
372 lines
12 KiB

* \file erc_api.c
* \brief
* External (still inside video decoder) interface for error concealment module
* \author
* - Ari Hourunranta <>
* - Viktor Varsa <>
* - Ye-Kui Wang <>
#include "global.h"
#include "memalloc.h"
#include "erc_api.h"
* \brief
* Initinize the error concealment module
void ercInit(VideoParameters *p_Vid, int pic_sizex, int pic_sizey, int flag)
ercClose(p_Vid, p_Vid->erc_errorVar);
p_Vid->erc_object_list = (objectBuffer_t *) calloc((pic_sizex * pic_sizey) >> 6, sizeof(objectBuffer_t));
if (p_Vid->erc_object_list == NULL) no_mem_exit("ercInit: erc_object_list");
// the error concealment instance is allocated
p_Vid->erc_errorVar = ercOpen();
// set error concealment ON
ercSetErrorConcealment(p_Vid->erc_errorVar, flag);
* \brief
* Allocates data structures used in error concealment.
* The allocated ercVariables_t is returned.
ercVariables_t *ercOpen( void )
ercVariables_t *errorVar = NULL;
errorVar = (ercVariables_t *)malloc( sizeof(ercVariables_t));
if ( errorVar == NULL ) no_mem_exit("ercOpen: errorVar");
errorVar->nOfMBs = 0;
errorVar->segments = NULL;
errorVar->currSegment = 0;
errorVar->yCondition = NULL;
errorVar->uCondition = NULL;
errorVar->vCondition = NULL;
errorVar->prevFrameYCondition = NULL;
errorVar->concealment = 1;
return errorVar;
* \brief
* Resets the variables used in error detection.
* Should be called always when starting to decode a new frame.
* \param errorVar
* Variables for error concealment
* \param nOfMBs
* Number of macroblocks in a frame
* \param numOfSegments
* Estimated number of segments (memory reserved)
* \param picSizeX
* Width of the frame in pixels.
void ercReset( ercVariables_t *errorVar, int nOfMBs, int numOfSegments, int picSizeX )
if ( errorVar && errorVar->concealment )
int i = 0;
// If frame size has been changed
if ( nOfMBs != errorVar->nOfMBs && errorVar->yCondition != NULL )
free( errorVar->yCondition );
errorVar->yCondition = NULL;
free( errorVar->prevFrameYCondition );
errorVar->prevFrameYCondition = NULL;
free( errorVar->uCondition );
errorVar->uCondition = NULL;
free( errorVar->vCondition );
errorVar->vCondition = NULL;
free( errorVar->segments );
errorVar->segments = NULL;
// If the structures are uninitialized (first frame, or frame size is changed)
if ( errorVar->yCondition == NULL )
errorVar->segments = (ercSegment_t *)malloc( numOfSegments*sizeof(ercSegment_t) );
if ( errorVar->segments == NULL ) no_mem_exit("ercReset: errorVar->segments");
memset( errorVar->segments, 0, numOfSegments*sizeof(ercSegment_t));
errorVar->nOfSegments = numOfSegments;
errorVar->yCondition = (int *)malloc( 4*nOfMBs*sizeof(int) );
if ( errorVar->yCondition == NULL ) no_mem_exit("ercReset: errorVar->yCondition");
errorVar->prevFrameYCondition = (int *)malloc( 4*nOfMBs*sizeof(int) );
if ( errorVar->prevFrameYCondition == NULL ) no_mem_exit("ercReset: errorVar->prevFrameYCondition");
errorVar->uCondition = (int *)malloc( nOfMBs*sizeof(int) );
if ( errorVar->uCondition == NULL ) no_mem_exit("ercReset: errorVar->uCondition");
errorVar->vCondition = (int *)malloc( nOfMBs*sizeof(int) );
if ( errorVar->vCondition == NULL ) no_mem_exit("ercReset: errorVar->vCondition");
errorVar->nOfMBs = nOfMBs;
// Store the yCondition struct of the previous frame
int *tmp = errorVar->prevFrameYCondition;
errorVar->prevFrameYCondition = errorVar->yCondition;
