/* * PatternFont.cpp * --------------- * Purpose: Code for creating pattern font bitmaps * Notes : (currently none) * Authors: OpenMPT Devs * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "PatternFont.h" #include "Mptrack.h" #include "Mainfrm.h" #include "TrackerSettings.h" #include "../soundlib/Tables.h" OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Font Definitions // Medium Font (Default) static constexpr PATTERNFONT gDefaultPatternFont = { nullptr, nullptr, 92,13, // Column Width & Height 0,0, // Clear location 130,8, // Space Location. {20, 20, 24, 9, 15}, // Element Widths {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // Padding pixels contained in element width 20,13, // Numbers 0-F (hex) 30,13, // Numbers 10-29 (dec) 64,26, // A-M# 78,26, // N-Z? // MEDIUM FONT !!! 0, 0, { 7, 5 }, 8, // Note & Octave Width 42,13, // Volume Column Effects 8,8, -1, 8, // 8+7 = 15 -3, -1, 12, 1, // Margin for first digit of PC event parameter number 2, // Margin for first digit of PC event parameter value 1, // Margin for second digit of parameter 13, // Vertical spacing between letters in the bitmap }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Small Font static constexpr PATTERNFONT gSmallPatternFont = { nullptr, nullptr, 70,11, // Column Width & Height 92,0, // Clear location 130,8, // Space Location. {16, 14, 18, 7, 11}, // Element Widths {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // Padding pixels contained in element width 108,13, // Numbers 0-F (hex) 120,13, // Numbers 10-29 (dec) 142,26, // A-M# 150,26, // N-Z? // SMALL FONT !!! 92, 0, // Notes { 5, 5 }, 6, // Note & Octave Width 132,13, // Volume Column Effects 6,5, -1, 6, // 8+7 = 15 -3, 1, 9, // InstrOfs + nInstrHiWidth 1, // Margin for first digit of PC event parameter number 2, // Margin for first digit of PC event parameter value 1, // Margin for second digit of parameter 13, // // Vertical spacing between letters in the bitmap }; // NOTE: See also CViewPattern::DrawNote() when changing stuff here // or adding new fonts - The custom tuning note names might require // some additions there. const PATTERNFONT *PatternFont::currentFont = nullptr; static MODPLUGDIB customFontBitmap; static MODPLUGDIB customFontBitmapASCII; static void DrawChar(HDC hDC, WCHAR ch, int x, int y, int w, int h) { CRect rect(x, y, x + w, y + h); ::DrawTextW(hDC, &ch, 1, &rect, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX); } static void DrawChar(HDC hDC, CHAR ch, int x, int y, int w, int h) { CRect rect(x, y, x + w, y + h); ::DrawTextA(hDC, &ch, 1, &rect, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX); } #if MPT_CXX_AT_LEAST(20) static void DrawChar(HDC hDC, char8_t ch8, int x, int y, int w, int h) { CRect rect(x, y, x + w, y + h); CHAR ch = mpt::unsafe_char_convert<char>(ch8); ::DrawTextA(hDC, &ch, 1, &rect, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX); } #endif template<typename char_t> static void DrawString(HDC hDC, const char_t *text, int len, int x, int y, int w, int h) { for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { DrawChar(hDC, text[i], x, y, w, h); x += w; } } void PatternFont::UpdateFont(HWND hwnd) { FontSetting font = TrackerSettings::Instance().patternFont; const PATTERNFONT *builtinFont = nullptr; if(font.name == PATTERNFONT_SMALL || font.name.empty()) { builtinFont = &gSmallPatternFont; } else if(font.name == PATTERNFONT_LARGE) { builtinFont = &gDefaultPatternFont; } if(builtinFont != nullptr && font.size < 1) { currentFont = builtinFont; return; } static PATTERNFONT pf = { 0 }; currentFont = &pf; static FontSetting previousFont; if(previousFont == font) { // Nothing to do return; } previousFont = font; DeleteFontData(); pf.dib = &customFontBitmap; pf.dibASCII = nullptr; // Upscale built-in font? if(builtinFont != nullptr) { // Copy and scale original 4-bit bitmap LimitMax(font.size, 10); font.size++; customFontBitmap.bmiHeader = CMainFrame::bmpNotes->bmiHeader; customFontBitmap.bmiHeader.biWidth *= font.size; customFontBitmap.bmiHeader.biHeight *= font.size; customFontBitmap.