null, // string | null | array 'default' => '' ] ); if (! $args['fnc']) { throw new Error('$fnc must be specified!'); } if (! function_exists($args['fnc'])) { return $args['default']; } return call_user_func($args['fnc'], ...$params); } } /** * Return the url to be used in image picker from the child theme. * The original function is on the /admin/helpers/options.php folder in the Blocksy parent theme. * * @param string $path image name. */ if (! function_exists('tainacan_blocksy_image_picker_url')) { function tainacan_blocksy_image_picker_url($path) { return TAINACAN_BLOCKSY_PLUGIN_URL_PATH . '/static/images/' . $path; } }