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#include "nsISupports.idl"

 * The nsIPrefLocalizedString interface is simply a wrapper interface for
 * nsISupportsString so the preferences service can have a unique identifier
 * to distinguish between requests for normal wide strings (nsISupportsString)
 * and "localized" wide strings, which get their default values from properites
 * files.
 * @see nsIPrefBranch
 * @see nsISupportsString
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(ae419e24-1dd1-11b2-b39a-d3e5e7073802)]
interface nsIPrefLocalizedString : nsISupports
   * Provides access to string data stored in this property.
   * @return NS_OK The operation succeeded.
   * @return Other An error occured.
  attribute wstring data;

   * Used to retrieve the contents of this object into a wide string.
   * @return wstring The string containing the data stored within this object.
  wstring toString();

   * Used to set the contents of this object.
   * @param length The length of the string. This value should not include
   *               space for the null terminator, nor should it account for the
   *               size of a character. It should  only be the number of
   *               characters for which there is space in the string.
   * @param data   The string data to be stored.
   * @note
   * This makes a copy of the string argument passed in.
   * @return NS_OK The data was successfully stored.
  void setDataWithLength(in unsigned long length,
                         [size_is(length)] in wstring data);


#define NS_PREFLOCALIZEDSTRING_CID                     \
  { /* {064d9cee-1dd2-11b2-83e3-d25ab0193c26} */       \
    0x064d9cee,                                        \
    0x1dd2,                                            \
    0x11b2,                                            \
    { 0x83, 0xe3, 0xd2, 0x5a, 0xb0, 0x19, 0x3c, 0x26 } \

#define NS_PREFLOCALIZEDSTRING_CONTRACTID "@mozilla.org/pref-localizedstring;1"
