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<p>Following are links to examples of marking up data in Darwin Core:</p>
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<h1>Darwin Core Text Guide</h1>
<h2 id="introduction">1. Introduction</h2>
<p><b>Audience</b>: This document is targeted toward
those who wish to use or share information based on the Darwin Core terms
using text files. It provides technical details on how to construct these
files and complementary metadata files that describe their content.</p>
<p>This document provides guidelines for formatting and sharing Darwin Core
terms [<a href="../../index.html">TERMS</a>] in <em>fielded text</em> formats,
such as one or more comma separated value (CSV) files. Data conforming to the
Simple Darwin Core [<a href="../../simple.html">SIMPLEDWC</a>] (CSV
format and having the first row include Darwin Core standard term names) can
be shared in a single file, while a non-standard text file can be understood
using an [<a href="">XML</a>] metafile to describe its
contents and formatting.</p>
<p><img src="images/usage.png"></p>
<p>More complex structure can be shared in multiple related files. The
description of content and relationships between files can be achieved using
the metafile. This guideline makes recommendations for the simple case of a
<em>core</em> file, upon which Darwin Core <em>records</em> are based, and
<em>extensions</em> that are linked to records in that core file.
Specifically, extension records have a <em>many-to-one</em> relationship with
records in the core file. For example, a core file might contain specimen
records, with one specimen per row in the file, while an extension file
contains one or more identifications for those specimens, with one
identification per row in the extension file, and with an identifier to the
specimen for each identification row. This example would allow many
identifications to be associated with each specimen.</p>
<h3 id="simple">1.1 Simple Example Metafile Content</h3>
<p>A simple comma separated values
(CSV) data file with the following content:</p>
<pre class="example">
123,"Cryptantha gypsophila Reveal & C.R. Broome",12
124,"Buxbaumia piperi",2
<p>can be described with the following Darwin Core metafile:</p>
<pre class="example">
&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
&lt;archive xmlns=""
&lt;core rowType="" ignoreHeaderLines="1"&gt;
&lt;field index="0" term="" /&gt;
&lt;field index="1" term="" /&gt;
&lt;field index="2" term="" /&gt;
&lt;!-- A constant value has no index, but applies to all rows --&gt;
&lt;field term="" default=""/&gt;
<p>These same data could be understood without the metafile if the first row
of the CSV file contained the term names:</p>
<pre class="example">
123,"Cryptantha gypsophila Reveal & C.R. Broome",12,
124,"Buxbaumia piperi",2,
<h3>1.2 XML versus Fielded Text</h3>
<p>Many resources exist on the web describing the advantages of Extensible
Markup Language [<a href="">XML</a>] over less
structured content such as <em>fielded text</em>. The Darwin Core Text Guide
(this document) is not meant to promote the use of <em>fielded text</em> over
XML for data exchange, but rather to provide recommendations for how to
handle such data files when necessary.<br>
Two scenarios that might benefit from the use of <em>fielded text</em>
<li>The transfer of large numbers of Darwin Core records and related data
from one database to another. Typically databases are very efficient at
exporting and importing comma separated text files.</li>
<li>The description of legacy data existing in a <em>fielded text</em>
format, such that it might be automatically understood and loaded into
another system. It could be that this system would then serve the data in
another format such as XML.</li>
<h2 id="metafile">2. Metafile Content</h2>
<p>The text metafile schema [<a href="tdwg_dwc_text.xsd">TEXTSCHEMA</a>]
provides technical details
for the structure of a metafile by defining the elements and attributes
required to describe the contents and relationships between text files. These
elements and attributes, with descriptions and specifications for their use
in a metafile, are described in the following table.</p>
<h3>2.1 The &lt;archive&gt; element</h3>
<p>The &lt;archive&gt; element is the
container for the list of related files (one core and zero or more
extensions). The &lt;archive&gt; element has just one attribute,
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed dwc-table">
<td class=""><em>metadata</em></td>
<td>Contains a qualified Uniform Resource Locator (URL) defining the
location of a metadata description of the entire archive. The format of
the metadata is not prescribed, but a standardized format such as
Ecological Metadata Language (EML), Federal Geographic Data Committee
(FGDC), or ISO 19115 family is recommended.</td>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed dwc-table">
<td class="">
<a href="#coreTag">&lt;core&gt;</a>
An &lt;archive&gt; must contain exactly one <a href=
"#coreTag">&lt;core&gt;</a> element, representing the data entity
(the actual file and its column header mappings to Darwin Core terms)
upon which records are based.<br>
If extensions are being used, each record in the core data must have
a unique identifier. The field for this identifier must be specified
in an explicit &lt;id&gt; field in order to associate extension
records with the core record.
