified to
                       contain a truncated version of the ideal result and is
                       null terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCbPrintfA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszFormat, ...);
#define StringCbPrintf  StringCbPrintfA

STRSAFEAPI StringCbPrintfA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszFormat, ...)
    HRESULT hr;
    size_t cchDest;

    cchDest = cbDest / sizeof(char);

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        va_list argList;

        va_start(argList, pszFormat);

        hr = StringVPrintfWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, pszFormat, argList);


    return hr;



    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest         OPTIONAL,
    IN  size_t  cchDest,
    OUT LPTSTR* ppszDestEnd     OPTIONAL,
    OUT size_t* pcchRemaining   OPTIONAL,
    IN  DWORD   dwFlags,
    IN  LPCTSTR pszFormat       OPTIONAL,

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'sprintf' with
    some additional parameters.  In addition to functionality provided by
    StringCchPrintf, this routine also returns a pointer to the end of the
    destination string and the number of characters left in the destination string
    including the null terminator. The flags parameter allows additional controls.


    pszDest         -   destination string

    cchDest         -   size of destination buffer in characters.
                        length must be sufficient to contain the resulting
                        formatted string plus the null terminator.

    ppszDestEnd     -   if ppszDestEnd is non-null, the function will return a
                        pointer to the end of the destination string.  If the
                        function printed any data, the result will point to the
                        null termination character

    pcchRemaining   -   if pcchRemaining is non-null, the function will return
                        the number of characters left in the destination string,
                        including the null terminator

    dwFlags         -   controls some details of the string copy:

                    if the function succeeds, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill the uninitialize part of destination buffer
                    behind the null terminator

                    treat NULL string pointers like empty strings (TEXT(""))

                    if the function fails, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill all of the destination buffer, and it will
                    be null terminated. This will overwrite any truncated
                    string returned when the failure is

                    if the function fails, the destination buffer will be set
                    to the empty string. This will overwrite any truncated string
                    returned when the failure is STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.

    pszFormat       -   format string which must be null terminated

    ...             -   additional parameters to be formatted according to
                        the format string

    Behavior is undefined if destination, format strings or any arguments
    strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszFormat should not be NULL unless the STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS
    flag is specified.  If STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS is passed, both pszDest and
    pszFormat may be NULL.  An error may still be returned even though NULLS
    are ignored due to insufficient space.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was source data and it was all concatenated and
                       the resultant dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the print
                       operation failed due to insufficient space. When this
                       error occurs, the destination buffer is modified to
                       contain a truncated version of the ideal result and is
                       null terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCchPrintfExA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags, const char* pszFormat, ...);
#define StringCchPrintfEx  StringCchPrintfExA

STRSAFEAPI StringCchPrintfExA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags, const char* pszFormat, ...)
    HRESULT hr;

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        size_t cbDest;
        va_list argList;

        // safe to multiply cchDest * sizeof(char) since cchDest < STRSAFE_MAX_CCH and sizeof(char) is 1
        cbDest = cchDest * sizeof(char);
        va_start(argList, pszFormat);

        hr = StringVPrintfExWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, cbDest, ppszDestEnd, pcchRemaining, dwFlags, pszFormat, argList);


    return hr;



    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest         OPTIONAL,
    IN  size_t  cbDest,
    OUT LPTSTR* ppszDestEnd     OPTIONAL,
    OUT size_t* pcbRemaining    OPTIONAL,
    IN  DWORD   dwFlags,
    IN  LPCTSTR pszFormat       OPTIONAL,

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'sprintf' with
    some additional parameters.  In addition to functionality provided by
    StringCbPrintf, this routine also returns a pointer to the end of the
    destination string and the number of bytes left in the destination string
    including the null terminator. The flags parameter allows additional controls.


    pszDest         -   destination string

    cbDest          -   size of destination buffer in bytes.
                        length must be sufficient to contain the resulting
                        formatted string plus the null terminator.

    ppszDestEnd     -   if ppszDestEnd is non-null, the function will return a
                        pointer to the end of the destination string.  If the
                        function printed any data, the result will point to the
                        null termination character

    pcbRemaining    -   if pcbRemaining is non-null, the function will return
                        the number of bytes left in the destination string,
                        including the null terminator

    dwFlags         -   controls some details of the string copy:

                    if the function succeeds, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill the uninitialize part of destination buffer
                    behind the null terminator

                    treat NULL string pointers like empty strings (TEXT(""))

                    if the function fails, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill all of the destination buffer, and it will
                    be null terminated. This will overwrite any truncated
                    string returned when the failure is

                    if the function fails, the destination buffer will be set
                    to the empty string. This will overwrite any truncated string
                    returned when the failure is STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.

    pszFormat       -   format string which must be null terminated

    ...             -   additional parameters to be formatted according to
                        the format string

    Behavior is undefined if destination, format strings or any arguments
    strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszFormat should not be NULL unless the STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS
    flag is specified.  If STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS is passed, both pszDest and
    pszFormat may be NULL.  An error may still be returned even though NULLS
    are ignored due to insufficient space.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was source data and it was all concatenated and
                       the resultant dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the print
                       operation failed due to insufficient space. When this
                       error occurs, the destination buffer is modified to
                       contain a truncated version of the ideal result and is
                       null terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCbPrintfExA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcbRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags, const char* pszFormat, ...);
#define StringCbPrintfEx  StringCbPrintfExA

