#include "main.h"
#include "../nsv/enc_if.h"

#include <mmreg.h>
#include <msacm.h>
#include "WavEncoder.h"

void initWfx();

#define BUFSIZE 0x20000

extern EXT_WFX convert_wfx;

extern WAVEFORMATEX wfx_default;

static DWORD FileTell(HANDLE hFile) { return SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, 0, FILE_CURRENT);}
static void FileAlign(HANDLE hFile) {if (FileTell(hFile)&1) SetFilePointer(hFile, 1, 0, FILE_CURRENT);}

#define rev32(X) ((((DWORD)(X)&0xFF)<<24)|(((DWORD)(X)&0xFF00)<<8)|(((DWORD)(X)&0xFF0000)>>8)|(((DWORD)(X)&0xFF000000)>>24))

WavEncoder::WavEncoder(int srate, int nch, int bps, int res_srate , int res_bps, int res_nch )
	m_did_header = 0;
	m_srate = srate;
	m_nch = nch;
	m_bps = bps;
	m_error = 0;
	hStream = 0;
	hStreamResample = 0;
	//_asm { int 3 };
	m_acm_resample_buf = NULL;
	m_acm_resample_outbuf = NULL;
	m_bytes_done = 0;
	m_hlen = 0;
	m_nsam = 0;

	if (res_srate && (res_srate != srate || res_bps != bps || res_nch != nch))
		//manual resample (ie: burning)
		m_acm_buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(BUFSIZE);
		m_acm_outbuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(BUFSIZE);
		m_bytes_inbuf = 0;
		m_bytes_outbuf = 0;
		m_wfx_src.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
		m_wfx_src.nChannels = nch;
		m_wfx_src.nSamplesPerSec = srate;
		m_wfx_src.nAvgBytesPerSec = srate * nch * (bps >> 3);
		m_wfx_src.nBlockAlign = nch * (bps >> 3);
		m_wfx_src.wBitsPerSample = bps;
		m_wfx_src.cbSize = 0;
		m_convert_wfx.wfx = wfx_default;
		m_convert_wfx.wfx.nSamplesPerSec = res_srate;
		m_convert_wfx.wfx.nChannels = res_nch;
		m_convert_wfx.wfx.wBitsPerSample = res_bps;
		m_convert_wfx.wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec = res_srate * res_nch * (res_bps / 8);
		m_convert_wfx.wfx.nBlockAlign = res_nch * (res_bps / 8);
		m_convert_wfx.wfx.cbSize = 0;
		MMRESULT rs = acmStreamOpen(&hStream, 0, &m_wfx_src, &m_convert_wfx.wfx, 0, 0, 0, ACM_STREAMOPENF_NONREALTIME);
		if (rs || !hStream)
			m_error = 1;
			return ;
		ZeroMemory(&ahd, sizeof(ahd));
		ahd.cbStruct = sizeof(ahd);
		ahd.pbSrc = m_acm_buf;
		ahd.cbSrcLength = BUFSIZE;
		ahd.pbDst = m_acm_outbuf;
		ahd.cbDstLength = BUFSIZE;
		if (acmStreamPrepareHeader(hStream, &ahd, 0)) m_error = 1;
		return ;

	//resample defined in config

	// fucko: don't use compression settings if we're in a sep process, just generate raw wav
	// sep process isn't the best way, but we'll give it a shot
	if (!config_wav_convert)
		m_acm_buf = NULL;
		m_acm_outbuf = NULL;
		m_acm_buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(BUFSIZE);
		m_acm_outbuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(BUFSIZE);
		m_bytes_inbuf = 0;
		m_bytes_outbuf = 0;
		m_convert_wfx = convert_wfx;