<td class="">
<a href="#coreTag">&lt;extension&gt;</a>
An &lt;archive&gt; may define zero or more <a href=
"#coreTag">&lt;extension&gt;</a> elements, each representing an
individual extension entity directly related to the core. In addition
to the general file attributes described below, every extension
entity must have an explicit &lt;coreId&gt; field to relate the
extension record to a row in the core entity. The extension itself
does not have to have a unique ID field and many rows can point to
the same core record.
<h3 id="coreTag">2.2 The &lt;core&gt; or &lt;extension&gt; element</h3>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed dwc-table">
<td class=""><em>rowType</em></td>
A Unified Resource Identifier (URI) for the term identifying the
class of data represented by each row, for example, for Occurrence records or for Taxon records. Additional
classes may be referenced by URI and defined outside the Darwin Core
specification. For convenience the URIs for classes defined by
the Darwin Core are listed below:
<td class=""><em>fieldsTerminatedBy</em></td>
<td>Specifies the delimiter between fields. Typical values might be ","
or "\t" for CSV or Tab files respectively.</td>
<td class=""><em>linesTerminatedBy</em></td>
<td>Specifies the row separator character.</td>
<td class=""><em>fieldsEnclosedBy</em></td>
<td>Specifies the character used to enclose (mark the start and end of)
each field. CSV files frequently use the double quote character
(&quot;), but the default is no enclosing character. Note that a comma
separated value file that has commas within the content of any field
must have an enclosing character.</td>
<td class=""><em>encoding</em></td>
Specifies the <a href="">character
encoding</a> for the data file. The encoding is extremely important,
but often ignored. The most frequently used encodings are:
<dd>8-bit Unicode Transformation Format.</dd>
<dd>16-bit Unicode Transformation Format.</dd>
<dd>Commonly known as Latin-1 and a common default on systems
configured for a single western European language.</dd>
<dd>Commonly known as WinLatin and a common default of legacy
versions of Microsoft Windows based operating systems.</dd>
<td class=""><em>ignoreHeaderLines</em></td>
<td>Specifies the number lines to ignore from the beginning of the
file. This can be used to ignore files with column headings or preamble
comments for example.</td>
<td class=""><em>dateFormat</em></td>
When verbatim dates are consistent in format, this field can be used
to indicate the format represented. It is recommended to use the
date, dateTime and time for field formats wherever possible, but
where verbatim dates are required, a format may be specified here.
This should be considered a 'hint' for consumers. It is recommended
that consumers support the minimum combinations of DD MM and YYYY
with the separators / and -. Examples:
<dd>For dates of the form 21121978</dd>
<dd>For dates of the form 21-12-1978</dd>
<dd>For dates of the form 12211978</dd>
<dd>For dates of the form 12-21-1978</dd>
<dd>For dates of the form 19781221</dd>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed dwc-table">
<td class="">
<a href="#files">&lt;files&gt;</a>
<a href="#coreTag">&lt;core&gt;</a> or <a href=
"#coreTag">&lt;extension&gt;</a> element must contain one <a href=
"#files">&lt;files&gt;</a> element to locate the data being
<td class="">&lt;id&gt;</td>
If extensions are being used, the <a href="#coreTag">&lt;core&gt;</a>
must contain an &lt;id&gt; element that indicates the identifier for
a record.
<td class="">&lt;coreId&gt;</td>
If extensions are being used, the <a href=
"#coreTag">&lt;extension&gt;</a> element must contain a
&lt;coreId&gt; element that indicates the column in the extension
file that contains the core record identifier (the matching
&lt;id&gt; in the core file).
<td class="">
<a href="#fieldTag">&lt;field&gt;</a>
A <a href="#coreTag">&lt;core&gt;</a> or <a href=
"#coreTag">&lt;extension&gt;</a> element must contain one or more
<a href="#fieldTag">&lt;field&gt;</a> elements, each representing a
'column' in the row.