errorVar->yCondition = tmp;
// Reset tables and parameters
memset( errorVar->yCondition, 0, 4*nOfMBs*sizeof(*errorVar->yCondition));
memset( errorVar->uCondition, 0, nOfMBs*sizeof(*errorVar->uCondition));
memset( errorVar->vCondition, 0, nOfMBs*sizeof(*errorVar->vCondition));
if (errorVar->nOfSegments != numOfSegments)
free( errorVar->segments );
errorVar->segments = NULL;
errorVar->segments = (ercSegment_t *)malloc( numOfSegments*sizeof(ercSegment_t) );
if ( errorVar->segments == NULL ) no_mem_exit("ercReset: errorVar->segments");
errorVar->nOfSegments = numOfSegments;
memset( errorVar->segments, 0, errorVar->nOfSegments*sizeof(ercSegment_t));
for ( ; i < errorVar->nOfSegments; i++ )
errorVar->segments[i].fCorrupted = 1; //! mark segments as corrupted
errorVar->segments[i].startMBPos = 0;
errorVar->segments[i].endMBPos = nOfMBs - 1;
errorVar->currSegment = 0;
errorVar->nOfCorruptedSegments = 0;
* \brief
* Resets the variables used in error detection.
* Should be called always when starting to decode a new frame.
* \param p_Vid
* VideoParameters variable
* \param errorVar
* Variables for error concealment
void ercClose(VideoParameters *p_Vid, ercVariables_t *errorVar )
if ( errorVar != NULL )
if (errorVar->yCondition != NULL)
free( errorVar->segments );
free( errorVar->yCondition );
free( errorVar->uCondition );
free( errorVar->vCondition );
free( errorVar->prevFrameYCondition );
free( errorVar );
errorVar = NULL;
if ( p_Vid && p_Vid->erc_object_list)
* \brief
* Sets error concealment ON/OFF. Can be invoked only between frames, not during a frame
* \param errorVar
* Variables for error concealment
* \param value
* New value
void ercSetErrorConcealment( ercVariables_t *errorVar, int value )
if ( errorVar != NULL )
errorVar->concealment = value;
* \brief
* Creates a new segment in the segment-list, and marks the start MB and bit position.
* If the end of the previous segment was not explicitly marked by "ercStopSegment",
* also marks the end of the previous segment.
* If needed, it reallocates the segment-list for a larger storage place.
* \param currMBNum
* The MB number where the new slice/segment starts
* \param segment
* Segment/Slice No. counted by the caller
* \param bitPos
* Bitstream pointer: number of bits read from the buffer.
* \param errorVar
* Variables for error detector
void ercStartSegment( int currMBNum, int segment, unsigned int bitPos, ercVariables_t *errorVar )
if ( errorVar && errorVar->concealment )
errorVar->currSegmentCorrupted = 0;
errorVar->segments[ segment ].fCorrupted = 0;
errorVar->segments[ segment ].startMBPos = currMBNum;
* \brief
* Marks the end position of a segment.
* \param currMBNum
* The last MB number of the previous segment
* \param segment
* Segment/Slice No. counted by the caller
* If (segment<0) the internal segment counter is used.
* \param bitPos
* Bitstream pointer: number of bits read from the buffer.
* \param errorVar
* Variables for error detector
void ercStopSegment( int currMBNum, int segment, unsigned int bitPos, ercVariables_t *errorVar )
if ( errorVar && errorVar->concealment )
errorVar->segments[ segment ].endMBPos = currMBNum; //! Changed TO 12.11.2001
* \brief
* Marks the current segment (the one which has the "currMBNum" MB in it)
* as lost: all the blocks of the MBs in the segment as corrupted.
* \param picSizeX
* Width of the frame in pixels.
