
468 lines
17 KiB

* MPTrack.h
* ---------
* Purpose: OpenMPT core application class.
* Notes : (currently none)
* Authors: OpenMPT Devs
* The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.
#pragma once
#include "openmpt/all/BuildSettings.hpp"
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include "Settings.h"
#include "MPTrackUtil.h"
#include "Reporting.h"
#include "../soundlib/MIDIMacros.h"
#include "../soundlib/modcommand.h"
#include "../common/ComponentManager.h"
#include "../misc/mptMutex.h"
#include "../common/mptRandom.h"
#include <future>
class CModDoc;
class CModDocTemplate;
class CVstPluginManager;
namespace SoundDevice
class Manager;
} // namespace SoundDevice
struct AllSoundDeviceComponents;
class CDLSBank;
class DebugSettings;
class TrackerSettings;
class ComponentManagerSettings;
namespace mpt
namespace Wine
class VersionContext;
class Context;
} // namespace Wine
} // namespace mpt
class GdiplusRAII;
// 16-colors DIB
RGBQUAD bmiColors[16];
LPBYTE lpDibBits;
// Midi Library
using MidiLibrary = std::array<mpt::PathString, 128 * 2>; // 128 instruments + 128 percussions
// Dragon Droppings
enum DragonDropType
DRAGONDROP_NOTHING = 0, // |------< Drop Type >-------------|---< dropItem >----|---< dropParam >---|
DRAGONDROP_DLS, // | Instrument from a DLS bank | DLS Bank # | DLS Instrument |
DRAGONDROP_SAMPLE, // | Sample from a song | Sample # | NULL |
DRAGONDROP_INSTRUMENT, // | Instrument from a song | Instrument # | NULL |
DRAGONDROP_SOUNDFILE, // | File from instrument library | ? | File Name |
DRAGONDROP_MIDIINSTR, // | File from midi library | Midi Program/Perc | File Name |
DRAGONDROP_PATTERN, // | Pattern from a song | Pattern # | NULL |
DRAGONDROP_ORDER, // | Pattern index in a song | Order # | NULL |
DRAGONDROP_SONG, // | Song file (mod/s3m/xm/it) | 0 | File Name |
DRAGONDROP_SEQUENCE // | Sequence (a set of orders) | Sequence # | NULL |
const CSoundFile *sndFile = nullptr;
DragonDropType dropType = DRAGONDROP_NOTHING;
uint32 dropItem = 0;
LPARAM dropParam = 0;
mpt::PathString GetPath() const
const mpt::PathString *const path = reinterpret_cast<const mpt::PathString *>(dropParam);
return path ? *path : mpt::PathString();
// CTrackApp:
// See mptrack.cpp for the implementation of this class
class CMPTCommandLineInfo;
class CTrackApp : public CWinApp
friend class CMainFrame;
// static data
static MODTYPE m_nDefaultDocType;
static MidiLibrary midiLibrary;
static std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CDLSBank>> gpDLSBanks;
mpt::recursive_mutex_with_lock_count m_GlobalMutex;
DWORD m_GuiThreadId = 0;
std::future<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CDLSBank>>> m_scannedDlsBanks;
std::atomic<bool> m_scannedDlsBanksAvailable = false;
std::unique_ptr<mpt::random_device> m_RD;
std::unique_ptr<mpt::thread_safe_prng<mpt::default_prng>> m_PRNG;
std::unique_ptr<GdiplusRAII> m_Gdiplus;
std::shared_ptr<mpt::OS::Wine::VersionContext> m_WineVersion;
IniFileSettingsBackend *m_pSettingsIniFile;
SettingsContainer *m_pSettings = nullptr;
DebugSettings *m_pDebugSettings = nullptr;
TrackerSettings *m_pTrackerSettings = nullptr;
IniFileSettingsBackend *m_pSongSettingsIniFile = nullptr;
SettingsContainer *m_pSongSettings = nullptr;
ComponentManagerSettings *m_pComponentManagerSettings = nullptr;
IniFileSettingsContainer *m_pPluginCache = nullptr;
CModDocTemplate *m_pModTemplate = nullptr;
CVstPluginManager *m_pPluginManager = nullptr;
mpt::log::GlobalLogger m_GlobalLogger{};
std::unique_ptr<AllSoundDeviceComponents> m_pAllSoundDeviceComponents;
std::unique_ptr<SoundDevice::Manager> m_pSoundDevicesManager;
mpt::PathString m_InstallPath; // i.e. "C:\Program Files\OpenMPT\" (installer mode) or "G:\OpenMPT\" (portable mode)
mpt::PathString m_InstallBinPath; // i.e. "C:\Program Files\OpenMPT\bin\" (multi-arch mode) or InstallPath (legacy mode)
mpt::PathString m_InstallBinArchPath; // i.e. "C:\Program Files\OpenMPT\bin\amd64\" (multi-arch mode) or InstallPath (legacy mode)
mpt::PathString m_InstallPkgPath; // i.e. "C:\Program Files\OpenMPT\" (installer mode) or "G:\OpenMPT\" (portable mode)
mpt::PathString m_ConfigPath; // InstallPath (portable mode) or "%AppData%\OpenMPT\"
mpt::PathString m_szConfigFileName;
mpt::PathString m_szPluginCacheFileName;
std::shared_ptr<mpt::Wine::Context> m_Wine;
mpt::PathString m_WineWrapperDllName;
// Default macro configuration
MIDIMacroConfig m_MidiCfg;
DWORD m_dwLastPluginIdleCall = 0;
bool m_bInstallerMode = false;
bool m_bPortableMode = false;
bool m_bSourceTreeMode = false;
CDataRecoveryHandler *GetDataRecoveryHandler() override;
void AddToRecentFileList(LPCTSTR lpszPathName) override;
void AddToRecentFileList(const mpt::PathString &path);
/// Removes item from MRU-list; most recent item has index zero.