		m_wfx_src.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
		m_wfx_src.nChannels = nch;
		m_wfx_src.nSamplesPerSec = srate;
		m_wfx_src.nAvgBytesPerSec = srate * nch * (bps >> 3);
		m_wfx_src.nBlockAlign = nch * (bps >> 3);
		m_wfx_src.wBitsPerSample = bps;
		m_wfx_src.cbSize = 0;
		MMRESULT rs = acmStreamOpen(&hStream, 0, &m_wfx_src, &m_convert_wfx.wfx, 0, 0, 0, ACM_STREAMOPENF_NONREALTIME);
		if (rs)
			// need resampling
			ZeroMemory(&wfx1, sizeof(wfx1));
			wfx1.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
			if (acmFormatSuggest(0, &m_convert_wfx.wfx, &wfx1, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX), ACM_FORMATSUGGESTF_WFORMATTAG)) m_error = 1;
			else if (acmStreamOpen(&hStream, 0, &wfx1, &m_convert_wfx.wfx, 0, 0, 0, ACM_STREAMOPENF_NONREALTIME)) m_error = 1;
			else if (acmStreamOpen(&hStreamResample, 0, &m_wfx_src, &wfx1, 0, 0, 0, ACM_STREAMOPENF_NONREALTIME)) m_error = 1;
				ZeroMemory(&ahdResample, sizeof(ahdResample));
				ahdResample.cbStruct = sizeof(ahdResample);
				ahdResample.pbSrc = m_acm_resample_buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(BUFSIZE);
				ahdResample.cbSrcLength = BUFSIZE;
				ahdResample.pbDst = m_acm_resample_outbuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(BUFSIZE);
				ahdResample.cbDstLength = BUFSIZE;
				if (acmStreamPrepareHeader(hStreamResample, &ahdResample, 0)) m_error = 1;
				m_bytes_inbuf_resample = 0;
				m_bytes_outbuf_resample = 0;

		if (!hStream)
			m_error = 1;
			return ;

		ZeroMemory(&ahd, sizeof(ahd));
		ahd.cbStruct = sizeof(ahd);
		ahd.pbSrc = m_acm_buf;
		ahd.cbSrcLength = BUFSIZE;
		ahd.pbDst = m_acm_outbuf;
		ahd.cbDstLength = BUFSIZE;
		if (acmStreamPrepareHeader(hStream, &ahd, 0)) m_error = 1;

	if (hStream)
		if (ahd.fdwStatus & ACMSTREAMHEADER_STATUSF_PREPARED) acmStreamUnprepareHeader(hStream, &ahd, 0);
		acmStreamClose(hStream, 0);
	if (hStreamResample)
		if (ahdResample.fdwStatus & ACMSTREAMHEADER_STATUSF_PREPARED) acmStreamUnprepareHeader(hStreamResample, &ahdResample, 0);
		acmStreamClose(hStreamResample, 0);

int WavEncoder::Encode(int framepos, void *in, int in_avail, int *in_used, void *out, int out_avail)
	char *pin = (char *)in;
	char *pout = (char *)out;
	int retval = 0;

	if (!m_did_header && config_wav_do_header)
		int s = 44;
		if (hStream)
			s = 4 + 4 + 12 - 4;

			int t;
			if (m_convert_wfx.wfx.wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) t = 0x10;
			else t = sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) + m_convert_wfx.wfx.cbSize;
			s += 4 + t;
			if (s&1) s++;

			if (m_convert_wfx.wfx.wFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM)
				s += 12;

			s += 8;
		if (out_avail < s) return 0;
		//xx bytes of randomness
		m_hlen = s;
		m_did_header = 1;
		out_avail -= s;
		pout += s;
		retval = s;

	if (!hStream)
		//no ACM conversion
		int l = min(out_avail, in_avail);
		memcpy(pout, pin, l);
		*in_used = l;
		m_bytes_done += l;
		return l;

	if (!m_bytes_outbuf)
		if (hStreamResample)
			if (!m_bytes_outbuf_resample)

				int l = min(in_avail, BUFSIZE - m_bytes_inbuf_resample);
				if (l < 0) l = 0;
				if (l > 0) memcpy(m_acm_resample_buf + m_bytes_inbuf_resample, in, l);
				m_bytes_inbuf_resample += l;
				*in_used = l;
				m_nsam += l;

				ahdResample.cbSrcLength = m_bytes_inbuf_resample;
				acmStreamConvert(hStreamResample, &ahdResample, flags);
				m_bytes_inbuf_resample -= ahdResample.cbSrcLengthUsed;
				memcpy(m_acm_resample_buf, m_acm_resample_buf + ahdResample.cbSrcLengthUsed, m_bytes_inbuf_resample); //memmove
				m_bytes_outbuf_resample = ahdResample.cbDstLengthUsed;
			in = (void*)m_acm_resample_outbuf;
			in_avail = m_bytes_outbuf_resample;
			m_bytes_outbuf_resample = 0;
			in_used = NULL;


		int l = min(in_avail, BUFSIZE - m_bytes_inbuf);
		if (l < 0) l = 0;
		if (l > 0) memcpy(m_acm_buf + m_bytes_inbuf, in, l);
		m_bytes_inbuf += l;
		if (in_used)
			*in_used = l;
			m_nsam += l;

