#include <windows.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include "..\..\General\gen_ml/ml.h" #include <shlwapi.h> #include <strsafe.h> static void removebadchars(wchar_t *s, wchar_t *&end, size_t &str_size) { const wchar_t *start = s; while (s && *s) { if (*s == L'?' || *s == L'/' || *s == L'\\' || *s == L':' || *s == L'*' || *s == L'\"' || *s == L'<' || *s == L'>' || *s == L'|') *s = L'_'; s = CharNextW(s); } // cut off trailing periods if (s != start) { do { s--; if (*s == '.') { *s = '_'; end--; str_size++; } else break; } while (s != start); } } void RecursiveCreateDirectory(wchar_t *str) { wchar_t *p = str; if ((p[0] ==L'\\' || p[0] ==L'/') && (p[1] ==L'\\' || p[1] ==L'/')) { p += 2; while (p &&*p && *p !=L'\\' && *p !=L'/') p++; if (!p || !*p) return ; p++; while (p && *p && *p !=L'\\' && *p !=L'/') p++; } else { while (p && *p && *p !=L'\\' && *p !=L'/') p++; } while (p && *p) { while (p && *p && *p !=L'\\' && *p !=L'/') p = CharNextW(p); if (p && *p) { wchar_t lp = *p; *p = 0; CreateDirectoryW(str, NULL); *p++ = lp; } } } void FixFileLength(wchar_t *str) { size_t len = wcslen(str); if (len >= MAX_PATH) // no good { size_t extensionPosition=len; while (extensionPosition--) { if (str[extensionPosition]=='.' || str[extensionPosition] == '/' || str[extensionPosition] == '\\') break; } if (str[extensionPosition]=='.') // found an extension? good, let's relocate it { ptrdiff_t diff = len - extensionPosition; diff++; while (diff) { str[MAX_PATH-diff]=str[len-diff+1]; diff--; } } str[MAX_PATH-1]=0; } } static void ADD_STR(const wchar_t *x, wchar_t *&outp, size_t &str_size) { wchar_t *end = outp; StringCchCopyExW(outp, str_size, (x) ? (x) : L"", &end, &str_size, 0); removebadchars(outp, end, str_size); outp = end; } static void ADD_STR_U(const wchar_t *x, wchar_t *&outp, size_t &str_size) { wchar_t *end = outp; StringCchCopyExW(outp, str_size, (x) ? (x) : L"", &end, &str_size, 0); removebadchars(outp, end, str_size); CharUpperW(outp); outp = end; } static void ADD_STR_L(const wchar_t *x, wchar_t *&outp, size_t &str_size) { wchar_t *end = outp; StringCchCopyExW(outp, str_size, (x)?(x):L"", &end, &str_size,0); removebadchars(outp, end, str_size); CharLowerW(outp); outp=end; } // FixReplacementVars: replaces <Artist>, <Title>, <Album>, and #, ##, ##, with appropriate data wchar_t *FixReplacementVars(wchar_t *str, size_t str_size, itemRecordW * song) { wchar_t tmpsrc[4096] = {0}; lstrcpyn(tmpsrc,str,sizeof(tmpsrc)/sizeof(wchar_t)); //lstrcpyn is nice enough to make sure it's null terminated. wchar_t *inp = tmpsrc; wchar_t *outp = str; while (inp && *inp && str_size) { if (*inp == L'<') { if (!wcsncmp(inp,L"<TITLE>",7)) { ADD_STR_U(song->title, outp, str_size); inp+=7; } else if (!wcsncmp(inp,L"<title>",7)) { ADD_STR_L(song->title, outp, str_size); inp+=7; } else if (!_wcsnicmp(inp,L"<Title>",7)) { ADD_STR(song->title, outp, str_size); inp+=7; } else if (!wcsncmp(inp,L"<ALBUM>",7)) { ADD_STR_U(song->album, outp, str_size); inp+=7; } else if (!wcsncmp(inp,L"<album>",7)) { ADD_STR_L(song->album, outp, str_size); inp+=7; } else if (!