Improves section metadata usage of filters.

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mateuswetah 2022-05-10 16:12:33 -03:00
parent b96ea0539b
commit f1df8dd97e
1 changed files with 66 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,72 @@
$prefix = blocksy_manager()->screen->get_prefix();
* The new metadata sections function makes it a bit more complicated to add
* the thumbnail in the middle of the metadata.
* So we have some logic that is only needed if it is set.
* The following uses a filter to add it right above the first metadatum in the first section.
if ( has_post_thumbnail() && (get_theme_mod($prefix . '_show_thumbnail', 'no') === 'yes') ) {
// Gets collection so we can obtain firtst metadatum
$collection = tainacan_get_collection();
if ( !is_null($collection) ) {
// Gets array of metadata order
$metadata_order = $collection->get_metadata_order();
if ( is_array($metadata_order) ) {
$first_metadatum_id = -1;
foreach( $metadata_order as $metadatum ) {
// Checks if the metadata is enabled
if ( isset($metadatum['enabled']) && $metadatum['enabled'] && isset($metadatum['id']) ) {
$first_metadatum_id = $metadatum['id'];
// IF we are not displaying the title here, we must look for the second metadata
if ( get_theme_mod($prefix . '_show_title_metadata', 'yes') === 'no' ) {
$Tainacan_Metadata = \Tainacan\Repositories\Metadata::get_instance();
$metadatum_object = $Tainacan_Metadata->fetch($first_metadatum_id);
$metadata_type_object = $metadatum_object->get_metadata_type_object();
if ( $metadata_type_object->get_related_mapped_prop() == 'title' ) {
if ( is_numeric($first_metadatum_id) && $first_metadatum_id >= 0 ) {
add_filter('tainacan-get-item-metadatum-as-html-before--id-' . $first_metadatum_id, function($before, $item_metadatum) {
<div class="tainacan-item-section__metadata-thumbnail">
<h3 class="tainacan-metadata-label"><?php _e( 'Thumbnail', 'tainacan-blocksy' ); ?></h3>
<p class="tainacan-metadata-value"><?php the_post_thumbnail('tainacan-medium-full'); ?></p>
$extra_content = ob_get_contents();
return $extra_content . $before;
}, 10, 2);
$metadata_args = array(
'display_slug_as_class' => true,
'before_title' => '<h3 class="tainacan-metadata-label">',