// verctrl.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "verctrl.h" static char *branding = 0; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { _tprintf(_T("Version Control Utility ver 1.0\n")); _tprintf(_T("Patching version information in the winamp project source files\n\n")); bool setted = false; if (argc > 1) { if (0 == _tcsicmp(argv[1], _T("QA"))) { type = Beta; setted = true; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(argv[1], _T("BETA"))) { type = Beta; setted = true; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(argv[1], _T("NIGHT"))) { type = Night; setted = true; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(argv[1], _T("FINAL"))) { type = Final; setted = true; } } if (argc > 2) { branding = strdup(argv[2]); } else branding=_T(""); if (!setted) { Help(); _tprintf(_T("\nError! Not enough arguments.\n")); return 1; } else { _tprintf(_T("Build Type: ")); switch(type) { case Final: _tprintf(_T("FINAL")); break; case Beta: _tprintf(_T("BETA")); break; case Night: _tprintf(_T("NIGHT")); break; } _tprintf(_T("\n")); _tprintf(_T("Branding: %s\n"), branding); _tprintf(_T("\n")); } InitData(); _tprintf(_T("Reading version info... ")); if (!LoadInfoFile()) { _tprintf(_T("Failed\n\nError! Unable to load version data from '%s'.\n\n"), verInfoFileName); return 1; } _tprintf(_T("Ok\n")); _tprintf(_T("Reading build info... ")); if (!LoadBuildNumber()) { _tprintf(_T("Failed\n\nError! Unable to load version data from '%s'.\n\n"), verBuildFileName); return 1; } _tprintf(_T("Ok\n")); if (argc > 3 && (0 == _tcsicmp(argv[3], _T("inc")))) ver_build++; // increment build number _tprintf(_T("Checking version info data... ")); if (!AllValuesSet()) { _tprintf(_T("Failed\n\nError! Not all version data is set. Check version information files syntax.\n\n")); return 1; } _tprintf(_T("Ok\n")); bool success[9]; for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(success)/sizeof(success[0]); i++) success[i] = true; _tprintf(_T("\nPatching '%s' "), fileConstantsH); if (!PatchConstantsH()) { _tprintf(_T("Failed\n")); success[0] = false;} else _tprintf(_T("Ok\n")); _tprintf(_T("Patching '%s' "), fileVerInfoNSH); if (!PatchVerInfoNSH()) { _tprintf(_T("Failed\n")); success[1] = false;} else _tprintf(_T("Ok\n")); _tprintf(_T("Patching '%s' "), fileMainH); if (!PatchMainH()) { _tprintf(_T("Failed\n")); success[2] = false;} else _tprintf("Ok\n"); _tprintf(_T("Patching '%s' "), fileBuildTypeH); if (!PatchBuildTypeH()) { _tprintf(_T("Failed\n")); success[3] = false;} else _tprintf("Ok\n"); _tprintf(_T("Patching '%s' "), fileWasabiCfgH); if (!PatchWasabiCfgH()) { _tprintf(_T("Failed\n")); success[4] = false;} else _tprintf("Ok\n"); _tprintf(_T("Patching '%s' "), fileManifest); if (!PatchManifest(fileManifest)) { _tprintf(_T("Failed\n")); success[5] = false;} else _tprintf("Ok\n"); _tprintf(_T("Patching '%s' "), fileManifest64); if (!PatchManifest(fileManifest64)) { _tprintf(_T("Failed\n")); success[6] = false;} else _tprintf("Ok\n"); _tprintf(_T("Patching '%s' "), fileFileNamesCmd); if (!PatchFileNamesCmd()) { _tprintf(_T("Failed\n")); success[7] = false;} else _tprintf("Ok\n"); _tprintf(_T("Patching '%s' "), fileMakeNsisCmd); if (!PatchMakeNsisCmd()) { _tprintf(_T("Failed\n")); success[8] = false;} else _tprintf("Ok\n"); _tprintf(_T("Patching '%s' "), fileTalkbackIni); if (!PatchTalkbackIni()) { _tprintf(_T("Failed\n")); success[9] = false;} else _tprintf("Ok\n"); _tprintf(_T("\n")); bool iserr = false; for (int i = 0 ; i <9 ; i++) { if (!success[i]) { iserr = true; TCHAR const *fn; switch(i) { case 0: fn = fileConstantsH; break; case 1: fn = fileVerInfoNSH; break; case 2: fn = fileMainH; break; case 3: fn = fileBuildTypeH; break; case 4: fn = fileWasabiCfgH; break; case 5: fn = fileManifest; break; case 6: fn = fileManifest64; break; case 7: fn = fileFileNamesCmd; break; case 8: fn = fileMakeNsisCmd; break; case 9: fn = fileTalkbackIni; break; } _tprintf(_T("Error! Unable to patch file - '%s'.\n"), fn); } } if (iserr) { _tprintf(_T("\nData patched with errors.\n\n")); } else { _tprintf(_T("Data patched successfully.\n\n")); } return 0; } void InitData(void) { ver_major = 5; ver_minor = 0; ver_minor2 = 0; ver_build = 0; ver_api[0] = 0; } bool LoadInfoFile(void) { FILE* pstream; if( (pstream = _tfsopen( verInfoFileName, "r", 0x20 )) == NULL ) return false; fseek( pstream, 0L, SEEK_SET ); TCHAR line[LINE_LENGTH]; while( !feof(pstream) ) { _fgetts(line,LINE_LENGTH,pstream); RemoveCrap(line, (int)_tcslen(line)); ParseLine(line); } fclose(pstream); return true; } bool LoadBuildNumber(void) { FILE* pstream; if( (pstream = _tfsopen( verBuildFileName, "r", 0x20 )) == NULL ) return false; fseek( pstream, 0L, SEEK_SET ); TCHAR line[LINE_LENGTH]; while( !feof(pstream) ) { _fgetts(line,LINE_LENGTH,pstream); if (_tcsstr(line, _T("DG_BUILD_NUMBER")) != NULL) { TCHAR *end; end = line + (int)_tcslen(line) -1; while (end[0] <= 32) {end[0] = 0; end--;} while ( end[0] >= _T('0') && end[0] <= _T('9') ) end--; if ((int)_tcslen(line) > 0) { _stscanf(end, "%d", &ver_build); } } } fclose(pstream); return true; } void ParseLine(TCHAR* line) { TCHAR *name, *value; int pos = 0; while (line[pos] != _T('=') && line[pos] != 0) pos++; if (pos == 0) return; // no name name = line; line[pos] = 0; value = line + pos +1; if (0 == _tcscmp(name, _T("VERSION_MAJOR"))) _stscanf(value, "%d", &ver_major); else if (0 == _tcscmp(name, _T("VERSION_MINOR"))) _stscanf(value, "%d", &ver_minor); // look if VERSION_MINOR_SECOND more than one char length only first one goes to the number else if (0 == _tcscmp(name, _T("VERSION_MINOR_SECOND"))) { _tcscpy(ver_minor2_full, value); if (_tcslen(value) > 1) value[1] = 0x00; if (!_tcscmp(ver_minor2_full, _T("0"))) _tcscpy(ver_minor2_full, _T("")); _stscanf(value, "%d", &ver_minor2); } else if (0 == _tcscmp(name, _T("VERSION_API"))) _tcscpy(ver_api, value); } TCHAR* RemoveCrap(TCHAR* str, int len) { int pos = 0; while (pos < len) { if (str[pos] < 33) { for (int i = pos + 1; i < len; i++) str[i -1] = str[i]; str[len-1] = 0; len --; } else pos++; } return str; } bool AllValuesSet(void) { return !