<h3 id="files">2.3 The &lt;files&gt; element</h3>
<p>The files element must contain one or more &lt;location&gt; elements, each
defining where a file resides. Each core or extension entity can be composed
from one or more files. If an entity has data in more than one file, use the
&lt;location&gt; element multiple times, once for each file that makes up the
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed dwc-table">
<td class=""><em>location</em></td>
Specifies the location of the file being described, which may take
either of the following forms:
<li>A filepath relative to the location of the metafile such as
"specimen.txt","./specimen.txt", "data/specimen.txt".</li>
<li>A web accessible URL such as
"" or
<h3 id="fieldTag">2.4 The &lt;field&gt; element</h3>
<p>The field element is used to specify the location and content
of data within a file. There must be one field element for every term being
shared for the entity, whether explicitly or through the use of a default
value for all rows in the file.</p>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed dwc-table">
<td class=""><em>index</em></td>
<td>Specifies the position of the column in the row. The first column
has an index of 0, the second column 1, etc. If no column index is
specified, then the term and the default may be used to define a
constant value for all rows.</td>
<td class=""><em>term</em></td>
<td>A Unified Resource Identifier (URI) for the term represented by
this field. For example, a field containing the scientific name would
have term=&quot;;.
Terms outside of the Darwin Core specification may be used, such as
those from the Dublin Core Metadata Initative, for example,
dcterms:modified would be
<td class=""><em>default</em></td>
<td>Specifies value to use if one is not supplied for the field in a
given row. If no index is supplied, the default can be used to define a
constant for all rows for a field that is not in the data file.</td>
<td class=""><em>vocabulary</em></td>
<td>A Unified Resource Identifier (URI) for a vocabulary that the
source values for this field are based on. The URI ideally should
resolve to some machine readable definition like SKOS, RDF or at least
some simple text or html file often found for ISO or RFC standards. For
example, or .</td>
<h2 id="implement">3. Implementation Guide</h2>
<h3>3.1 Extension example</h3>
<p>The following example illustrates the use of
extensions. In this example there are three files in the archive, all of
which are located in the same directory as the metafile. The whales.txt file
acts as a core file of Taxon records. The whales.txt file is extended by two
other files, types.txt and distribution.txt. The types.txt file contains
records of a type specified in an external definition at
http:// and consists of Dublin Core and
Darwin Core terms, while the distribution.txt file contains records of a type
specified at http:// and consists of
Darwin Core terms plus an additional term for threatStatus. Both extension
files are related to the core file by the taxonNameID fields. Presumably,
this archive contains information about whale species, type specimen records
for those species, and lists of countries and the threat status for those
<p><img src="images/extension.png"></p>
<pre class="example">
&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
&lt;archive xmlns=""
&lt;core encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot; fieldsTerminatedBy=&quot;\t&quot; linesTerminatedBy=&quot;\n&quot; ignoreHeaderLines=&quot;1&quot;
&lt;id index=&quot;0&quot; /&gt;
&lt;field index=&quot;0&quot; term=&quot;; /&gt;
&lt;field index=&quot;1&quot; term=&quot;; /&gt;
&lt;field index=&quot;2&quot; term=&quot;;/&gt;
&lt;field index=&quot;3&quot; term=&quot;;/&gt;
&lt;field index=&quot;4&quot; term=&quot;;/&gt;
&lt;field index=&quot;5&quot; term=&quot;;/&gt;
&lt;extension encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot; fieldsTerminatedBy=&quot;,&quot; linesTerminatedBy=&quot;\n&quot; fieldsEnclosedBy='&quot;' ignoreHeaderLines=&quot;1&quot;
&lt;coreId index=&quot;0&quot; /&gt;
&lt;field index=&quot;1&quot; term=&quot;;/&gt;
&lt;field index=&quot;2&quot; term=&quot;;/&gt;
&lt;field index=&quot;3&quot; term=&quot;;/&gt;
&lt;field index=&quot;4&quot; term=&quot;;/&gt;
&lt;field index=&quot;5&quot; term=&quot;;/&gt;
&lt;extension encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot; fieldsTerminatedBy=&quot;,&quot; linesTerminatedBy=&quot;\n&quot; fieldsEnclosedBy='&quot;' ignoreHeaderLines=&quot;1&quot;