void RemoveMruItem(const size_t item);
void RemoveMruItem(const mpt::PathString &path);
bool IsMultiArchInstall() const { return m_InstallPath == m_InstallBinArchPath; }
mpt::PathString GetInstallPath() const { return m_InstallPath; } // i.e. "C:\Program Files\OpenMPT\" (installer mode) or "G:\OpenMPT\" (portable mode)
mpt::PathString GetInstallBinPath() const { return m_InstallBinPath; } // i.e. "C:\Program Files\OpenMPT\bin\" (multi-arch mode) or InstallPath (legacy mode)
mpt::PathString GetInstallBinArchPath() const { return m_InstallBinArchPath; } // i.e. "C:\Program Files\OpenMPT\bin\amd64\" (multi-arch mode) or InstallPath (legacy mode)
mpt::PathString GetInstallPkgPath() const { return m_InstallPkgPath; } // i.e. "C:\Program Files\OpenMPT\" (installer mode) or "G:\OpenMPT\" (portable mode)
static MODTYPE GetDefaultDocType() { return m_nDefaultDocType; }
static void SetDefaultDocType(MODTYPE n) { m_nDefaultDocType = n; }
static MidiLibrary &GetMidiLibrary() { return midiLibrary; }
static void ImportMidiConfig(const mpt::PathString &filename, bool hideWarning = false);
static void ExportMidiConfig(const mpt::PathString &filename);
static void ImportMidiConfig(SettingsContainer &file, const mpt::PathString &path, bool forgetSettings = false);
static void ExportMidiConfig(SettingsContainer &file);
static std::future<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CDLSBank>>> LoadDefaultDLSBanks();
static void SaveDefaultDLSBanks();
static void RemoveDLSBank(UINT nBank);
static bool AddDLSBank(const mpt::PathString &filename);
static bool OpenURL(const char *url); // UTF8
static bool OpenURL(const std::string &url); // UTF8
static bool OpenURL(const CString &url);
static bool OpenURL(const mpt::ustring &url);
static bool OpenURL(const mpt::PathString &lpszURL);
static bool OpenFile(const mpt::PathString &file) { return OpenURL(file); };
static bool OpenDirectory(const mpt::PathString &directory) { return OpenURL(directory); };
// Retrieve the user-supplied MIDI port name for a MIDI input or output port.
mpt::ustring GetFriendlyMIDIPortName(const mpt::ustring &deviceName, bool isInputPort, bool addDeviceName = true);
CString GetFriendlyMIDIPortName(const CString &deviceName, bool isInputPort, bool addDeviceName = true);
int GetOpenDocumentCount() const;
std::vector<CModDoc *> GetOpenDocuments() const;
inline mpt::recursive_mutex_with_lock_count &GetGlobalMutexRef() { return m_GlobalMutex; }
bool InGuiThread() const { return GetCurrentThreadId() == m_GuiThreadId; }
mpt::random_device &RandomDevice() { return *m_RD; }
mpt::thread_safe_prng<mpt::default_prng> &PRNG() { return *m_PRNG; }
CModDocTemplate *GetModDocTemplate() const { return m_pModTemplate; }
CVstPluginManager *GetPluginManager() const { return m_pPluginManager; }
SoundDevice::Manager *GetSoundDevicesManager() const { return m_pSoundDevicesManager.get(); }
void GetDefaultMidiMacro(MIDIMacroConfig &cfg) const { cfg = m_MidiCfg; }
void SetDefaultMidiMacro(const MIDIMacroConfig &cfg) { m_MidiCfg = cfg; }
mpt::PathString GetConfigFileName() const { return m_szConfigFileName; }
SettingsContainer *GetpSettings()
return m_pSettings;
SettingsContainer &GetSettings()
return *m_pSettings;
TrackerSettings &GetTrackerSettings()
return *m_pTrackerSettings;
bool IsInstallerMode() const
return m_bInstallerMode;
bool IsPortableMode() const
return m_bPortableMode;
bool IsSourceTreeMode() const
return m_bSourceTreeMode;
SettingsContainer &GetPluginCache()
return *m_pPluginCache;
SettingsContainer &GetSongSettings()
return *m_pSongSettings;
const mpt::PathString &GetSongSettingsFilename() const
return m_pSongSettingsIniFile->GetFilename();
void SetWineVersion(std::shared_ptr<mpt::OS::Wine::VersionContext> wineVersion)
m_WineVersion = wineVersion;
std::shared_ptr<mpt::OS::Wine::VersionContext> GetWineVersion() const
MPT_ASSERT_ALWAYS(m_WineVersion); // Verify initialization order. We should not should reach this until after Wine is detected.
return m_WineVersion;
void SetWine(std::shared_ptr<mpt::Wine::Context> wine)
m_Wine = wine;
std::shared_ptr<mpt::Wine::Context> GetWine() const
return m_Wine;
void SetWineWrapperDllFilename(mpt::PathString filename)
m_WineWrapperDllName = filename;
mpt::PathString GetWineWrapperDllFilename() const
return m_WineWrapperDllName;
/// Returns path to config folder including trailing '\'.
mpt::PathString GetConfigPath() const { return m_ConfigPath; }
void SetupPaths(bool overridePortable);
void CreatePaths();
#if !defined(MPT_BUILD_RETRO)
bool CheckSystemSupport();
#endif // !MPT_BUILD_RETRO
// Relative / absolute paths conversion
mpt::PathString PathAbsoluteToInstallRelative(const mpt::PathString &path) { return path.AbsolutePathToRelative(GetInstallPath()); }
mpt::PathString PathInstallRelativeToAbsolute(const mpt::PathString &path) { return path.RelativePathToAbsolute(GetInstallPath()); }
mpt::PathString PathAbsoluteToInstallBinArchRelative(const mpt::PathString &path) { return path.AbsolutePathToRelative(GetInstallBinArchPath()); }
mpt::PathString PathInstallBinArchRelativeToAbsolute(const mpt::PathString &path) { return path.RelativePathToAbsolute(GetInstallBinArchPath()); }
static void OpenModulesDialog(std::vector<mpt::PathString> &files, const mpt::PathString &overridePath = mpt::PathString());
// Get name of resampling mode. addTaps = true also adds the number of taps the filter uses.
static CString GetResamplingModeName(ResamplingMode mode, int length, bool addTaps);
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
BOOL InitInstance() override;
BOOL InitInstanceEarly(CMPTCommandLineInfo &cmdInfo);
BOOL InitInstanceLate(CMPTCommandLineInfo &cmdInfo);
BOOL InitInstanceImpl(CMPTCommandLineInfo &cmdInfo);
int Run() override;
LRESULT ProcessWndProcException(CException *e, const MSG *pMsg) override;
int ExitInstance() override;
int ExitInstanceImpl();
BOOL OnIdle(LONG lCount) override;
// Implementation
CModDoc *NewDocument(MODTYPE newType = MOD_TYPE_NONE);
afx_msg void OnFileNew() { NewDocument(); }
afx_msg void OnFileNewMOD() { NewDocument(MOD_TYPE_MOD); }
afx_msg void OnFileNewS3M() { NewDocument(MOD_TYPE_S3M); }
afx_msg void OnFileNewXM() { NewDocument(MOD_TYPE_XM); }
