/* * Mainfrm.h * --------- * Purpose: Implementation of OpenMPT's main window code. * Notes : (currently none) * Authors: OpenMPT Devs * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details. */ #pragma once #include "openmpt/all/BuildSettings.hpp" #include <Msctf.h> #include "Mptrack.h" #include "AutoSaver.h" #include "UpdateHints.h" #include "../soundlib/AudioCriticalSection.h" #include "mpt/mutex/mutex.hpp" #include "../soundlib/Sndfile.h" #include "openmpt/soundbase/Dither.hpp" #include "../common/Dither.h" #include "mpt/audio/span.hpp" #include "openmpt/sounddevice/SoundDeviceBuffer.hpp" OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class CDLSBank; class CInputHandler; class CModDoc; class CAutoSaver; struct UpdateCheckResult; namespace SoundDevice { class Base; class ICallback; } // namerspace SoundDevice #define MAINFRAME_TITLE _T("Open ModPlug Tracker") // Custom window messages enum { WM_MOD_UPDATEPOSITION = (WM_USER+1973), WM_MOD_INVALIDATEPATTERNS, WM_MOD_ACTIVATEVIEW, WM_MOD_CHANGEVIEWCLASS, WM_MOD_UNLOCKCONTROLS, WM_MOD_CTRLMSG, WM_MOD_VIEWMSG, WM_MOD_MIDIMSG, WM_MOD_GETTOOLTIPTEXT, WM_MOD_DRAGONDROPPING, WM_MOD_KBDNOTIFY, WM_MOD_INSTRSELECTED, WM_MOD_KEYCOMMAND, WM_MOD_RECORDPARAM, WM_MOD_PLUGPARAMAUTOMATE, WM_MOD_MIDIMAPPING, WM_MOD_UPDATEVIEWS, WM_MOD_SETMODIFIED, WM_MOD_MDIACTIVATE, WM_MOD_MDIDEACTIVATE, WM_MOD_UPDATENOTIFY, WM_MOD_PLUGINDRYWETRATIOCHANGED, }; enum { MPT_WM_APP_UPDATECHECK_START = WM_APP + 1, MPT_WM_APP_UPDATECHECK_PROGRESS = WM_APP + 2, MPT_WM_APP_UPDATECHECK_CANCELED = WM_APP + 3, MPT_WM_APP_UPDATECHECK_FAILURE = WM_APP + 4, MPT_WM_APP_UPDATECHECK_SUCCESS = WM_APP + 5, }; enum { CTRLMSG_BASE = 0, CTRLMSG_SETVIEWWND, CTRLMSG_ACTIVATEPAGE, CTRLMSG_DEACTIVATEPAGE, CTRLMSG_SETFOCUS, // Pattern-Specific CTRLMSG_GETCURRENTPATTERN, CTRLMSG_NOTIFYCURRENTORDER, CTRLMSG_SETCURRENTORDER, CTRLMSG_GETCURRENTORDER, CTRLMSG_FORCEREFRESH, CTRLMSG_PAT_PREVINSTRUMENT, CTRLMSG_PAT_NEXTINSTRUMENT, CTRLMSG_PAT_SETINSTRUMENT, CTRLMSG_PAT_FOLLOWSONG, CTRLMSG_PAT_LOOP, CTRLMSG_PAT_NEWPATTERN, CTRLMSG_PAT_SETSEQUENCE, CTRLMSG_GETCURRENTINSTRUMENT, CTRLMSG_SETCURRENTINSTRUMENT, CTRLMSG_SETSPACING, CTRLMSG_PATTERNCHANGED, CTRLMSG_PREVORDER, CTRLMSG_NEXTORDER, CTRLMSG_SETRECORD, CTRLMSG_PAT_DUPPATTERN, // Sample-Specific CTRLMSG_SMP_PREVINSTRUMENT, CTRLMSG_SMP_NEXTINSTRUMENT, CTRLMSG_SMP_OPENFILE, CTRLMSG_SMP_SETZOOM, CTRLMSG_SMP_GETZOOM, CTRLMSG_SMP_SONGDROP, CTRLMSG_SMP_INITOPL, CTRLMSG_SMP_NEWSAMPLE, // Instrument-Specific CTRLMSG_INS_PREVINSTRUMENT, CTRLMSG_INS_NEXTINSTRUMENT, CTRLMSG_INS_OPENFILE, CTRLMSG_INS_NEWINSTRUMENT, CTRLMSG_INS_SONGDROP, CTRLMSG_INS_SAMPLEMAP, }; enum { VIEWMSG_BASE=0, VIEWMSG_SETCTRLWND, VIEWMSG_SETACTIVE, VIEWMSG_SETFOCUS, VIEWMSG_SAVESTATE, VIEWMSG_LOADSTATE, // Pattern-Specific VIEWMSG_SETCURRENTPATTERN, VIEWMSG_GETCURRENTPATTERN, VIEWMSG_FOLLOWSONG, VIEWMSG_PATTERNLOOP, VIEWMSG_GETCURRENTPOS, VIEWMSG_SETRECORD, VIEWMSG_SETSPACING, VIEWMSG_PATTERNPROPERTIES, VIEWMSG_SETVUMETERS, VIEWMSG_SETPLUGINNAMES, //rewbs.patPlugNames VIEWMSG_DOMIDISPACING, VIEWMSG_EXPANDPATTERN, VIEWMSG_SHRINKPATTERN, VIEWMSG_COPYPATTERN, VIEWMSG_PASTEPATTERN, VIEWMSG_AMPLIFYPATTERN, VIEWMSG_SETDETAIL, // Sample-Specific VIEWMSG_SETCURRENTSAMPLE, VIEWMSG_SETMODIFIED, VIEWMSG_PREPAREUNDO, // Instrument-Specific VIEWMSG_SETCURRENTINSTRUMENT, VIEWMSG_DOSCROLL, }; #define NUM_VUMETER_PENS 32 // Tab Order enum OptionsPage { OPTIONS_PAGE_DEFAULT = 0, OPTIONS_PAGE_GENERAL = OPTIONS_PAGE_DEFAULT, OPTIONS_PAGE_SOUNDCARD, OPTIONS_PAGE_MIXER, OPTIONS_PAGE_PLAYER, OPTIONS_PAGE_SAMPLEDITOR, OPTIONS_PAGE_KEYBOARD, OPTIONS_PAGE_COLORS, OPTIONS_PAGE_MIDI, OPTIONS_PAGE_PATHS, OPTIONS_PAGE_UPDATE, OPTIONS_PAGE_ADVANCED, OPTIONS_PAGE_WINE, }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Player