STRSAFEAPI StringCbPrintfExA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcbRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags, const char* pszFormat, ...)
    HRESULT hr;
    size_t cchDest;
    size_t cchRemaining = 0;

    cchDest = cbDest / sizeof(char);

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        va_list argList;

        va_start(argList, pszFormat);

        hr = StringVPrintfExWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, cbDest, ppszDestEnd, &cchRemaining, dwFlags, pszFormat, argList);


        if (pcbRemaining)
            // safe to multiply cchRemaining * sizeof(char) since cchRemaining < STRSAFE_MAX_CCH and sizeof(char) is 1
            *pcbRemaining = (cchRemaining * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char));

    return hr;



    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest         OPTIONAL,
    IN  size_t  cchDest,
    OUT LPTSTR* ppszDestEnd     OPTIONAL,
    OUT size_t* pcchRemaining   OPTIONAL,
    IN  DWORD   dwFlags,
    IN  LPCTSTR pszFormat       OPTIONAL,
    IN  va_list argList

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'vsprintf' with
    some additional parameters.  In addition to functionality provided by
    StringCchVPrintf, this routine also returns a pointer to the end of the
    destination string and the number of characters left in the destination string
    including the null terminator. The flags parameter allows additional controls.


    pszDest         -   destination string

    cchDest         -   size of destination buffer in characters.
                        length must be sufficient to contain the resulting
                        formatted string plus the null terminator.

    ppszDestEnd     -   if ppszDestEnd is non-null, the function will return a
                        pointer to the end of the destination string.  If the
                        function printed any data, the result will point to the
                        null termination character

    pcchRemaining   -   if pcchRemaining is non-null, the function will return
                        the number of characters left in the destination string,
                        including the null terminator

    dwFlags         -   controls some details of the string copy:

                    if the function succeeds, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill the uninitialize part of destination buffer
                    behind the null terminator

                    treat NULL string pointers like empty strings (TEXT(""))

                    if the function fails, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill all of the destination buffer, and it will
                    be null terminated. This will overwrite any truncated
                    string returned when the failure is

                    if the function fails, the destination buffer will be set
                    to the empty string. This will overwrite any truncated string
                    returned when the failure is STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.

    pszFormat       -   format string which must be null terminated

    argList         -   va_list from the variable arguments according to the
                        stdarg.h convention

    Behavior is undefined if destination, format strings or any arguments
    strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszFormat should not be NULL unless the STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS
    flag is specified.  If STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS is passed, both pszDest and
    pszFormat may be NULL.  An error may still be returned even though NULLS
    are ignored due to insufficient space.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was source data and it was all concatenated and
                       the resultant dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the print
                       operation failed due to insufficient space. When this
                       error occurs, the destination buffer is modified to
                       contain a truncated version of the ideal result and is
                       null terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCchVPrintfExA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags, const char* pszFormat, va_list argList);
#define StringCchVPrintfEx  StringCchVPrintfExA

STRSAFEAPI StringCchVPrintfExA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags, const char* pszFormat, va_list argList)
    HRESULT hr;

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        size_t cbDest;

        // safe to multiply cchDest * sizeof(char) since cchDest < STRSAFE_MAX_CCH and sizeof(char) is 1
        cbDest = cchDest * sizeof(char);

        hr = StringVPrintfExWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, cbDest, ppszDestEnd, pcchRemaining, dwFlags, pszFormat, argList);

    return hr;


    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest         OPTIONAL,
    IN  size_t  cbDest,
    OUT LPTSTR* ppszDestEnd     OPTIONAL,
    OUT size_t* pcbRemaining    OPTIONAL,
    IN  DWORD   dwFlags,
    IN  LPCTSTR pszFormat       OPTIONAL,
    IN  va_list argList

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'vsprintf' with
    some additional parameters.  In addition to functionality provided by
    StringCbVPrintf, this routine also returns a pointer to the end of the
    destination string and the number of characters left in the destination string
    including the null terminator. The flags parameter allows additional controls.


    pszDest         -   destination string

    cbDest          -   size of destination buffer in bytes.
                        length must be sufficient to contain the resulting
                        formatted string plus the null terminator.

    ppszDestEnd     -   if ppszDestEnd is non-null, the function will return
                        a pointer to the end of the destination string.  If the
                        function printed any data, the result will point to the
                        null termination character

    pcbRemaining    -   if pcbRemaining is non-null, the function will return
                        the number of bytes left in the destination string,
                        including the null terminator

    dwFlags         -   controls some details of the string copy:

                    if the function succeeds, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill the uninitialize part of destination buffer
                    behind the null terminator

                    treat NULL string pointers like empty strings (TEXT(""))

                    if the function fails, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill all of the destination buffer, and it will
                    be null terminated. This will overwrite any truncated
                    string returned when the failure is

                    if the function fails, the destination buffer will be set
                    to the empty string. This will overwrite any truncated string
                    returned when the failure is STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.

    pszFormat       -   format string which must be null terminated

    argList         -   va_list from the variable arguments according to the
                        stdarg.h convention

    Behavior is undefined if destination, format strings or any arguments
    strings overlap.

    pszDest and pszFormat should not be NULL unless the STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS
    flag is specified.  If STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS is passed, both pszDest and
    pszFormat may be NULL.  An error may still be returned even though NULLS
    are ignored due to insufficient space.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   if there was source data and it was all concatenated and
                       the resultant dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value is an indication that the print
                       operation failed due to insufficient space. When this
                       error occurs, the destination buffer is modified to
                       contain a truncated version of the ideal result and is
                       null terminated. This is useful for situations where
                       truncation is ok.