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = customFontBitmap.bmiHeader.biWidth * customFontBitmap.bmiHeader.biHeight / 2; customFontBitmap.lpDibBits = new uint8[customFontBitmap.bmiHeader.biSizeImage]; // Upscale the image (ugly code ahead) const uint8 *origPixels = CMainFrame::bmpNotes->lpDibBits; uint8 *scaledPixels = customFontBitmap.lpDibBits; const int bytesPerLine = customFontBitmap.bmiHeader.biWidth / 2, scaleBytes = bytesPerLine * font.size; bool outPos = false; for(int y = 0; y < CMainFrame::bmpNotes->bmiHeader.biHeight; y++, scaledPixels += scaleBytes - bytesPerLine) { for(int x = 0; x < CMainFrame::bmpNotes->bmiHeader.biWidth; x++) { uint8 pixel = *origPixels; if(x % 2u == 0) { pixel >>= 4; } else { pixel &= 0x0F; origPixels++; } for(int scaleX = 0; scaleX < font.size; scaleX++) { if(!outPos) { for(int scaleY = 0; scaleY < scaleBytes; scaleY += bytesPerLine) { scaledPixels[scaleY] = pixel << 4; } } else { for(int scaleY = 0; scaleY < scaleBytes; scaleY += bytesPerLine) { scaledPixels[scaleY] |= pixel; } scaledPixels++; } outPos = !outPos; } } } pf.nWidth = (builtinFont->nWidth - 4) * font.size + 4; pf.nHeight = builtinFont->nHeight * font.size; pf.nClrX = builtinFont->nClrX * font.size; pf.nClrY = builtinFont->nClrY * font.size; pf.nSpaceX = builtinFont->nSpaceX * font.size; pf.nSpaceY = builtinFont->nSpaceY * font.size; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < std::size(pf.nEltWidths); i++) { pf.nEltWidths[i] = builtinFont->nEltWidths[i] * font.size; pf.padding[i] = builtinFont->padding[i] * font.size; } pf.nNumX = builtinFont->nNumX * font.size; pf.nNumY = builtinFont->nNumY * font.size; pf.nNum10X = builtinFont->nNum10X * font.size; pf.nNum10Y = builtinFont->nNum10Y * font.size; pf.nAlphaAM_X = builtinFont->nAlphaAM_X * font.size; pf.nAlphaAM_Y = builtinFont->nAlphaAM_Y * font.size; pf.nAlphaNZ_X = builtinFont->nAlphaNZ_X * font.size; pf.nAlphaNZ_Y = builtinFont->nAlphaNZ_Y * font.size; pf.nNoteX = builtinFont->nNoteX * font.size; pf.nNoteY = builtinFont->nNoteY * font.size; pf.nNoteWidth[0] = builtinFont->nNoteWidth[0] * font.size; pf.nNoteWidth[1] = builtinFont->nNoteWidth[1] * font.size; pf.nOctaveWidth = builtinFont->nOctaveWidth * font.size; pf.nVolX = builtinFont->nVolX * font.size; pf.nVolY = builtinFont->nVolY * font.size; pf.nVolCmdWidth = builtinFont->nVolCmdWidth * font.size; pf.nVolHiWidth = builtinFont->nVolHiWidth * font.size; pf.nCmdOfs = builtinFont->nCmdOfs * font.size; pf.nParamHiWidth = builtinFont->nParamHiWidth * font.size; pf.nInstrOfs = builtinFont->nInstrOfs * font.size; pf.nInstr10Ofs = builtinFont->nInstr10Ofs * font.size; pf.nInstrHiWidth = builtinFont->nInstrHiWidth * font.size; pf.pcParamMargin = builtinFont->pcParamMargin * font.size; pf.pcValMargin = builtinFont->pcValMargin * font.size; pf.paramLoMargin = builtinFont->paramLoMargin * font.size; pf.spacingY = builtinFont->spacingY * font.size; // Create 4-pixel border const int bmWidth2 = pf.dib->bmiHeader.biWidth / 2; for(int y = 0, x = (customFontBitmap.bmiHeader.biHeight - pf.nClrY - pf.nHeight) * bmWidth2 + (pf.nClrX + pf.nWidth - 4) / 2; y < pf.nHeight; y++, x += bmWidth2) { pf.dib->lpDibBits[x] = 0xEC; pf.dib->lpDibBits[x + 1] = 0xC4; } return; } // Create our own font! CDC hDC; hDC.CreateCompatibleDC(CDC::FromHandle(::GetDC(hwnd))); // Point size to pixels font.size = -MulDiv(font.size, Util::GetDPIy(hwnd), 720); CFont gdiFont; gdiFont.CreateFont(font.size, 0, 0, 0, font.flags[FontSetting::Bold] ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL, font.flags[FontSetting::Italic] ? TRUE : FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_RASTER_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY, FIXED_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, mpt::ToCString(font.name)); CFont *oldFont = hDC.SelectObject(&gdiFont); CPoint pt = hDC.GetTextExtent(_T("W")); const int charWidth = pt.x, charHeight = pt.y; const int spacing = charWidth / 4; const int width = charWidth * 12 + spacing * 2 + 4, height = charHeight * 21; pf.nWidth = width; // Column Width & Height, including 4-pixels border pf.nHeight = charHeight; pf.nClrX = pf.nClrY = 0; // Clear (empty note) location pf.nSpaceX = charWidth * 7; // White location (must be big enough) pf.nSpaceY = charHeight; pf.nEltWidths[0] = charWidth * 3; // Note pf.padding[0] = 0; pf.nEltWidths[1] = charWidth * 3 + spacing; // Instr