; WA_SDK.nsi ; This script will collect the files in Winamp SDK and create an installer for them ;------------------------ !ifndef VERSION !define VERSION "5.9" !endif !define PRODUCT_NAME "Winamp ${VERSION} SDK" ; This is where all projects live. Ensure this is the correct relative path. !ifndef PROJECTS !define PROJECTS "..\.." !endif ; Hinterland repo !ifndef Hinterland !define Hinterland "..\..\..\..\Hinterland" !endif ; Path to SDK Plugins !ifndef SDKPlugins !define SDKPlugins "..\..\Plugins\SDK" !endif ; Path to Gen Plugins !ifndef GenPlugins !define GenPlugins "..\..\Plugins\General" !endif ; Path to Input Plugins !ifndef InPlugins !define InPlugins "..\..\Plugins\Input" !endif ; Path to Enc Plugins !ifndef EncPlugins !define EncPlugins "..\..\Plugins\Encoder" !endif ; Path to Library Plugins !ifndef LibPlugins !define LibPlugins "..\..\Plugins\Library" !endif ; Path to Output Plugins !ifndef OutPlugins !define OutPlugins "..\..\Plugins\Output" !endif ; Path to DSP Plugins !ifndef DSPPlugins !define DSPPlugins "..\..\Plugins\DSP" !endif ; Path to Portable Plugins !ifndef PortablePlugins !define PortablePlugins "..\..\Plugins\Portable" !endif ; Path to Vis Plugins !ifndef VisPlugins !define VisPlugins "..\..\Plugins\Visualization" !endif !define old_stuff_for_reference !define WINAMP "Winamp" !define UNINSTALLER "WA${VERSION}_SDK_Uninstaller.exe" ;Set Compression SetCompress force SetCompressor /solid lzma !include "sections.nsh" !include "LogicLib.nsh" !include "WordFunc.nsh" XPStyle on ;Request Administrator Privileges RequestExecutionLevel user ;Version information for Windows Explorer VIProductVersion "" VIAddVersionKey "ProductName" "${PRODUCT_NAME}" VIAddVersionKey "Comments" "Winamp SDK Installer" VIAddVersionKey "LegalCopyright" "Copyright © 1997-2022 Winamp SA" VIAddVersionKey "CompanyName" "Winamp SA" VIAddVersionKey "FileDescription" "${PRODUCT_NAME} Installer" VIAddVersionKey "FileVersion" "" VIAddVersionKey "ProductVersion" "" ;------------------------ Name "Winamp ${VERSION} SDK" OutFile "WA${VERSION}_SDK.exe" InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Winamp SDK" Page Directory Page instfiles Section "" ; APIs !include "winamp_api.nsh" !include "ml_api.nsh" !include "wasabi.nsh" !include "bfc.nsh" !include "xml.nsh" !include "playlist.nsh" !include "nu.nsh" !include "Agave.nsh" !include "nsv.nsh" !include "burner.nsh" ; examples !include "gen_tray.nsh" !include "enc_flac.nsh" !include "in_flac.nsh" !include "ml_bookmarks.nsh" !include "xspf.nsh" ; Previously moved to Hinterland. Now updated / migrated to VS2019... !include "ml_xmlex.nsh" !include "plLoadEx.nsh" !include "dsp_test.nsh" !include "in_tone.nsh" !include "coverdirectory.nsh" !include "irctell.nsh" !include "ml_iso.nsh" !include "out_null.nsh" !include "gen_classicart.nsh" ; These old plugins were moved to Hinterland and do not compile under VS2019, so let's remove them from the SDK ;!include "in_chain.nsh" ;!include "in_raw.nsh" ;!include "ml_http.nsh" ;!include "mlExplorer.nsh" ; skinning !include "maki.nsh" ; open source !include "ReplayGainAnalysis.nsh" !include "nde.nsh" ; TODO ; example using api_tagz ; example using hotkeys ; example using api_decodefile ; vis_avs ; jnetlib (but which one? dll or w5s?) ; file reader API ; example using api_random (maybe by adding noise generator to dsp_test) !ifdef old_stuff_for_reference SetOutPath $INSTDIR\gen_ml File ${GenPlugins}\gen_ml\gaystring.h ; this needs replacing File ${GenPlugins}\gen_ml\gaystring.cpp ; this needs replacing File ${GenPlugins}\gen_ml\itemlist.cpp File ${GenPlugins}\gen_ml\itemlist.h File ${GenPlugins}\gen_ml\listview.cpp File ${GenPlugins}\gen_ml\listview.h File ${GenPlugins}\gen_ml\ml_ipc.h File ${GenPlugins}\gen_ml\ml_lib.cpp SetOutPath $INSTDIR\vis File ${PROJECTS}\resources\SDK\wa5vis.txt SetOutPath $INSTDIR\vis\vis_avs\apesdk File /x CVS ${VisPlugins}\vis_avs\apesdk\*.* SetOutPath $INSTDIR\vis\vis_avs\ns-eel2 File /x CVS ${PROJECTS}\ns-eel2\*.* SetOutPath $INSTDIR\vis\vis_test File ${Hinterland}\vis_milkdrop\svis.mak SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Winamp File ${GenPlugins}\gen_hotkeys\wa_hotkeys.h File ${PROJECTS}\Winamp\api_random.h File ${PROJECTS}\Winamp\api_decodefile.h File ${PROJECTS}\Winamp\api_audiostream.h SetOutPath $INSTDIR\tagz File ${PROJECTS}\tagz\api_tagz.h File ${PROJECTS}\tagz\ifc_tagprovider.h File ${PROJECTS}\tagz\ifc_tagparams.h File /oname=$INSTDIR\readme.txt ${PROJECTS}\Resources\SDK\sdkreadme.txt !endif WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\${UNINSTALLER}" SectionEnd Section "Uninstall" Delete $INSTDIR\*.* RMDir $INSTDIR SectionEnd