#include "main.h" #include "Metadata.h" #include "api__in_mp3.h" #include "../nu/AutoWide.h" #include "AlbumArt.h" #include "Stopper.h" #include <shlwapi.h> #include <strsafe.h> bool IsMyExtension(const wchar_t *filename) { // check if it's the current stream and is playing and is SHOUTcast2 if (PathIsURLW(filename)) { if (g_playing_file) { EnterCriticalSection(&streamInfoLock); if (g_playing_file && (g_playing_file->uvox_artwork.uvox_stream_artwork || g_playing_file->uvox_artwork.uvox_playing_artwork) && !lstrcmpW(lastfn, filename)) // check again now that we've acquired the lock { LeaveCriticalSection(&streamInfoLock); return true; } LeaveCriticalSection(&streamInfoLock); } } // otherwise handle as normal embedded else { const wchar_t *extension = PathFindExtension(filename); if (extension && *extension) { AutoWide wideList(config_extlist); // TODO: build a copy of this at config load time so we don't have to run this every time extension++; wchar_t *b = wideList; wchar_t *c = 0; do { wchar_t d[20] = {0}; StringCchCopyW(d, 15, b); if ((c = wcschr(b, L';'))) { if ((c-b)<15) d[c - b] = 0; } if (!lstrcmpiW(extension, d)) return true; b = c + 1; } while (c); } } return false; } bool ID3v2_AlbumArtProvider::IsMine(const wchar_t *filename) { return IsMyExtension(filename); } int ID3v2_AlbumArtProvider::ProviderType() { return ALBUMARTPROVIDER_TYPE_EMBEDDED; } int ID3v2_AlbumArtProvider::GetAlbumArtData(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *type, void **bits, size_t *len, wchar_t **mimeType) { if (g_playing_file) { EnterCriticalSection(&streamInfoLock); if (g_playing_file && !lstrcmpW(lastfn, filename)) // check again now that we've acquired the lock { wchar_t* mimeType[] = { L"image/jpeg", L"image/png", L"image/bmp", L"image/gif" }; if (!g_playing_file->uvox_artwork.uvox_stream_artwork) { int ret = g_playing_file->info.GetAlbumArt(type, bits, len, mimeType); LeaveCriticalSection(&streamInfoLock); return ret; } else { // will handle "playing" and "cover" - cover is the stream branding // with "playing" used to provide song specific stream artwork if (!_wcsicmp(type, L"playing")) { if (g_playing_file->uvox_artwork.uvox_playing_artwork_len > 0) { *len = g_playing_file->uvox_artwork.uvox_playing_artwork_len; int type = g_playing_file->uvox_artwork.uvox_playing_artwork_type; if(type >= 0 && type <= 3) { *mimeType = (wchar_t *)WASABI_API_MEMMGR->sysMalloc(12 * sizeof(wchar_t)); wcsncpy(*mimeType, mimeType[type], 12); } else { *mimeType = 0; } *bits = WASABI_API_MEMMGR->sysMalloc(*len); memcpy(*bits, g_playing_file->uvox_artwork.uvox_playing_artwork, *len); LeaveCriticalSection(&streamInfoLock); return ALBUMARTPROVIDER_SUCCESS; } else { LeaveCriticalSection(&streamInfoLock); return ALBUMARTPROVIDER_FAILURE; } } else { if (g_playing_file->uvox_artwork.uvox_stream_artwork_len > 0) { *len = g_playing_file->uvox_artwork.uvox_stream_artwork_len; int type = g_playing_file->uvox_artwork.uvox_stream_artwork_type; if(type >= 0 && type <= 3) { *mimeType = (wchar_t *)WASABI_API_MEMMGR->sysMalloc(12 * sizeof(wchar_t)); wcsncpy(*mimeType, mimeType[type], 12); } else { *mimeType = 0; } *bits = WASABI_API_MEMMGR->sysMalloc(*len); memcpy(*bits, g_playing_file->uvox_artwork.uvox_stream_artwork, *len); LeaveCriticalSection(&streamInfoLock); return