Functions available from code: abs(value) = returns the absolute value of 'value' sin(value) = returns the sine of the radian angle 'value' cos(value) = returns the cosine of the radian angle 'value' tan(value) = returns the tangent of the radian angle 'value' asin(value) = returns the arcsine (in radians) of 'value' acos(value) = returns the arccosine (in radians) of 'value' atan(value) = returns the arctangent (in radians) of 'value' atan2(value,value2) = returns the arctangent (in radians) of 'value'/'value2' sqr(value) = returns the square of 'value' sqrt(value) = returns the square root of 'value' invsqrt(value) = returns the reciprocal of the square root of 'value' (1/sqrt(value)) (uses a fast approximation, may not always = 1/sqrt(value) :) pow(value,value2) = returns 'value' to the power of 'value2' exp(value) = returns e to the power of 'value' log(value) = returns the log in base e of 'value' log10(value) = returns the log in base 10 of 'value' floor(value) = returns the largest integer less than or equal to 'value' ceil(value) = returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to 'value' sign(value) = returns the sign of 'value' (-1.0 or 1.0, or 0.0 or -0.0) min(value,value2) = returns the smallest of 'value' and 'value2' max(var,var2) = returns the greatest of 'value' and 'value2' sigmoid(value,value2) = returns sigmoid function value of x='value' ('value2'=constraint) rand(value) = returns a random integer between 0 and 'value' band(value,value2) = returns a boolean AND of 'value' and 'value2' bor(value,value2) = returns a boolean OR of 'value' and 'value2' bnot(value) = returns a boolean NOT of 'value' if(condition,valtrue,valfalse) = returns 'valtrue' if 'condition' is nonzero, returns 'valfalse' otherwise. new in AVS 2.8+: only one of valtrue/valfalse is evaluated, depending on condition assign(dest, source) = if 'dest' is a variable, assigns the value of 'source' to it. returns the value of 'source'. a little trick: assign(if(v,a,b),1.0); is like if V is true, a=1.0, otherwise b=1.0. :) exec2(parm1, parm2) = evaluates parm1, then parm2, and returns the value of parm2. exec3(parm1, parm2, parm3) = evaluates parm1, then parm2, parm3, and returns the value of parm3. equal(value,value2) = returns 1.0 if 'value' is equal to 'value2', otherwise returns 0.0 above(value,value2) = returns 1.0 if 'value' is greater than 'value2', otherwise returns 0.0 below(value,value2) = returns 1.0 if 'value' is less than 'value2', otherwise returns 0.0 megabuf(index) = can be used to get or set an item from the 1 million item temp buffer to get, use: val=megabuf(index); to set, use: assign(megabuf(index),val); loop(count, statement) = executes <statement> <count> times. count is evaluated once and clamped to 0..4096. best used with exec2() and exec3() and assign(). Note that the return value of loop() is undefined and should not be used.