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<TITLE>Darwin Core Namespace Policy</TITLE>
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<META name="DC.title" content="Darwin Core Namespace Policy"/>
<META name="DC.description" content="This document is most recent version of the Darwin Core Namespace Policy"/>
<META name="DC.subject" content="biodiversity, standards"/>
<META name="DC.creator" content="Darwin Core Task Group"/>
<META name="DC.contributor" content="John Wieczorek (MVZ) &lt;tuco@berkeley.edu&gt;"/>
<META name="DC.contributor" content="Markus Döring (GBIF) &lt;mdoering@gbif.org&gt;"/>
<META name="DC.contributor" content="Renato De Giovanni (CRIA) &lt;renato@cria.org.br&gt;"/>
<META name="DC.contributor" content="Tim Robertson (GBIF) &lt;trobertson@gbif.org&gt;"/>
<META name="DC.contributor" content="Dave Vieglais (KUNHM) &lt;vieglais@ku.edu&gt;"/>
<META name="DC.contributor" content="Stan Blum (CAS) &lt;sblum@calacademy.org&gt;"/>
<META name="DC.modified" content="2009-02-12"/>
<META name="DC.dateAccepted" content="2009-02-12"/>
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<H1>Darwin Core Namespace Policy</H1>
<TABLE cellspacing="0" class="docinfo">
<TD>Darwin Core Namespace Policy</TD>
<TH>Date Issued:</TH>
All terms in the Darwin Core must be assigned a unique URI. For convenience, the term URIs that are
assigned and managed by the Darwin Core Task Group are grouped into collections known as Darwin
Core namespaces. This document describes how term URIs are allocated by the Darwin Core Task Group
and the policies associated with Darwin Core namespaces.
<TD>John Wieczorek (MVZ)<tuco@berkeley.edu>, Markus Döring (GBIF)<mdoering@gbif.org>, Renato De Giovanni (CRIA)<renato@cria.org.br>, Tim Robertson (GBIF)<trobertson@gbif.org>, Dave Vieglais (KUNHM)<vieglais@ku.edu>, Stan Blum (CAS)<sblum@calacademy.org></TD>
<TD>This document is governed by the standard legal, copyright, licensing provisions and disclaimers issued by the Taxonomic Databases Working Group.</TD>
<TH>Part of TDWG Standard:</TH>
<TD>***URL to DwC Standard*** goes here</TD>
<TD>Darwin Core Task Group</TD>
<TD><A href="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/namespace/2009-02-12/">http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/namespace/2009-02-12/</A></TD>
<TR><TH>Latest Version:</TH>
<TD><A href="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/namespace/">http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/namespace/</A></TD>
<TD>Not applicable</TD>
<TR><TH>Replaced By:</TH>
<TD>Not applicable</TD>
<TD><A href="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/translations/">http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/translations/</A></TD>
<TH>Document Status:</TH>
<TD>This is a TDWG Request for Comment.</TD>
<H2>Table of Contents</H2>
</P><TABLE width="95%" border="0" align="center"><TBODY>
<TR><TD width="100%">1. <a href="glossary">Glossary</a>
<TR><TD width="100%">2. <a href="#introduction">Introduction</a>
<TR><TD width="100%">3. <a href="#references">References</a>
<TR><TD width="100%">4. <a href="#namespaceuris">Darwin Core Namespace URIs</a>