&lt;coreId index=&quot;0&quot; /&gt;
&lt;field index=&quot;1&quot; term=&quot;;/&gt;
&lt;field index=&quot;2&quot; term=&quot;;/&gt;
&lt;field index=&quot;3&quot; term=&quot;;/&gt;
<h2 id="database">4. Database Example</h2>
<h3>4.1 MySQL</h3>
<p>It is very easy to produce <em>fielded text</em> using the
<code>SELECT INTO outfile</code> command from MySQL. The encoding of the
resulting file will depend on the server variables and collations used, and
might need to be modified before the operation is done. Note that MySQL will
export NULL values as \N by default. Use the IFNULL() function as shown in
the following example to avoid this.</p>
<pre class="example">
IFNULL(id, ''), IFNULL(scientific_name, ''), IFNULL(count,'')
INTO outfile '/tmp/dwc.txt'
<h2 id="resources">5. Resources</h2>
<p>For tools and applications, including a Java-based application to read
Darwin Core text archives, see the <a href="../../resources/index.html">Darwin Core Resources</a> page.</p>
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<h1>Darwin Core XML Guide</h1>
<h2 id="introduction">1. Introduction</h2>
<b>Audience</b>: This document is targeted toward
those who wish to use or construct application schemas using Darwin Core
terms in XML. It includes explanations of existing schemas such as the Simple
Darwin Core [<a href="../../simple/index.htm">SIMPLEDWC</a>] and how to build
new schemas to meet specific models of information.</p>
<p>This document provides guidelines for implementing application schemas
based on Darwin Core terms [<a href="../../index.htm">TERMS</a>] using
[<a href="">XML</a>]. The underlying metadata model is
described (in a syntax neutral way), followed by some specific guidelines for
XML implementations. Some guidance on the use of non-Darwin Core terms is
also provided.</p>
<p>This document does not provide guidelines for encoding Darwin Core in
RDF/XML. Nor does it take a position on the relative merits of encoding
metadata in &#39;plain&#39; XML rather than RDF/XML. This document provides
guidelines in those cases where RDF/XML is not considered appropriate.</p>
<h2 id="implement">2. Implementation Guide</h2>
<h3 id="xmlschema">2.1 XML Schema</h3>
<p>Implementors should base their XML applications on
<i>XML Schemas</i> [<a href="">XMLSCHEMA</a>]
rather than <i>XML DTDs</i>. Approaches based on <i>XML Schemas</i> are more
flexible and are more easily re-used within other XML applications.</p>
<h3 id="xmlnamespaces">2.2 XML Namespaces</h3>
<p>Implementors should use <i>XML Namespaces</i>
[<a href="">XMLNS</a>] to
uniquely identify elements. Darwin Core namespaces are defined in the
<i>Darwin Core Namespace Policy</i> [<a href=
"../../namespace/index.htm">NAMESPACEPOLICY</a>], while Dublin Core
namespaces are defined in the <i>DCMI Namespace Recommendation</i> [<a href=
<h3 id="abstractmodel">2.3 Abstract model</h3>
<p>The Darwin Core follows the <i>Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Abstract
Model</i> [<a href=
"">ABSTRACTMODEL</a>] except
that the Darwin Core <em>record</em> is roughly equivalent to the Dublin Core
<li>Darwin Core terms are either <em>classes</em> or
<li>Each <em>property</em> has at most one <em>class</em> as its domain
(describes no more than one <i>class</i>).</li>
<li>A <em>Darwin Core record</em> is made up of zero or more
<em>classes</em> and one or more <em>properties</em> with their associated
<li>Each <em>value</em> is a literal string.</li>
<li>The <em>values</em> of <em>properties</em> within a <em>Darwin Core
record</em> describe that record.</li>
<li>A <em>Darwin Core record</em> must include all required
<em>properties</em>, if any, and their associated <em>values</em>.</li>
<h3 id="propsandvalues">2.4 Properties and Values</h3>
<p>The Darwin Core follows the guidelines for expressing Dublin Core metadata
using XML [<a href=
"">DCMIXMLGUIDE</a>] except in that
Darwin Core implementors should encode <em>properties</em> as XML elements
and <em>values</em> as the content of those elements instead of having each
property contain a value representation and its associated value. The name of
the XML element should be an XML qualified name (QName), which associates the
value given in the <em>Term name</em> attribute in the Darwin Core Terms
recommendation [<a href="../../index.htm">TERMS</a>] with the appropriate