		if (m_bytes_inbuf)
			ahd.cbSrcLength = m_bytes_inbuf;
			acmStreamConvert(hStream, &ahd, flags);
			m_bytes_inbuf -= ahd.cbSrcLengthUsed;
			memcpy(m_acm_buf, m_acm_buf + ahd.cbSrcLengthUsed, m_bytes_inbuf); //memmove
			m_bytes_outbuf = ahd.cbDstLengthUsed;
			m_bytes_done += l;
	if (m_bytes_outbuf)
		int l = min(out_avail, m_bytes_outbuf);
		memcpy(pout, m_acm_outbuf, l);
		m_bytes_outbuf -= l;
		memcpy(m_acm_outbuf, m_acm_outbuf + l, m_bytes_outbuf);
		retval += l;

	return retval;

void WavEncoder::FinishAudio(HANDLE fh, WavEncoder *coder)
	if (!config_wav_do_header) return ;

	int len, i;
	const unsigned char ispred1[4] = {0x52 , 0x49 , 0x46 , 0x46 };
	const unsigned char ispred2[12] = {0x57, 0x41 , 0x56 , 0x45 , 0x66 , 0x6d , 0x74 , 0x20 , 0x10 , 0x0 , 0x0 , 0x0 };
	char c;
	int bps = coder->m_bps;
	int srate = coder->m_srate;
	int nch = coder->m_nch;
	len = coder->m_bytes_done;


	SetFilePointer(fh, 0, 0, FILE_BEGIN);

	WriteFile(fh, ispred1, sizeof(ispred1), &a, NULL);
	i = len + (m_hlen) - 8;
	if (i&1) i++;
	WriteFile(fh, &i, 4, &a, NULL);
	WriteFile(fh, ispred2, sizeof(ispred2) - (hStream ? 4 : 0), &a, NULL);
	if (!hStream)
		c = 1;
		WriteFile(fh, &c, 1, &a, NULL);
		c = 0;
		WriteFile(fh, &c, 1, &a, NULL);
		c = nch;
		WriteFile(fh, &c, 1, &a, NULL);
		c = 0;
		WriteFile(fh, &c, 1, &a, NULL);
		for (i = 0;i < 32;i += 8)
			c = (srate >> i) & 0xff;
			WriteFile(fh, &c, 1, &a, NULL);
		int tmp = srate * nch * (bps / 8);
		for (i = 0;i < 32;i += 8)
			c = (tmp >> i) & 0xff;
			WriteFile(fh, &c, 1, &a, NULL);
		tmp = (bps / 8) * nch;
		for (i = 0;i < 16;i += 8)
			c = (tmp >> i) & 0xff;
			WriteFile(fh, &c, 1, &a, NULL);
		c = bps;
		WriteFile(fh, &c, 1, &a, NULL);
		c = 0;
		WriteFile(fh, &c, 1, &a, NULL);

		const unsigned char iza[4] = {0x64 , 0x61 , 0x74 , 0x61};
		WriteFile(fh, iza, 4, &a, NULL);

		for (i = 0;i < 32;i += 8)
			c = (len >> i) & 0xff;
			WriteFile(fh, &c, 1, &a, NULL);
		int t;
		if (m_convert_wfx.wfx.wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) t = 0x10;
		else t = sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) + m_convert_wfx.wfx.cbSize;
		WriteFile(fh, &t, 4, &a, 0);
		WriteFile(fh, &m_convert_wfx.wfx, t, &a, 0);


		DWORD fact_ofs = 0;
		if (m_convert_wfx.wfx.wFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM)
			t = rev32('fact');
			WriteFile(fh, &t, 4, &a, 0);
			t = 4;
			WriteFile(fh, &t, 4, &a, 0);
			fact_ofs = FileTell(fh);
			SetFilePointer(fh, 4, 0, FILE_CURRENT);

		t = rev32('data');
		WriteFile(fh, &t, 4, &a, 0);
		DWORD data_ofs = FileTell(fh);

			DWORD t, bw;
			SetFilePointer(fh, 4, 0, FILE_BEGIN);
			t = GetFileSize(fh, 0) - 8;
			WriteFile(fh, &t, 4, &bw, 0);
			DWORD data_size = GetFileSize(fh, 0) - (data_ofs + 4);
			SetFilePointer(fh, data_ofs, 0, FILE_BEGIN);
			WriteFile(fh, &data_size, 4, &bw, 0);
			if (fact_ofs)
				SetFilePointer(fh, fact_ofs, 0, FILE_BEGIN);
				t = coder->m_nsam / ((coder->m_bps >> 3) * coder->m_nch);
				WriteFile(fh, &t, 4, &bw, 0);


int WavEncoder::GetLastError() { return m_error; }