
2541 lines
45 KiB

.model FLAT
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DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map4x4
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DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map2x4c
DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map4x4c
DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map4x4
DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map4x4
DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map8x8
DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map8x4
DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map8x4
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DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map4x4
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DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map8x4
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DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map4x4
DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map8x8i
DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map8x4i
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DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map4x4
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DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map4x4c
DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map4x4
DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map4x4
DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map8x8i
DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map8x4i
DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map8x4i
DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map4x4
DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map4x4
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DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_map4x4
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DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_last8x4
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DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_last4x4
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DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_last8x4
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DD FLAT:_pos2ctx_last4x4
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_pos2ctx_last4x4 DB 00H
DB 01H
DB 02H
DB 03H
DB 04H
DB 05H
DB 06H
DB 07H
DB 08H
DB 09H
DB 0aH
DB 0bH
DB 0cH
DB 0dH
DB 0eH
DB 0fH
_pos2ctx_last2x4c DB 00H
DB 00H
DB 01H
DB 01H
DB 02H
DB 02H
DB 02H
DB 02H
DB 02H
DB 02H
DB 02H
DB 02H
DB 02H
DB 02H
DB 02H
DB 02H
_pos2ctx_last4x4c DB 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 01, 01, 01, 02, 02, 02, 02, 02, 02, 02, 02
plus_one_clip0_4 DD 0,2,3,4,4
align 16
DD 01H
DD 02H
DD 03H
DD 04H
DD 05H
DD 06H
DD 07H
DD 08H
DD 09H
DD 0aH
DD 0bH
DD 0cH
DD 0dH
DD 0eH
DD 0fH
DD 010H
DD 011H
DD 012H
DD 013H
DD 014H
DD 015H
DD 016H
DD 017H
DD 018H
DD 019H
DD 01aH
DD 01bH
DD 01cH
DD 01dH
DD 01dH
DD 01eH
DD 01fH
DD 020H
DD 020H
DD 021H
DD 022H
DD 022H
DD 023H
DD 023H
DD 024H
DD 024H
DD 025H
DD 025H
DD 025H
DD 026H
DD 026H
DD 026H
DD 027H
DD 027H
DD 027H
DD 027H
align 16
_51 DD 51
PUBLIC _biari_decode_symbol
dep = 4 ; size = 4
bi_ct = 8 ; size = 4
_biari_decode_symbol PROC
mov edx, DWORD PTR dep[esp+STACKOFFSET] ; edx = dep
push ebx
mov ebx, DWORD PTR bi_ct[esp+STACKOFFSET] ; ebx = bi_ct
movzx eax, WORD PTR [ebx] ; eax = state
push ebp
push edi
mov edi, DWORD PTR [edx] ; edi = range
mov ecx, edi ; ecx = range
and ecx, 0C0H ; range >>= 6
movzx ebp, BYTE PTR _rLPS_table_64x4[ecx+eax] ; ebp = rLPS
; register state:
; eax: state (bi_ct->state)
; ebx: bi_ct
; edx: dep
; edi: range
; ebp: rLPS
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [edx+8] ; ecx = bitsleft
sub edi, ebp ; range -= rLPS
shl edi, cl ; range << bitsleft
cmp DWORD PTR [edx+4], edi ; value < (range << bitsleft)
movzx ax, BYTE PTR _AC_next_state_MPS_64[eax] ; eax = state = AC_next_state_MPS_64[state]
shr edi, cl ; undo earlier shift
mov WORD PTR [ebx], ax ; bi_ct->MPS = state
cmp edi, 256 ; 00000100H
setb cl
; register state
; eax: state
; ebx: bi_ct
; ecx: state (old)
; edx: dep
; edi: range
; ebp: rLPS
shl edi, cl
sub DWORD PTR [edx+8], ecx ; dep->DbitsLeft--
mov DWORD PTR [edx], edi ; dep->Drange = range