pf.padding[1] = spacing; pf.nEltWidths[2] = charWidth * 3 + spacing; // Volume pf.padding[2] = spacing; pf.nEltWidths[3] = charWidth; // Command letter pf.padding[3] = 0; pf.nEltWidths[4] = charWidth * 2; // Command param pf.padding[4] = 0; pf.nNumX = charWidth * 3; // Vertically-oriented numbers 0x00-0x0F pf.nNumY = charHeight; pf.nNum10X = charWidth * 4; // Numbers 10-29 pf.nNum10Y = charHeight; pf.nAlphaAM_X = charWidth * 6; // Letters A-M +# pf.nAlphaAM_Y = charHeight * 2; pf.nAlphaNZ_X = charWidth * 7; // Letters N-Z +? pf.nAlphaNZ_Y = charHeight * 2; pf.nNoteX = 0; // Notes ..., C-, C#, ... pf.nNoteY = 0; pf.nNoteWidth[0] = charWidth; // Total width of note (C#) pf.nNoteWidth[1] = charWidth; // Total width of note (C#) pf.nOctaveWidth = charWidth; // Octave Width pf.nVolX = charWidth * 8; // Volume Column Effects pf.nVolY = charHeight; pf.nVolCmdWidth = charWidth; // Width of volume effect pf.nVolHiWidth = charWidth; // Width of first character in volume parameter pf.nCmdOfs = 0; // XOffset (-xxx) around the command letter pf.nParamHiWidth = charWidth; pf.nInstrOfs = -charWidth; pf.nInstr10Ofs = 0; pf.nInstrHiWidth = charWidth * 2; pf.pcParamMargin = 0; pf.pcValMargin = 0; pf.paramLoMargin = 0; // Margin for second digit of parameter pf.spacingY = charHeight; { pf.dib->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); pf.dib->bmiHeader.biWidth = ((width + 7) & ~7); // 4-byte alignment pf.dib->bmiHeader.biHeight = -(int32)height; pf.dib->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = pf.dib->bmiHeader.biWidth * height / 2; pf.dib->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; pf.dib->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 4; pf.dib->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; pf.dib->lpDibBits = new uint8[pf.dib->bmiHeader.biSizeImage]; pf.dib->bmiColors[0] = rgb2quad(RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); pf.dib->bmiColors[15] = rgb2quad(RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); uint8 *data = nullptr; HBITMAP bitmap = ::CreateDIBSection(hDC, (BITMAPINFO *)&pf.dib->bmiHeader, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void **)&data, nullptr, 0); if(!bitmap) { hDC.SelectObject(oldFont); gdiFont.DeleteObject(); hDC.DeleteDC(); currentFont = &gDefaultPatternFont; return; } HGDIOBJ oldBitmap = hDC.SelectObject(bitmap); hDC.FillSolidRect(0, 0, width - 4, height, RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); hDC.SetTextColor(RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); hDC.SetBkColor(RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); hDC.SetTextAlign(TA_TOP | TA_LEFT); // Empty cells (dots - i-th bit set = dot in the i-th column of a cell) const uint8 dots[5] = { 1 | 2 | 4, 2 | 4, 2 | 4, 1, 1 | 2 }; const auto dotStr = TrackerSettings::Instance().patternFontDot.Get(); auto dotChar = dotStr.empty() ? UC_(' ') : dotStr[0]; for(int cell = 0, offset = 0; cell < static_cast<int>(std::size(dots)); cell++) { uint8 dot = dots[cell]; for(int i = 0; dot != 0; i++) { if(dot & 1) DrawChar(hDC, dotChar, pf.nClrX + offset + i * charWidth, pf.nClrY, charWidth, charHeight); dot >>= 1; } offset += pf.nEltWidths[cell]; } // Notes for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { DrawString(hDC, NoteNamesSharp[i], 2, pf.nNoteX, pf.nNoteY + (i + 1) * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); } DrawString(hDC, "^^", 2, pf.nNoteX, pf.nNoteY + 13 * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); DrawString(hDC, "==", 2, pf.nNoteX, pf.nNoteY + 14 * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); DrawString(hDC, "PC", 2, pf.nNoteX, pf.nNoteY + 15 * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); DrawString(hDC, "PCs", 3, pf.nNoteX, pf.nNoteY + 16 * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); DrawString(hDC, "~~", 2, pf.nNoteX, pf.nNoteY + 17 * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); // Hex chars const char hexChars[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { DrawChar(hDC, hexChars[i], pf.nNumX, pf.nNumY + i * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); } // Double-digit numbers for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { char s[2]; s[0] = char('1' + i / 