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function


STRSAFEAPI StringCbVPrintfExA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcbRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags, const char* pszFormat, va_list argList);
#define StringCbVPrintfEx  StringCbVPrintfExA

STRSAFEAPI StringCbVPrintfExA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcbRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags, const char* pszFormat, va_list argList)
    HRESULT hr;
    size_t cchDest;
    size_t cchRemaining = 0;

    cchDest = cbDest / sizeof(char);

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        hr = StringVPrintfExWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, cbDest, ppszDestEnd, &cchRemaining, dwFlags, pszFormat, argList);

        if (pcbRemaining)
            // safe to multiply cchRemaining * sizeof(char) since cchRemaining < STRSAFE_MAX_CCH and sizeof(char) is 1
            *pcbRemaining = (cchRemaining * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char));

    return hr;



    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest,
    IN  size_t  cchDest

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'gets'.
    The size of the destination buffer (in characters) is a parameter and
    this function will not write past the end of this buffer and it will
    ALWAYS null terminate the destination buffer (unless it is zero length).

    This routine is not a replacement for fgets.  That function does not replace
    newline characters with a null terminator.

    This function returns a hresult, and not a pointer.  It returns
    S_OK if any characters were read from stdin and copied to pszDest and
    pszDest was null terminated, otherwise it will return a failure code.


    pszDest     -   destination string

    cchDest     -   size of destination buffer in characters.

    pszDest should not be NULL. See StringCchGetsEx if you require the handling
    of NULL values.

    cchDest must be > 1 for this function to succeed.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   data was read from stdin and copied, and the resultant
                       dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value indicates an error or end-of-file
                       condition, use feof or ferror to determine which one has

                   -   this return value is an indication that there was
                       insufficient space in the destination buffer to copy any

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function.


STRSAFE_INLINE_API StringCchGetsA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest);
#define StringCchGets  StringCchGetsA

STRSAFE_INLINE_API StringCchGetsA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest)
    HRESULT hr;

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        size_t cbDest;

        // safe to multiply cchDest * sizeof(char) since cchDest < STRSAFE_MAX_CCH and sizeof(char) is 1
        cbDest = cchDest * sizeof(char);

        hr = StringGetsExWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, cbDest, NULL, NULL, 0);

    return hr;

#endif  // !STRSAFE_LIB_IMPL


    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest,
    IN  size_t  cbDest

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'gets'.
    The size of the destination buffer (in bytes) is a parameter and
    this function will not write past the end of this buffer and it will
    ALWAYS null terminate the destination buffer (unless it is zero length).

    This routine is not a replacement for fgets.  That function does not replace
    newline characters with a null terminator.

    This function returns a hresult, and not a pointer.  It returns
    S_OK if any characters were read from stdin and copied to pszDest
    and pszDest was null terminated, otherwise it will return a failure code.


    pszDest     -   destination string

    cbDest      -   size of destination buffer in bytes.

    pszDest should not be NULL. See StringCbGetsEx if you require the handling
    of NULL values.

    cbDest must be > sizeof(TCHAR) for this function to succeed.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   data was read from stdin and copied, and the resultant
                       dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value indicates an error or end-of-file
                       condition, use feof or ferror to determine which one has

                   -   this return value is an indication that there was
                       insufficient space in the destination buffer to copy any

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function.


STRSAFE_INLINE_API StringCbGetsA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest);

#define StringCbGets  StringCbGetsA

STRSAFE_INLINE_API StringCbGetsA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest)
    HRESULT hr;
    size_t cchDest;

    // convert to count of characters
    cchDest = cbDest / sizeof(char);

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        hr = StringGetsExWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, cbDest, NULL, NULL, 0);

    return hr;

#endif  // !STRSAFE_LIB_IMPL


    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest         OPTIONAL,
    IN  size_t  cchDest,
    OUT LPTSTR* ppszDestEnd     OPTIONAL,
    OUT size_t* pcchRemaining   OPTIONAL,
    IN  DWORD   dwFlags

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'gets' with
    some additional parameters. In addition to functionality provided by
    StringCchGets, this routine also returns a pointer to the end of the
    destination string and the number of characters left in the destination string
    including the null terminator. The flags parameter allows additional controls.


    pszDest         -   destination string

    cchDest         -   size of destination buffer in characters.

    ppszDestEnd     -   if ppszDestEnd is non-null, the function will return a
                        pointer to the end of the destination string.  If the
                        function copied any data, the result will point to the
                        null termination character

    pcchRemaining   -   if pcchRemaining is non-null, the function will return the
                        number of characters left in the destination string,
                        including the null terminator

    dwFlags         -   controls some details of the string copy:

                    if the function succeeds, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill the uninitialize part of destination buffer
                    behind the null terminator

                    treat NULL string pointers like empty strings (TEXT("")).

                    if the function fails, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill all of the destination buffer, and it will
                    be null terminated.

                    if the function fails, the destination buffer will be set
                    to the empty string.

    pszDest should not be NULL unless the STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS flag is specified.
    If STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS is passed and pszDest is NULL, an error may still be
    returned even though NULLS are ignored

    cchDest must be > 1 for this function to succeed.

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   data was read from stdin and copied, and the resultant
                       dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value indicates an error or end-of-file
                       condition, use feof or ferror to determine which one has

                   -   this return value is an indication that there was
                       insufficient space in the destination buffer to copy any

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function.