position notification #define MAX_UPDATE_HISTORY 2000 // 2 seconds with 1 ms updates OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_END #include "Notification.h" OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_END #include "CImageListEx.h" #include "Mainbar.h" #include "TrackerSettings.h" OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct MODPLUGDIB; template<> inline SettingValue ToSettingValue(const WINDOWPLACEMENT &val) { return SettingValue(EncodeBinarySetting<WINDOWPLACEMENT>(val), "WINDOWPLACEMENT"); } template<> inline WINDOWPLACEMENT FromSettingValue(const SettingValue &val) { ASSERT(val.GetTypeTag() == "WINDOWPLACEMENT"); return DecodeBinarySetting<WINDOWPLACEMENT>(val.as<std::vector<std::byte> >()); } class VUMeter : public IMonitorInput , public IMonitorOutput { public: static constexpr std::size_t maxChannels = 4; static const float dynamicRange; // corresponds to the current implementation of the UI widget diplaying the result struct Channel { int32 peak = 0; bool clipped = false; }; private: Channel channels[maxChannels]; int32 decayParam; void Process(Channel &channel, MixSampleInt sample); void Process(Channel &channel, MixSampleFloat sample); public: VUMeter() : decayParam(0) { SetDecaySpeedDecibelPerSecond(88.0f); } void SetDecaySpeedDecibelPerSecond(float decibelPerSecond); public: const Channel & operator [] (std::size_t channel) const { return channels[channel]; } void Process(mpt::audio_span_interleaved<const MixSampleInt> buffer); void Process(mpt::audio_span_planar<const MixSampleInt> buffer); void Process(mpt::audio_span_interleaved<const MixSampleFloat> buffer); void Process(mpt::audio_span_planar<const MixSampleFloat> buffer); void Decay(int32 secondsNum, int32 secondsDen); void ResetClipped(); }; class TfLanguageProfileNotifySink : public ITfLanguageProfileNotifySink { public: TfLanguageProfileNotifySink(); ~TfLanguageProfileNotifySink(); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnLanguageChange(LANGID langid, __RPC__out BOOL *pfAccept) override; HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnLanguageChanged() override; HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObject) override; ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef() override; ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release() override; protected: ITfInputProcessorProfiles *m_pProfiles = nullptr; ITfSource *m_pSource = nullptr; DWORD m_dwCookie = TF_INVALID_COOKIE; }; class CMainFrame : public CMDIFrameWnd , public SoundDevice::CallbackBufferHandler<DithersOpenMPT> , public SoundDevice::IMessageReceiver , public TfLanguageProfileNotifySink { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CMainFrame) // static data public: // Globals static OptionsPage m_nLastOptionsPage; static HHOOK ghKbdHook; // GDI static HICON m_hIcon; static HFONT m_hGUIFont, m_hFixedFont; static HPEN penDarkGray, penHalfDarkGray, penGray99; static HCURSOR curDragging, curNoDrop, curArrow, curNoDrop2, curVSplit; static MODPLUGDIB *bmpNotes, *bmpVUMeters, *bmpPluginVUMeters; static COLORREF gcolrefVuMeter[NUM_VUMETER_PENS * 2]; // General tab VU meters public: // Low-Level Audio CriticalSection m_SoundDeviceFillBufferCriticalSection; Util::MultimediaClock m_SoundDeviceClock; SoundDevice::IBase *gpSoundDevice = nullptr; UINT_PTR m_NotifyTimer = 0; VUMeter m_VUMeterInput; VUMeter m_VUMeterOutput; DWORD m_AudioThreadId = 0; bool m_InNotifyHandler = false; // Midi Input public: static HMIDIIN shMidiIn; public: CImageListEx m_MiscIcons, m_MiscIconsDisabled; // Misc Icons CImageListEx m_PatternIcons, m_PatternIconsDisabled; // Pattern icons (includes some from sample editor as well...) CImageListEx m_EnvelopeIcons; // Instrument editor icons CImageListEx