cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15) project(cpr VERSION 1.9.0 LANGUAGES CXX) math(EXPR cpr_VERSION_NUM "${cpr_VERSION_MAJOR} * 0x10000 + ${cpr_VERSION_MINOR} * 0x100 + ${cpr_VERSION_PATCH}" OUTPUT_FORMAT HEXADECIMAL) configure_file("${cpr_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/" "${cpr_BINARY_DIR}/cpr_generated_includes/cpr/cprver.h") # Only change the folder behaviour if cpr is not a subproject if(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} STREQUAL ${PROJECT_NAME}) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY PREDEFINED_TARGETS_FOLDER "CMake") set(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin) set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib) else() # Check required c++ standard of parent project if(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD) set(PARENT_CXX_STANDARD ${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD}) message(STATUS "CXX standard of parent project: ${PARENT_CXX_STANDARD}") endif() endif() # Avoid the dll boilerplate code for windows set(CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS ON) if (PARENT_CXX_STANDARD) # Don't set CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD if it is already set by parent project if (PARENT_CXX_STANDARD LESS 17) message(FATAL_ERROR "cpr ${cpr_VERSION} does not support ${PARENT_CXX_STANDARD}. Please use cpr <= 1.9.x") endif() else() # Set standard version if not already set by potential parent project set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) endif() message(STATUS "CXX standard: ${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD}") set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CPR_LIBRARIES cpr CACHE INTERNAL "") macro(cpr_option OPTION_NAME OPTION_TEXT OPTION_DEFAULT) option(${OPTION_NAME} ${OPTION_TEXT} ${OPTION_DEFAULT}) if(DEFINED ENV{${OPTION_NAME}}) # Allow overriding the option through an environment variable set(${OPTION_NAME} $ENV{${OPTION_NAME}}) endif() if(${OPTION_NAME}) add_definitions(-D${OPTION_NAME}) endif() message(STATUS " ${OPTION_NAME}: ${${OPTION_NAME}}") endmacro() option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build libraries as shared libraries" ON) message(STATUS "C++ Requests CMake Options") message(STATUS "=======================================================") cpr_option(CPR_GENERATE_COVERAGE "Set to ON to generate coverage reports." OFF) cpr_option(CPR_CURL_NOSIGNAL "Set to ON to disable use of signals in libcurl." OFF) cpr_option(CURL_VERBOSE_LOGGING "Curl verbose logging during building curl" OFF) cpr_option(CPR_USE_SYSTEM_GTEST "If ON, this project will look in the system paths for an installed gtest library. If none is found it will use the build in one." OFF) cpr_option(CPR_USE_SYSTEM_CURL "If enabled we will use the curl lib already installed on this system." OFF) cpr_option(CPR_ENABLE_SSL "Enables or disables the SSL backend. Required to perform HTTPS requests." ON) cpr_option(CPR_FORCE_OPENSSL_BACKEND "Force to use the OpenSSL backend. If CPR_FORCE_OPENSSL_BACKEND, CPR_FORCE_DARWINSSL_BACKEND, CPR_FORCE_MBEDTLS_BACKEND, and CPR_FORCE_WINSSL_BACKEND are set to to OFF, cpr will try to automatically detect the best available SSL backend (WinSSL - Windows, OpenSSL - Linux, DarwinSSL - Mac ...)." OFF) cpr_option(CPR_FORCE_WINSSL_BACKEND "Force to use the WinSSL backend. If CPR_FORCE_OPENSSL_BACKEND, CPR_FORCE_DARWINSSL_BACKEND, CPR_FORCE_MBEDTLS_BACKEND, and CPR_FORCE_WINSSL_BACKEND are set to to OFF, cpr will try to automatically detect the best available SSL backend (WinSSL - Windows, OpenSSL - Linux, DarwinSSL - Mac ...)