STRSAFE_INLINE_API StringCchGetsExA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags);
#define StringCchGetsEx  StringCchGetsExA

STRSAFE_INLINE_API StringCchGetsExA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags)
    HRESULT hr;

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        size_t cbDest;

        // safe to multiply cchDest * sizeof(char) since cchDest < STRSAFE_MAX_CCH and sizeof(char) is 1
        cbDest = cchDest * sizeof(char);

        hr = StringGetsExWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, cbDest, ppszDestEnd, pcchRemaining, dwFlags);

    return hr;

#endif  // !STRSAFE_LIB_IMPL


    OUT LPTSTR  pszDest         OPTIONAL,
    IN  size_t  cbDest,
    OUT LPTSTR* ppszDestEnd     OPTIONAL,
    OUT size_t* pcbRemaining    OPTIONAL,
    IN  DWORD   dwFlags

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'gets' with
    some additional parameters. In addition to functionality provided by
    StringCbGets, this routine also returns a pointer to the end of the
    destination string and the number of characters left in the destination string
    including the null terminator. The flags parameter allows additional controls.


    pszDest         -   destination string

    cbDest          -   size of destination buffer in bytes.

    ppszDestEnd     -   if ppszDestEnd is non-null, the function will return a
                        pointer to the end of the destination string.  If the
                        function copied any data, the result will point to the
                        null termination character

    pcbRemaining    -   if pbRemaining is non-null, the function will return the
                        number of bytes left in the destination string,
                        including the null terminator

    dwFlags         -   controls some details of the string copy:

                    if the function succeeds, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill the uninitialize part of destination buffer
                    behind the null terminator

                    treat NULL string pointers like empty strings (TEXT("")).

                    if the function fails, the low byte of dwFlags will be
                    used to fill all of the destination buffer, and it will
                    be null terminated.

                    if the function fails, the destination buffer will be set
                    to the empty string.

    pszDest should not be NULL unless the STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS flag is specified.
    If STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS is passed and pszDest is NULL, an error may still be
    returned even though NULLS are ignored

    cbDest must be > sizeof(TCHAR) for this function to succeed

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   data was read from stdin and copied, and the resultant
                       dest string was null terminated

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

                   -   this return value indicates an error or end-of-file
                       condition, use feof or ferror to determine which one has

                   -   this return value is an indication that there was
                       insufficient space in the destination buffer to copy any

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function.


STRSAFE_INLINE_API StringCbGetsExA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pbRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags);
#define StringCbGetsEx  StringCbGetsExA

STRSAFE_INLINE_API StringCbGetsExA(char* pszDest, size_t cbDest, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcbRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags)
    HRESULT hr;
    size_t cchDest;
    size_t cchRemaining = 0;

    cchDest = cbDest / sizeof(char);

    if (cchDest > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
        hr = StringGetsExWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, cbDest, ppszDestEnd, &cchRemaining, dwFlags);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr) ||
        (hr == STRSAFE_E_END_OF_FILE))
        if (pcbRemaining)
            // safe to multiply cchRemaining * sizeof(char) since cchRemaining < STRSAFE_MAX_CCH and sizeof(char) is 1
            *pcbRemaining = (cchRemaining * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char));

    return hr;

#endif  // !STRSAFE_LIB_IMPL


    IN  LPCTSTR psz,
    IN  size_t  cchMax,
    OUT size_t* pcch    OPTIONAL

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strlen'.
    It is used to make sure a string is not larger than a given length, and
    it optionally returns the current length in characters not including
    the null terminator.

    This function returns a hresult, and not a pointer.  It returns
    S_OK if the string is non-null and the length including the null
    terminator is less than or equal to cchMax characters.


    psz         -   string to check the length of

    cchMax      -   maximum number of characters including the null terminator
                    that psz is allowed to contain

    pcch        -   if the function succeeds and pcch is non-null, the current length
                    in characters of psz excluding the null terminator will be returned.
                    This out parameter is equivalent to the return value of strlen(psz)

    psz can be null but the function will fail

    cchMax should be greater than zero or the function will fail

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   psz is non-null and the length including the null
                       terminator is less than or equal to cchMax characters

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function.


STRSAFEAPI StringCchLengthA(const char* psz, size_t cchMax, size_t* pcch);
#define StringCchLength  StringCchLengthA

STRSAFEAPI StringCchLengthA(const char* psz, size_t cchMax, size_t* pcch)
    HRESULT hr;

    if ((psz == NULL) || (cchMax > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH))
        hr = StringLengthWorkerA(psz, cchMax, pcch);

    return hr;



    IN  LPCTSTR psz,
    IN  size_t  cbMax,
    OUT size_t* pcb     OPTIONAL

Routine Description:

    This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function 'strlen'.
    It is used to make sure a string is not larger than a given length, and
    it optionally returns the current length in bytes not including
    the null terminator.

    This function returns a hresult, and not a pointer.  It returns
    S_OK if the string is non-null and the length including the null
    terminator is less than or equal to cbMax bytes.


    psz         -   string to check the length of

    cbMax       -   maximum number of bytes including the null terminator
                    that psz is allowed to contain

    pcb         -   if the function succeeds and pcb is non-null, the current length
                    in bytes of psz excluding the null terminator will be returned.
                    This out parameter is equivalent to the return value of strlen(psz) * sizeof(TCHAR)

    psz can be null but the function will fail

    cbMax should be greater than or equal to sizeof(TCHAR) or the function will fail

Return Value:

    S_OK           -   psz is non-null and the length including the null
                       terminator is less than or equal to cbMax bytes

    failure        -   you can use the macro HRESULT_CODE() to get a win32
                       error code for all hresult failure cases

    It is strongly recommended to use the SUCCEEDED() / FAILED() macros to test the
    return value of this function.