((ver_major > -1) && (ver_minor > -1) && (ver_minor2 > -1) && (ver_build > -1) > (ver_api[0] > 0)); } bool PatchConstantsH(void) { FILE *streamIn, *streamOut; if( (streamIn = _tfsopen( fileConstantsH, "r", 0x20 )) == NULL ) return false; fseek( streamIn, 0L, SEEK_SET ); streamOut = tmpfile(); fseek( streamOut, 0L, SEEK_SET ); const TCHAR* lookFor = _T("#define DG_VERSION /*CFGMGMT_VERSION*/"); TCHAR line[LINE_LENGTH]; while( !feof(streamIn) ) { if (NULL == _fgetts(line,LINE_LENGTH, streamIn)) continue; if (NULL != _tcsstr(line, lookFor)) { TCHAR *data; data = line + (int)_tcslen(lookFor); const TCHAR ending[128] = _T("\"\n\0"); TCHAR newStr[256]; _stprintf(newStr, _T(" \"%d.%d.%d"), ver_major, ver_minor, ver_minor2); switch(type) { case Beta: _tcscat(newStr,_T(" Beta")); break; case Night: _tcscat(newStr,_T(" Nightly")); break; } _tcscat(newStr, ending); _tcscpy(data, newStr); } _fputts(line, streamOut); } _fputts( _T("\n\0"), streamOut); fflush(streamOut); if( _tfreopen(fileConstantsH, "w+", streamIn) == NULL ) return false; fcopy(streamIn, streamOut); fclose(streamOut); fclose(streamIn); return true; } bool PatchVerInfoNSH(void) { FILE *streamIn, *streamOut; if( (streamIn = _tfsopen( fileVerInfoNSH, "rb", 0x20 )) == NULL ) return false; fseek( streamIn, 0L, SEEK_SET ); streamOut = tmpfile(); fseek( streamOut, 0L, SEEK_SET ); wchar_t line[LINE_LENGTH]; wchar_t *data; const wchar_t ending[] = L"\"\n\0"; wchar_t newStr[256]; const wchar_t lookMajor[] = L"VERSION_MAJOR"; const wchar_t lookMin[] = L"VERSION_MINOR"; const wchar_t lookMin2[] = L"VERSION_MINOR_SECOND"; const wchar_t lookMin3[] = L"VERSION_MINOR_SECOND_SHORT"; const wchar_t lookBuild[] = L"BUILD_NUM"; wchar_t *start; wchar_t BOM = 0xFEFF; fwrite(&BOM, sizeof(BOM), 1, streamOut); switch(type) { case Beta: fputws(L"!define BETA\n\0", streamOut); break; case Night: fputws(L"!define NIGHT\n\0", streamOut); break; } fread(&BOM, 2, 1, streamIn); while( !feof(streamIn) ) { if (NULL == fgetws(line,LINE_LENGTH, streamIn)) continue; if (NULL != wcsstr(line, L"!define")) { if (NULL != (start = wcsstr(line, lookMajor))) { data = start + (int)wcslen(lookMajor); swprintf(newStr, L" \"%d%s", ver_major, ending); wcscpy(data, newStr); } else if (NULL != (start = wcsstr(line, lookMin3))) { data = start + (int)wcslen(lookMin3); swprintf(newStr, L" \"%d%s", ver_minor2, ending); wcscpy(data, newStr); } else if (NULL != (start = wcsstr(line, lookMin2))) { data = start + (int)wcslen(lookMin2); swprintf(newStr, L" \"%S%s", ver_minor2_full, ending); wcscpy(data, newStr); } else if (NULL != (start = wcsstr(line, lookMin))) { data = start + (int)wcslen(lookMin); if (L' ' == data[0]) { swprintf(newStr, L" \"%d%s", ver_minor, ending); wcscpy(data, newStr); } } else if (NULL != (start = wcsstr(line, lookBuild))) { data = start + (int)wcslen(lookBuild); swprintf(newStr, L" \"%d%s", ver_build, ending); wcscpy(data, newStr); } else if (NULL != wcsstr(line, L"BETA") || NULL != wcsstr(line, L"NIGHT")) continue; // ignore it - we will define it on our one :) } fputws(line, streamOut); } fputws( L"\n\0", streamOut); fflush(streamOut); if( _tfreopen(fileVerInfoNSH, "w+b", streamIn) == NULL ) return false; fwcopy(streamIn, streamOut); fclose(streamOut); fclose(streamIn); return true; } bool PatchMainH(void) { FILE *streamIn, *streamOut; if( (streamIn = _tfsopen( fileMainH, "r", 0x20 )) == NULL ) return false; fseek( streamIn, 0L, SEEK_SET ); streamOut = tmpfile(); fseek( streamOut, 0L, SEEK_SET ); TCHAR line[LINE_LENGTH]; TCHAR *data; const TCHAR ending[128] = _T("\"\n\0"); TCHAR version[128]; TCHAR versionStr[128]; TCHAR newStr[256]; const TCHAR lookBuildNumber[128] = _T("#define BUILD_NUMBER"); const TCHAR lookVer[128] = _T("#define APP_VERSION"); const TCHAR lookAPI[128] = _T("_NUM"); const TCHAR lookStr[128] = _T("_STRING"); TCHAR *start; _stprintf(version, _T("%d.