<TR><TD width="100%">5. <a href="#classesofchanges">Policy concerning classes of changes to Darwin Core terms</a>
<TR><TD width="100%">6. <a href="#persistence">Persistence Policy</a>
<A name="glossary" id="glossary"></A>
<H2>1. Glossary</H2>
<P>This document uses the following terminology:</P>
<DD>A property (element), class, vocabulary encoding scheme, or syntax encoding scheme.</DD>
<DD>A Uniform Resource Identifier (<A href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt">URI</A>) or Internationalized Resource Identifier (<A href="<A href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3987.txt">IRI</A>).</DD>
<DT><EM>Darwin Core term</EM></DT>
<DD>A <EM>term</EM> that is declared and maintained by Darwin Core Task Group.</DD>
<DT><EM>term URI</EM></DT>
<DD>The <EM>URI</EM> that identifies a <EM>term</EM>.</DD>
<DT><EM>Darwin Core term URI</EM></DT>
<DD>The <EM>URI</EM> for a <EM>term</EM> that is declared and managed by Darwin Core Task Group.</DD>
<DT><EM>term name</EM></DT>
<DD>A unique token assigned to a <EM>term</EM>. For all <EM>Darwin Core terms</EM>, the <EM>term name</EM> is appended to a <EM>Darwin Core namespace URI</EM> to create the <EM>Darwin Core term URI</EM>.</DD>
<DT><EM>term label</EM></DT>
<DD>A human-readable label assigned to a <EM>term</EM>.</DD>
<DT><EM>Darwin Core namespace</EM></DT>
<DD>A collection of <EM>Darwin Core term URIs</EM> where each <EM>term</EM> is assigned a <EM>URI</EM> that starts with the same &#39;base URI&#39;. The &#39;base URI&#39; is known as the <EM>Darwin Core namespace URI</EM>. (Note that a <EM>Darwin Core namespace</EM> is not the same as an &#39;XML namespace&#39;).</DD>
<DT><EM>Darwin Core namespace URI</EM></DT>
<DD>The <EM>URI</EM> that identifies a <EM>Darwin Core namespace</EM>.</DD>
<DT><EM>Darwin Core recommendation</EM></DT>
<DD>A specification, approved through Darwin Core&#39;s formal process, which may define one or more <EM>Darwin Core terms</EM>.</DD>
<DT><EM>Darwin Core term declaration</EM></DT>
<DD>A representation of one or more <EM>Darwin Core terms</EM>.</DD>
<P><EM>Term URIs</EM> are grouped into <EM>Darwin Core namespaces</EM> in order to ease the assignment of <EM>URIs </EM>to <EM>terms</EM> and to streamline their use in particular encoding syntaxes. Note that the grouping of <EM>term URIs</EM> into <EM>Darwin Core namespaces</EM> is orthogonal to the grouping of <EM>terms</EM> into sets designed to meet other functional needs, e.g., as various types of vocabularies.</P>
<A name="introduction" id="introduction"></A>
<H2>2. Introduction</H2>
This document and the policies contained herein are modeled on the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
Namespace Policy [<a href="http://dublincore.org/documents/2007/07/02/dcmi-namespace/">DCMINAMESPACEPOLICY</a>].
All terms in the Darwin Core must be assigned a unique URI. For convenience, the term URIs that are
assigned and managed by the Darwin Core Task Group are grouped into collections known as Darwin
Core namespaces. This document describes how term URIs are allocated by the Darwin Core Task Group
and the policies associated with Darwin Core namespaces.
