198 lines
7.3 KiB
198 lines
7.3 KiB
!ifdef std | full
SectionGroup $(IDS_GRP_WALIB) IDX_GRP_WALIB ; Winamp Library
${WinampSection} "mediaLibrary" $(secML) IDX_SEC_ML ; >>> [Media Library]
SectionGetFlags ${IDX_GRP_WALIB} $1
IntOp $1 $1 & 0x0041
StrCmp $1 "0" done
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Plugins
File ${FILES_PATH}\Plugins\gen_ml.dll
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Shared
File ${FILES_PATH}\Shared\nxlite.dll
${WinampSectionEnd} ; <<< [Media Library]
!include ".\sections\grp_walib_core.nsh"
${WinampSection} "mediaLibraryTranscode" $(sec_ML_TRANSCODE) IDX_SEC_ML_TRANSCODE ; >>> [Trancsoding Tool]
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Plugins
File ${FILES_PATH}\Plugins\ml_transcode.dll
${If} ${FileExists} "$SETTINGSDIR\Plugins\ml_transcode.ini"
Rename "$SETTINGSDIR\Plugins\ml_transcode.ini" "$SETTINGSDIR\Plugins\ml\ml_transcode.ini"
${WinampSectionEnd} ; <<< [Trancsoding Tool]
${WinampSection} "mediaLibraryReplayGain" $(sec_ML_RG) IDX_SEC_ML_RG ; >>> [Replay Gain Analysis Tool]
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Plugins
File ${FILES_PATH}\Plugins\ml_rg.dll
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Shared
File ${FILES_PATH}\Shared\ReplayGainAnalysis.dll
${WinampSectionEnd} ; <<< [Replay Gain Analysis Tool]
!ifndef WINAMP64
!ifdef full
${WinampSection} "mediaLibraryiTunesImp" $(sec_ML_IMPEX) IDX_SEC_ML_IMPEX ; >>> [iTunes Importer]
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\System
File ${FILES_PATH}\System\xml.w5s
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Plugins
File ${FILES_PATH}\Plugins\ml_impex.dll
${WinampSectionEnd} ; <<< [iTunes Importer]
!endif ; WINAMP64
!if 0
${WinampSection} "mediaLibraryAutoTag" $(IDS_SEC_ML_AUTOTAG) IDX_SEC_ML_AUTOTAG ; >>> [Auto Tag]
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Plugins
File ${FILES_PATH}\Plugins\ml_autotag.dll
${WinampSectionEnd} ; <<< [Auto Tag]
!ifdef full
${WinampSection} "mediaLibraryPodcast" $(secWire) IDX_SEC_ML_WIRE ; >>> [SHOUTCast Wire]
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Shared
File ${FILES_PATH}\Shared\nde.dll
File ${FILES_PATH}\Shared\nxlite.dll
File ${FILES_PATH}\Shared\jnetlib.dll
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\System
; File ${FILES_PATH}\System\jnetlib.w5s
; File /nonfatal "${FILES_PATH}\System\jnetlib.wbm"
File ${FILES_PATH}\System\wac_network.w5s
File ${FILES_PATH}\System\xml.w5s
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Plugins
File ${FILES_PATH}\Plugins\ml_wire.dll
;!warning "ml_downloads disabled to make 5.5.2 (1 of 2)"
File ${FILES_PATH}\Plugins\ml_downloads.dll
WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "pcast" "" "URL: Podcast Protocol"
WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "pcast" "URL Protocol" ""
WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "pcast\shell\open\command" "" "$INSTDIR\${WINAMPEXE} /HANDLE %1"
WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "feed" "" "URL: RSS Protocol"
WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "feed" "URL Protocol" ""
WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "feed\shell\open\command" "" "$INSTDIR\${WINAMPEXE} /HANDLE %1"
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\System
File ${FILES_PATH}\System\omBrowser.w5s
; File /nonfatal ${FILES_PATH}\System\omBrowser.wbm
; Qt Components
File ${FILES_PATH}\Qt5Core.dll
File ${FILES_PATH}\Qt5Network.dll
; Placeholder - code is currently not working
; We need a method to rename the <winamp:preferences xmlns:winamp="http://www.winamp.com" version="2"> node to just <winamp>,
; then make the "service url=" change, then rename the node back to the original...