namespace name. For example, use</p>
<pre class="example">
&lt;xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
<p>rather than</p>
<pre class="example">
&lt;dwc:basisOfRecord value=&quot;HumanObservation&quot; /&gt;
<h3 id="nullvalues">2.5 Null values</h3>
<p>Elements for which the value is null should be omitted from the document
or explicitly coded using the attribute <i>xsi:nil="true"</i>.</p>
<pre class="example">
&lt;dwc:locality xsi:nil=&quot;true&quot;/&gt;
<p>Do not use an empty string - an element with no content:</p>
<pre class="example">
<h3 id="simpledarwincore">2.6 Simple Darwin Core</h3>
<p>The <i>Simple Darwin Core</i> [<a href=
"../../../xsd/tdwg_dwc_simple.xsd">SIMPLEXMLSCHEMA</a>] most closely models
the "flat" nature of many data sets. It is a ready-made schema for sharing
information with no structure beyond properties of a <em>record</em>
(equivalent to fields in a table, or columns in a spreadsheet). It is meant
to accommodate all properties except those that require further structure to
be meaningful (auxilliary terms in the classes <a href=
"../../index.htm#ResourceRelationship">ResourceRelationship</a> and <a href=
"../../index.htm#MeasurementOrFact">MeasurementOrFact</a>. The schema has no
required terms and no term is repeated within a given <em>record</em>. Refer
to the <i>Simple Darwin Core</i> page [<a href=
"../../simple/index.htm">SIMPLEDWC</a>] for the rationale behind this
<p>The term <a href="../../index.htm#type">dcterms:type</a> (which is
controlled by the <i>Dublin Core Type Vocabulary</i> [<a href=
gives the basic category of object (PhysicalObject, StillImage, MovingImage,
Sound, or Text) the record is about. The term <a href=
"../../index.htm#basisOfRecord">basisOfRecord</a>, which has a controlled
vocabulary distinct from that of <i>dcterms:type</i>, shows the name of the
Darwin Core class (e.g., LivingSpecimen, PreservedSpecimen, FossilSpecimen,
HumanObservation, MachineObservation, Taxon) the record is about.</p>
<p>Following is a brief example of an XML document for a single specimen
complying with the <i>Simple Darwin Core Schema</i> [<a href=
"../../../xsd/tdwg_dwc_simple.xsd">SIMPLEXMLSCHEMA</a>]. The Simple Darwin
Core XML example document [<a href=
"../../../examples/xml/example_simple.xml">SIMPLEXMLEXAMPLE</a>] (if this
link shows a blank page in your browser, use the View Source option to see
the XML document) shows detail for a single record having a more complete set
of elements.</p>
<pre class="example">
&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?&gt;
&lt;dcterms:rightsHolder&gt;Museum of Vertebrate Zoology&lt;/dcterms:rightsHolder&gt;
&lt;dcterms:rights&gt;Creative Commons License&lt;/dcterms:rights&gt;
&lt;dwc:locality&gt;25 km al NNE de Bariloche por Ruta 40 (=237)&lt;/dwc:locality&gt;
<h3 id="classes">2.7 Classes and Containment</h3>
<p>Many Darwin Core terms (<i>properties</i>) are defined as being associated
with another term (a <i>class</i>). For example, <a href=
"../../index.htm#ScientificName">scientificName</a> and <a href=
"../../index.htm#Taxon">Taxon</a> are both Darwin Core terms, but
<i>scientificName</i> is a property associated with the <i>Taxon</i> class.
When constructing schemas that take advantage of classes in structures,
implementors are encouraged to maintain the property/class relationships
defined by the terms whenever possible (refer to the <i>Class</i> attribute
of the term as given in the <i>Quick Reference Guide</i> [<a href=
"../../index.htm">TERMS</a>]) or the attribute
<i>dwcattributes:organizedInClass</i> in the term declaration in the <a href=
"../../../rdf/dcterms.rdf">dcterms.rdf</a> file. To promote reuse, Darwin
Core provides a set of xml schemas to use as the basis of additional
<li>[<a href="../../../xsd/tdwg_dwcterms.xsd">TERMSXMLSCHEMA</a>] -
property term definitions as typed global elements and named groups for all
terms for a given class to be referenced. The schema makes use of
substitution groups anyClass, anyProperty, anyIdentifier and anyXYZTerm for
each class, e.g. anyTaxonTerm. This is the schema upon which the <i>Simple
Darwin Core XML Schema</i> [<a href=
"../../../xsd/tdwg_dwc_simple.xsd">SIMPLEXMLSCHEMA</a>] is based.
<li>[<a href=
"../../../xsd/tdwg_dwc_class_terms.xsd">CLASSTERMSXMLSCHEMA</a>] - class
term definitions as typed global elements with subelements referencing all
corresponding property terms via their substitution group.
