A plugin for integrating Tainacan plugin pages with the amazing Blocksy theme.
== Description ==
[Tainacan](https://tainacan.org/) is an open-source, flexible and powerful tool for creating digital repositories on WordPress. It allows you to create and manage collections with a variety of metadata types, rich search and filtering of items and much more.
[Blocksy](https://creativethemes.com/blocksy/) is one of the many WordPress themes available out there. But it is not just another theme, it offers rich controls to customize your site with so many features that you won't miss a page builder. This project uses their customizer controls to offer options for setting different layouts to Tainacan pages such as the collection items list and the items page.
This project uses their customizer controls to offer options for setting different layouts to Tainacan pages such as the collection items list and the items page.
== Installation ==
Upload the files to the plugins directory and activate it. You can also install and activate directly from the admin panel.
Once activated, go to the theme customizer and play around with Tainacan-related options for each of your collections.
This plugin will only work with [Tainacan plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/tainacan/) active, preferably with a version greater than or equal to 0.17.4;
Also, this plugin will only work with [Blocksy theme](https://wordpress.org/themes/blocksy/) active, preferably with a version greater than or equal to 1.7.0;
1. With the plugin enabled, your customizer will offer options for each Tainacan collection items list and item page, besides the repository and term items list page;
2. The item single page can be customized for different layouts, so you can decide how to display the document, attachments and metadata;
3. Besides that, Blocksy offers different title banners, post navigation and related post features that can also be used in your item single page;