; Force using default dir for 5.9 by removing any alternate podcast dir user setting
; make a backup first
${If} ${FileExists} "$SETTINGSDIR\Plugins\ml\feeds\rss.xml"
CreateDirectory "$SETTINGSDIR\Plugins\ml\feeds\backup"
CopyFiles /SILENT "$SETTINGSDIR\Plugins\ml\feeds\rss.xml" "$SETTINGSDIR\Plugins\ml\feeds\backup\rss.xml"
; backup made, now edit the service url
nsisXML::load "$SETTINGSDIR\Plugins\ml\feeds\rss.xml"
${If} $0 P<> 0
nsisXML::select '/winamp/service'
;MessageBox mb_ok "$1 should not be 0 here"
${If} $1 P<> 0
nsisXML::setAttribute "url" ""
nsisXML::save "$SETTINGSDIR\Plugins\ml\feeds\rss.xml"
nsisXML::release $0
;MessageBox mb_ok "load failed"
nsisXML::release $1
${WinampSectionEnd} ; <<< [SHOUTCast Wire]
!ifndef WINAMP64
!ifdef full
${WinampSection} "mediaLibraryOnlineServices" $(secOM) IDX_SEC_ML_ONLINE ; >>> [Online Media]
StrCpy $0 "$SETTINGSDIR\Plugins\ml"
CreateDirectory "$0"
Delete "$0\radio.*"
Delete "$0\tv.*"
Delete "$0\waaudio.*"
Delete "$0\wamedia.*"
Delete "$0\watv.*"
Delete "$0\xmmedia.*"
Delete "$0\ml_win_media.ini"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Plugins"
File "${FILES_PATH}\Plugins\ml_online.dll"
;!warning "ml_downloads disabled to make 5.5.2 (2 of 2)"
File "${FILES_PATH}\Plugins\ml_downloads.dll"
StrCpy $0 "$SETTINGSDIR\Plugins\ml\ml_online.ini"
DeleteINIStr "$0" "Setup" "featuredExtra"
DeleteINIStr "$0" "Navigation" "openOnce"
DeleteINIStr "$0" "Navigation" "openOnceMode"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\System"
File /nonfatal "${FILES_PATH}\System\omBrowser.w5s"
; File /nonfatal "${FILES_PATH}\System\omBrowser.wbm"
File ${FILES_PATH}\System\wac_network.w5s
; File ${FILES_PATH}\System\jnetlib.w5s
; File /nonfatal "${FILES_PATH}\System\jnetlib.wbm"
${WinampSectionEnd} ; <<< [Online Media]
!ifndef WINAMP64
!ifdef full
${WinampSection} "mediaLibraryNFT" $(sec_ML_NFT) IDX_SEC_ML_NFT ; >>> [NFT Library]
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Plugins
File ${FILES_PATH}\Plugins\ml_nft.dll
${WinampSectionEnd} ; <<< [NFT Library]
!endif ; WINAMP64
!ifndef WINAMP64
!ifdef full
${WinampSection} "mediaLibraryFanzone" $(sec_ML_FANZONE) IDX_SEC_ML_FANZONE ; >>> [Fanzone]
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Plugins
File ${FILES_PATH}\Plugins\ml_fanzone.dll
${WinampSectionEnd} ; <<< [Fanzone]
!endif ; WINAMP64
!ifndef WINAMP64
!ifdef full
${WinampSection} "mediaLibraryHotmix" $(sec_ML_HOTMIX) IDX_SEC_ML_HOTMIX ; >>> [HotmixRadio]
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Plugins
File ${FILES_PATH}\Plugins\ml_hotmixradio.dll
${WinampSectionEnd} ; <<< [HotmixRadio]
!endif ; WINAMP64
!if 0
!ifdef full
${WinampSection} "mediaLibraryPlaylistGenerator" $(SEC_ML_PLG) IDX_SEC_ML_PLG ; >>> [Playlist Generator]
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Plugins
File ${FILES_PATH}\Plugins\ml_plg.dll
${WinampSectionEnd} ; <<< [Playlist Generator]
!include ".\sections\grp_walib_pmp.nsh"
!endif ; FULL |