movzx eax, BYTE PTR [ebx+2] ; return bit
jz SHORT READ_TWO_BYTES; if (dep->DbitsLeft==0)
pop edi
pop ebp
pop ebx
ret 0
align 16
sub DWORD PTR [edx+4], edi
movzx cx, BYTE PTR _AC_next_state_LPS_64[eax] ; cx: state = AC_next_state_LPS_64[state]
mov WORD PTR [ebx], cx ; store state back to bi_ct->MPS
; register state:
; eax: state (old)
; ebx: bi_ct
; ecx: state (new)
; edx: dep
; edi: range
; ebp: rLPS
mov edi, ebx
test eax, eax ; if state(old) == 0
movzx ecx, BYTE PTR _renorm_table_256[ebp] ; ecx = renorm_table_32[rLPS>>3]
sete bl ; bl = 1 [ if state(old) == 0 ]
movzx eax, BYTE PTR [edi+2]
xor eax, 1
xor BYTE PTR [edi+2], bl ; al ^= bi_ct->state
; register state:
; eax: !state
; ebx: bi_ct
; ecx: renorm
; edx: dep
; edi: range
; ebp: rLPS
shl ebp, cl ; ebp = range = rLPS <<= renorm
sub DWORD PTR [edx+8], ecx ; dep->DbitsLeft -= renorm;
mov DWORD PTR [edx], ebp ; dep->Drange = range;
jle SHORT READ_TWO_BYTES ; if( dep->DbitsLeft <= 0 )
; register state:
; eax: !state
; ebx: bi_ct
; ecx: renorm
; edx: dep
; edi: range
; ebp: range = rLPS <<= renorm
pop edi
pop ebp
pop ebx
ret 0
align 16
; register state:
; eax: !state
; ebx: bi_ct
; ecx: renorm
; edx: dep
; edi: range
mov ebx, DWORD PTR [edx+16] ; eax = dep->Dcodestrm_len
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ebx] ; ecx = *dep->Dcodestrm_len
lea edi, DWORD PTR [ecx+2] ; edi = *dep->Dcodestrm_len + 2
mov DWORD PTR [ebx], edi ; *dep->Dcodestrm_len += 2
mov ebx, DWORD PTR [edx+12] ; edx = dep->Dcodestrm
movzx ecx, WORD PTR [ebx+ecx]
xchg cl, ch
shl DWORD PTR [edx+4], 16
mov WORD PTR [edx+4], cx
add DWORD PTR [edx+8], 16 ; dep->DbitsLeft += 16
;mov eax, DWORD PTR _bit$[esp+STACKOFFSET] ; eax = bit = return value
pop edi
pop ebp
pop ebx
ret 0
_biari_decode_symbol ENDP
; a version of biari_decode_symbol slightly optimized
; pass dep in edx and ctx in eax. edx retains dep on exit
_biari_decode_symbol_map PROC NEAR
push ebx
movzx ebx, WORD PTR [eax] ; ebx = state
push ebp
push edi
mov edi, DWORD PTR [edx] ; edi = range
mov ecx, edi ; ecx = range
and ecx, 0C0H ; range >>= 6
movzx ebp, BYTE PTR _rLPS_table_64x4[ecx+ebx] ; ebp = rLPS
; register state:
; ebx: state (bi_ct->state)
; eax: bi_ct
; edx: dep
; edi: range
; ebp: rLPS
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [edx+8] ; ecx = bitsleft
sub edi, ebp ; range -= rLPS
shl edi, cl ; range << bitsleft
cmp DWORD PTR [edx+4], edi ; value < (range << bitsleft)
movzx bx, BYTE PTR _AC_next_state_MPS_64[ebx] ; ebx = state = AC_next_state_MPS_64[state]
shr edi, cl ; undo earlier shift
mov WORD PTR [eax], bx ; bi_ct->MPS = state
cmp edi, 256 ; 00000100H
setb cl
; register state
; ebx: state
; eax: bi_ct
; ecx: state (old)
; edx: dep
; edi: range
; ebp: rLPS
shl edi, cl
sub DWORD PTR [edx+8], ecx ; dep->DbitsLeft--
mov DWORD PTR [edx], edi ; dep->Drange = range
movzx eax, BYTE PTR [eax+2] ; return bit
jz SHORT READ_TWO_BYTES ; if (dep->DbitsLeft==0)
; register state
; ebx: state
; eax: bi_ct
; ecx: range<<1
; edx: dep
; edi: range
; ebp: rLPS
pop edi
pop ebp
pop ebx
ret 0
align 16
sub DWORD PTR [edx+4], edi
movzx cx, BYTE PTR _AC_next_state_LPS_64[ebx] ; cx: state = AC_next_state_LPS_64[state]
mov WORD PTR [eax], cx ; store state back to bi_ct->MPS
; register state:
; ebx: state (old)
; eax: bi_ct
; ecx: state (new)
; edx: dep
; edi: range
; ebp: rLPS
mov edi, eax
movzx eax, BYTE PTR [eax+2]
xor eax, 1
test ebx, ebx ; if state(old) == 0
movzx ecx, BYTE PTR _renorm_table_256[ebp] ; ecx = renorm_table_32[rLPS>>3]
sete bl ; bl = 1 [ if state(old) == 0 ]
xor BYTE PTR [edi+2], bl ; bl ^= bi_ct->state
; register state:
; ebx: !state
; eax: bi_ct
; ecx: renorm
; edx: dep
; edi: range
; ebp: rLPS
shl ebp, cl ; ebp = range = rLPS <<= renorm
sub DWORD PTR [edx+8], ecx ; dep->DbitsLeft -= renorm;
mov DWORD PTR [edx], ebp ; dep->Drange = range;
jle SHORT READ_TWO_BYTES ; if( dep->DbitsLeft <= 0 )
; register state:
; ebx: !state
; eax: bi_ct
; ecx: renorm
; edx: dep
; edi: range
; ebp: range = rLPS <<= renorm
pop edi
pop ebp
pop ebx
ret 0
align 16
; register state:
; ebx: !state
; eax: bi_ct
; ecx: renorm
; edx: dep
; edi: range
mov ebx, DWORD PTR [edx+16] ; ebx = dep->Dcodestrm_len
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ebx] ; ecx = *dep->Dcodestrm_len
lea edi, DWORD PTR [ecx+2] ; edi = *dep->Dcodestrm_len + 2
mov DWORD PTR [ebx], edi ; *dep->Dcodestrm_len += 2
mov ebx, DWORD PTR [edx+12] ; edx = dep->Dcodestrm
movzx ecx, WORD PTR [ebx+ecx]
xchg cl, ch
shl DWORD PTR [edx+4], 16
mov WORD PTR [edx+4], cx
add DWORD PTR [edx+8], 16 ; dep->DbitsLeft += 16
pop edi
pop ebp
pop ebx
ret 0
_biari_decode_symbol_map ENDP
; ebx, ebp and edi are NOT preserved
; pass tex_ctx in ebp
; pass type in ebx
; pass dep in edx
; pass coeff in edi
SigCoefFunction MACRO MaxC2, TypeCtxOne, TypeCtxAbs, MaxPos
_abs_contexts$ = 28 ; local variable (safe because of how the function is called)
_one_contexts$ = 32 ; local variable (safe because of how the function is called)
lea eax, DWORD PTR [ebp+TypeCtxOne*20+6068] ; 6068 = offsetof(tex_ctx, one_contexts)
mov DWORD PTR _one_contexts$[esp+STACKOFFSET], eax ; one_contexts = tex_ctx->one_contexts[type2ctx_one[type]];
;push esi
;esi: i (loop variable) = maxpos[type]
lea ecx, DWORD PTR [ebp+TypeCtxAbs*20+6508]
mov ebp, 1 ; ebp: c1
xor ebx, ebx ; ebx: c2
mov DWORD PTR _abs_contexts$[esp+STACKOFFSET], ecx ; abs_contexts = tex_ctx->abs_contexts[type2ctx_abs[type]];
cmp WORD PTR [edi+esi*2], 0 ;if (coeff[i]!=0)
mov ecx, DWORD PTR _one_contexts$[esp+STACKOFFSET]
lea eax, DWORD PTR [ecx+ebp*4]
mov ebp, DWORD PTR plus_one_clip0_4[ebp*4] ; c1 = plus_one_clip0_4[c1];
call _biari_decode_symbol_map ; biari_decode_symbol (dep_dp, one_contexts + c1);
test eax, eax
;add WORD PTR [edi+esi*2], ax ; coeff[i] +=
mov ecx, DWORD PTR _abs_contexts$[esp+STACKOFFSET]
lea eax, DWORD PTR [ecx+ebx*4]
call _unary_exp_golomb_level_decode ;unary_exp_golomb_level_decode (dep_dp, abs_contexts + c2);
inc eax
add WORD PTR [edi+esi*2], ax ; coeff[i] += return val
xor ebp, ebp ; c1 = 0
mov ebx, DWORD PTR MaxC2[ebx*4]
call _biari_decode_symbol_eq_prob_asm ; biari_decode_symbol_eq_prob(dep_dp)
neg WORD PTR [edi+esi*2]
sub esi, 1
pop esi
ret 0
_read_significant_coefficients0 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 0, 0, 15
_read_significant_coefficients0 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients1 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 1, 1, 14
_read_significant_coefficients1 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients2 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 2, 2, 63
_read_significant_coefficients2 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients3 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 3, 3, 31
_read_significant_coefficients3 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients4 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 3, 3, 31
_read_significant_coefficients4 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients5 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 4, 4, 15
_read_significant_coefficients5 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients6 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip3, 5, 5, 3
_read_significant_coefficients6 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients7 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 6, 6, 14
_read_significant_coefficients7 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients8 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip3, 5, 5, 7
_read_significant_coefficients8 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients9 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 5, 5, 15
_read_significant_coefficients9 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients10 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 10, 10, 15
_read_significant_coefficients10 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients11 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 11, 11, 14
_read_significant_coefficients11 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients12 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 12, 12, 63
_read_significant_coefficients12 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients13 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 13, 13, 31
_read_significant_coefficients13 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients14 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 13, 13, 31
_read_significant_coefficients14 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients15 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 14, 14, 15
_read_significant_coefficients15 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients16 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 16, 16, 15
_read_significant_coefficients16 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients17 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 17, 17, 14
_read_significant_coefficients17 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients18 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 18, 18, 63
_read_significant_coefficients18 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients19 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 19, 19, 31
_read_significant_coefficients19 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients20 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 19, 19, 31
_read_significant_coefficients20 ENDP
_read_significant_coefficients21 PROC
SigCoefFunction plus_one_clip4, 20, 20, 15
_read_significant_coefficients21 ENDP
; push eax ; currSlice->coeff
; push ecx ; tex_ctx
; edi is NOT preserved
; pass currMB in edi
; pass dep in ebp
; pass type in ebx
; on return, edi contains coeff, edx contains dep
SigMapFunction MACRO PosCtxMap, TypeCtxLast, IsDC, MaxPos, PosCtxLast, TypeCtxMap, Func
last_ctx$ = 24 ; local variable (cheating and using stack space from _readRunLevel_CABAC)
coeff_ctr$ = 28 ; local variable (cheating and using stack space from _readRunLevel_CABAC)
mov edx, DWORD PTR [edi+p_Vid@Macroblock] ; edx: p_Vid
push esi
xor esi, esi
mov edx, DWORD PTR [edx+structure@VideoParameters]
add edx, DWORD PTR [edi+mb_field@Macroblock] ; currMB->mb_field
mov edi, eax ; edi: coeff
mov eax, 1408 ; 16 * 22 * sizeof(BiContextType)
cmovz eax, esi
mov edx, OFFSET PosCtxMap
cmovnz edx, DWORD PTR _pos2ctx_map_int[ebx*4]
lea ebx, [edx + 1]
mov ebx, edx ; pos2ctx_Map = (fld) ? pos2ctx_map_int[type] : pos2ctx_map[type];
mov edx, ebp
lea ebp, [eax+ecx+TypeCtxMap*64+map_contexts@TextureInfoContexts] ; map_ctx = tex_ctx->map_contexts[fld][type2ctx_map [type]];
lea ecx, DWORD PTR [eax+ecx+TypeCtxLast*64+last_contexts@TextureInfoContexts]
mov DWORD PTR last_ctx$[esp+STACKOFFSET], ecx ; last_ctx = tex_ctx->last_contexts[fld][type2ctx_last[type]];
mov DWORD PTR coeff_ctr$[esp+STACKOFFSET], esi; coeff_ctr = 0
; esi: i
; ebx: i1 (loop end)
; ebp: dep_dp
; edi: coeff
; for (i=i0; i < i1; ++i) // if last coeff is reached, it has to be significant
; --- read significance symbol ---
; if (biari_decode_symbol (dep_dp, map_ctx + pos2ctx_Map[i]))
movzx eax, BYTE PTR [esi+ebx]
lea eax, DWORD PTR [ebp+eax*4]
call _biari_decode_symbol_map
test eax, eax
mov WORD PTR [edi+esi*2], ax ; coeff[i] = biari_decode_symbol()
; --- read last coefficient symbol ---
; if (biari_decode_symbol (dep_dp, last_ctx + last[i]))
inc DWORD PTR coeff_ctr$[esp+STACKOFFSET] ; coeff_ctr++
movzx ecx, BYTE PTR PosCtxLast[esi+1]
movzx ecx, BYTE PTR PosCtxLast[esi]
mov eax, DWORD PTR last_ctx$[esp+STACKOFFSET]
lea eax, DWORD PTR [eax+ecx*4]
call _biari_decode_symbol_map
test eax, eax
mov eax, DWORD PTR coeff_ctr$[esp+STACKOFFSET]; return coeff_ctr;
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [esp]
mov ebp, DWORD PTR [ecx+tex_ctx@Slice] ; ; edx: currSlice->tex_ctx
mov DWORD PTR [ecx+coeff_ctr@Slice], eax ; currSlice->coeff_ctr = return value (read_significance_map)
jmp Func
align 16
inc esi
cmp esi, MaxPos
mov eax, DWORD PTR coeff_ctr$[esp+STACKOFFSET]
mov WORD PTR [edi+esi*2], 1
inc eax
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [esp]
mov ebp, DWORD PTR [ecx+tex_ctx@Slice] ; ; edx: currSlice->tex_ctx
mov DWORD PTR [ecx+coeff_ctr@Slice], eax ; currSlice->coeff_ctr = return value (read_significance_map)
jmp Func
_read_significance_map0 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map4x4, 0, 1, 15, _pos2ctx_last4x4, 0, _read_significant_coefficients0
_read_significance_map0 ENDP
_read_significance_map1 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map4x4, 1, 0, 14, _pos2ctx_last4x4, 1, _read_significant_coefficients1
_read_significance_map1 ENDP
_read_significance_map2 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map8x8, 2, 1, 63, _pos2ctx_last8x8, 2, _read_significant_coefficients2
_read_significance_map2 ENDP
_read_significance_map3 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map8x4, 3, 1, 31, _pos2ctx_last8x4, 3, _read_significant_coefficients3
_read_significance_map3 ENDP
_read_significance_map4 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map8x4, 4, 1, 31, _pos2ctx_last8x4, 4, _read_significant_coefficients4
_read_significance_map4 ENDP
_read_significance_map5 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map4x4, 5, 1, 15, _pos2ctx_last4x4, 5, _read_significant_coefficients5
_read_significance_map5 ENDP
_read_significance_map6 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map4x4, 6, 1, 3, _pos2ctx_last4x4, 6, _read_significant_coefficients6
_read_significance_map6 ENDP
_read_significance_map7 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map4x4, 7, 0, 14, _pos2ctx_last4x4, 7, _read_significant_coefficients7
_read_significance_map7 ENDP
_read_significance_map8 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map2x4c, 6, 1, 7, _pos2ctx_last2x4c, 6, _read_significant_coefficients8
_read_significance_map8 ENDP
_read_significance_map9 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map4x4c, 6, 1, 15, _pos2ctx_last4x4c, 6, _read_significant_coefficients9
_read_significance_map9 ENDP
_read_significance_map10 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map4x4, 10, 1, 15, _pos2ctx_last4x4, 10, _read_significant_coefficients10
_read_significance_map10 ENDP
_read_significance_map11 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map4x4, 11, 0, 14, _pos2ctx_last4x4, 11, _read_significant_coefficients11
_read_significance_map11 ENDP
_read_significance_map12 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map8x8, 12, 1, 63, _pos2ctx_last8x8, 12, _read_significant_coefficients12
_read_significance_map12 ENDP
_read_significance_map13 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map8x4, 13, 1, 31, _pos2ctx_last8x4, 13, _read_significant_coefficients13
_read_significance_map13 ENDP
_read_significance_map14 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map8x4, 14, 1, 31, _pos2ctx_last8x4, 14, _read_significant_coefficients14
_read_significance_map14 ENDP
_read_significance_map15 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map4x4, 15, 1, 15, _pos2ctx_last4x4, 15, _read_significant_coefficients15
_read_significance_map15 ENDP
_read_significance_map16 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map4x4, 16, 1, 15, _pos2ctx_last4x4, 16, _read_significant_coefficients16
_read_significance_map16 ENDP
_read_significance_map17 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map4x4, 17, 0, 14, _pos2ctx_last4x4, 17, _read_significant_coefficients17
_read_significance_map17 ENDP
_read_significance_map18 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map8x8, 18, 1, 63, _pos2ctx_last8x8, 18, _read_significant_coefficients18
_read_significance_map18 ENDP
_read_significance_map19 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map8x4, 19, 1, 31, _pos2ctx_last8x4, 19, _read_significant_coefficients19
_read_significance_map19 ENDP
_read_significance_map20 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map8x4, 20, 1, 31, _pos2ctx_last8x4, 20, _read_significant_coefficients20
_read_significance_map20 ENDP
_read_significance_map21 PROC
SigMapFunction _pos2ctx_map4x4, 21, 1, 15, _pos2ctx_last4x4, 21, _read_significant_coefficients21
_read_significance_map21 ENDP
; edx: dep - unchanged by function
; SF holds the return value
_biari_decode_symbol_eq_prob_asm PROC
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [edx+8]; dep->DbitsLeft
dec ecx ; dep->DbitsLeft--
mov eax, DWORD PTR [edx+4] ; eax: dep->DValue
push esi
jnz SHORT $LN3@biari_deco; if(--(dep->DbitsLeft) == 0)
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [edx+16] ; ebp: dep->Dcodestrm_len
mov esi, DWORD PTR [ecx] ; esi: *dep->Dcodestrm_len
add DWORD PTR [ecx], 2 ; *dep->Dcodestrm_len += 2
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [edx+12] ; ebp: dep->Dcodestrm
shl eax, 16
mov ax, WORD PTR [ecx+esi] ; value = (value << 16) | getword( dep )
xchg ah, al
mov ecx, 16 ; dep->DbitsLeft = 16;
mov esi, DWORD PTR [edx] ; dep->Drange
shl esi, cl ; (dep->Drange << dep->DbitsLeft)
mov DWORD PTR [edx+8], ecx
mov ecx, eax
sub ecx, esi
pop esi
cmovns eax, ecx ; if (tmp_value <0) value = tmp_value
mov DWORD PTR [edx+4], eax ; dep->Dvalue = value;
ret 0
_biari_decode_symbol_eq_prob_asm ENDP
; edx: dep. retained on return