STRSAFEAPI StringCbLengthA(const char* psz, size_t cchMax, size_t* pcch);

#define StringCbLength  StringCbLengthA

STRSAFEAPI StringCbLengthA(const char* psz, size_t cbMax, size_t* pcb)
    HRESULT hr;
    size_t cchMax;
    size_t cch = 0;

    cchMax = cbMax / sizeof(char);

    if ((psz == NULL) || (cchMax > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH))
        hr = StringLengthWorkerA(psz, cchMax, &cch);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pcb)
        // safe to multiply cch * sizeof(char) since cch < STRSAFE_MAX_CCH and sizeof(char) is 1
        *pcb = cch * sizeof(char);

    return hr;


// these are the worker functions that actually do the work
STRSAFEAPI StringCopyWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    if (cchDest == 0)
        // can not null terminate a zero-byte dest buffer
        while (cchDest && (*pszSrc != '\0'))
            *pszDest++ = *pszSrc++;

        if (cchDest == 0)
            // we are going to truncate pszDest

        *pszDest= '\0';

    return hr;

STRSAFEAPI StringCopyExWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    char* pszDestEnd = pszDest;
    size_t cchRemaining = 0;

    // ASSERT(cbDest == (cchDest * sizeof(char))    ||
    //        cbDest == (cchDest * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char)));

    // only accept valid flags
    if (dwFlags & (~STRSAFE_VALID_FLAGS))
        if (dwFlags & STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS)
            if (pszDest == NULL)
                if ((cchDest != 0) || (cbDest != 0))
                    // NULL pszDest and non-zero cchDest/cbDest is invalid
                    hr = STRSAFE_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;

            if (pszSrc == NULL)
                pszSrc = "";

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            if (cchDest == 0)
                pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                cchRemaining = 0;

                // only fail if there was actually src data to copy
                if (*pszSrc != '\0')
                    if (pszDest == NULL)
                        hr = STRSAFE_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
                        hr = STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
                pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                cchRemaining = cchDest;

                while (cchRemaining && (*pszSrc != '\0'))
                    *pszDestEnd++= *pszSrc++;

                if (cchRemaining > 0)
                    if (dwFlags & STRSAFE_FILL_BEHIND_NULL)
                        memset(pszDestEnd + 1, STRSAFE_GET_FILL_PATTERN(dwFlags), ((cchRemaining - 1) * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char)));
                    // we are going to truncate pszDest

                    hr = STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;

                *pszDestEnd = '\0';

    if (FAILED(hr))
        if (pszDest)
            if (dwFlags & STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE)
                memset(pszDest, STRSAFE_GET_FILL_PATTERN(dwFlags), cbDest);

                if (STRSAFE_GET_FILL_PATTERN(dwFlags) == 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                    cchRemaining = cchDest;
                else if (cchDest > 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest + cchDest - 1;
                    cchRemaining = 1;

                    // null terminate the end of the string
                    *pszDestEnd = '\0';

                if (cchDest > 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                    cchRemaining = cchDest;

                    // null terminate the beginning of the string
                    *pszDestEnd = '\0';

        if (ppszDestEnd)
            *ppszDestEnd = pszDestEnd;

        if (pcchRemaining)
            *pcchRemaining = cchRemaining;

    return hr;

STRSAFEAPI StringCopyNWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cchSrc)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    if (cchDest == 0)
        // can not null terminate a zero-byte dest buffer
        while (cchDest && cchSrc && (*pszSrc != '\0'))
            *pszDest++= *pszSrc++;

        if (cchDest == 0)
            // we are going to truncate pszDest

        *pszDest= '\0';

    return hr;

STRSAFEAPI StringCopyNExWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cchSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    char* pszDestEnd = pszDest;
    size_t cchRemaining = 0;

    // ASSERT(cbDest == (cchDest * sizeof(char))    ||
    //        cbDest == (cchDest * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char)));

    // only accept valid flags
    if (dwFlags & (~STRSAFE_VALID_FLAGS))
        if (dwFlags & STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS)
            if (pszDest == NULL)
                if ((cchDest != 0) || (cbDest != 0))
                    // NULL pszDest and non-zero cchDest/cbDest is invalid
                    hr = STRSAFE_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;

            if (pszSrc == NULL)
                pszSrc = "";

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            if (cchDest == 0)
                pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                cchRemaining = 0;

                // only fail if there was actually src data to copy
                if (*pszSrc != '\0')
                    if (pszDest == NULL)
                        hr = STRSAFE_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
                        hr = STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
                pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                cchRemaining = cchDest;

                while (cchRemaining && cchSrc && (*pszSrc != '\0'))
                    *pszDestEnd++= *pszSrc++;

                if (cchRemaining > 0)
                    if (dwFlags & STRSAFE_FILL_BEHIND_NULL)
                        memset(pszDestEnd + 1, STRSAFE_GET_FILL_PATTERN(dwFlags), ((cchRemaining - 1) * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char)));
                    // we are going to truncate pszDest

                    hr = STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;

