Correct footnote syntax

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Peter Desmet 2018-10-08 22:09:34 +02:00
parent ff941e2e32
commit cc71250a1c
1 changed files with 14 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1332,39 +1332,39 @@ dcterms:relation | Used to link subject and object resources that have an unspec
term | domain | range
--- | --- | ---
dcterms:modified | --- | rdfs:Literal[1]
dcterms:modified | --- | rdfs:Literal[^1]
dcterms:bibliographicCitation | dcterms:BibliographicResource | rdfs:Literal
[1] Recommended format is [ISO 8601:2004(E)]( See notes on date terms in [Section 3.4](#34-terms-defined-by-darwin-core-that-are-expected-to-be-used-only-with-literal-values-normative) for further information.
[^1]: Recommended format is [ISO 8601:2004(E)]( See notes on date terms in [Section 3.4](#34-terms-defined-by-darwin-core-that-are-expected-to-be-used-only-with-literal-values-normative) for further information.
### 3.3 Imported Dublin Core terms that have non-literal objects and corresponding terms that have literal objects (normative)
| Term intended for use in RDF with non-literal objects[2] | range | recommended values[3] | Term intended for use in RDF with literal objects |
| Term intended for use in RDF with non-literal objects[^2] | range | recommended values[^3] | Term intended for use in RDF with literal objects |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| dcterms:language | dcterms:LinguisticSystem | MARC ISO 639-2 language IRI | dc:language |
| dcterms:license[4] | dcterms:LicenseDocument | Creative Commons license IRI | xmpRights:UsageTerms[5] |
| dcterms:license[^4] | dcterms:LicenseDocument | Creative Commons license IRI | xmpRights:UsageTerms[^5] |
| dcterms:type | rdfs:Class | DCMI Type Vocabulary | dc:type |
| dcterms:rightsHolder | dcterms:Agent | IRI for the agent owning or managing the rights. | xmpRights:Owner[6] |
| dcterms:accessRights | dcterms:RightsStatement | A custom RDF rights statement could be created describing who can access the resource or an indication of its security status. | No literal object analogue exists for this term. The string value can be expressed as a property of a blank node.[7] |
| dcterms:rightsHolder | dcterms:Agent | IRI for the agent owning or managing the rights. | xmpRights:Owner[^6] |
| dcterms:accessRights | dcterms:RightsStatement | A custom RDF rights statement could be created describing who can access the resource or an indication of its security status. | No literal object analogue exists for this term. The string value can be expressed as a property of a blank node.[^7] |
| dcterms:references | --- | IRI for a publication (preferably an HTTP-proxied DOI) related to the subject resource. | Use `dwc:identificationReferences` for a reference consulted in making an taxonomic identification and `dwc:associatedReferences` for references related to occurrences. |
[2]: None of these `dcterms:` namespace terms have domain declarations.
[^2]: None of these `dcterms:` namespace terms have domain declarations.
[3]: For recommended controlled values, see the document "Sources of well-known controlled value IRIs", accessible from the [Darwin Core informative ancillary web page](
[^3]: For recommended controlled values, see the document "Sources of well-known controlled value IRIs", accessible from the [Darwin Core informative ancillary web page](
[4]: For more information about linking a creative work to its license, see the document "Sources of well-known controlled value IRIs", accessible from the [Darwin Core informative ancillary web page](
[^4]: For more information about linking a creative work to its license, see the document "Sources of well-known controlled value IRIs", accessible from the [Darwin Core informative ancillary web page](
[5]: DCMI does not provide a literal object analogue of `dcterms:license`. [Audubon Core]( recommends `xmpRights:UsageTerms` for literals.
[^5]: DCMI does not provide a literal object analogue of `dcterms:license`. [Audubon Core]( recommends `xmpRights:UsageTerms` for literals.
[6]: DCMI does not provide a literal object analogue of `dcterms:rightsHolder`. [Audubon Core]( recommends `xmpRights:Owner` for literals. However, since `xmpRights:Owner` is defined by the [XMP specification]( as "a list of legal owners of the resource", it can only be used to specify the rights owner, not an agent managing the rights.
[^6]: DCMI does not provide a literal object analogue of `dcterms:rightsHolder`. [Audubon Core]( recommends `xmpRights:Owner` for literals. However, since `xmpRights:Owner` is defined by the [XMP specification]( as "a list of legal owners of the resource", it can only be used to specify the rights owner, not an agent managing the rights.
[7]: See the [DCMI accessRights guidelines]( for an example.
[^7]: See the [DCMI accessRights guidelines]( for an example.
### 3.4 Terms defined by Darwin Core that are expected to be used only with literal values (normative)
Darwin Core term | Notes on expressing as RDF
--- | ---
`dwc:eventDate`<br>`dwc:georeferencedDate`<br>`dwc:dateIdentified`<br>`dwc:relationshipEstablishedDate`<br>`dwc:measurementDeterminedDate` | These date terms have range `rdfs:Literal`[8]. Best practice as specified in the term definition recommends that they should be formatted according to [ISO 8601:2004(E)]( There is no defined [XML Schema datatype]( that corresponds exactly to ISO 8601:2004(E), therefore the entire set of possible values cannot be specified using an `rdf:datatype` attribute. The [XML Schema dateTime datatype]( (`xsd:dateTime`) which is effectively a subset of ISO 8601:2004(E), may be used as an `rdf:datatype` attribute. However, `xsd:dateTime` requires the complete series of year, month, day, hour, second (e.g., 002-10-10T12:00:00) and does not permit listing only part of this hierarchy (e.g., only the year) as is allowed in ISO 8601:2004(E).
