#include "DeviceView.h" #include <time.h> #include <shlwapi.h> #include "SkinnedListView.h" #include "metadata_utils.h" #include "IconStore.h" #include "api__ml_pmp.h" #include "resource1.h" #include "main.h" static void TransferCallback(void * callBackContext, wchar_t * status); extern void TransfersListUpdateItem(CopyInst * item); void TransfersListUpdateItem(CopyInst * item, DeviceView *view); extern void TransfersListPushPopItem(CopyInst * item); void TransfersListPushPopItem(CopyInst * item, DeviceView *view); extern HWND mainMessageWindow; extern HANDLE hMainThread; /* How to add new ways of copying files. Subclass CopyInst, over-ride CopyAction and Equals Optionally over-ride PreCopyAction, PostCopyAction and Cancelled Add to transfer queue as normal. */ SongCopyInst::SongCopyInst(DeviceView * dev, itemRecordW * song0) { usesPreCopy = false; usesPostCopy = true; this->dev = dev; equalsType = 0; res = 0; copyRecord(&song, song0); songid = NULL; status = STATUS_WAITING; // status caption WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_WAITING, statusCaption, sizeof(statusCaption)/sizeof(wchar_t)); SYSTEMTIME system_time; GetLocalTime(&system_time); GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_INVARIANT, NULL, &system_time, NULL, lastChanged, sizeof(lastChanged)/sizeof(wchar_t)); // make the itemRecord a little safer if(!song.album) song.album = _wcsdup(L""); if(!song.artist) song.artist = _wcsdup(L""); if(!song.title) song.title = _wcsdup(L""); if(!song.genre) song.genre = _wcsdup(L""); if(!song.filename) song.filename = _wcsdup(L""); if(!song.comment) song.comment = _wcsdup(L""); if(!song.albumartist) song.albumartist = _wcsdup(L""); if(!song.publisher) song.publisher = _wcsdup(L""); if(!song.composer) song.composer = _wcsdup(L""); // track caption lstrcpyn(trackCaption, song.artist, 128); int l = lstrlen(trackCaption); if(128 - l > 1) lstrcpyn(trackCaption + l, L" - ", 128-l); l = lstrlen(trackCaption); if(128 - l > 1) lstrcpyn(trackCaption + l, song.title, 128 - l); // type caption WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_TRANSFER, typeCaption, sizeof(typeCaption)/sizeof(wchar_t)); // TODO fill out when other actions become done // source and destination details //this->dev->GetDisplayName(sourceDevice, sizeof(sourceDevice)/sizeof(wchar_t)); WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_LOCAL_MACHINE, sourceDevice, ARRAYSIZE(sourceDevice)); this->dev->GetDisplayName(destDevice, ARRAYSIZE(destDevice)); lstrcpynW(sourceFile, song.filename, sizeof(sourceFile)/sizeof(wchar_t)); } SongCopyInst::~SongCopyInst() { freeRecord(&song); } void SongCopyInst::Cancelled() { // helps us to do appropriate handling if (status == STATUS_TRANSFERRING) { dev->threadKillswitch = -2; } status = STATUS_CANCELLED; WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_UPLOAD_CANCELLED, statusCaption, ARRAYSIZE(statusCaption)); SYSTEMTIME system_time = {0}; GetLocalTime(&system_time); GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_INVARIANT, NULL, &system_time, NULL, lastChanged, ARRAYSIZE(lastChanged)); dev->dev->trackRemovedFromTransferQueue(&song); } static void TransferCallback(void * callBackContext, wchar_t * status) { CopyInst * c = (CopyInst *)callBackContext; if(!wcscmp(status, c->statusCaption)) return; if (status && *status) lstrcpyn(c->statusCaption, status, sizeof(c->statusCaption)/sizeof(wchar_t)); TransfersListUpdateItem(c); TransfersListUpdateItem(c, c->dev); int pc=0; // copes with 'transferring %' if(swscanf(status,L"%*s %d%%",&pc)) { if (c->dev->isCloudDevice) cloudTransferProgress = pc; else c->dev->currentTransferProgress = pc; } // copes with 'transferring (%)' else if(swscanf(status,L"%*s %*1c %d%%",&pc)) { if (c->dev->isCloudDevice) cloudTransferProgress = pc; else c->dev->currentTransferProgress = pc; } c->dev->UpdateSpaceInfo(TRUE, TRUE); } bool SongCopyInst::CopyAction() { int r = dev->dev->transferTrackToDevice(&song,this,TransferCallback,&songid,&dev->threadKillswitch); if (r==0 && AGAVE_API_STATS) AGAVE_API_STATS->IncrementStat(api_stats::PMP_TRANSFER_COUNT); dev->dev->trackRemovedFromTransferQueue(&song); return r!=0; } void SongCopyInst::PostCopyAction() { if(status == STATUS_DONE && songid) { dev->dev->addTrackToPlaylist(0, songid); if (dev->metadata_fields & SUPPORTS_ALBUMART) { int w,h; ARGB32 *bits; if (AGAVE_API_ALBUMART->GetAlbumArt_NoAMG(song.filename, L"cover", &w, &h, &bits) == ALBUMART_SUCCESS) { dev->dev->setArt(songid,bits,w,h); WASABI_API_MEMMGR->sysFree(bits); } } } } bool SongCopyInst::Equals(CopyInst * b) { if(this->equalsType == b->equalsType) { SongCopyInst * c = (SongCopyInst*)b; bool ret = (compareItemRecords(&this->song,&c->song) == 0); // for cloud then we do some extra checks to allow different formats // and also for sending the same file to a different cloud device... if (c->dev->isCloudDevice) { const wchar_t * mime_1 = getRecordExtendedItem(&c->song, L"mime"); const wchar_t * mime_2 = getRecordExtendedItem(&this->song, L"mime"); int mime_match = lstrcmpiW(mime_1 ? mime_1 : L"", mime_2 ? mime_2 : L""); int device_match = lstrcmpiW(c->destDevice ? c->destDevice : L"", this->destDevice ? this->destDevice : L""); if (!device_match) { if (!mime_match) { return ret; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } return ret; } return false; } PlaylistCopyInst::PlaylistCopyInst(DeviceView * dev, itemRecordW * song, wchar_t * plName0, int plid0) : SongCopyInst(dev,song) { lstrcpyn(plName,plName0,255); plid=plid0; plAddSongs = NULL; usesPreCopy = false; usesPostCopy = true; } PlaylistCopyInst::~PlaylistCopyInst() { SongCopyInst::~SongCopyInst(); if(plAddSongs) delete plAddSongs; } bool PlaylistCopyInst::PreCopyAction() {return false;} void PlaylistCopyInst::PostCopyAction() { SongCopyInst::PostCopyAction(); if(!plAddSongs || plid == -1) return; if(plid >= dev->dev->getPlaylistCount()) return; int l = plAddSongs->GetSize(); wchar_t pln[256] = {0}; dev->dev->getPlaylistName(plid,pln,255); if(wcscmp(pln,plName) == 0) { if(status == STATUS_DONE && songid) dev->dev->addTrackToPlaylist(plid,songid); for(int i=0; i < l; i++) { songid_t s = (songid_t)plAddSongs->Get(i); if(s) dev->dev->addTrackToPlaylist(plid,s); } } } ReverseCopyInst::ReverseCopyInst(DeviceView * dev, const wchar_t * filepath, const wchar_t * format, songid_t song, bool addToLibrary, bool uppercaseext) : uppercaseext(uppercaseext) { usesPreCopy = false; usesPostCopy = addToLibrary; this->dev = dev; equalsType = 1; this->songid = song; status = STATUS_WAITING; WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_WAITING, statusCaption, sizeof(statusCaption)/sizeof(wchar_t)); WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_COPY_TO_LIBRARY, typeCaption, sizeof(typeCaption)/sizeof(wchar_t)); dev->dev->getTrackArtist(song,trackCaption,128); int l = lstrlen(trackCaption); if(128 - l > 1) lstrcpyn(trackCaption + l,L" - ",128-l); l = lstrlen(trackCaption); if(128 - l > 1) dev->dev->getTrackTitle(song,trackCaption + l,128 - l); // find path for song lstrcpyn(path,format,2036); FixReplacementVars(path,2036,dev->dev,song); PathCombine(path,filepath,path); } bool ReverseCopyInst::Equals(CopyInst *b) { if(this->equalsType == b->equalsType) { ReverseCopyInst* c = (ReverseCopyInst*)b; return (c->dev == this->dev) && (c->songid == this->songid); } return false; } bool ReverseCopyInst::CopyAction() { //Return true if failed. wchar_t * lastslash = wcsrchr(path,L'\\'); if(!lastslash) { WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_INVALID_PATH, statusCaption, sizeof(statusCaption)/sizeof(wchar_t)); return true; } *lastslash=0; if(RecursiveCreateDirectory(path)) { WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_INVALID_PATH, statusCaption, sizeof(statusCaption)/sizeof(wchar_t)); return true; } *lastslash=L'\\'; // path created, copy file over. int r = dev->dev->copyToHardDrive(songid, path, this, TransferCallback, &dev->threadKillswitch); return r!=0; } void ReverseCopyInst::PostCopyAction() { itemRecordW ice={0}; filenameToItemRecord(path,&ice); ice.rating = dev->dev->getTrackRating(songid); ice.playcount = dev->dev->getTrackPlayCount(songid); ice.lastplay = dev->dev->getTrackLastPlayed(songid); ice.lastupd = dev->dev->getTrackLastUpdated(songid); ice.type = dev->dev->getTrackType(songid); SendMessage(plugin.hwndLibraryParent,WM_ML_IPC,(WPARAM)&ice,ML_IPC_DB_ADDORUPDATEITEMW); freeRecord(&ice); } ReversePlaylistCopyInst::ReversePlaylistCopyInst(DeviceView * dev, const wchar_t * filepath, const wchar_t * format, songid_t song, wchar_t * playlistFile0, wchar_t * playlistName0, bool last,bool addToLibrary) : ReverseCopyInst(dev,filepath,format,song,addToLibrary,false), last(last) { lstrcpyn(playlistFile,playlistFile0,MAX_PATH); lstrcpyn(playlistName,playlistName0,128); } bool ReversePlaylistCopyInst::CopyAction() { bool r = ReverseCopyInst::CopyAction(); return r; } void ReversePlaylistCopyInst::PostCopyAction() { ReverseCopyInst::PostCopyAction(); FILE * f = _wfopen(playlistFile,L"at"); if(f) { fputws(L"#EXTINF:",f); wchar_t buf[100] = {0}; wsprintf(buf,L"%d",dev->dev->getTrackLength(songid)/1000); fputws(buf,f); fputws(L",",f); wchar_t title[2048] = {0}; getTitle(dev->dev,songid,path,title,2048); fputws(title,f); fputws(L"\n",f); fputws(path,f); fputws(L"\n",f); fclose(f); } if(last) { mlAddPlaylist a = {sizeof(mlAddPlaylist),playlistName,playlistFile,PL_FLAG_SHOW | PL_FLAGS_IMPORT,-1,-1}; SendMessage(plugin.hwndLibraryParent,WM_ML_IPC,(WPARAM)&a,ML_IPC_PLAYLIST_ADD); _wunlink(playlistFile); } } // HERE BE DRAGONS static VOID CALLBACK APC_PreCopy(ULONG_PTR dwParam) { CopyInst * a = (CopyInst *)dwParam; a->res = a->PreCopyAction()?2:1; } static VOID CALLBACK APC_PostCopy(ULONG_PTR dwParam) { CopyInst * a = (CopyInst *)dwParam; a->PostCopyAction(); a->res = 1; } void CALLBACK TransferNavTimer(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR eventId, ULONG elapsed) { TransferContext *context = (TransferContext *)eventId; if (context && context->dev->queueTreeItem) { NAVITEM item; item.cbSize = sizeof(NAVITEM); item.hItem = context->dev->queueTreeItem; item.iSelectedImage = item.iImage = icon_store.GetQueueIcon(context->dev->queueActiveIcon); context->dev->queueActiveIcon = (context->dev->queueActiveIcon + 1) % 4; item.mask = NIMF_IMAGE | NIMF_IMAGESEL; MLNavItem_SetInfo(plugin.hwndLibraryParent, &item); } } void TransferContext::DoOneTransfer(HANDLE handle) { if (TryEnterCriticalSection(&transfer_lock)) { if(dev->threadKillswitch == 1) { WASABI_API_THREADPOOL->RemoveHandle(transfer_thread, handle); dev->threadKillswitch = 100; SetEvent(killer); LeaveCriticalSection(&transfer_lock); return; } if (IsPaused()) { LeaveCriticalSection(&transfer_lock); return; } LinkedQueue * txQueue = getTransferQueue(this->dev); CopyInst * c = (txQueue ? (CopyInst *)txQueue->Peek() : NULL); if (c) { if (c->res != 2 && c->status != STATUS_CANCELLED) { c->status = STATUS_TRANSFERRING; start = time(NULL); TransferCallback(c, WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_STARTING_TRANSFER, c->statusCaption, sizeof(c->statusCaption)/sizeof(wchar_t))); c->res = 0; if(c->usesPreCopy) SynchronousProcedureCall(APC_PreCopy,(ULONG_PTR)c); } if(dev->threadKillswitch) { WASABI_API_THREADPOOL->RemoveHandle(transfer_thread, handle); dev->threadKillswitch = 100; SetEvent(killer); LeaveCriticalSection(&transfer_lock); return; } if(c->res == 2) { // dupe WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF((dev->isCloudDevice ? IDS_ALREADY_UPLOADED : IDS_DUPLICATE), c->statusCaption, sizeof(c->statusCaption)/sizeof(wchar_t)); c->status = STATUS_DONE; } else if (c->status != STATUS_CANCELLED) { // do the transfer int r = c->CopyAction(); c->status = (r == -1 ? STATUS_ERROR : STATUS_DONE); SYSTEMTIME system_time = {0}; GetLocalTime(&system_time); GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_INVARIANT, NULL, &system_time, NULL, c->lastChanged, sizeof(c->lastChanged)/sizeof(wchar_t)); // Now do whatever needs to be done post-copy (add to playlist or whatever) c->res = 0; if(c->usesPostCopy && c->status == STATUS_DONE) SynchronousProcedureCall(APC_PostCopy,(ULONG_PTR)c); // now work out the moving average time per transfer end = time(NULL); if(c->status == STATUS_DONE) { times[numTransfers % AVERAGEBASIS] = (int)((long)end - (long)start); numTransfers++; } int n = min(AVERAGEBASIS,numTransfers); if(n > 0) { int t = 0; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) t += times[i]; dev->transferRate = ((double)t) / ((double)n); } } if(dev->threadKillswitch == 2) { // a transfer has been cancelled part way through dev->threadKillswitch = 0; delete txQueue->Poll(); } else { LinkedQueue * finishedTX = getFinishedTransferQueue(this->dev); if (finishedTX) { txQueue->lock(); finishedTX->lock(); finishedTX->Offer(txQueue->Poll()); finishedTX->unlock(); txQueue->unlock(); TransfersListPushPopItem(c); TransfersListPushPopItem(c, dev); } } dev->commitNeeded = true; if (dev->isCloudDevice) cloudTransferProgress = 0; else dev->currentTransferProgress = 0; LeaveCriticalSection(&transfer_lock); SetEvent(handle); } else { if(dev->commitNeeded) PostMessage(mainMessageWindow,WM_TIMER,COMMITTIMERID,0); if (dev->isCloudDevice) cloudTransferProgress = 0; else dev->currentTransferProgress = 0; dev->UpdateActivityState(); LeaveCriticalSection(&transfer_lock); } } } int TransferThreadPoolFunc(HANDLE handle, void *user_data, intptr_t id) { TransferContext *context = (TransferContext *)user_data; SetTimer(plugin.hwndLibraryParent, (UINT_PTR)user_data, 1000, TransferNavTimer); // allows cancels to continue even if a cloud device upload had been cancelled if (context->dev->threadKillswitch == -2) context->dev->threadKillswitch = 0; context->DoOneTransfer(handle); KillTimer(plugin.hwndLibraryParent, (UINT_PTR)user_data); return 0; } bool TransferContext::IsPaused() { return (paused_all || paused); } void TransferContext::Pause() { if (1 == InterlockedIncrement(&paused)) { if(dev->commitNeeded) PostMessage(mainMessageWindow,WM_TIMER,COMMITTIMERID,0); SetEvent(notifier); } } void TransferContext::Resume() { if (0 == InterlockedDecrement(&paused)) { SetEvent(notifier); } } bool TransferContext::IsAllPaused() { return paused_all?true:false; } void TransferContext::PauseAll() { InterlockedIncrement(&paused_all); } void TransferContext::ResumeAll() { InterlockedDecrement(&paused_all); }