                *pszDestEnd = '\0';

    if (FAILED(hr))
        if (pszDest)
            if (dwFlags & STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE)
                memset(pszDest, STRSAFE_GET_FILL_PATTERN(dwFlags), cbDest);

                if (STRSAFE_GET_FILL_PATTERN(dwFlags) == 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                    cchRemaining = cchDest;
                else if (cchDest > 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest + cchDest - 1;
                    cchRemaining = 1;

                    // null terminate the end of the string
                    *pszDestEnd = '\0';

                if (cchDest > 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                    cchRemaining = cchDest;

                    // null terminate the beginning of the string
                    *pszDestEnd = '\0';

        if (ppszDestEnd)
            *ppszDestEnd = pszDestEnd;

        if (pcchRemaining)
            *pcchRemaining = cchRemaining;

    return hr;

STRSAFEAPI StringCatWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc)
   HRESULT hr;
   size_t cchDestCurrent;

   hr = StringLengthWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, &cchDestCurrent);

   if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
       hr = StringCopyWorkerA(pszDest + cchDestCurrent,
                              cchDest - cchDestCurrent,

   return hr;

STRSAFEAPI StringCatExWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    char* pszDestEnd = pszDest;
    size_t cchRemaining = 0;

    // ASSERT(cbDest == (cchDest * sizeof(char))    ||
    //        cbDest == (cchDest * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char)));

    // only accept valid flags
    if (dwFlags & (~STRSAFE_VALID_FLAGS))
        size_t cchDestCurrent;

        if (dwFlags & STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS)
            if (pszDest == NULL)
                if ((cchDest == 0) && (cbDest == 0))
                    cchDestCurrent = 0;
                    // NULL pszDest and non-zero cchDest/cbDest is invalid
                    hr = STRSAFE_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
                hr = StringLengthWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, &cchDestCurrent);

                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest + cchDestCurrent;
                    cchRemaining = cchDest - cchDestCurrent;

            if (pszSrc == NULL)
                pszSrc = "";
            hr = StringLengthWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, &cchDestCurrent);

            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                pszDestEnd = pszDest + cchDestCurrent;
                cchRemaining = cchDest - cchDestCurrent;

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            if (cchDest == 0)
                // only fail if there was actually src data to append
                if (*pszSrc != '\0')
                    if (pszDest == NULL)
                        hr = STRSAFE_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
                        hr = STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
                // we handle the STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE and STRSAFE_NULL_ON_FAILURE cases below, so do not pass
                // those flags through
                hr = StringCopyExWorkerA(pszDestEnd,
                                         (cchRemaining * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char)),
                                         dwFlags & (~(STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE | STRSAFE_NULL_ON_FAILURE)));

    if (FAILED(hr))
        if (pszDest)
            // STRSAFE_NO_TRUNCATION is taken care of by StringCopyExWorkerA()

            if (dwFlags & STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE)
                memset(pszDest, STRSAFE_GET_FILL_PATTERN(dwFlags), cbDest);

                if (STRSAFE_GET_FILL_PATTERN(dwFlags) == 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                    cchRemaining = cchDest;
                if (cchDest > 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest + cchDest - 1;
                    cchRemaining = 1;

                    // null terminate the end of the string
                    *pszDestEnd = '\0';

            if (dwFlags & STRSAFE_NULL_ON_FAILURE)
                if (cchDest > 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                    cchRemaining = cchDest;

                    // null terminate the beginning of the string
                    *pszDestEnd = '\0';

        if (ppszDestEnd)
            *ppszDestEnd = pszDestEnd;

        if (pcchRemaining)
            *pcchRemaining = cchRemaining;

    return hr;

STRSAFEAPI StringCatNWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cchMaxAppend)
    HRESULT hr;
    size_t cchDestCurrent;

    hr = StringLengthWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, &cchDestCurrent);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = StringCopyNWorkerA(pszDest + cchDestCurrent,
                                cchDest - cchDestCurrent,

    return hr;

STRSAFEAPI StringCatNExWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, size_t cbDest, const char* pszSrc, size_t cchMaxAppend, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    char* pszDestEnd = pszDest;
    size_t cchRemaining = 0;
    size_t cchDestCurrent = 0;

    // ASSERT(cbDest == (cchDest * sizeof(char))    ||
    //        cbDest == (cchDest * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char)));

    // only accept valid flags
    if (dwFlags & (~STRSAFE_VALID_FLAGS))
        if (dwFlags & STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS)
            if (pszDest == NULL)
                if ((cchDest == 0) && (cbDest == 0))
                    cchDestCurrent = 0;
                    // NULL pszDest and non-zero cchDest/cbDest is invalid
                    hr = STRSAFE_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
                hr = StringLengthWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, &cchDestCurrent);

                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest + cchDestCurrent;
                    cchRemaining = cchDest - cchDestCurrent;

            if (pszSrc == NULL)
                pszSrc = "";
            hr = StringLengthWorkerA(pszDest, cchDest, &cchDestCurrent);

            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                pszDestEnd = pszDest + cchDestCurrent;
                cchRemaining = cchDest - cchDestCurrent;

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            if (cchDest == 0)
                // only fail if there was actually src data to append
                if (*pszSrc != '\0')
                    if (pszDest == NULL)
                        hr = STRSAFE_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
                        hr = STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
                // we handle the STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE and STRSAFE_NULL_ON_FAILURE cases below, so do not pass
                // those flags through
                hr = StringCopyNExWorkerA(pszDestEnd,
                                          (cchRemaining * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char)),
                                          dwFlags & (~(STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE | STRSAFE_NULL_ON_FAILURE)));

    if (FAILED(hr))
        if (pszDest)
            // STRSAFE_NO_TRUNCATION is taken care of by StringCopyNExWorkerA()

            if (dwFlags & STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE)
                memset(pszDest, STRSAFE_GET_FILL_PATTERN(dwFlags), cbDest);

                if (STRSAFE_GET_FILL_PATTERN(dwFlags) == 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                    cchRemaining = cchDest;
                else if (cchDest > 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest + cchDest - 1;
                    cchRemaining = 1;