." OFF) cpr_option(CPR_FORCE_DARWINSSL_BACKEND "Force to use the DarwinSSL backend. If CPR_FORCE_OPENSSL_BACKEND, CPR_FORCE_DARWINSSL_BACKEND, CPR_FORCE_MBEDTLS_BACKEND, and CPR_FORCE_WINSSL_BACKEND are set to to OFF, cpr will try to automatically detect the best available SSL backend (WinSSL - Windows, OpenSSL - Linux, DarwinSSL - Mac ...)." OFF) cpr_option(CPR_FORCE_MBEDTLS_BACKEND "Force to use the Mbed TLS backend. If CPR_FORCE_OPENSSL_BACKEND, CPR_FORCE_DARWINSSL_BACKEND, CPR_FORCE_MBEDTLS_BACKEND, and CPR_FORCE_WINSSL_BACKEND are set to to OFF, cpr will try to automatically detect the best available SSL backend (WinSSL - Windows, OpenSSL - Linux, DarwinSSL - Mac ...)." OFF) cpr_option(CPR_ENABLE_LINTING "Set to ON to enable clang linting." OFF) cpr_option(CPR_ENABLE_CPPCHECK "Set to ON to enable Cppcheck static analysis. Requires CPR_BUILD_TESTS and CPR_BUILD_TESTS_SSL to be OFF to prevent checking google tests source code." OFF) cpr_option(CPR_BUILD_TESTS "Set to ON to build cpr tests." OFF) cpr_option(CPR_BUILD_TESTS_SSL "Set to ON to build cpr ssl tests" ${CPR_BUILD_TESTS}) cpr_option(CPR_BUILD_TESTS_PROXY "Set to ON to build proxy tests. They fail in case there is no valid proxy server available in proxy_tests.cpp" OFF) cpr_option(CPR_SKIP_CA_BUNDLE_SEARCH "Skip searching for Certificate Authority certs. Turn ON systems like iOS where file access is restricted and prevents https from working." OFF) cpr_option(CPR_USE_BOOST_FILESYSTEM "Set to ON to use the Boost.Filesystem library on OSX." OFF) message(STATUS "=======================================================") if (CPR_FORCE_USE_SYSTEM_CURL) message(WARNING "The variable CPR_FORCE_USE_SYSTEM_CURL is deprecated, please use CPR_USE_SYSTEM_CURL instead") set(CPR_USE_SYSTEM_CURL ${CPR_FORCE_USE_SYSTEM_CURL}) endif() include(GNUInstallDirs) include(FetchContent) include(cmake/code_coverage.cmake) include(cmake/sanitizer.cmake) include(cmake/clear_variable.cmake) # So CMake can find FindMbedTLS.cmake set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake;${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}") # Linting if(CPR_ENABLE_LINTING) include(cmake/clang-tidy.cmake) endif() # Cppcheck if(CPR_ENABLE_CPPCHECK) if(CPR_BUILD_TESTS OR CPR_BUILD_TESTS_SSL) message(FATAL_ERROR "Cppcheck is incompatible with building tests. Make sure to disable CPR_ENABLE_CPPCHECK or disable tests by setting CPR_BUILD_TESTS and CPR_BUILD_TESTS_SSL to OFF. This is because Cppcheck would try to check the google tests source code and then fail. ") endif() include(cmake/cppcheck.cmake) endif() if ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "MSVC") else() set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Werror") endif() # SSL if(CPR_ENABLE_SSL) if(CPR_FORCE_OPENSSL_BACKEND OR CPR_FORCE_WINSSL_BACKEND OR CPR_FORCE_DARWINSSL_BACKEND OR CPR_FORCE_MBEDTLS_BACKEND) message(STATUS "Disabled SSL backend auto detect since either CPR_FORCE_OPENSSL_BACKEND, CPR_FORCE_DARWINSSL_BACKEND, CPR_FORCE_MBEDTLS_BACKEND, or CPR_FORCE_WINSSL_BACKEND is enabled.") set(DETECT_SSL_BACKEND OFF CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) else() message(STATUS "Automatically detecting SSL backend.") set(DETECT_SSL_BACKEND ON CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) endif() if(CPR_FORCE_WINSSL_BACKEND AND (NOT WIN32)) message(FATAL_ERROR "WinSSL is only available on Windows! Use either OpenSSL (CPR_FORCE_OPENSSL_BACKEND) or DarwinSSL (CPR_FORCE_DARWINSSL_BACKEND) instead.") endif() if(DETECT_SSL_BACKEND) message(STATUS "Detecting SSL backend...") if(WIN32) message(STATUS "SSL auto detect: Using WinSSL.") set(SSL_BACKEND_USED "WinSSL") elseif(APPLE) message(STATUS "SSL auto detect: Using DarwinSSL.") set(CPR_BUILD_TESTS_SSL OFF) set(SSL_BACKEND_USED "DarwinSSL") else() find_package(OpenSSL) if(OPENSSL_FOUND) message(STATUS "SSL auto detect: Using OpenSSL.") set(SSL_BACKEND_USED "OpenSSL") else() find_package(MbedTLS) if(MBEDTLS_FOUND) set(SSL_BACKEND_USED "MbedTLS") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "No valid SSL backend found! Please install OpenSSL, Mbed TLS or disable SSL by setting CPR_ENABLE_SSL to OFF.") endif() endif() endif() else() if(CPR_FORCE_OPENSSL_BACKEND) find_package(OpenSSL) if(OPENSSL_FOUND) message(STATUS "Using OpenSSL.") set(SSL_BACKEND_USED "OpenSSL") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "CPR_FORCE_OPENSSL_BACKEND enabled but we were not able to find OpenSSL!") endif() elseif(CPR_FORCE_WINSSL_BACKEND) message(STATUS "Using WinSSL.") set(SSL_BACKEND_USED "WinSSL") elseif(CPR_FORCE_DARWINSSL_BACKEND) message(STATUS "Using DarwinSSL.") set(CPR_BUILD_TESTS_SSL OFF) set(SSL_BACKEND_USED "DarwinSSL") elseif(CPR_FORCE_MBEDTLS_BACKEND) message(STATUS "Using Mbed TLS.") set(CPR_BUILD_TESTS_SSL OFF) set(SSL_BACKEND_USED "MbedTLS") endif() endif() endif() if(SSL_BACKEND_USED STREQUAL "OpenSSL") # Fix missing OpenSSL includes for Windows since in 'ssl_ctx.cpp' we include OpenSSL directly find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED) add_compile_definitions(OPENSSL_BACKEND_USED) endif() get_property(isMultiConfig GLOBAL PROPERTY GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG) if (NOT isMultiConfig) set_property(CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS "${ALLOWED_BUILD_TYPES}") if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug CACHE STRING "" FORCE) elseif(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE IN_LIST ALLOWED_BUILD_TYPES) message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid build type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") endif() else () unset(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) foreach(TYPE ${ALLOWED_BUILD_TYPES}) if (NOT ${TYPE} IN_LIST CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) list(APPEND CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES ${TYPE}) endif() endforeach() endif() # Curl configuration if(CPR_USE_SYSTEM_CURL) if(CPR_ENABLE_SSL) find_package(CURL COMPONENTS HTTP HTTPS) if(CURL_FOUND) message(STATUS "Curl ${CURL_VERSION_STRING} found on this system.") # To be able to load certificates under Windows when using OpenSSL: if(CMAKE_USE_OPENSSL AND WIN32 AND (NOT (CURL_VERSION_STRING VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "7.71.0"))) message(FATAL_ERROR "Your system curl version (${CURL_VERSION_STRING}) is too old to support OpenSSL on Windows which requires curl >= 7.71.0. Update your curl version, use WinSSL, disable SSL or use the build in version of curl.") endif() else() find_package(CURL COMPONENTS HTTP) if(CURL_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Curl found on this system but WITHOUT HTTPS/SSL support. Either disable SSL by setting CPR_ENABLE_SSL to OFF or use the build in version of curl by setting CPR_USE_SYSTEM_CURL to OFF.") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Curl not found on this system. To use the build in version set CPR_USE_SYSTEM_CURL to OFF.") endif() endif() else() find_package(CURL COMPONENTS HTTP) if(CURL_FOUND) message(STATUS "Curl found on this system.") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Curl not found on this system. To use the build in version set CPR_USE_SYSTEM_CURL to OFF.") endif() endif() else() message(STATUS "Configuring build in curl...") # ZLIB is optional for curl # to disable it: # * from command line: # -DCURL_ZLIB=OFF # * from CMake script: # SET(CURL_ZLIB OFF CACHE STRING "" FORCE) if (CURL_ZLIB OR CURL_ZLIB STREQUAL AUTO OR NOT DEFINED CACHE{CURL_ZLIB}) include(cmake/zlib_external.cmake) endif() # We only need HTTP (and HTTPS) support: set(HTTP_ONLY ON CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) set(BUILD_CURL_EXE OFF CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) set(BUILD_TESTING OFF) if (CURL_VERBOSE_LOGGING) message(STATUS "Enabled curl debug features") set(ENABLE_DEBUG ON CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) endif() if (CPR_ENABLE_SSL) set(SSL_ENABLED ON CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) if(ANDROID) set(CURL_CA_PATH "/system/etc/security/cacerts" CACHE INTERNAL "") elseif(CPR_SKIP_CA_BUNDLE_SEARCH) set(CURL_CA_PATH "none" CACHE INTERNAL "") else() set(CURL_CA_PATH "auto" CACHE INTERNAL "") endif() if(CPR_SKIP_CA_BUNDLE_SEARCH) set(CURL_CA_BUNDLE "none" CACHE INTERNAL "") elseif(NOT DEFINED CURL_CA_BUNDLE) set(CURL_CA_BUNDLE "auto" CACHE INTERNAL "") endif() if(SSL_BACKEND_USED STREQUAL "WinSSL") set(CMAKE_USE_SCHANNEL ON CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) endif() if(SSL_BACKEND_USED STREQUAL "OpenSSL") set(CMAKE_USE_OPENSSL ON CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) endif() if(SSL_BACKEND_USED STREQUAL "DarwinSSL") set(CMAKE_USE_SECTRANSP ON CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) endif() if(SSL_BACKEND_USED STREQUAL "MbedTLS") set(CMAKE_USE_MBEDTLS ON CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) endif() message(STATUS "Enabled curl SSL") else() set(SSL_ENABLED OFF CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) set(CURL_CA_PATH "none" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) set(CMAKE_USE_SCHANNEL OFF CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) set(CMAKE_USE_OPENSSL OFF CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) set(CMAKE_USE_SECTRANSP OFF CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) set(CMAKE_USE_MBEDTLS OFF CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) message(STATUS "Disabled curl SSL") endif() # Disable linting for curl clear_variable(DESTINATION CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY BACKUP CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY_BKP) FetchContent_Declare(curl URL URL_HASH SHA256=a132bd93188b938771135ac7c1f3ac1d3ce507c1fcbef8c471397639214ae2ab # the file hash for curl-7.80.0.tar.xz USES_TERMINAL_DOWNLOAD TRUE) # <---- This is needed only for Ninja to show download progress FetchContent_MakeAvailable(curl) restore_variable(DESTINATION CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY BACKUP CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY_BKP) # Group under the "external" project folder in IDEs such as Visual Studio. if(BUILD_CURL_EXE) set_property(TARGET curl PROPERTY FOLDER "external") endif() set_property(TARGET libcurl PROPERTY FOLDER "external") endif() # GTest configuration if(CPR_BUILD_TESTS) if(CPR_USE_SYSTEM_GTEST) find_package(GTest) endif() if(NOT CPR_USE_SYSTEM_GTEST OR NOT GTEST_FOUND) message(STATUS "Not using system gtest, using built-in googletest project instead.") if(MSVC) # By default, GTest compiles on Windows in CRT static linkage mode. We use this # variable to force it into using the CRT in