410 lines
16 KiB
410 lines
16 KiB
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Stdio.h>
#include <Stdlib.h>
// Handle to the ASPI libaray
extern HINSTANCE hAspiLib;
void GetAspiError(int nErrorCode,LPSTR lpszError);
// 1 byte alignment or SCSI structures
#pragma pack(push,1)
#define TIMEOUT 10000
typedef void (*POSTPROCFUNC)();
typedef struct TOC_TAG
BYTE _reserved1;
BYTE bFlags;
BYTE bTrack;
BYTE _reserved2;
DWORD dwStartSector;
} TOC;
// The SRB_Flags are defined below. These flags may be OR'd together to form
// the final value for SRB_Flags in the SRB. Note that SRB_POSTING and
// SRB_EVENT_NOTIFY are mutually exclusive, as are SRB_DIR_IN and SRB_DIR_OUT. In
// addition, the directioin bits (SRB_DIR_IN and SRB_DIR_OUT) MUST be set
// correctly on commands which transfer data. Using SRB_DIR_SCSI is no longer
// an option as in ASPI for DOS and ASPI for Win16.
#define SRB_POSTING 0x01 // Enable ASPI command completion posting. See section on posting below.
#define SRB_ENABLE_RESIDUAL_COUNT 0x04 // Enables reporting of residual byte count.This flag is only significant if the host adapter reports support for residual byte count in the SC_HA_INQUIRY command. When data underrun occurs, the SRB_BufLen field is updated to reflect the remaining bytes to transfer.
#define SRB_DIR_IN 0x08 // Data transfer from SCSI target to host.
#define SRB_DIR_OUT 0x10 // Data transfer from host to SCSI target.
#define SRB_EVENT_NOTIFY 0x40 // Enable ASPI command event notification. See section on event notification below.
// Inquiry DeviceTypeCodes
#define DTC_DISK 0x00 // Direct-access device
#define DTC_TAPE 0x01 // Sequential-access device
#define DTC_PRINTER 0x02 // Printer device
#define DTC_PROCESSOR 0x03 // Processor device
#define DTC_WORM 0x04 // Write-once device
#define DTC_CDROM 0x05 // CD-ROM device
#define DTC_SCANNER 0x06 // Scanner device
#define DTC_OPTICAL 0x07 // Optical memory device
#define DTC_JUKEBOX 0x08 // Medium changer device
#define DTC_COMM 0x09 // Communications device
#define DTC_PREPRESS1 0x0A // Pre-press device 1
#define DTC_PREPRESS2 0x0B // Pre-press device 2
#define DTC_UNKNOWN 0x1F // Unknown or no device type
** SRB Status
#define SS_PENDING 0x00 /* SRB being processed */
#define SS_COMP 0x01 /* SRB completed without error */
#define SS_ABORTED 0x02 /* SRB aborted */
#define SS_ABORT_FAIL 0x03 /* Unable to abort SRB */
#define SS_ERR 0x04 /* SRB completed with error */
#define SS_INVALID_CMD 0x80 /* Invalid ASPI command */
#define SS_INVALID_HA 0x81 /* Invalid host adapter number */
#define SS_NO_DEVICE 0x82 /* SCSI device not installed */
#define SS_INVALID_SRB 0xE0 /* Invalid parameter set in SRB */
#define SS_OLD_MANAGER 0xE1 /* ASPI manager doesn't support */
/* arch */
#define SS_BUFFER_ALIGN 0xE1 /* Buffer not aligned (replaces */
/* SS_OLD_MANAGER in Win32) */
#define SS_ILLEGAL_MODE 0xE2 /* Unsupported Windows mode */
#define SS_NO_ASPI 0xE3 /* No ASPI managers */
#define SS_FAILED_INIT 0xE4 /* ASPI for arch failed init */
#define SS_ASPI_IS_BUSY 0xE5 /* No resources available to */
/* execute command */
#define SS_BUFFER_TO_BIG 0xE6 /* Buffer size too big to handle */
#define SS_BUFFER_TOO_BIG 0xE6 /* Correct spelling of 'too' */
#define SS_MISMATCHED_COMPONENTS 0xE7 /* The DLLs/EXEs of ASPI don't */
/* version check */
#define SS_NO_ADAPTERS 0xE8 /* No host adapters to manager */
#define SS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES 0xE9 /* Couldn't allocate resources */
/* needed to init */
#define SS_ASPI_IS_SHUTDOWN 0xEA /* Call came to ASPI after */
#define SS_BAD_INSTALL 0xEB /* The DLL or other components */
/* are installed wrong */
// SRB defines
#define SC_HA_INQUIRY 0x00 // Get information about installed host adapters,including the number of installed adapters.