<p>It is encouraged to use classes in a normalized way to avoid deep nesting.
A <i>Darwin Core Tools and Applications</i> wiki page [<a href=
has been created as an index to example schemas for the purpose of community
discussions and development. An XML schema [<a href=
"../../../xsd/tdwg_dwc_classes.xsd">CLASSXMLSCHEMA</a>] is provided to freely
mix any Darwin Core Class in a global list and allow them to reference each
other using the respective class identifier terms. Following is an example of
using normalized classes to represent two related specimen occurrences (one
of which has had a second identification) at one location following this
class-based schema. Note that you can reuse the location definition here by
referring to it via locationID:</p>
<pre class="example">
&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
&lt;dwc:locality&gt;25 km al NNE de Bariloche por Ruta 40 (=237)&lt;/dwc:locality&gt;
&lt;dwc:identifiedBy&gt;Richard Sage&lt;/dwc:identifiedBy&gt;
&lt;dwc:identifiedBy&gt;James L Patton&lt;/dwc:identifiedBy&gt;
&lt;dwc:scientificName&gt;Ctenomys sociabilis&lt;/dwc:scientificName&gt;
&lt;dwc:scientificNameAuthorship&gt;Pearson and Christie, 1985&lt;/dwc:scientificNameAuthorship&gt;
&lt;dwc:higherClassification&gt;Animalia; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Hystricognatha; Hystricognathi; Ctenomyidae; Ctenomyini; Ctenomys&lt;/dwc:higherClassification&gt;
&lt;dwc:identifiedBy&gt;James L Patton&lt;/dwc:identifiedBy&gt;
&lt;dwc:relationshipOfResource&gt;offspring of&lt;/dwc:relationshipOfResource&gt;
&lt;dwc:relationshipOfResource&gt;mother of&lt;/dwc:relationshipOfResource&gt;
<p>Here is different example demonstrating area count observations for
events on two different days at one location. Note that we omit the
identification class here as there is not identification related data and link
via the taxonID directly:</p>
<pre class="example">
&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?&gt;
&lt;dwc:locality&gt;Valle Limay, Estancia Rincon Grande, 48 ha area with centroid at this point&lt;/dwc:locality&gt;
&lt;dwc:samplingProtocol&gt;area count&lt;/dwc:samplingProtocol&gt;
&lt;dwc:scientificName&gt;Anthus hellmayri Hartert, 1909&lt;/dwc:scientificName&gt;
&lt;dwc:scientificName&gt;Anthus correndera Vieillot, 1818&lt;/dwc:scientificName&gt;
&lt;dwc:samplingProtocol&gt;area count&lt;/dwc:samplingProtocol&gt;
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<h1>Term decisions</h1>
<h2>1. Introduction</h2>
<p>From time to time changes are proposed to Darwin Core terms through the process described in the Term Change Policy section of the <em>Darwin Core Namespace Policy</em> [<a href= "../change_policy.html">NAMESPACEPOLICY</a>]. This document shows the outcome of decisions based on officially proposed changes.</p>
<h2>2. Decisions</h2>
<a id="Decision-2009-12-07_1" class="anchor"></a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr><td colspan="2">Decision-2009-12-07_1</td></tr>
<tr><td>Identifier</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description</td><td>The recommended controlled vocabulary for dcterms:type was changed from a vocabulary of Darwin Core Classes (Occurrence, Taxon, Location, Event) to the DCMI type vocabulary (PhysicalObject, Event, StillImage, MovingImage, Sound, Text, Dataset) to be consistent with the standard use of that term.</td></tr>
<a id="Decision-2009-12-07_2" class="anchor"></a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr><td colspan="2">Decision-2009-12-07_2</td></tr>
<tr><td>Identifier</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description</td><td>The recommended controlled vocabulary for basisOfRecord remains the Darwin Core Type Vocabulary, but the Dublin Core classes StillImage, MovingImage, and Sound were removed from that list as these are to be used as vocabulary for the dcterms:type term.</td></tr>
<a id="Decision-2011-10-16_3" class="anchor"></a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr><td colspan="2">Decision-2011-10-16_3</td></tr>
<tr><td>Identifier</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description</td><td>The Dublin Core type vocabulary values StillImage, MovingImage, and Sound have not been added to the list of valid values for Darwin Core type vocabulary pending further insights from the RDF Interest Group about how best to manage basisOfRecord when a record can be "about" more than one subject.</td></tr>
<a id="Decision-2011-10-16_4" class="anchor"></a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr><td colspan="2">Decision-2011-10-16_4</td></tr>
<tr><td>Identifier</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description</td><td>The recommendation to add alias as an attribute of Darwin Core terms was rejected as being an application-specific recommendation without sufficiently demonstrated community need.</td></tr>