m_SampleIcons; // Sample editor icons protected: CModTreeBar m_wndTree; CStatusBar m_wndStatusBar; CMainToolBar m_wndToolBar; CSoundFile *m_pSndFile = nullptr; // != NULL only when currently playing or rendering HWND m_hWndMidi = nullptr; CSoundFile::samplecount_t m_dwTimeSec = 0; UINT_PTR m_nTimer = 0; UINT m_nAvgMixChn = 0, m_nMixChn = 0; // Misc class COptionsSoundcard *m_SoundCardOptionsDialog = nullptr; #if defined(MPT_ENABLE_UPDATE) class CUpdateSetupDlg *m_UpdateOptionsDialog = nullptr; std::unique_ptr<UpdateCheckResult> m_updateCheckResult; #endif // MPT_ENABLE_UPDATE DWORD helpCookie = 0; bool m_bOptionsLocked = false; // Notification Buffer mpt::mutex m_NotificationBufferMutex; // to avoid deadlocks, this mutex should only be taken as a innermost lock, i.e. do not block on anything while holding this mutex Util::fixed_size_queue<Notification,MAX_UPDATE_HISTORY> m_NotifyBuffer; // Instrument preview in tree view CSoundFile m_WaveFile; TCHAR m_szUserText[512], m_szInfoText[512], m_szXInfoText[512]; CAutoSaver m_AutoSaver; public: CWnd *m_pNoteMapHasFocus = nullptr; CWnd *m_pOrderlistHasFocus = nullptr; bool m_bModTreeHasFocus = false; public: CMainFrame(/*CString regKeyExtension*/); void Initialize(); // Low-Level Audio public: static void UpdateDspEffects(CSoundFile &sndFile, bool reset=false); static void UpdateAudioParameters(CSoundFile &sndFile, bool reset=false); // from SoundDevice::IBufferHandler uint64 SoundCallbackGetReferenceClockNowNanoseconds() const override; void SoundCallbackPreStart() override; void SoundCallbackPostStop() override; bool SoundCallbackIsLockedByCurrentThread() const override; void SoundCallbackLock() override; uint64 SoundCallbackLockedGetReferenceClockNowNanoseconds() const override; void SoundCallbackLockedProcessPrepare(SoundDevice::TimeInfo timeInfo) override; void SoundCallbackLockedCallback(SoundDevice::CallbackBuffer<DithersOpenMPT> &buffer) override; void SoundCallbackLockedProcessDone(SoundDevice::TimeInfo timeInfo) override; void SoundCallbackUnlock() override; // from SoundDevice::IMessageReceiver void SoundDeviceMessage(LogLevel level, const mpt::ustring &str) override; bool InGuiThread() const { return theApp.InGuiThread(); } bool InAudioThread() const { return GetCurrentThreadId() == m_AudioThreadId; } bool InNotifyHandler() const { return m_InNotifyHandler; } bool audioOpenDevice(); void audioCloseDevice(); bool IsAudioDeviceOpen() const; bool DoNotification(DWORD dwSamplesRead, int64 streamPosition); // Midi Input Functions public: bool midiOpenDevice(bool showSettings = true); void midiCloseDevice(); void SetMidiRecordWnd(HWND hwnd) { m_hWndMidi = hwnd; } HWND GetMidiRecordWnd() const { return m_hWndMidi; } static int ApplyVolumeRelatedSettings(const DWORD &dwParam1, const BYTE midivolume); // static functions public: static CMainFrame *GetMainFrame() { return (CMainFrame *)theApp.m_pMainWnd; } static void UpdateColors(); static HICON GetModIcon() { return m_hIcon; } static HFONT GetGUIFont() { return m_hGUIFont; } static HFONT &GetCommentsFont() { return m_hFixedFont; } static void UpdateAllViews(UpdateHint hint, CObject *pHint=NULL); static LRESULT CALLBACK KeyboardProc(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static CInputHandler *m_InputHandler; // Misc functions public: void SetUserText(LPCTSTR lpszText); void SetInfoText(LPCTSTR lpszText); void SetXInfoText(LPCTSTR lpszText); void SetHelpText(LPCTSTR lpszText); UINT GetBaseOctave() const; CModDoc *GetActiveDoc() const; CView *GetActiveView() const; void OnDocumentCreated(CModDoc *pModDoc); void OnDocumentClosed(CModDoc *pModDoc); void UpdateTree(CModDoc *pModDoc, UpdateHint hint, CObject *pHint = nullptr); void RefreshDlsBanks(); static CInputHandler* GetInputHandler() { return