#define SC_GET_DEV_TYPE 0x01 // Get information about installed SCSI devices.
#define SC_EXEC_SCSI_CMD 0x02 // Execute SCSI I/O.
#define SC_ABORT_SRB 0x03 // Abort an outstanding I/O request.
#define SC_RESET_DEV 0x04 // Reset an individual SCSI target.
#define SC_GET_DISK_INFO 0x06 // Get information on disk type SCSI devices (not available under Windows NT).
// MISC defines
#define CDSAMPLEFREQ 44100
#define CB_CDDASECTOR 2352
#define CB_CDROMSECTOR 2048
typedef struct
BYTE SRB_Cmd; // ASPI command code
BYTE SRB_Status; // ASPI command status byte
BYTE SRB_HaId; // ASPI host adapter number
BYTE SRB_Flags; // ASPI request flags
DWORD SRB_Hdr_Rsvd; // Reserved, MUST = 0
typedef struct
BYTE SRB_Cmd; // ASPI command code = SC_HA_INQUIRY
BYTE SRB_Status; // ASPI command status byte
BYTE SRB_HaId; // ASPI host adapter number
BYTE SRB_Flags; // ASPI request flags
DWORD SRB_Hdr_Rsvd; // Reserved, MUST = 0
BYTE HA_Count; // Number of host adapters present
BYTE HA_SCSI_ID; // SCSI ID of host adapter
BYTE HA_ManagerId[16]; // String describing the manager
BYTE HA_Identifier[16]; // String describing the host adapter
BYTE HA_Unique[16]; // Host Adapter Unique parameters
WORD HA_Rsvd1;
typedef struct
BYTE SRB_Cmd; // ASPI command code = SC_GET_DEV_TYPE
BYTE SRB_Status; // ASPI command status byte
BYTE SRB_HaId; // ASPI host adapter number
BYTE SRB_Flags; // Reserved
DWORD SRB_Hdr_Rsvd; // Reserved
BYTE SRB_Target; // Target's SCSI ID
BYTE SRB_Lun; // Target's LUN number
BYTE SRB_DeviceType; // Target's peripheral device type
BYTE SRB_Rsvd1; // Reserved for alignment
#define SENSE_LEN 14 // Maximum sense length
typedef struct
BYTE SRB_Cmd; // ASPI command code = SC_EXEC_SCSI_CMD
BYTE SRB_Status; // ASPI command status byte
BYTE SRB_HaId; // ASPI host adapter number
BYTE SRB_Flags; // ASPI request flags
DWORD SRB_Hdr_Rsvd; // Reserved
BYTE SRB_Target; // Target's SCSI ID
BYTE SRB_Lun; // Target's LUN number
WORD SRB_Rsvd1; // Reserved for Alignment
DWORD SRB_BufLen; // Data Allocation Length
BYTE *SRB_BufPointer; // Data Buffer Point
BYTE SRB_SenseLen; // Sense Allocation Length
BYTE SRB_CDBLen; // CDB Length
BYTE SRB_HaStat; // Host Adapter Status
BYTE SRB_TargStat; // Target Status
void (*SRB_PostProc)(); // Post routine
void *SRB_Rsvd2; // Reserved
BYTE SRB_Rsvd3[16]; // Reserved for expansion
BYTE SenseArea[SENSE_LEN+2]; // Request Sense buffer
typedef struct
BYTE SRB_Cmd; // ASPI command code = SC_EXEC_SCSI_CMD
BYTE SRB_Status; // ASPI command status byte
BYTE SRB_HaId; // ASPI host adapter number
BYTE SRB_Flags; // Reserved
DWORD SRB_Hdr_Rsvd; // Reserved
BYTE SRB_Target; // Target's SCSI ID
BYTE SRB_Lun; // Target's LUN number
BYTE SRB_DriveFlags; // Driver flags
BYTE SRB_Int13HDriveInfo;// Host Adapter Status
BYTE SRB_Heads; // Preferred number of heads translation
BYTE SRB_Sectors; // Preferred number of sectors translation
BYTE SRB_Rsvd1[10]; // Reserved
typedef struct
BYTE SRB_Cmd; // ASPI command code = SC_RESET_DEV
