#include "main.h" #include "CDPlay.h" #include "DAEPlay.h" #include "MCIPlay.h" #include "WindacPlay.h" #include "api__in_cdda.h" #include "workorder.h" #include "CDDB.h" //returns handle!=0 if successful, 0 if error //size will return the final nb of bytes written to the output, -1 if unknown //TODO> add output format stuff (srate, nch, bps) extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) intptr_t winampGetExtendedRead_openW(const wchar_t *fn, int *size, int *bps, int *nch, int *srate) { s_last_error = NULL; C_CDPlay *wp = NULL; int ret = 1; wchar_t device = 0; int track = -1; if (!ParseName(fn, device, track)) return 0; if (playStatus[device].IsRipping() || (g_cdplay && g_cdplay->IsPlaying(device))) { wchar_t title[32] = {0}; MessageBoxW(NULL, WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_CD_CURRENTLY_IN_USE), WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_DRIVE_IN_USE,title,32), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OK); return -1; } // Get a ICddbDisc object for MusicID #ifndef IGNORE_API_GRACENOTE ICddbDiscPtr pDisc = NULL; OpenMusicIDWorkOrder(); if (workorder) { MCIDEVICEID submitDev = 0; if (!CDOpen(&submitDev, device, L"MusicID")) submitDev = 0; if (submitDev) { DINFO info; ret = GetDiscID(submitDev, &info); CDClose(&submitDev); if (ret == 0) { wchar_t szTOC[2048] = {0}; if (Cddb_CalculateTOC(&info, szTOC, sizeof(szTOC)/sizeof(wchar_t))) Cddb_GetDiscFromCache(szTOC, &pDisc); } } } if (config_rip_veritas) { VeritasPlay *vp = new VeritasPlay(true); wp = vp; ret = wp->open(device, track); if (ret) { delete(wp); wp = NULL; } else if (workorder && pDisc != 0) // see if MusicID is interested { void *handle = 0; workorder->GetSigHandle(&handle, pDisc, track); vp->submitHandle = handle; } } #endif if (ret) { DAEPlay *dae = new DAEPlay; if (dae) { wp = dae; ret = wp->open(device, track); if (ret) { delete(wp); wp = NULL; } } else { wp = NULL; } } if (ret) { wp = new WindacPlay; if (wp->open(device, track)) { delete(wp); return 0; } } if (size && wp) { double s = (double)wp->getlength() / 1000; s *= (44100 * 4); *size = (int)s; } if (srate) *srate = 44100; if (nch) *nch = 2; if (bps) *bps = 16; playStatus[device].RippingStarted(); return (intptr_t)wp; } //returns nb of bytes read. -1 if read error (like CD ejected). if (ret<len), EOF is assumed extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int winampGetExtendedRead_getData(intptr_t handle, char *dest, int len, int *killswitch) { s_last_error = NULL; C_CDPlay *wp = (C_CDPlay*)handle; return (wp ? wp->read(dest, len, killswitch) : -1); } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void winampGetExtendedRead_close(intptr_t handle) { s_last_error = NULL; C_CDPlay *wp = (C_CDPlay*)handle; if (wp) { playStatus[wp->g_drive].RippingStopped(); delete wp; wp = 0; } } // extended info writing (used by gen_ml to update the local CDDB database after a burn) extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) char * winampGetExtendedRead_lasterror() { char * retval = s_last_error; s_last_error = NULL; return retval; }