screen->get_prefix(); $page_structure_type = get_theme_mod( $prefix . '_page_structure_type', 'type-dam'); // Galley mode is a shortname for when documents and attachments are displayed merged in the same list $is_gallery_mode = get_theme_mod( $prefix . '_document_attachments_structure', 'gallery-type-1' ) == 'gallery-type-2'; $gallery_spacing = get_theme_mod( $prefix . '_document_attachments_spacing', 'default'); $hide_file_name = get_theme_mod( $prefix . '_hide_files_name', 'no') == 'yes'; $hide_file_name_main = get_theme_mod( $prefix . '_hide_files_name_main', 'yes') == 'yes'; $hide_file_caption_main = get_theme_mod( $prefix . '_hide_files_caption_main', 'yes') == 'yes'; $hide_file_description_main = get_theme_mod( $prefix . '_hide_files_description_main', 'yes') == 'yes'; $hide_download_button = get_theme_mod( $prefix . '_hide_download_button', 'no' ) == 'yes'; $disable_gallery_lightbox = get_theme_mod( $prefix . '_disable_gallery_lightbox', 'no') == 'yes'; $hide_file_name_lightbox = get_theme_mod( $prefix . '_hide_files_name_lightbox', 'no') == 'yes'; $hide_file_caption_lightbox = get_theme_mod( $prefix . '_hide_files_caption_lightbox', 'no') == 'yes'; $hide_file_description_lightbox = get_theme_mod( $prefix . '_hide_files_description_lightbox', 'no') == 'yes'; $has_light_dark_color_scheme = get_theme_mod( $prefix . '_gallery_color_scheme', 'dark' ) == 'light'; if ( $gallery_spacing === 'minimum' ) { add_filter( 'tainacan-swiper-thumbs-options', function($options) { return array_merge( $options, array( 'spaceBetween' => 0 ) ); }, 9 , 1); } global $post; if ( tainacan_has_document() && !$is_gallery_mode ) : ?>

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