BYTE SRB_Status; // ASPI command status byte
BYTE SRB_HaId; // ASPI host adapter number
BYTE SRB_Flags; // Reserved
DWORD SRB_Hdr_Rsvd; // Reserved
BYTE SRB_Target; // Target's SCSI ID
BYTE SRB_Lun; // Target's LUN number
BYTE SRB_Rsvd1[12]; // Reserved for Alignment
BYTE SRB_HaStat; // Host Adapter Status
BYTE SRB_TargStat; // Target Status
void *SRB_PostProc; // Post routine
void *SRB_Rsvd2; // Reserved
BYTE SRB_Rsvd3[32]; // Reserved
typedef struct
BYTE SRB_Cmd; /* 00/000 ASPI cmd code == SC_ABORT_SRB */
BYTE SRB_Status; /* 01/001 ASPI command status byte */
BYTE SRB_HaID; /* 02/002 ASPI host adapter number */
BYTE SRB_Flags; /* 03/003 Reserved, must = 0 */
DWORD SRB_Hdr_Rsvd; /* 04/004 Reserved, must = 0 */
void *SRB_ToAbort; /* 08/008 Pointer to SRB to abort */
} SRB_Abort, *PSRB_Abort, FAR *LPSRB_Abort;
typedef unsigned char Ucbit;
typedef unsigned char u_char;
#define MP_P_CODE \
Ucbit p_code : 6; \
Ucbit p_res : 1; \
Ucbit parsave : 1
// CD Cap / mech status
MP_P_CODE; // parsave & pagecode (0)
u_char p_len; // 0x14 = 20 Bytes (1)
Ucbit cd_r_read : 1; // Reads CD-R media (2)
Ucbit cd_rw_read : 1; // Reads CD-RW media
Ucbit method2 : 1; // Reads fixed packet method2 media
Ucbit dvd_rom_read: 1; // Reads DVD ROM media
Ucbit dvd_r_read : 1; // Reads DVD-R media
Ucbit dvd_ram_read: 1; // Reads DVD-RAM media
Ucbit res_2_67 : 2; // Reserved
Ucbit cd_r_write : 1; // Supports writing CD-R media (3)
Ucbit cd_rw_write : 1; // Supports writing CD-RW media
Ucbit test_write : 1; // Supports emulation write
Ucbit res_3_3 : 1; // Reserved
Ucbit dvd_r_write : 1; // Supports writing DVD-R media
Ucbit dvd_ram_write: 1; // Supports writing DVD-RAM media
Ucbit res_3_67 : 2; // Reserved
Ucbit audio_play : 1; // Supports Audio play operation (4)
Ucbit composite : 1; // Deliveres composite A/V stream
Ucbit digital_port_2: 1; // Supports digital output on port 2
Ucbit digital_port_1: 1; // Supports digital output on port 1
Ucbit mode_2_form_1: 1; // Reads Mode-2 form 1 media (XA)
Ucbit mode_2_form_2: 1; // Reads Mode-2 form 2 media
Ucbit multi_session: 1; // Reads multi-session media
Ucbit res_4 : 1; // Reserved
Ucbit cd_da_supported: 1; // Reads audio data with READ CD cmd
Ucbit cd_da_accurate: 1; // READ CD data stream is accurate
Ucbit rw_supported: 1; // Reads R-W sub channel information
Ucbit rw_deint_cor: 1; // Reads de-interleved R-W sub chan
Ucbit c2_pointers : 1; // Supports C2 error pointers
Ucbit ISRC : 1; // Reads ISRC information
Ucbit UPC : 1; // Reads media catalog number (UPC)
Ucbit read_bar_code: 1; // Supports reading bar codes
Ucbit lock : 1; // PREVENT/ALLOW may lock media (5)
Ucbit lock_state : 1; // Lock state 0=unlocked 1=locked
Ucbit prevent_jumper: 1; // State of prev/allow jumper 0=pres
Ucbit eject : 1; // Ejects disc/cartr with STOP LoEj
Ucbit res_6_4 : 1; // Reserved
Ucbit loading_type: 3; // Loading mechanism type
Ucbit sep_chan_vol: 1; // Vol controls each channel separat (6)