; esi and ebp are NOT retained, because the (only) calling function doesn't need them to be
_exp_golomb_decode_eq_prob0 PROC
xor esi, esi ; esi: binary_symbol
xor ebp, ebp ; ebp: symbol
push edi
mov edi, 1 ; edi: k
call _biari_decode_symbol_eq_prob_asm ; l = biari_decode_symbol_eq_prob(dep_dp);
add ebp, edi ; symbol += k
shl edi, 1 ; k <<= 1
align 16
shr edi, 1
call _biari_decode_symbol_eq_prob_asm ; if (biari_decode_symbol_eq_prob(dep_dp)==1)
or esi, edi ; binary_symbol |= (1<<k);
align 16
lea eax, DWORD PTR [esi+ebp+13] ; return (unsigned int) (symbol + binary_symbol);
pop edi
ret 0
_exp_golomb_decode_eq_prob0 ENDP
; pass dep in edx, context in eax
; edx is retained on return
; ebp is destroyed
ctx = 4 ; second parameter
_unary_exp_golomb_level_decode PROC
mov ebp, eax ; eax (and now ebp also) contains the context pointer
call _biari_decode_symbol_map
test eax, eax ; if (symbol==0)
ret 0
align 16
push esi
xor esi, esi
mov eax, ebp ; _biari_decode_symbol_map wants ctx in eax
inc esi ; ++symbol;
call _biari_decode_symbol_map ; l = biari_decode_symbol(dep_dp, ctx);
test eax, eax ; if (!l)
cmp esi, 12 ; exp_start-1
call _exp_golomb_decode_eq_prob0 ; exp_golomb_decode_eq_prob(dep_dp,0)
pop esi
ret 0
align 16
mov eax, esi ; return symbol;
pop esi
ret 0
_unary_exp_golomb_level_decode ENDP
sigmap_functions DD FLAT:_read_significance_map0
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map1
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map2
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map3
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map4
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map5
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map6
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map7
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map8
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map9
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map10
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map11
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map12
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map13
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map14
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map15
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map16
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map17
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map18
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map19
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map20
DD FLAT:_read_significance_map21
PUBLIC _readRunLevel_CABAC
_currMB$ = 4 ; first parameter
_dep_dp$ = 8 ; second parameter
_context$ = 12 ; third parameter
_readRunLevel_CABAC PROC
push esi
push edi
mov edi, DWORD PTR _currMB$[esp+STACKOFFSET] ; edi: currMB
mov esi, DWORD PTR [edi] ; esi: currSlice = currMB->p_Slice;
cmp DWORD PTR [esi+coeff_ctr@Slice], 0 ; if (currSlice->coeff_ctr >= 0)
; ===== decode CBP-BIT =====
mov eax, DWORD PTR [edi+read_and_store_CBP_block_bit@Macroblock] ; eax: currMB->read_and_store_CBP_block_bit
push ebx
mov ebx, DWORD PTR _context$[esp+STACKOFFSET] ; ebx: context
push ebp
mov ebp, DWORD PTR _dep_dp$[esp+STACKOFFSET] ; ebp: dep
push ebx ; context
push ebp ; dep
push edi ; currMB
call eax ; currMB->read_and_store_CBP_block_bit(currMB, dep_dp, context)
add esp, 12
mov DWORD PTR [esi+coeff_ctr@Slice], eax ; currSlice->coeff_ctr = return value
test eax, eax ; if (currSlice->coeff_ctr == 0)
; ===== decode significance coefficients =====
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [esi+tex_ctx@Slice] ; ecx: currSlice->tex_ctx
lea eax, DWORD PTR [esi+coeff@Slice] ; eax: currSlice->coeff
;push eax ; currSlice->coeff
;push ecx ; tex_ctx
;call _read_significance_map ; read_significance_map(currSlice->tex_ctx, currMB, dep_dp, context, currSlice->coeff);
call sigmap_functions[ebx*4]
pop ebp
pop ebx
; --- set run and level ---
xor edx, edx ; edx: 0
dec DWORD PTR [esi+coeff_ctr@Slice] ; if (currSlice->coeff_ctr--)
; --- set run and level (coefficient) ---
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [esi+pos@Slice] ; ecx: currSlice->pos
xor edi, edi ; edi: run=0
cmp WORD PTR [esi+ecx*2+coeff@Slice], dx ; currSlice->coeff[currSlice->pos] == 0
cmp WORD PTR [esi+ecx*2+1+coeff@Slice], dx ; currSlice->coeff[currSlice->pos] == 0
lea ecx, [ecx+1]
lea edi, [edi+1]
movsx eax, WORD PTR [esi+ecx*2+coeff@Slice] ; eax: value = currSlice->coeff[currSlice->pos]
inc ecx ; currSlice->pos++
; --- decrement coefficient counter and re-set position ---
;cmp DWORD PTR [esi+coeff_ctr@Slice], edx ; if (currSlice->coeff_ctr == 0)
;cmove ecx, edx ; currSlice->pos = 0
mov edx, edi
pop edi
mov DWORD PTR [esi+pos@Slice], ecx ; store currSlice->pos
pop esi
ret 0 ; eax contains value
align 16
xor eax, eax ; return 0
mov DWORD PTR [esi+pos@Slice], edx ; currSlice->pos = 0;
pop edi
pop esi
ret 0
_readRunLevel_CABAC ENDP
; edi is not saved
; pass dep_dp in edx, retained on exit
; pass ctx in edi
; return value in esi
PUBLIC _unary_exp_golomb_mv_decode3
_ctx$ = 4 ; second parameter
_unary_exp_golomb_mv_decode3 PROC
mov eax, edi
call _biari_decode_symbol_map ; pass dep in edx and ctx in eax. edx retains dep on exit
test eax, eax ; if (symbol)
xor esi, esi
ret 0
align 16
push ebp
mov ebp, 3
add edi, 4 ; ctx++
mov esi, 1 ; esi: symbol
mov eax, edi
call _biari_decode_symbol_map ; pass dep in edx and ctx in eax. edx retains dep on exit
test eax, eax
inc esi
cmp esi, 2 ; if (symbol == 2)
sete al ; eax will be 1, so this is safe to do
lea edi, [edi + eax*4] ; ctx += (symbol == 2)
cmp esi, ebp ; if (symbol == max_bin)
sete al ; eax will have nothing set high, so this is safe to do
lea edi, [edi + eax*4] ; ctx += (symbol != max_bin)
cmp esi, 8 ; if (symbol < exp_start)
; return exp_start + exp_golomb_decode_eq_prob(dep_dp,3);
xor ebp, ebp ; ebp: symbol
mov edi, ebp ; edi: binary_symbol
call _biari_decode_symbol_eq_prob_asm ; edx holds dep_dp
or ebp, esi; symbol += (l<<k)
shl esi, 1 ; k <<= 1
align 16
shr esi, 1
call _biari_decode_symbol_eq_prob_asm
or edi, esi ; binary_symbol |= (1<<k);
align 16
; return (unsigned int) (symbol + binary_symbol);
lea esi, [edi+ebp+8]
pop ebp
ret 0
align 16
; return symbol is in esi
pop ebp
ret 0
_unary_exp_golomb_mv_decode3 ENDP
_unary_bin_decode1 PROC
; _ctx$ = eax
; _dep_dp$ = edx
push edi
mov edi, eax
call _biari_decode_symbol_map ; biari_decode_symbol(dep_dp, ctx );
test eax, eax ; if (symbol)
jne SHORT $LN5@unary_bin_@2
mov eax, 2
shr eax, 1
pop edi
ret 0
align 16
xor esi, esi ; symbol = 0;
inc esi ; ++symbol;
lea eax, DWORD PTR [edi+4] ; ctx + ctx_offset
call _biari_decode_symbol_map ; biari_decode_symbol(dep_dp, ctx);
test eax, eax ; while( l != 0 );
jne SHORT $LL3@unary_bin_@2
lea eax, [esi + 2]; return symbol+2;
shr eax, 1
pop edi
ret 0
_unary_bin_decode1 ENDP
PUBLIC _readDquant_CABAC
_currSlice$ = 4 ; first parameter
_dep_dp$ = 8 ; second parameter
_readDquant_CABAC PROC
; 815 : MotionInfoContexts *ctx = currSlice->mot_ctx;
; 816 : short dquant;
; 817 : int act_ctx = ((currSlice->last_dquant != 0) ? 1 : 0);
; 818 : int act_sym = biari_decode_symbol(dep_dp,ctx->delta_qp_contexts + act_ctx );
mov edx, DWORD PTR _dep_dp$[esp+STACKOFFSET]
push esi
push edi
mov edi, DWORD PTR _currSlice$[esp+STACKOFFSET]
mov esi, DWORD PTR [edi+mot_ctx@Slice]
xor eax, eax
cmp DWORD PTR [edi+last_dquant@Slice], eax
setne al
lea eax, DWORD PTR [esi+eax*4+332]
; pass dep in edx and ctx in eax. edx retains dep on exit
call _biari_decode_symbol_map
test eax, eax ; if (!act_sym)
jz SHORT $LN2@readDquant
lea eax, DWORD PTR [esi+340] ; unary_bin_decode(dep_dp,ctx->delta_qp_contexts + 2,1);
call _unary_bin_decode1
jnc SHORT $LN2@readDquant ; lsb is signed bit
neg eax ; dquant = -dquant;
movzx eax, ax
movsx edx, ax
mov DWORD PTR [edi+last_dquant@Slice], edx ; currSlice->last_dquant = dquant;
pop edi
pop esi
;mov ax, cx ; return dquant;
ret 0
_readDquant_CABAC ENDP
PUBLIC _readIntraPredMode_CABAC
_currSlice$ = 4 ; first parameter
_dep_dp$ = 8 ; second parameter
_readIntraPredMode_CABAC PROC
; 720 : TextureInfoContexts *ctx =
mov eax, DWORD PTR _currSlice$[esp + STACKOFFSET]
push esi
mov esi, DWORD PTR [eax+100] ; currSlice->tex_ctx;
; 721 : int act_sym;
; 722 :
; 723 : // use_most_probable_mode
; 724 : act_sym = biari_decode_symbol(dep_dp, ctx->ipr_contexts);
mov edx, DWORD PTR _dep_dp$[esp+STACKOFFSET]
lea eax, DWORD PTR [esi+12]
call _biari_decode_symbol_map
; remaining_mode_selector
test eax, eax ; if (act_sym == 0)
jz SHORT $LN2@readIntraP
or eax, -1 ; return -1;
pop esi
ret 0
align 16
push ebx
add esi, 16 ; 00000010H
mov eax, esi
call _biari_decode_symbol_map