_wcsnicmp(inp,L"<Album>",7)) { ADD_STR(song->album, outp, str_size); inp+=7; } else if (!wcsncmp(inp,L"<GENRE>",7)) { ADD_STR_U(song->genre, outp, str_size); inp+=7; } else if (!wcsncmp(inp,L"<genre>",7)) { ADD_STR_L(song->genre, outp, str_size); inp+=7; } else if (!_wcsnicmp(inp,L"<Genre>",7)) { ADD_STR(song->genre, outp, str_size); inp+=7; } else if (!wcsncmp(inp,L"<ARTIST>",8)) { ADD_STR_U(song->artist, outp, str_size); inp+=8; } else if (!wcsncmp(inp,L"<artist>",8)) { ADD_STR_L(song->artist, outp, str_size); inp+=8; } else if (!_wcsnicmp(inp,L"<Artist>",8)) { ADD_STR(song->artist, outp, str_size); inp+=8; } else if (!wcsncmp(inp,L"<ALBUMARTIST>",13)) { if (song->albumartist && song->albumartist[0]) ADD_STR_U(song->albumartist, outp, str_size); else ADD_STR_U(song->artist, outp, str_size); inp+=13; } else if (!wcsncmp(inp,L"<albumartist>",13)) { if (song->albumartist && song->albumartist[0]) ADD_STR_L(song->albumartist, outp, str_size); else ADD_STR_L(song->artist, outp, str_size); inp+=13; } else if (!_wcsnicmp(inp,L"<Albumartist>",13)) { if (song->albumartist && song->albumartist[0]) ADD_STR(song->albumartist, outp, str_size); else ADD_STR(song->artist, outp, str_size); inp+=13; } else if (!_wcsnicmp(inp,L"<year>",6)) { wchar_t year[64] = {0}; if(song->year==0) year[0]=0; else StringCchPrintf(year, 64, L"%d", song->year); ADD_STR(year, outp, str_size); inp+=6; } else if (!_wcsnicmp(inp,L"<disc>",6)) { wchar_t disc[16] = {0}; if(song->disc==0) disc[0]=0; else StringCchPrintf(disc, 16, L"%d", song->disc); ADD_STR(disc, outp, str_size); inp+=6; } else if (!_wcsnicmp(inp,L"<discs>",7)) { wchar_t discs[32] = {0}; if(song->disc==0) discs[0]=0; else StringCchPrintf(discs, 32, L"%d", song->discs); ADD_STR(discs, outp, str_size); inp+=7; } else if(!_wcsnicmp(inp,L"<filename>",10)) { wchar_t *fn = _wcsdup(PathFindFileName(song->filename)); const wchar_t *insert; if (NULL != fn && FALSE != PathIsFileSpec(fn)) { PathRemoveExtension(fn); insert = fn; } else insert = NULL; if (NULL == insert || L'\0' == *insert) insert = L"<filename>"; ADD_STR(insert, outp, str_size); free(fn); inp+=10; } else *outp++=*inp++; } else if (*inp == '#') { int nd = 0; wchar_t tmp[64] = {0}; while (inp && *inp =='#') nd++,inp++; if (!song->track) { tmp[0] = 0; while (inp && *inp == ' ') inp++; if (inp && (*inp == '-' || *inp == '.' || *inp == '_')) // separator { inp++; while (inp && *inp == ' ') inp++; } } else { if (nd > 1) { wchar_t tmp2[32] = {0}; if (nd > 5) nd=5; StringCchPrintf(tmp2, 32, L"%%%02dd",nd); StringCchPrintf(tmp, 64, tmp2,song->track); } else StringCchPrintf(tmp, 64, L"%d", song->track); } ADD_STR(tmp, outp, str_size); } else *outp++ = *inp++; } if (outp) *outp = 0; inp = str; outp = str; wchar_t lastc=0; while (inp && *inp) { wchar_t c=*inp++; if (c == '\t') c=' '; if (c == ' ' && (lastc == ' ' || lastc == '\\' || lastc == '/')) continue; // ignore space after slash, or another space if ((c == '\\' || c == '/') && lastc == ' ') outp--; // if we have a space then slash, back up to write the slash where the space was *outp++ = c; lastc = c; } if (outp) *outp=0; #undef ADD_STR #undef ADD_STR_L #undef ADD_STR_U return(str); }