afx_msg void OnFileNewIT() { NewDocument(MOD_TYPE_IT); }
afx_msg void OnFileNewMPT() { NewDocument(MOD_TYPE_MPT); }
afx_msg void OnFileOpen();
afx_msg void OnAppAbout();
afx_msg void OnFileCloseAll();
afx_msg void OnUpdateAnyDocsOpen(CCmdUI *cmd);
size_t AddScannedDLSBanks();
void InitializeDXPlugins();
void UninitializeDXPlugins();
bool MoveConfigFile(const mpt::PathString &fileName, mpt::PathString subDir = {}, mpt::PathString newFileName = {});
extern CTrackApp theApp;
// More Bitmap Helpers
class CFastBitmap
static constexpr uint8 BLEND_OFFSET = 0x80;
RGBQUAD bmiColors[256];
std::vector<uint8> DibBits;
UINT m_nTextColor, m_nBkColor;
uint8 m_nBlendOffset;
uint8 m_n4BitPalette[16];
uint8 m_nXShiftFactor;
CFastBitmap() {}
void Init(MODPLUGDIB *lpTextDib = nullptr);
void Blit(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int cx, int cy);
void Blit(HDC hdc, LPCRECT lprc) { Blit(hdc, lprc->left, lprc->top, lprc->right - lprc->left, lprc->bottom - lprc->top); }
void SetTextColor(int nText, int nBk = -1)
m_nTextColor = nText;
if(nBk >= 0)
m_nBkColor = nBk;
void SetTextBkColor(UINT nBk) { m_nBkColor = nBk; }
void SetColor(UINT nIndex, COLORREF cr);
void SetAllColors(UINT nBaseIndex, UINT nColors, COLORREF *pcr);
void TextBlt(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int srcx, int srcy, MODPLUGDIB *lpdib = nullptr);
void SetBlendMode(bool enable) { m_nBlendOffset = enable ? BLEND_OFFSET : 0; }
bool GetBlendMode() const { return m_nBlendOffset != 0; }
void SetBlendColor(COLORREF cr);
void SetSize(int x, int y);
int GetWidth() const { return m_Dib.bmiHeader.biWidth; }
// 4-bit DIB Drawing functions
void DibBlt(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int sizex, int sizey, int srcx, int srcy, MODPLUGDIB *lpdib);
// Other bitmap functions
int DrawTextT(HDC hdc, const wchar_t *lpchText, int cchText, LPRECT lprc, UINT format);
int DrawTextT(HDC hdc, const char *lpchText, int cchText, LPRECT lprc, UINT format);
void DrawButtonRect(HDC hdc, const RECT *lpRect, LPCSTR lpszText = nullptr, BOOL bDisabled = FALSE, BOOL bPushed = FALSE, DWORD dwFlags = (DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER), uint32 topMargin = 0);
void DrawButtonRect(HDC hdc, const RECT *lpRect, LPCWSTR lpszText = nullptr, BOOL bDisabled = FALSE, BOOL bPushed = FALSE, DWORD dwFlags = (DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER), uint32 topMargin = 0);
// Misc functions
void ErrorBox(UINT nStringID, CWnd *p = nullptr);
// Helper function declarations.
class IMixPlugin;
void AddPluginNamesToCombobox(CComboBox &CBox, const SNDMIXPLUGIN *plugarray, const bool libraryName = false, const PLUGINDEX updatePlug = PLUGINDEX_INVALID);
void AddPluginParameternamesToCombobox(CComboBox &CBox, SNDMIXPLUGIN &plugarray);
void AddPluginParameternamesToCombobox(CComboBox &CBox, IMixPlugin &plug);
// Append note names in range [noteStart, noteEnd] to given combobox. Index starts from 0.
void AppendNotesToControl(CComboBox &combobox, ModCommand::NOTE noteStart, ModCommand::NOTE noteEnd);
// Append note names to combo box.
// If nInstr is given, instrument-specific note names are used instead of default note names.
// A custom note range may also be specified using the noteStart and noteEnd parameters.
// If they are left out, only notes that are available in the module type, plus any supported "special notes" are added.
void AppendNotesToControlEx(CComboBox &combobox, const CSoundFile &sndFile, INSTRUMENTINDEX nInstr = MAX_INSTRUMENTS, ModCommand::NOTE noteStart = 0, ModCommand::NOTE noteEnd = 0);
// Get window text (e.g. edit box content) as a CString
CString GetWindowTextString(const CWnd &wnd);
// Get window text (e.g. edit box content) as a unicode string
mpt::ustring GetWindowTextUnicode(const CWnd &wnd);
// Tables
extern const TCHAR *szSpecialNoteNamesMPT[];
extern const TCHAR *szSpecialNoteShortDesc[];
extern const char *szHexChar;
// Defined in load_mid.cpp
extern const char *szMidiProgramNames[128];
extern const char *szMidiPercussionNames[61]; // notes 25..85
extern const char *szMidiGroupNames[17]; // 16 groups + Percussions
// Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.