                    // null terminate the end of the string
                    *pszDestEnd = '\0';

            if (dwFlags & (STRSAFE_NULL_ON_FAILURE))
                if (cchDest > 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                    cchRemaining = cchDest;

                    // null terminate the beginning of the string
                    *pszDestEnd = '\0';

        if (ppszDestEnd)
            *ppszDestEnd = pszDestEnd;

        if (pcchRemaining)
            *pcchRemaining = cchRemaining;

    return hr;

STRSAFEAPI StringVPrintfWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, const char* pszFormat, va_list argList)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    if (cchDest == 0)
        // can not null terminate a zero-byte dest buffer
        int iRet;
        size_t cchMax;

        // leave the last space for the null terminator
        cchMax = cchDest - 1;

        iRet = vsnprintf(pszDest, cchMax, pszFormat, argList);
        // ASSERT((iRet < 0) || (((size_t)iRet) <= cchMax));

        if ((iRet < 0) || (((size_t)iRet) > cchMax))
            // need to null terminate the string
            pszDest += cchMax;
            *pszDest = '\0';

            // we have truncated pszDest
        else if (((size_t)iRet) == cchMax)
            // need to null terminate the string
            pszDest += cchMax;
            *pszDest = '\0';

    return hr;

STRSAFEAPI StringVPrintfExWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, size_t cbDest, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags, const char* pszFormat, va_list argList)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    char* pszDestEnd = pszDest;
    size_t cchRemaining = 0;

    // ASSERT(cbDest == (cchDest * sizeof(char))    ||
    //        cbDest == (cchDest * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char)));

    // only accept valid flags
    if (dwFlags & (~STRSAFE_VALID_FLAGS))
        if (dwFlags & STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS)
            if (pszDest == NULL)
                if ((cchDest != 0) || (cbDest != 0))
                    // NULL pszDest and non-zero cchDest/cbDest is invalid
                    hr = STRSAFE_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;

            if (pszFormat == NULL)
                pszFormat = "";

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            if (cchDest == 0)
                pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                cchRemaining = 0;

                // only fail if there was actually a non-empty format string
                if (*pszFormat != '\0')
                    if (pszDest == NULL)
                        hr = STRSAFE_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
                        hr = STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
                int iRet;
                size_t cchMax;

                // leave the last space for the null terminator
                cchMax = cchDest - 1;

                iRet = vsnprintf(pszDest, cchMax, pszFormat, argList);
                // ASSERT((iRet < 0) || (((size_t)iRet) <= cchMax));

                if ((iRet < 0) || (((size_t)iRet) > cchMax))
                    // we have truncated pszDest
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest + cchMax;
                    cchRemaining = 1;

                    // need to null terminate the string
                    *pszDestEnd = '\0';

                    hr = STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
                else if (((size_t)iRet) == cchMax)
                    // string fit perfectly
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest + cchMax;
                    cchRemaining = 1;

                    // need to null terminate the string
                    *pszDestEnd = '\0';
                else if (((size_t)iRet) < cchMax)
                    // there is extra room
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest + iRet;
                    cchRemaining = cchDest - iRet;

                    if (dwFlags & STRSAFE_FILL_BEHIND_NULL)
                        memset(pszDestEnd + 1, STRSAFE_GET_FILL_PATTERN(dwFlags), ((cchRemaining - 1) * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char)));

    if (FAILED(hr))
        if (pszDest)
            if (dwFlags & STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE)
                memset(pszDest, STRSAFE_GET_FILL_PATTERN(dwFlags), cbDest);

                if (STRSAFE_GET_FILL_PATTERN(dwFlags) == 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                    cchRemaining = cchDest;
                else if (cchDest > 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest + cchDest - 1;
                    cchRemaining = 1;

                    // null terminate the end of the string
                    *pszDestEnd = '\0';

                if (cchDest > 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                    cchRemaining = cchDest;

                    // null terminate the beginning of the string
                    *pszDestEnd = '\0';

        if (ppszDestEnd)
            *ppszDestEnd = pszDestEnd;

        if (pcchRemaining)
            *pcchRemaining = cchRemaining;

    return hr;

STRSAFEAPI StringLengthWorkerA(const char* psz, size_t cchMax, size_t* pcch)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    size_t cchMaxPrev = cchMax;

    while (cchMax && (*psz != '\0'))

    if (cchMax == 0)
        // the string is longer than cchMax

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pcch)
        *pcch = cchMaxPrev - cchMax;

    return hr;


STRSAFE_INLINE_API StringGetsExWorkerA(char* pszDest, size_t cchDest, size_t cbDest, char** ppszDestEnd, size_t* pcchRemaining, unsigned long dwFlags)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    char* pszDestEnd = pszDest;
    size_t cchRemaining = 0;

    // ASSERT(cbDest == (cchDest * sizeof(char))    ||
    //        cbDest == (cchDest * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char)));