10); s[1] = char('0' + i % 10); DrawString(hDC, s, 2, pf.nNum10X, pf.nNum10Y + i * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); } // Volume commands const char volEffects[]= " vpcdabuhlrgfe:o"; static_assert(mpt::array_size<decltype(volEffects)>::size - 1 == MAX_VOLCMDS); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_VOLCMDS; i++) { DrawChar(hDC, volEffects[i], pf.nVolX, pf.nVolY + i * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); } // Letters A-Z for(int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { DrawChar(hDC, char('A' + i), pf.nAlphaAM_X, pf.nAlphaAM_Y + i * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); DrawChar(hDC, char('N' + i), pf.nAlphaNZ_X, pf.nAlphaNZ_Y + i * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); } // Special chars DrawChar(hDC, '#', pf.nAlphaAM_X, pf.nAlphaAM_Y + 13 * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); DrawChar(hDC, '?', pf.nAlphaNZ_X, pf.nAlphaNZ_Y + 13 * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); DrawChar(hDC, 'b', pf.nAlphaAM_X, pf.nAlphaAM_Y + 14 * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); DrawChar(hDC, '\\', pf.nAlphaNZ_X, pf.nAlphaNZ_Y + 14 * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); DrawChar(hDC, '-', pf.nAlphaAM_X, pf.nAlphaAM_Y + 15 * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); DrawChar(hDC, ':', pf.nAlphaNZ_X, pf.nAlphaNZ_Y + 15 * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); DrawChar(hDC, '+', pf.nAlphaAM_X, pf.nAlphaAM_Y + 16 * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); DrawChar(hDC, '*', pf.nAlphaNZ_X, pf.nAlphaNZ_Y + 16 * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); DrawChar(hDC, 'd', pf.nAlphaAM_X, pf.nAlphaAM_Y + 17 * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight); ::GdiFlush(); std::memcpy(pf.dib->lpDibBits, data, pf.dib->bmiHeader.biSizeImage); // Create 4-pixel border const int bmWidth2 = pf.dib->bmiHeader.biWidth / 2; for(int y = 0, x = width / 2 - 2; y < height; y++, x += bmWidth2) { pf.dib->lpDibBits[x] = 0xEC; pf.dib->lpDibBits[x + 1] = 0xC4; } hDC.SelectObject(oldBitmap); DeleteBitmap(bitmap); } { pf.dibASCII = &customFontBitmapASCII; pf.dibASCII->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); pf.dibASCII->bmiHeader.biWidth = ((charWidth * 128 + 7) & ~7); // 4-byte alignment pf.dibASCII->bmiHeader.biHeight = -(int32)charHeight; pf.dibASCII->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = pf.dibASCII->bmiHeader.biWidth * charHeight / 2; pf.dibASCII->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; pf.dibASCII->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 4; pf.dibASCII->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; pf.dibASCII->lpDibBits = new uint8[pf.dibASCII->bmiHeader.biSizeImage]; pf.dibASCII->bmiColors[0] = rgb2quad(RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); pf.dibASCII->bmiColors[15] = rgb2quad(RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); uint8 *data = nullptr; HBITMAP bitmap = ::CreateDIBSection(hDC, (BITMAPINFO *)&pf.dibASCII->bmiHeader, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void **)&data, nullptr, 0); if(!bitmap) { hDC.SelectObject(oldFont); gdiFont.DeleteObject(); hDC.DeleteDC(); currentFont = &gDefaultPatternFont; return; } HGDIOBJ oldBitmap = hDC.SelectObject(bitmap); hDC.FillSolidRect(0, 0, pf.dibASCII->bmiHeader.biWidth, -pf.dibASCII->bmiHeader.biHeight, RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); hDC.SetTextColor(RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); hDC.SetBkColor(RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); hDC.SetTextAlign(TA_TOP | TA_LEFT); for(uint32 c = 32; c < 128; ++c) { DrawChar(hDC, (char)(unsigned char)c, charWidth * c, 0, charWidth, charHeight); } ::GdiFlush(); std::memcpy(pf.dibASCII->lpDibBits, data, pf.dibASCII->bmiHeader.biSizeImage); hDC.SelectObject(oldBitmap); DeleteBitmap(bitmap); } hDC.SelectObject(oldFont); gdiFont.DeleteObject(); hDC.DeleteDC(); } void PatternFont::DeleteFontData() { delete[] customFontBitmap.lpDibBits; customFontBitmap.lpDibBits = nullptr; delete[] customFontBitmapASCII.lpDibBits; customFontBitmapASCII.lpDibBits = nullptr; } OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_END