%d%s"), ver_major, ver_minor, ver_minor2_full); /*if (Final == type) { _stprintf(versionStr, _T("%d.%d%s"), ver_major, ver_minor, ver_minor2_full); } else*/ { _stprintf(versionStr, _T("%d.%d%s Build %d"), ver_major, ver_minor, ver_minor2_full, ver_build); } switch(type) { case Beta: _tcscat(versionStr,_T(" Beta")); break; case Night: _tcscat(versionStr,_T(" Nightly")); break; } while( !feof(streamIn) ) { if (NULL == _fgetts(line,LINE_LENGTH, streamIn)) continue; if (NULL != _tcsstr(line, lookVer) ) { if (NULL != (start = _tcsstr(line, lookAPI))) { data = start + (int)_tcslen(lookAPI); _stprintf(newStr, _T(" %s\n\0"), ver_api); _tcscpy(data, newStr); } else if (NULL != (start = _tcsstr(line, lookStr))) { data = start + (int)_tcslen(lookStr); _stprintf(newStr, _T(" \"%s%s"), versionStr, ending); _tcscpy(data, newStr); } else { data = line + (int)_tcslen(lookVer); if (_T(' ') == data[0] ) // just a version { _stprintf(newStr, _T(" \"%s%s"), version, ending); _tcscpy(data, newStr); } } } else if (NULL != _tcsstr(line, lookBuildNumber)) { data = line + (int)_tcslen(lookBuildNumber); if (_T(' ') == data[0] ) // just a version { _stprintf(newStr, _T(" %d"), ver_build); _tcscpy(data, newStr); } } _fputts(line, streamOut); } _fputts( _T("\n\0"), streamOut); fflush(streamOut); if( _tfreopen(fileMainH, "w+", streamIn) == NULL ) return false; fcopy(streamIn, streamOut); fclose(streamOut); fclose(streamIn); return true; } bool PatchTalkbackIni(void) { FILE *streamIn, *streamOut; if( (streamIn = _tfsopen( fileTalkbackIni, "r", 0x20 )) == NULL ) return false; fseek( streamIn, 0L, SEEK_SET ); streamOut = tmpfile(); fseek( streamOut, 0L, SEEK_SET ); TCHAR line[LINE_LENGTH]; const TCHAR ending[128] = _T("\"\n\0"); while( !feof(streamIn) ) { if (NULL == _fgetts(line,LINE_LENGTH, streamIn)) continue; if (line == _tcsstr(line, _T("BuildID = \""))) { _stprintf(line, _T("BuildID = \"%d\"\n\0"), ver_build); } _fputts(line, streamOut); } _fputts( _T("\n\0"), streamOut); fflush(streamOut); if( _tfreopen(fileTalkbackIni, "w+", streamIn) == NULL ) return false; fcopy(streamIn, streamOut); fclose(streamOut); fclose(streamIn); return true; } bool PatchBuildTypeH(void) { FILE *streamIn, *streamOut; if( (streamIn = _tfsopen( fileBuildTypeH, "r", 0x20 )) == NULL ) return false; fseek( streamIn, 0L, SEEK_SET ); streamOut = tmpfile(); fseek( streamOut, 0L, SEEK_SET ); TCHAR line[LINE_LENGTH]; const TCHAR ending[128] = _T("\"\n\0"); const TCHAR lookBeta[128] = _T("#define BETA"); const TCHAR lookNight[128] = _T("#define NIGHT"); const TCHAR lookInternal[128] = _T("#define INTERNAL"); const TCHAR lookNokia[128] = _T("#define NOKIA"); while( !feof(streamIn) ) { if (NULL == _fgetts(line,LINE_LENGTH, streamIn)) continue; if (NULL != _tcsstr(line, lookBeta)) { if (Beta == type) _stprintf(line, _T("%s\n\0"), lookBeta); else _stprintf(line, _T("/*%s*/\n\0"), lookBeta); } else if (NULL != _tcsstr(line, lookNight)) { if (Night == type) _stprintf(line, _T("%s\n\0"), lookNight); else _stprintf(line, _T("/*%s*/\n\0"), lookNight); } else if (NULL != _tcsstr(line, lookInternal)) { if (Night == type) _stprintf(line, _T("%s\n\0"), lookInternal); else _stprintf(line, _T("/*%s*/\n\0"), lookInternal); } else if (NULL != _tcsstr(line, lookNokia)) { if (!stricmp(branding, "NOKIA")) _stprintf(line, _T("%s\n\0"), lookNokia); else _stprintf(line, _T("/*%s*/\n\0"), lookNokia); } _fputts(line, streamOut); } _fputts( _T("\n\0"), streamOut); fflush(streamOut); if( _tfreopen(fileBuildTypeH, "w+", streamIn) == NULL ) return false; fcopy(streamIn, streamOut); fclose(streamOut); fclose(streamIn); return true; } bool PatchWasabiCfgH(void) { FILE *streamIn, *streamOut; if( (streamIn = _tfsopen( fileWasabiCfgH, "r", 0x20 )) == NULL ) return false; fseek( streamIn, 0L, SEEK_SET ); streamOut = tmpfile(); fseek( streamOut, 0L, SEEK_SET ); TCHAR line[LINE_LENGTH]; const TCHAR ending[128] = _T("\"\n\0"); const TCHAR lookBeta[128] = _T("#define BETA"); const TCHAR lookNight[128] = _T("#define NIGHT"); const TCHAR lookNokia[128] = _T("#define NOKIA"); while( !feof(streamIn) ) { if (NULL == _fgetts(line,LINE_LENGTH, streamIn)) continue; if (NULL != _tcsstr(line, lookBeta)) { if (Beta == type) _stprintf(line, _T("%s\n\0"), lookBeta); else _stprintf(line, _T("/*%s*/\n\0"), lookBeta); } else if (NULL != _tcsstr(line, lookNight)) { if (Night == type) _stprintf(line, _T("%s\n\0"), lookNight); else _stprintf(line, _T("/*%s*/\n\0"), lookNight); } else if (NULL != _tcsstr(line, lookNokia)) { if (!stricmp(branding, "NOKIA")) _stprintf(line, _T("%s\n\0"), lookNokia); else _stprintf(line, _T("/*%s*/\n\0"), lookNokia); } _fputts(line, streamOut); } _fputts( _T("\n\0"), streamOut); fflush(streamOut); if( _tfreopen(fileWasabiCfgH, "w+", streamIn) == NULL ) return false; fcopy(streamIn, streamOut); fclose(streamOut); fclose(streamIn); return true; } bool PatchFileNamesCmd(void) { FILE *streamIn, *streamOut; if( (streamIn = _tfsopen( fileFileNamesCmd, "r", 0x20 )) == NULL ) return false; fseek( streamIn, 0L, SEEK_SET ); streamOut = tmpfile(); fseek( streamOut, 0L, SEEK_SET ); TCHAR *data; TCHAR newStr[LINE_LENGTH]; TCHAR line[LINE_LENGTH]; const TCHAR ending[] = _T("\n\0"); const TCHAR lookStr[] = _T("SET INSTALL_NAME"); while( !feof(streamIn) ) { if (NULL == _fgetts(line,LINE_LENGTH, streamIn)) continue; if (NULL != _tcsstr(line, lookStr)) { data = line + (int)_tcslen(lookStr); _stprintf(newStr, _T("=winamp%d%d%s"), ver_major, ver_minor, ver_minor2_full); TCHAR tmp[64]; switch(type) { case Beta: case Night: _stprintf(tmp, ((Beta == type) ? "_%04d_beta" : "_%04d_nightly"), ver_build); _tcscat(newStr,tmp); break; } _tcscat(newStr, ending); _tcscpy(data, newStr); } _fputts(line, streamOut); } _fputts( _T("\n\0"), streamOut); fflush(streamOut); if( _tfreopen(fileFileNamesCmd, "w+", streamIn) == NULL ) return false; fcopy(streamIn, streamOut); fclose(streamOut); fclose(streamIn); return true; } bool PatchMakeNsisCmd(void) { FILE *streamIn, *streamOut; if( (streamIn = _tfsopen( fileMakeNsisCmd, "r", 0x20 )) == NULL ) return false; fseek( streamIn, 