    // only accept valid flags
    if (dwFlags & (~STRSAFE_VALID_FLAGS))
        if (dwFlags & STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS)
            if (pszDest == NULL)
                if ((cchDest != 0) || (cbDest != 0))
                    // NULL pszDest and non-zero cchDest/cbDest is invalid
                    hr = STRSAFE_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            if (cchDest <= 1)
                pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                cchRemaining = cchDest;

                if (cchDest == 1)
                    *pszDestEnd = '\0';

                char ch;

                pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                cchRemaining = cchDest;

                while ((cchRemaining > 1) && (ch = (char)getc(stdin)) != '\n')
                    if (ch == EOF)
                        if (pszDestEnd == pszDest)
                            // we failed to read anything from stdin
                            hr = STRSAFE_E_END_OF_FILE;

                    *pszDestEnd = ch;


                if (cchRemaining > 0)
                    // there is extra room
                    if (dwFlags & STRSAFE_FILL_BEHIND_NULL)
                        memset(pszDestEnd + 1, STRSAFE_GET_FILL_PATTERN(dwFlags), ((cchRemaining - 1) * sizeof(char)) + (cbDest % sizeof(char)));

                *pszDestEnd = '\0';

    if (FAILED(hr))
        if (pszDest)
            if (dwFlags & STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE)
                memset(pszDest, STRSAFE_GET_FILL_PATTERN(dwFlags), cbDest);

                if (STRSAFE_GET_FILL_PATTERN(dwFlags) == 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                    cchRemaining = cchDest;
                else if (cchDest > 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest + cchDest - 1;
                    cchRemaining = 1;

                    // null terminate the end of the string
                    *pszDestEnd = '\0';

                if (cchDest > 0)
                    pszDestEnd = pszDest;
                    cchRemaining = cchDest;

                    // null terminate the beginning of the string
                    *pszDestEnd = '\0';

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr) ||
        (hr == STRSAFE_E_END_OF_FILE))
        if (ppszDestEnd)
            *ppszDestEnd = pszDestEnd;

        if (pcchRemaining)
            *pcchRemaining = cchRemaining;

    return hr;

#endif  // !STRSAFE_LIB_IMPL

// Do not call these functions, they are worker functions for internal use within this file
#pragma deprecated(StringCopyWorkerA)
#pragma deprecated(StringCopyWorkerW)
#pragma deprecated(StringCopyExWorkerA)
#pragma deprecated(StringCopyExWorkerW)
#pragma deprecated(StringCatWorkerA)
#pragma deprecated(StringCatWorkerW)
#pragma deprecated(StringCatExWorkerA)
#pragma deprecated(StringCatExWorkerW)
#pragma deprecated(StringCatNWorkerA)
#pragma deprecated(StringCatNWorkerW)
#pragma deprecated(StringCatNExWorkerA)
#pragma deprecated(StringCatNExWorkerW)
#pragma deprecated(StringVPrintfWorkerA)
#pragma deprecated(StringVPrintfWorkerW)
#pragma deprecated(StringVPrintfExWorkerA)
#pragma deprecated(StringVPrintfExWorkerW)
#pragma deprecated(StringLengthWorkerA)
#pragma deprecated(StringLengthWorkerW)
#define StringCopyWorkerA        StringCopyWorkerA_instead_use_StringCchCopyA_or_StringCchCopyExA;
#define StringCopyWorkerW        StringCopyWorkerW_instead_use_StringCchCopyW_or_StringCchCopyExW;
#define StringCopyExWorkerA      StringCopyExWorkerA_instead_use_StringCchCopyA_or_StringCchCopyExA;
#define StringCopyExWorkerW      StringCopyExWorkerW_instead_use_StringCchCopyW_or_StringCchCopyExW;
#define StringCatWorkerA         StringCatWorkerA_instead_use_StringCchCatA_or_StringCchCatExA;
#define StringCatWorkerW         StringCatWorkerW_instead_use_StringCchCatW_or_StringCchCatExW;
#define StringCatExWorkerA       StringCatExWorkerA_instead_use_StringCchCatA_or_StringCchCatExA;
#define StringCatExWorkerW       StringCatExWorkerW_instead_use_StringCchCatW_or_StringCchCatExW;
#define StringCatNWorkerA        StringCatNWorkerA_instead_use_StringCchCatNA_or_StrincCbCatNA;
#define StringCatNWorkerW        StringCatNWorkerW_instead_use_StringCchCatNW_or_StringCbCatNW;
#define StringCatNExWorkerA      StringCatNExWorkerA_instead_use_StringCchCatNExA_or_StringCbCatNExA;
#define StringCatNExWorkerW      StringCatNExWorkerW_instead_use_StringCchCatNExW_or_StringCbCatNExW;
#define StringVPrintfWorkerA     StringVPrintfWorkerA_instead_use_StringCchVPrintfA_or_StringCchVPrintfExA;
#define StringVPrintfWorkerW     StringVPrintfWorkerW_instead_use_StringCchVPrintfW_or_StringCchVPrintfExW;
#define StringVPrintfExWorkerA   StringVPrintfExWorkerA_instead_use_StringCchVPrintfA_or_StringCchVPrintfExA;
#define StringVPrintfExWorkerW   StringVPrintfExWorkerW_instead_use_StringCchVPrintfW_or_StringCchVPrintfExW;
#define StringLengthWorkerA      StringLengthWorkerA_instead_use_StringCchLengthA_or_StringCbLengthA;
#define StringLengthWorkerW      StringLengthWorkerW_instead_use_StringCchLengthW_or_StringCbLengthW;

#pragma warning(pop)
