#include "precomp.h" //PORTABLE #include <bfc/wasabi_std.h> #include <api/wnd/wndclass/buttbar.h> #include <api/wnd/notifmsg.h> #include <api/wnd/wndclass/buttwnd.h> #include <api/wnd/popup.h> #include <api/script/objects/c_script/c_text.h> #include <api/script/objects/c_script/h_button.h> class ButtHooker : public H_Button { public: ButtHooker(ButtBar *hangout, ScriptObject *butt) : bb(hangout), H_Button(butt) { } void hook_onLeftClick() { bb->onLeftPush(0, 0); } private: ButtBar *bb; }; ButtBar::ButtBar(int resizemode) { spacer = 0; resize_mode = resizemode; hooker = NULL; if (resize_mode == STACK) { setContent(L"wasabi.buttonbar.stack"); } } ButtBar::~ButtBar() { buttons.deleteAll(); delete hooker; } void ButtBar::setResizeMode(int resizemode) { if (resize_mode == resizemode) return; resize_mode = resizemode; if (isPostOnInit()) onResize(); } int ButtBar::onInit() { int i; BUTTBAR_PARENT::onInit(); // create the buttons for (i = 0; i < buttons.getNumItems(); i++) { buttons[i]->init(this); if (resize_mode == STACK) { if (i != 0) buttons[i]->setVisible(FALSE); if (i == 0) setGroupLabel(buttons[i]->getButtonText()); } } return 1; } int ButtBar::addChild(ButtonWnd *child) { buttons.addItem(child); if (isInited()) { child->init(this); child->setParent(this); onResize(); if (buttons.getNumItems() == 1) setGroupLabel(child->getButtonText()); } return 1; } int ButtBar::removeChild(ButtonWnd *child) { if (!buttons.haveItem(child)) return 0; if (isInited()) onResize(); return 1; } int ButtBar::getNumChildren() { return buttons.getNumItems(); } ButtonWnd *ButtBar::enumChild(int n) { return buttons[n]; } int ButtBar::getWidth() { int w = 0; for (int i = 0; i < buttons.getNumItems(); i++) { w += buttons[i]->getWidth()+spacer; } return w; } int ButtBar::getHeight() { if (resize_mode == STACK) { ifc_window *rw = getContentRootWnd(); return rw->getPreferences(SUGGESTED_H); } else { int h = 0; for (int i = 0; i < buttons.getNumItems(); i++) { h = MAX(h, buttons[i]->getHeight()+1); } return h; } } void ButtBar::onLeftPush(int x, int y) { if (resize_mode == STACK) { PopupMenu pop(this); foreach(buttons) pop.addCommand(buttons.getfor()->getButtonText(), foreach_index); endfor int r = pop.popAnchored(); if (r >= 0) { buttons[r]->onLeftPush(0, 0); setGroupLabel(buttons[r]->getButtonText()); } } } int ButtBar::childNotify(ifc_window *child, int msg, intptr_t p1, intptr_t p2) { switch (msg) { case ChildNotify::BUTTON_LEFTPUSH: { int ret; if (ret = onLeftPush(child->getNotifyId())) { return ret; } else { // This won't fit the current notification schema. // We _must_ change it -- too many interfaces assume that the // button notification is called back through the parent. // return notifyParent(msg, p1, p2); // So, I made a new basewnd method passNotifyUp() to defer a notification // to the current object's notification target. return passNotifyUp(child, msg, p1, p2); } } break; } return BUTTBAR_PARENT::childNotify(child, msg, p1, p2); } int ButtBar::onResize() { BUTTBAR_PARENT::onResize(); // calling your parent is good(tm) =) if (!isPostOnInit()) return 0; // that's just an optim, in case someone's dumb and calling us directly when it shouldnt switch (resize_mode) { case NORMAL: { RECT r = clientRect(); int height = r.bottom - r.top; int x = r.left; for (int i = 0; i < buttons.getNumItems(); i++) { int w = buttons[i]->getWidth()+spacer; buttons[i]->resize(x, r.top, w, height); x += w; if (x > r.right) break; } } break; case STRETCH: { if (buttons.getNumItems() > 0) { RECT r = clientRect(); int height = r.bottom - r.top; int w = (r.right - r.left) / buttons.getNumItems(); int x = r.left; for (int i = 0; i < buttons.getNumItems(); i++) { if (i == buttons.getNumItems()-1) w = (r.right - r.left) - x; buttons[i]->resize(x, r.top, w, height); x += w; } } } break; case STACK: // no point break; } return 1; } int ButtBar::onPaint(Canvas *canvas) { ASSERT(canvas != NULL); if (resize_mode != STACK) { BUTTBAR_PARENT::onPaint(canvas); renderBaseTexture(canvas, clientRect()); } return 1; } void ButtBar::setGroupLabel(const wchar_t *l) { setName(l); onNewContent(); } void ButtBar::onNewContent() { if (resize_mode != STACK) return; ScriptObject *text = findScriptObject(L"buttonbar.text"); if (text == NULL) return; C_Text(text).setText(getNameSafe(L"no tabs")); // hook the clicks delete hooker; ScriptObject *mousetrap = findScriptObject(L"mousetrap"); hooker = new ButtHooker(this, mousetrap); }