* \param errorVar
* Variables for error detector
void ercMarkCurrSegmentLost(int picSizeX, ercVariables_t *errorVar )
if ( errorVar && errorVar->concealment )
int current_segment = errorVar->currSegment-1, j;
if (errorVar->currSegmentCorrupted == 0)
errorVar->currSegmentCorrupted = 1;
for ( j = errorVar->segments[current_segment].startMBPos; j <= errorVar->segments[current_segment].endMBPos; j++ )
errorVar->yCondition[MBNum2YBlock (j, 0, picSizeX)] = ERC_BLOCK_CORRUPTED;
errorVar->yCondition[MBNum2YBlock (j, 1, picSizeX)] = ERC_BLOCK_CORRUPTED;
errorVar->yCondition[MBNum2YBlock (j, 2, picSizeX)] = ERC_BLOCK_CORRUPTED;
errorVar->yCondition[MBNum2YBlock (j, 3, picSizeX)] = ERC_BLOCK_CORRUPTED;
errorVar->uCondition[j] = ERC_BLOCK_CORRUPTED;
errorVar->vCondition[j] = ERC_BLOCK_CORRUPTED;
errorVar->segments[current_segment].fCorrupted = 1;
* \brief
* Marks the current segment (the one which has the "currMBNum" MB in it)
* as OK: all the blocks of the MBs in the segment as OK.
* \param picSizeX
* Width of the frame in pixels.
* \param errorVar
* Variables for error detector
void ercMarkCurrSegmentOK(int picSizeX, ercVariables_t *errorVar )
if ( errorVar && errorVar->concealment )
int current_segment = errorVar->currSegment-1, j;
// mark all the Blocks belonging to the segment as OK */
for ( j = errorVar->segments[current_segment].startMBPos; j <= errorVar->segments[current_segment].endMBPos; j++ )
errorVar->yCondition[MBNum2YBlock (j, 0, picSizeX)] = ERC_BLOCK_OK;
errorVar->yCondition[MBNum2YBlock (j, 1, picSizeX)] = ERC_BLOCK_OK;
errorVar->yCondition[MBNum2YBlock (j, 2, picSizeX)] = ERC_BLOCK_OK;
errorVar->yCondition[MBNum2YBlock (j, 3, picSizeX)] = ERC_BLOCK_OK;
errorVar->uCondition[j] = ERC_BLOCK_OK;
errorVar->vCondition[j] = ERC_BLOCK_OK;
errorVar->segments[current_segment].fCorrupted = 0;
* \brief
* Marks the Blocks of the given component (YUV) of the current MB as concealed.
* \param currMBNum
* Selects the segment where this MB number is in.
* \param comp
* Component to mark (0:Y, 1:U, 2:V, <0:All)
* \param picSizeX
* Width of the frame in pixels.
* \param errorVar
* Variables for error detector
void ercMarkCurrMBConcealed( int currMBNum, int comp, int picSizeX, ercVariables_t *errorVar )
int setAll = 0;
if ( errorVar && errorVar->concealment )
if (comp < 0)
setAll = 1;
comp = 0;
switch (comp)
case 0:
errorVar->yCondition[MBNum2YBlock (currMBNum, 0, picSizeX)] = ERC_BLOCK_CONCEALED;
errorVar->yCondition[MBNum2YBlock (currMBNum, 1, picSizeX)] = ERC_BLOCK_CONCEALED;
errorVar->yCondition[MBNum2YBlock (currMBNum, 2, picSizeX)] = ERC_BLOCK_CONCEALED;
errorVar->yCondition[MBNum2YBlock (currMBNum, 3, picSizeX)] = ERC_BLOCK_CONCEALED;
if (!setAll)
case 1:
errorVar->uCondition[currMBNum] = ERC_BLOCK_CONCEALED;
if (!setAll)
case 2:
errorVar->vCondition[currMBNum] = ERC_BLOCK_CONCEALED;