dynamic linkage (DLL), just as CPR # does. set(gtest_force_shared_crt ON CACHE BOOL "Force gtest to use the shared c runtime") endif() # Disable linting for google test clear_variable(DESTINATION CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY BACKUP CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY_BKP) FetchContent_Declare(googletest URL URL_HASH SHA256=b4870bf121ff7795ba20d20bcdd8627b8e088f2d1dab299a031c1034eddc93d5 # the file hash for release-1.11.0.tar.gz USES_TERMINAL_DOWNLOAD TRUE) # <---- This is needed only for Ninja to show download progress FetchContent_MakeAvailable(googletest) restore_variable(DESTINATION CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY BACKUP CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY_BKP) add_library(gtest_int INTERFACE) target_link_libraries(gtest_int INTERFACE gtest) target_include_directories(gtest_int INTERFACE ${googletest_SOURCE_DIR}/include) add_library(GTest::GTest ALIAS gtest_int) # Group under the "tests/gtest" project folder in IDEs such as Visual Studio. set_property(TARGET gtest PROPERTY FOLDER "tests/gtest") set_property(TARGET gtest_main PROPERTY FOLDER "tests/gtest") endif() endif() # Mongoose configuration if(CPR_BUILD_TESTS) message(STATUS "Building mongoose project for test support.") if(CPR_BUILD_TESTS_SSL) if(NOT CPR_ENABLE_SSL) message(FATAL_ERROR "OpenSSL is required to build SSL test but CPR_ENABLE_SSL is disabled. Either set CPR_ENABLE_SSL to ON or disable CPR_BUILD_TESTS_SSL.") endif() if(NOT(SSL_BACKEND_USED STREQUAL "OpenSSL")) message(FATAL_ERROR "OpenSSL is required for SSL test, but it seams like OpenSSL is not being used as SSL backend. Either set CPR_BUILD_TESTS_SSL to OFF or set CPR_FORCE_OPENSSL_BACKEND to ON and try again.") endif() set(ENABLE_SSL_TESTS ON CACHE INTERNAL "") else() set(ENABLE_SSL_TESTS OFF CACHE INTERNAL "") endif() # Disable linting for mongoose clear_variable(DESTINATION CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY BACKUP CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY_BKP) FetchContent_Declare(mongoose URL URL_HASH SHA256=4e5733dae31c3a81156af63ca9aa3a6b9b736547f21f23c3ab2f8e3f1ecc16c0 # the hash for 7.7.tar.gz USES_TERMINAL_DOWNLOAD TRUE) # <---- This is needed only for Ninja to show download progress # We can not use FetchContent_MakeAvailable, since we need to patch mongoose to use CMake if (NOT mongoose_POPULATED) FetchContent_POPULATE(mongoose) file(INSTALL cmake/mongoose.CMakeLists.txt DESTINATION ${mongoose_SOURCE_DIR}) file(RENAME ${mongoose_SOURCE_DIR}/mongoose.CMakeLists.txt ${mongoose_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt) add_subdirectory(${mongoose_SOURCE_DIR} ${mongoose_BINARY_DIR}) endif() # Group under the "external" project folder in IDEs such as Visual Studio. set_property(TARGET mongoose PROPERTY FOLDER "external") restore_variable(DESTINATION CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY BACKUP CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY_BKP) endif() add_subdirectory(cpr) add_subdirectory(include) if(CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME STREQUAL PROJECT_NAME AND CPR_BUILD_TESTS) # Disable linting for tests since they are currently not up to the standard clear_variable(DESTINATION CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY BACKUP CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY_BKP) enable_testing() add_subdirectory(test) restore_variable(DESTINATION CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY BACKUP CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY_BKP) endif()