m_InputHandler; } void SetElapsedTime(double t) { m_dwTimeSec = static_cast<CSoundFile::samplecount_t>(t); } #if defined(MPT_ENABLE_UPDATE) bool ShowUpdateIndicator(const UpdateCheckResult &result, const CString &releaseVersion, const CString &infoURL, bool showHighlight); #endif // MPT_ENABLE_UPDATE CModTree *GetUpperTreeview() { return m_wndTree.m_pModTree; } CModTree *GetLowerTreeview() { return m_wndTree.m_pModTreeData; } bool SetTreeSoundfile(FileReader &file) { return m_wndTree.SetTreeSoundfile(file); } void CreateExampleModulesMenu(); void CreateTemplateModulesMenu(); CMenu *GetFileMenu() const; // Creates submenu whose items are filenames of files in both // AppDirectory\folderName\ (usually C:\Program Files\OpenMPT\folderName\) // and // ConfigDirectory\folderName (usually %appdata%\OpenMPT\folderName\) // [in] maxCount: Maximum number of items allowed in the menu // [out] paths: Receives the full paths of the files added to the menu. // [in] folderName: Name of the folder // [in] idRangeBegin: First ID for the menu item. static HMENU CreateFileMenu(const size_t maxCount, std::vector<mpt::PathString>& paths, const mpt::PathString &folderName, const uint16 idRangeBegin); // Player functions public: // High-level synchronous playback functions, do not hold AudioCriticalSection while calling these bool PreparePlayback(); bool StartPlayback(); void StopPlayback(); bool RestartPlayback(); bool PausePlayback(); static bool IsValidSoundFile(CSoundFile &sndFile) { return sndFile.GetType() ? true : false; } static bool IsValidSoundFile(CSoundFile *pSndFile) { return pSndFile && pSndFile->GetType(); } void SetPlaybackSoundFile(CSoundFile *pSndFile); void UnsetPlaybackSoundFile(); void GenerateStopNotification(); bool PlayMod(CModDoc *); bool StopMod(CModDoc *pDoc = nullptr); bool PauseMod(CModDoc *pDoc = nullptr); bool StopSoundFile(CSoundFile *); bool PlaySoundFile(CSoundFile *); bool PlaySoundFile(const mpt::PathString &filename, ModCommand::NOTE note, int volume = -1); bool PlaySoundFile(CSoundFile &sndFile, INSTRUMENTINDEX nInstrument, SAMPLEINDEX nSample, ModCommand::NOTE note, int volume = -1); bool PlayDLSInstrument(const CDLSBank &bank, UINT instr, UINT region, ModCommand::NOTE note, int volume = -1); void InitPreview(); void PreparePreview(ModCommand::NOTE note, int volume); void StopPreview() { StopSoundFile(&m_WaveFile); } void PlayPreview() { PlaySoundFile(&m_WaveFile); } inline bool IsPlaying() const { return m_pSndFile != nullptr; } // Return currently playing module (nullptr if none is playing) inline CModDoc *GetModPlaying() const { return m_pSndFile ? m_pSndFile->GetpModDoc() : nullptr; } // Return currently playing module (nullptr if none is playing) inline CSoundFile *GetSoundFilePlaying() const { return m_pSndFile; } BOOL InitRenderer(CSoundFile*); BOOL StopRenderer(CSoundFile*); void SwitchToActiveView(); void IdleHandlerSounddevice(); BOOL ResetSoundCard(); BOOL SetupSoundCard(SoundDevice::Settings deviceSettings, SoundDevice::Identifier deviceIdentifier, SoundDeviceStopMode stoppedMode, bool forceReset = false); BOOL SetupMiscOptions(); BOOL SetupPlayer(); void SetupMidi(DWORD d, UINT n); HWND GetFollowSong() const; HWND GetFollowSong(const CModDoc *pDoc) const { return (pDoc == GetModPlaying()) ? GetFollowSong() : nullptr; } void ResetNotificationBuffer(); // Notify accessbility software that it should read out updated UI elements void NotifyAccessibilityUpdate(CWnd &source); // Overrides protected: // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CMainFrame) BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) override; BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG *pMsg) override; BOOL DestroyWindow() override; void OnUpdateFrameTitle(BOOL bAddToTitle) override; //}}AFX_VIRTUAL /// Opens either template or example menu item. void OpenMenuItemFile(const UINT nId, const bool isTemplateFile); public: void UpdateMRUList(); // Implementation public: ~CMainFrame() override; #ifdef _DEBUG void AssertValid() const override; void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const override; #endif void OnTimerGUI(); void OnTimerNotify(); // Message map functions //{{AFX_MSG(CMainFrame) public: afx_msg void OnAddDlsBank(); afx_msg void OnImportMidiLib(); afx_msg void OnViewOptions(); protected: afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct); afx_msg void OnRButtonDown(UINT, CPoint); afx_msg void OnClose(); afx_msg void OnTimer(UINT_PTR); afx_msg void OnPluginManager(); afx_msg void OnClipboardManager(); afx_msg LRESULT OnViewMIDIMapping(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); afx_msg void OnUpdateTime(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnUpdateUser(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnUpdateInfo(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnUpdateXInfo(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnUpdateMidiRecord(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnPlayerPause(); afx_msg void OnMidiRecord(); afx_msg void OnPrevOctave(); afx_msg void OnNextOctave(); afx_msg void OnPanic(); afx_msg void OnReportBug(); afx_msg BOOL OnInternetLink(UINT nID); afx_msg LRESULT OnUpdatePosition(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam); afx_msg LRESULT OnUpdateViews(WPARAM modDoc, LPARAM hint); afx_msg LRESULT OnSetModified(WPARAM modDoc, LPARAM); afx_msg void OnOpenTemplateModule(UINT nId); afx_msg void OnExampleSong(UINT nId); afx_msg void OnOpenMRUItem(UINT nId); afx_msg void OnUpdateMRUItem(CCmdUI *cmd); afx_msg LRESULT OnInvalidatePatterns(WPARAM, LPARAM); afx_msg LRESULT OnCustomKeyMsg(WPARAM, LPARAM); afx_msg void OnInternetUpdate(); afx_msg void OnUpdateAvailable(); afx_msg void OnShowSettingsFolder(); #if defined(MPT_ENABLE_UPDATE) afx_msg LRESULT OnUpdateCheckStart(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); afx_msg LRESULT OnUpdateCheckProgress(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); afx_msg LRESULT OnUpdateCheckCanceled(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); afx_msg LRESULT OnUpdateCheckFailure(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); afx_msg LRESULT OnUpdateCheckSuccess(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); afx_msg LRESULT OnToolbarUpdateIndicatorClick(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); #endif // MPT_ENABLE_UPDATE afx_msg void OnHelp(); afx_msg BOOL OnDeviceChange(UINT nEventType, DWORD_PTR dwData); afx_msg void OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo); afx_msg BOOL OnQueryEndSession(); afx_msg void OnActivateApp(BOOL active, DWORD threadID); //}}AFX_MSG DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() public: afx_msg void OnInitMenu(CMenu *pMenu); bool UpdateEffectKeys(const CModDoc *modDoc); afx_msg void OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd); afx_msg void OnShowWindow(BOOL bShow, UINT nStatus); // Defines maximum number of items in example modules menu. static constexpr size_t nMaxItemsInExampleModulesMenu = 50; static constexpr size_t nMaxItemsInTemplateModulesMenu = 50; private: /// Array of paths of example modules that are available from help menu. std::vector<mpt::PathString> m_ExampleModulePaths; /// Array of paths of template modules that are available from file menu. std::vector<mpt::PathString> m_TemplateModulePaths; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //{{AFX_INSERT_LOCATION}} // Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line. OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_END