`dwc:eventDate`<br>`dwc:georeferencedDate`<br>`dwc:dateIdentified`<br>`dwc:relationshipEstablishedDate`<br>`dwc:measurementDeterminedDate` | These date terms have range `rdfs:Literal`[^8]. Best practice as specified in the term definition recommends that they should be formatted according to [ISO 8601:2004(E)]( There is no defined [XML Schema datatype]( that corresponds exactly to ISO 8601:2004(E), therefore the entire set of possible values cannot be specified using an `rdf:datatype` attribute. The [XML Schema dateTime datatype]( (`xsd:dateTime`) which is effectively a subset of ISO 8601:2004(E), may be used as an `rdf:datatype` attribute. However, `xsd:dateTime` requires the complete series of year, month, day, hour, second (e.g., 002-10-10T12:00:00) and does not permit listing only part of this hierarchy (e.g., only the year) as is allowed in ISO 8601:2004(E).
`dwc:eventTime` | It is recommended that the format described by [ISO 8601:2004(E)]( be used. As with the date terms, there is no [XML Schema datatype]( that includes all of the possible values allowed in ISO 8601:2004(E), so there is no generic `rdf:datatype` attribute that would apply to all possible instances. The [XML Schema dateTime datatype]( (`xsd:time`) which is effectively a subset of ISO 8601:2004(E) may be used as an `rdf:datatype` attribute although it is limited to values that include hours, minutes, and seconds (e.g., 13:07:56-05:00).
`dwc:individualCount`<br>`dwc:decimalLatitude`<br>`dwc:decimalLongitude`<br>`dwc:coordinatePrecision`<br>`dwc:pointRadiusSpatialFit`<br>`dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters`<br>`dwc:minimumElevationInMeters`<br>`dwc:maximumElevationInMeters`<br>`dwc:minimumDepthInMeters`<br>`dwc:maximumDepthInMeters`<br>`dwc:minimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters`<br>`dwc:maximumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters`<br>`dwc:startDayOfYear`<br>`dwc:endDayOfYear`<br>`dwc:year`<br>`dwc:month`<br>`dwc:day`<br>`dwc:footprintSpatialFit`<br>`dwc:measurementValue`<br>`dwc:measurementAccuracy` | These terms are expected to have literal values that are numeric. Therefore, an `rdf:datatype` attribute describing the form of the number should be used.
`dwc:occurrenceRemarks`<br>`dwc:eventRemarks`<br>`dwc:locationRemarks`<br>`dwc:georeferenceRemarks`<br>`dwc:identificationRemarks`<br>`dwc:taxonRemarks`<br>`dwc:organismRemarks`<br>`dwc:relationshipRemarks`<br>`dwc:measurementRemarks` | Because these are remarks, they are expected to have literal values with an `xml:lang` attribute.
@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@ Darwin Core term | Notes on expressing as RDF
`dwc:basisOfRecord` | Use only with literal value strings consisting of the local name component of Darwin Core class IRIs. Use `rdf:type` to refer to IRIs that describe the type of the resource.
`dwc:dynamicProperties` | Expected to contain JSON as a literal. Communities of practice might choose to use other vocabularies or develop their own vocabularies to express this sort of content directly as RDF.
[8]: No Darwin Core terms defined by Darwin Core (as opposed to those imported from Dublin Core) have domain or range declarations as a part of their definitions. However, the five terms in the `dwc:` namespace listed in the table above are defined to be `rdfs:subPropertyOf` of `dcterms:date`, which has the range `rdfs:Literal`. Under the extensional entailment rule ext4 listed in section 7.3.1 of the [RDF Semantics 2004 W3C Recommendation](, these terms can be inferred to have the range `rdfs:Literal`. However, the [RDF 1.1 Semantics W3C Recommendation]( does not include these extensional entailment rules. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to expect that date properties should have literal values, with datatype attributes whenever possible.
[^8]: No Darwin Core terms defined by Darwin Core (as opposed to those imported from Dublin Core) have domain or range declarations as a part of their definitions. However, the five terms in the `dwc:` namespace listed in the table above are defined to be `rdfs:subPropertyOf` of `dcterms:date`, which has the range `rdfs:Literal`. Under the extensional entailment rule ext4 listed in section 7.3.1 of the [RDF Semantics 2004 W3C Recommendation](, these terms can be inferred to have the range `rdfs:Literal`. However, the [RDF 1.1 Semantics W3C Recommendation]( does not include these extensional entailment rules. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to expect that date properties should have literal values, with datatype attributes whenever possible.
### 3.5 Darwin Core convenience terms that are expected to be used only with literal values (normative)