0L, SEEK_SET ); streamOut = tmpfile(); fseek( streamOut, 0L, SEEK_SET ); TCHAR *data; TCHAR newStr[LINE_LENGTH]; TCHAR line[LINE_LENGTH]; const TCHAR ending[] = _T("\n\0"); const TCHAR *szLookTable[] = { _T("SET WINAMP_VERSION_MAJOR"), _T("SET WINAMP_VERSION_MINOR_SECOND"), _T("SET WINAMP_VERSION_MINOR"), }; while( !feof(streamIn) ) { if (NULL == _fgetts(line,LINE_LENGTH, streamIn)) continue; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(szLookTable)/sizeof(szLookTable[0]); i++) { TCHAR *p = _tcsstr(line, szLookTable[i]); if (NULL != p && *(p + _tcslen(szLookTable[i])) != _T('_')) { data = line + (int)_tcslen( szLookTable[i]); switch(i) { case 0: _stprintf(newStr, _T("=%d"), ver_major); break; case 1: _stprintf(newStr, _T("=%s"), ver_minor2_full); break; case 2: _stprintf(newStr, _T("=%d"), ver_minor); break; } _tcscat(newStr, ending); _tcscpy(data, newStr); } } _fputts(line, streamOut); } _fputts( _T("\n\0"), streamOut); fflush(streamOut); if( _tfreopen(fileMakeNsisCmd, "w+", streamIn) == NULL ) return false; fcopy(streamIn, streamOut); fclose(streamOut); fclose(streamIn); return true; } bool PatchManifest(const TCHAR *fn) { FILE *streamIn, *streamOut; if( (streamIn = _tfsopen( fn, "r", 0x20 )) == NULL ) return false; fseek( streamIn, 0L, SEEK_SET ); streamOut = tmpfile(); fseek( streamOut, 0L, SEEK_SET ); TCHAR line[LINE_LENGTH]; TCHAR *data; const TCHAR ending[128] = _T("\"\n\0"); TCHAR version[128]; TCHAR newStr[256]; const TCHAR lookSec[128] = _T("<assemblyIdentity"); const TCHAR lookSecEnd[4] = _T("/>"); const TCHAR lookVer[128] = _T("version"); _stprintf(version, _T("%d.%d.%d.%d"), ver_major, ver_minor, ver_minor2, ver_build); bool fixed = false; bool inSection = false; TCHAR *start; while( !feof(streamIn) ) { if (NULL == _fgetts(line,LINE_LENGTH, streamIn)) continue; if (!fixed) { if (NULL != _tcsstr(line, lookSec) ) { inSection = true; } else if(NULL != _tcsstr(line, lookSecEnd) ) { if (inSection) fixed = true; // protection allows only ones to came to the section inSection = false; } else if (inSection && (NULL != (start = _tcsstr(line, lookVer)))) { data = start + (int)_tcslen(lookVer); _stprintf(newStr, _T("=\"%s%s"), version, ending); _tcscpy(data, newStr); fixed = true; } } _fputts(line, streamOut); } _fputts( _T("\n\0"), streamOut); fflush(streamOut); if( _tfreopen(fn, "w+", streamIn) == NULL ) return false; fcopy(streamIn, streamOut); fclose(streamOut); fclose(streamIn); return true; } void fcopy (FILE *dest, FILE *source) { char line[LINE_LENGTH]; fseek(source, 0L, SEEK_SET ); fseek(dest, 0L, SEEK_SET ); _fgetts( line, LINE_LENGTH, source ); while(!feof(source)) { _fputts(line,dest); _fgetts( line, LINE_LENGTH, source ); } } void fwcopy (FILE *dest, FILE *source) { wchar_t line[LINE_LENGTH]; fseek(source, 0L, SEEK_SET ); fseek(dest, 0L, SEEK_SET ); fgetws( line, LINE_LENGTH, source ); while(!feof(source)) { fputws(line,dest); fgetws( line, LINE_LENGTH, source ); } } void Help(void) { _tprintf(_T("Usage: verctrl..exe NIGHT|BETA|FINAL [INC]\n")); _tprintf(_T(" NIGHT - night build\n")); _tprintf(_T(" BETA - beta build\n")); _tprintf(_T(" FINAL - final build\n\n")); _tprintf(_T(" INC - increment build number\n")); }