<A name="references" id="references"></A>
<H2>3. References</H2>
<TABLE width="95%" border="0" align="center">
<TD width="40%"><A href="http://dublincore.org/documents/2007/07/02/dcmi-namespace/">http://dublincore.org/documents/2007/07/02/dcmi-namespace/</A></TD>
<TD width="50%">DCMI Namespace Policy, 2 July 2007</TD>
<TD width="10%"><A name="DWC">[DWC]</A></TD>
<TD width="40%"><A href="../../index.htm">http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/</A></TD>
<TD width="50%">An introduction to the Darwin Core Standard.</TD>
<TD width="10%"><A name="DWC-MAIL">[DWC-MAIL]</A></TD>
<TD width="40%"><A href="mailto:tdwg-content@lists.tdwg.org">tdwg-content@lists.tdwg.org</A></TD>
<TD width="50%">Mailing list for commentary and discussion on Darwin Core.</TD>
<TD width="10%"><A name="DWC-USAGE">[DWC-USAGE]</A></TD>
<TD width="40%"><A href="mailto:tdwg-tag@lists.tdwg.org">tdwg-tag@lists.tdwg.org</A></TD>
<TD width="50%">TDWG Architecture Mailing List.</TD>
<TD width="10%"><A name="DWC-TYPE">[DWC-TYPE]</A></TD>
<TD width="40%"><A href="../type-vocabulary/index.htm">http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/type-vocabulary/</A></TD>
<TD width="50%">Darwin Core Type Vocabulary.</TD>
<TD width="10%"><A name="DECISIONS">[DECISIONS]</A></TD>
<TD width="40%"><A href="../history/decisions/index.htm">http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/history/decisions/</A></TD>
<TD width="50%">A history of decisions resulting in changes to Darwin Core terms.</TD>
<TD width="10%"><A name="HISTORY">[HISTORY]</A></TD>
<TD width="40%"><A href="../history/index.htm">http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/history/</A></TD>
<TD width="50%">Darwin Core Terms: A complete history.</TD>
<A name="namespaceuris" id="namespaceuris"></A>
<H2>4. Darwin Core Namespace URIs</H2>
<P>The <EM>Darwin Core namespace URI</EM> for the collection of all Darwin Core properties, classes and encoding schemes is:</P>
<PRE class="example">http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/
<P>The <EM>Darwin Core namespace URI</EM> for the collection of <EM>classes</EM> in the Darwin Core Type Vocabulary
[<A href="../type-vocabulary/index.htm">DWC-TYPE</A>] is:</P>
<PRE class="example">http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwctype/
<P>All future <EM>Darwin Core namespace URIs</EM> (additional Darwin Core controlled vocabularies for example) will conform to
this pattern:</P>
<PRE class="example">http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/namespace_label/
<P>All <EM>Darwin Core namespace URIs</EM> will dereference to a <EM>Darwin Core term declaration</EM> for all the
<EM>terms</EM> with <EM>term URIs</EM> within that <EM>Darwin Core namespace</EM>. A machine-processable <EM>Darwin Core
term declaration</EM> will be made available.</P>
<P>Some example <EM>Darwin Core term URIs</EM> follow:</P>
<PRE class="example">http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/ScientificName
<P>is the <EM>Darwin Core term URI</EM> for the ScientificName <EM>property</EM>.</P>
<PRE class="example">http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwctype/PreservedSpecimen
<P>is the <EM>Darwin Core term URI</EM> for the PreservedSpecimen <EM>class</EM> in the Darwin Core Type Vocabulary.</P>
<P>Each <EM>Darwin Core term</EM> can be so identified.</P>
<P>All <EM>Darwin Core term URIs</EM> will dereference to a <EM>Darwin Core term declaration</EM> for the identified
<EM>term</EM>. A machine-processable <EM>Darwin Core term declaration</EM> will be made available.
<A name="classesofchanges" id="classesofchanges"></A>
<H2>5. Policy concerning classes of changes to Darwin Core terms</H2>
<P>Changes to <EM>Darwin Core terms</EM> or <EM>term declarations</EM> will occur from time to time for a variety of reasons.
Such changes have varying implications for <EM>Darwin Core term URIs</EM> and <EM>Darwin Core namespaces</EM>. The following
classes of changes are identified along with examples and associated implications.
<P>In all cases, any changes to <EM>Darwin Core terms</EM> or <EM>term declarations</EM> will result
in an update to the versioning information carried in the <EM>Darwin Core recommendation</EM> and/or
<EM>Darwin Core term declaration</EM> associated with that <EM>term</EM>. Specifically, a new version
of the term will be created with appropriate information in the <i>Version</i>, <i>Replaces</i>, and
<i>DateModified</i> attributes of the new term, and with the identifying version information of the
new term in the <i>Is Replaced By</i> attribute of the term being updated.
<H3>5.1. Minor editorial errata</H3>
<P>Errors of spelling, punctuation, or other clerical mistakes discovered in <EM>Darwin Core recommendations</EM> and/or
<EM>Darwin Core term declarations</EM> will be corrected without a comment period, following notification to the TDWG
Architecture Group [<A href="mailto:tdwg-tag@lists.tdwg.org">DWC-USAGE</A>], as long as, in
the judgment of the TDWG Architecture Group, there are no implications for negative impact on users or applications that rely
on those <EM>Darwin Core term declarations</EM>. Minor editorial changes of this type will result in no changes to <EM>Darwin
Core term URIs</EM>, will not undergo a request for comments, and will not result in a decision
[<a href="../history/decisions/index.htm">DECISIONS</A>].
<H3>5.2. Substantive editorial errata</H3>
<P>Errors of substance discovered in <EM>Darwin Core recommendations</EM> and/or <EM>Darwin Core
term declarations</EM> will trigger public notification of the correction to the Darwin Core mailing
list [<A href="mailto:tdwg-content@lists.tdwg.org">DWC-MAIL</A>].
Errors that, in the judgment of the TDWG Architecture Group, compromise the immediate usefulness or
accuracy of systems based on Darwin Core will be corrected immediately (for example, an incorrect
URL to a resource external to Darwin Core). Others will be corrected following a 30-day public
comment period to assure that changes do not adversely effect systems or applications which rely on
the <EM>Darwin Core namespace</EM> infrastructure. Substantive editorial changes of this type will
result in no changes to <EM>Darwin Core term URIs</EM>, and will not result in a decision
[<a href="../history/decisions/index.htm">DECISIONS</A>].
<H3>5.3. Semantic changes in Darwin Core terms</H3>
<P>Changes of definitions within <EM>Darwin Core recommendations</EM> and/or <EM>Darwin Core term
declarations</EM> will be reflected in the affected <EM>Darwin Core recommendation</EM> and/or
<EM>Darwin Core term declaration</EM>. Semantic changes of this type will, will
undergo a request for comments, and will result in a decision
[<a href="../history/decisions/index.htm">DECISIONS</A>]. If, in the judgment of the TDWG Architecture Group, such
changes of meaning are likely to have substantial impact on either machine processing of
<EM>Darwin Core terms</EM> or the functional semantics of the <EM>terms</EM>, then these changes
will be reflected in a change of URI for the <EM>Darwin Core term</EM> or <EM>terms</EM> in question.
The URIs for any new <EM>Darwin Core namespaces</EM> resulting from such changes will conform to
the <EM>Darwin Core namespace URI</EM> pattern defined above.
<P>Requests for semantic changes to a term should be made to the Technical Architecture Group
[<A href="mailto:tdwg-tag@lists.tdwg.org">DWC-USAGE</A>], and should consist of a complete list of attributes to be changed
along with a statement of justification for the changes.
<H3>5.4. Addition of Darwin Core term declarations to existing Darwin Core namespaces</H3>
<P>New <EM>Darwin Core term URIs</EM> will occasionally be added to existing <EM>Darwin Core namespaces</EM> based on
public demand. Addition of <EM>Darwin Core term URIs</EM> to existing <EM>Darwin Core namespaces</EM> will not trigger
changes in <EM>Darwin Core namespace URIs</EM>. Additional term requests that are determined by the Technical Architecture
Group to have merit will undergo a request for comments and will not result in a decision
[<a href="../history/decisions/index.htm">DECISIONS</A>].
<P>Requests for additional terms should be made to the Technical Architecture Group
[<A href="mailto:tdwg-tag@lists.tdwg.org">DWC-USAGE</A>], and should consist of a complete list of
attributes as given in the introduction in the Darwin Core Terms history [<A href="../history/index.htm">HISTORY</A>] along
with a statement of justification for the new term, including an explanation of why no existing term will suffice.
<A name="persistence" id="persistence"></A>
<H2>6. Persistence Policy</H2>
TDWG recognizes that people and applications depend on the persistence of formal documents and machine processable schemas
that have been made publicly available. In particular, the stability of <EM>Darwin Core term URIs</EM> and <EM>Darwin Core
namespace URIs</EM> is critical to interoperability over time. Thus, the wide promulgation of this set of <EM>URIs</EM>
dictates that they be maintained to support legacy applications that have adopted them.</P>
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