ALBUMARTPROVIDER_SUCCESS; } else { LeaveCriticalSection(&streamInfoLock); return ALBUMARTPROVIDER_FAILURE; } } } } LeaveCriticalSection(&streamInfoLock); } Metadata metadata; if (metadata.Open(filename) == METADATA_SUCCESS) { return metadata.id3v2.GetAlbumArt(type, bits, len, mimeType); } return ALBUMARTPROVIDER_FAILURE; } extern Metadata *m_ext_get_mp3info; int ID3v2_AlbumArtProvider::SetAlbumArtData(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *type, void *bits, size_t len, const wchar_t *mimeType) { Metadata metadata; if (metadata.Open(filename) == METADATA_SUCCESS) { int ret = metadata.id3v2.SetAlbumArt(type, bits, len, mimeType); if (ret == METADATA_SUCCESS) { // flush our read cache too :) if (m_ext_get_mp3info) m_ext_get_mp3info->Release(); m_ext_get_mp3info = NULL; Stopper stopper; if (metadata.IsMe(lastfn)) stopper.Stop(); metadata.Save(); stopper.Play(); } return ret; } return ALBUMARTPROVIDER_FAILURE; } int ID3v2_AlbumArtProvider::DeleteAlbumArt(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *type) { Metadata metadata; if (metadata.Open(filename) == METADATA_SUCCESS) { int ret = metadata.id3v2.DeleteAlbumArt(type); if (ret == METADATA_SUCCESS) { // flush our read cache too :) if (m_ext_get_mp3info) m_ext_get_mp3info->Release(); m_ext_get_mp3info = NULL; Stopper stopper; if (metadata.IsMe(lastfn)) stopper.Stop(); metadata.Save(); stopper.Play(); } return ret; } return ALBUMARTPROVIDER_FAILURE; } #define CBCLASS ID3v2_AlbumArtProvider START_DISPATCH; CB(SVC_ALBUMARTPROVIDER_PROVIDERTYPE, ProviderType); CB(SVC_ALBUMARTPROVIDER_GETALBUMARTDATA, GetAlbumArtData); CB(SVC_ALBUMARTPROVIDER_ISMINE, IsMine); CB(SVC_ALBUMARTPROVIDER_SETALBUMARTDATA, SetAlbumArtData); CB(SVC_ALBUMARTPROVIDER_DELETEALBUMART, DeleteAlbumArt); END_DISPATCH; #undef CBCLASS static ID3v2_AlbumArtProvider albumArtProvider; // {C8222317-8F0D-4e79-9222-447381C46E07} static const GUID id3v2_albumartproviderGUID = { 0xc8222317, 0x8f0d, 0x4e79, { 0x92, 0x22, 0x44, 0x73, 0x81, 0xc4, 0x6e, 0x7 } }; FOURCC AlbumArtFactory::GetServiceType() { return svc_albumArtProvider::SERVICETYPE; } const char *AlbumArtFactory::GetServiceName() { return "ID3v2 Album Art Provider"; } GUID AlbumArtFactory::GetGUID() { return id3v2_albumartproviderGUID; } void *AlbumArtFactory::GetInterface(int global_lock) { return &albumArtProvider; } int AlbumArtFactory::SupportNonLockingInterface() { return 1; } int AlbumArtFactory::ReleaseInterface(void *ifc) { //plugin.service->service_unlock(ifc); return 1; } const char *AlbumArtFactory::GetTestString() { return 0; } int AlbumArtFactory::ServiceNotify(int msg, int param1, int param2) { return 1; } #ifdef CBCLASS #undef CBCLASS #endif #define CBCLASS AlbumArtFactory START_DISPATCH; CB(WASERVICEFACTORY_GETSERVICETYPE, GetServiceType) CB(WASERVICEFACTORY_GETSERVICENAME, GetServiceName) CB(WASERVICEFACTORY_GETGUID, GetGUID) CB(WASERVICEFACTORY_GETINTERFACE, GetInterface) CB(WASERVICEFACTORY_SUPPORTNONLOCKINGGETINTERFACE, SupportNonLockingInterface) CB(WASERVICEFACTORY_RELEASEINTERFACE, ReleaseInterface) CB(WASERVICEFACTORY_GETTESTSTRING, GetTestString) CB(WASERVICEFACTORY_SERVICENOTIFY, ServiceNotify) END_DISPATCH;