<a id="Decision-2011-10-16_5" class="anchor"></a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr><td colspan="2">Decision-2011-10-16_5</td></tr>
<tr><td>Identifier</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description</td><td>The label for all terms have been changed to words in English rather than lower camel case term names. This will facilitate discovery with search engines and is consistent with Dublin Core.</td></tr>
<a id="Decision-2011-10-16_6" class="anchor"></a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr><td colspan="2">Decision-2011-10-16_6</td></tr>
<tr><td>Identifier</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description</td><td>The subclasses for Darwin Core type vocabulary have been removed. These were seen as too constraining when considering biodiversity information in the context of linked data.</td></tr>
<a id="Decision-2011-10-16_7" class="anchor"></a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr><td colspan="2">Decision-2011-10-16_7</td></tr>
<tr><td>Identifier</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description</td><td>The term Darwin Core term dwc:occurrenceDetails has been deprecated in favor of a new record-level term from the Dublin Core - dcterms:references, which is broader in meaning than the deprecated term.</td></tr>
<a id="Decision-2011-10-16_8" class="anchor"></a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr><td colspan="2">Decision-2011-10-16_8</td></tr>
<tr><td>Identifier</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description</td><td>Added term namePublishedInYear.</td></tr>
<a id="Decision-2011-10-16_9" class="anchor"></a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr><td colspan="2">Decision-2011-10-16_9</td></tr>
<tr><td>Identifier</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description</td><td>Added term georeferencedDate.</td></tr>
<a id="Decision-2011-10-16_10" class="anchor"></a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr><td colspan="2">Decision-2011-10-16_10</td></tr>
<tr><td>Identifier</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description</td><td>Added term identificationVerificationStatus.</td></tr>
<a id="Decision-2013-10-09_11" class="anchor"></a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr><td colspan="2">Decision-2013-10-09_11</td></tr>
<tr><td>Identifier</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description</td><td>Added term MaterialSample.</td></tr>
<a id="Decision-2013-10-09_12" class="anchor"></a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr><td colspan="2">Decision-2013-10-09_12</td></tr>
<tr><td>Identifier</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description</td><td>Added Darwin Core type vocabulary term MaterialSample.</td></tr>
<a id="Decision-2013-10-09_13" class="anchor"></a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr><td colspan="2">Decision-2013-10-09_13</td></tr>
<tr><td>Identifier</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description</td><td>Added term materialSampleID.</td></tr>
<a id="Decision-2014-10-26_14" class="anchor"></a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr><td colspan="2">Decision-2014-10-26_14</td></tr>
<tr><td>Identifier</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description</td><td>Added class term Organism with associated properties organismID, organismName, organismScope, organismRemarks, and associatedOrganisms. Associated terms previousIdentifications and associatedOccurrences with the new Organism class. Removed the individualID term.</td></tr>
<a id="Decision-2014-10-26_15" class="anchor"></a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr><td colspan="2">Decision-2014-10-26_15</td></tr>
<tr><td>Identifier</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description</td><td>Deprecated the Darwin Core Type Vocabulary ( in favor of the corresponding terms in the dwc namespace ( Added terms PreservedSpecimen, LivingSpecimen, FossilSpecimen, MachineObservation, and HumanObservation to the Darwin Core namespace (</td></tr>
<a id="Decision-2014-10-30_16" class="anchor"></a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr><td colspan="2">Decision-2014-10-30_16</td></tr>
<tr><td>Identifier</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description</td><td>Added comments recommending list value separation with ' | ' for terms that can be constructed from concatenated lists. Added comment recommending that dynamicProperties be populated with JSON.</td></tr>
<a id="Decision-2014-11-06_17" class="anchor"></a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr><td colspan="2">Decision-2014-11-06_17</td></tr>
<tr><td>Identifier</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Description</td><td>Deprecated the Dublin Core rights term in favor of the Dublin Core license term, which is how rights was being promoted since it was first recommended for use in Darwin Core..</td></tr>
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