mov ebx, eax
; 735 : pred_mode |= (biari_decode_symbol(dep_dp, ctx->ipr_contexts+1) << 1);
mov eax, esi
call _biari_decode_symbol_map
lea ebx, [ebx+2*eax]
; 736 : pred_mode |= (biari_decode_symbol(dep_dp, ctx->ipr_contexts+1) << 2);
mov eax, esi
call _biari_decode_symbol_map
lea eax, [ebx+4*eax] ; return pred_mode;
pop ebx
pop esi
ret 0
_readIntraPredMode_CABAC ENDP
PUBLIC _readMB_skip_flagInfo_CABAC
_currMB$ = 4 ; first parameter
_dep_dp$ = 12 ; size = 4
_readMB_skip_flagInfo_CABAC PROC
; 406 : Slice *currSlice = currMB->p_Slice;
mov ecx, DWORD PTR _currMB$[esp + STACKOFFSET]
push ebp
xor eax, eax
push esi
mov esi, DWORD PTR [ecx + p_Slice@Macroblock] ; esi: currSlice
cmp DWORD PTR [esi+slice_type@Slice], 1 ; int bframe=(currSlice->slice_type == B_SLICE);
push edi
mov edi, DWORD PTR [esi+mot_ctx@Slice] ; edi: ctx = currSlice->mot_ctx;
sete al ; int bframe=(currSlice->slice_type == B_SLICE);
; 409 : int a = (currMB->mb_left != NULL) ? (currMB->mb_left->skip_flag == 0) : 0;
xor edx, edx
mov ebp, eax
mov eax, DWORD PTR [ecx+104]
test eax, eax
cmp DWORD PTR [eax+348], edx
sete dl
; 410 : int b = (currMB->mb_up != NULL) ? (currMB->mb_up ->skip_flag == 0) : 0;
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ecx+100]
xor eax, eax
test ecx, ecx
je SHORT $LN9@readMB_ski
cmp DWORD PTR [ecx+348], eax
sete al
; 414 : if (bframe)
; 415 : {
; 416 : act_ctx = 7 + a + b;
; 418 : skip = biari_decode_symbol (dep_dp, &ctx->mb_type_contexts[2][act_ctx]);
add eax, edx
test ebp, ebp
mov edx, DWORD PTR _dep_dp$[esp+8]
je SHORT $LN3@readMB_ski
lea eax, DWORD PTR [edi+eax*4+116]
jmp SHORT $LN11@readMB_ski
align 16
; 422 : act_ctx = a + b;
; 424 : skip = biari_decode_symbol(dep_dp, &ctx->mb_type_contexts[1][act_ctx]);
lea eax, DWORD PTR [edi+eax*4+44]
call _biari_decode_symbol_map
test eax, eax ; if (!skip)
je SHORT $LN1@readMB_ski
; 429 : currSlice->last_dquant = 0;
mov DWORD PTR [esi + last_dquant@Slice], 0
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
ret 0
_readMB_skip_flagInfo_CABAC ENDP
PUBLIC _set_chroma_qp
_currMB$ = 4 ; first parameter
_set_chroma_qp PROC
mov eax, DWORD PTR _currMB$[esp] ; eax: currMB
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [eax+4] ; ecx: currMB->p_Vid
mov edx, DWORD PTR [ecx+bitdepth_chroma_qp_scale@VideoParameters] ; edx: p_Vid->bitdepth_chroma_qp_scale;
push edi
mov edi, DWORD PTR [ecx+dec_picture@VideoParameters] ; edi: p_Vid->dec_picture
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [edi+chroma_qp_offset@StorablePicture] ; ecx: dec_picture->chroma_qp_offset[0]
add ecx, DWORD PTR [eax+qp@macroblock] ; ecx: dec_picture->chroma_qp_offset[0] + currMB->qp
neg edx ; edx: -p_Vid->bitdepth_chroma_qp_scale;
cmp ecx, edx
cmovl ecx, edx
cmp ecx, 51
cmovg ecx, DWORD PTR _51 ; cmov doesn't allow for immediates
test ecx, ecx
cmovge ecx, DWORD PTR _QP_SCALE_CR[ecx*4]
mov DWORD PTR [eax+64], ecx
sub ecx, edx; currMB->qpc[0] + p_Vid->bitdepth_chroma_qp_scale;
mov DWORD PTR [eax+qp_scaled@Macroblock + 4], ecx ; currMB->qp_scaled[1]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [edi+chroma_qp_offset@StorablePicture + 4]
add ecx, DWORD PTR [eax+qp@macroblock]
cmp ecx, edx
cmovl ecx, edx
cmp ecx, 51
cmovg ecx, DWORD PTR _51 ; cmov doesn't allow for immediates
test ecx, ecx
cmovge ecx, DWORD PTR _QP_SCALE_CR[ecx*4]
mov DWORD PTR [eax+64+4], ecx
sub ecx, edx
pop edi
mov DWORD PTR [eax+72 + 8], ecx
ret 0
_set_chroma_qp ENDP
_dep_dp$ = 4 ; first parameter
_mv_ctx$ = 8 ; second parameter
_act_ctx$ = 12; third parameter
_err$ = 16 ; 4th parameter
mov eax, DWORD PTR _act_ctx$[esp+STACKOFFSET]
push edi
mov edi, DWORD PTR _mv_ctx$[esp+STACKOFFSET]
lea edi, [edi+eax*4] ; mv_ctx[0][act_ctx]
mov eax, DWORD PTR _err$[esp+STACKOFFSET]
lea eax, DWORD PTR [edi+eax*4] ; &mv_ctx[0][act_ctx+err]
mov edx, DWORD PTR _dep_dp$[esp+STACKOFFSET]
call _biari_decode_symbol_map ; int act_sym = biari_decode_symbol(dep_dp,&mv_ctx[0][act_ctx+err] );
test eax, eax ; if (act_sym != 0)
push esi
lea edi, [edi + 40] ; mv_ctx[1]+act_ctx
call _unary_exp_golomb_mv_decode3 ; act_sym = unary_exp_golomb_mv_decode3(dep_dp,mv_ctx[1]+act_ctx);
inc esi ; ++act_sym;
call _biari_decode_symbol_eq_prob_asm ; mv_sign = biari_decode_symbol_eq_prob(dep_dp);
js SHORT SKIP_NEGATE; if(mv_sign)
neg esi ; act_sym = -act_sym;
mov eax, esi
pop esi
pop edi
ret 0