Ucbit sep_chan_mute: 1; // Mute controls each channel separat
Ucbit disk_present_rep:1; // Changer supports disk present rep
Ucbit sw_slot_sel:1; // Load empty slot in changer
Ucbit res_7 : 4; // Reserved
BYTE ReadSpeedH; // Max. read speed in KB/s (7)
BYTE ReadSpeedL; // Max. read speed in KB/s (7)
u_char num_vol_levels[2]; // # of supported volume levels (9)
u_char buffer_size[2]; // Buffer size for the data in KB (11)
u_char cur_read_speed[2]; // Current read speed in KB/s (13)
u_char res_16; // Reserved (14)
Ucbit res_17_0: 1; // Reserved (15)
Ucbit BCK : 1; // Data valid on falling edge of BCK
Ucbit RCK : 1; // Set: HIGH high LRCK=left channel
Ucbit LSBF : 1; // Set: LSB first Clear: MSB first
Ucbit length : 2; // 0=32BCKs 1=16BCKs 2=24BCKs 3=24I2c
Ucbit res_17 : 2; // Reserved
u_char max_write_speed[2]; // Max. write speed supported in KB/s (17)
u_char cur_write_speed[2]; // Current write speed in KB/s (19)
char *fillbytes(void *tov, int cnt, char val);
typedef struct SCISMODEHEADER_TAG {
Ucbit sense_data_len : 8;
u_char medium_type;
Ucbit res2 : 4;
Ucbit cache : 1;
Ucbit res : 2;
Ucbit write_prot : 1;
BYTE nBlockLen;
typedef struct SCSIMODEHDR_6_TAG {
BYTE btModeDataLen; // 0
BYTE btMediumType; // 1
BYTE btDevSpecificParam; // 2
BYTE btBlkDescrLen; // 3
typedef struct SCSIMODEHDR_10_TAG {
BYTE btModeDataLenH; // 0
BYTE btModeDataLenL; // 1
BYTE btMediumType; // 2
BYTE btDevSpecificParam; // 3
BYTE btReserved1; // 4
BYTE btReserved2; // 5
BYTE btBlkDescrLenH; // 6
BYTE btBlkDescrLenL; // 7
BYTE btDensity; // 0
BYTE btNumberOfBlocksH; // 1
BYTE btNumberOfBlocksM; // 2
BYTE btNumberOfBlocksL; // 3
BYTE btReserved; // 4
BYTE btBlockLenH; // 5
BYTE btBlockLenM; // 6
BYTE btBlockLenL; // 7
// Error recovery Parameters
typedef struct SCSICDMODEPAGE1A_TAG{
MP_P_CODE; // 0 parsave & pagecode
u_char p_len; // 1 0x0A = 12 Bytes
Ucbit disa_correction : 1; // 2 Byte 2
Ucbit term_on_rec_err : 1;
Ucbit report_rec_err : 1;
Ucbit en_early_corr : 1;
Ucbit read_continuous : 1;
Ucbit tranfer_block : 1;
Ucbit en_auto_reall_r : 1;
Ucbit en_auto_reall_w : 1;
u_char rd_retry_count; // 3 Byte 3
u_char correction_span; // 4
char head_offset_count; // 5
char data_strobe_offset; // 6
u_char res; // 7
u_char wr_retry_count; // 8
u_char res_tape[2]; // 9
u_char recov_timelim[2]; // 11
typedef struct
BYTE SRB_Status; // ASPI command status byte
BYTE SRB_HaId; // ASPI host adapter number
BYTE SRB_Flags; // ASPI request flags
DWORD SRB_Hdr_Rsvd; // Reserved
BYTE SRB_Target; // Target's SCSI ID
BYTE SRB_Lun; // Target's LUN number
DWORD SRB_Timeout; // Timeout in half seconds
SRB_GetSetTimeouts, *PSRB_GetSetTimeouts;
typedef struct
LPBYTE AB_BufPointer; // Pointer to the ASPI allocated buffer
DWORD AB_BufLen; // Length in bytes of the buffer
DWORD AB_ZeroFill; // Flag set to 1 if buffer should be zeroed
DWORD AB_Reserved; // Reserved, MUST = 0
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif |