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Darwin Core Versions

Title: Darwin Core Versions
Date Issued: 2009-02-12
Abstract: This document is a quick reference for mappings between elements in pre-standard Darwin Core versions and the current Darwin Core terms. For complete historical term information, including version changes and details on pre-standard terms, see [HISTORY]. For a quick reference guide to the current recommended Darwin Core terms, see [TERMS].
Contributors: John Wieczorek (MVZ), Markus Döring (GBIF), Renato De Giovanni (CRIA), Tim Robertson (GBIF), Dave Vieglais (KUNHM), Stan Blum (CAS)
Legal: This document is governed by the standard legal, copyright, licensing provisions and disclaimers issued by the Taxonomic Databases Working Group.
Part of TDWG Standard: ***URL to DwC Standard*** goes here
Creator: Darwin Core Task Group
Latest Version:
Replaced By: Not applicable
Document Status: This is a TDWG Request for Comment.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. References
3. Version Comparison

1. Introduction

Before becoming a TDWG standard, the Darwin Core was instantiated and deployed in many different application profiles, all of them based on XML schema. The openly developed and widely used versions of the Darwin Core ([CLASSIC], [MANIS], [OBIS], [DRAFT14], [CURATORIAL], [GEOSPATIAL]) are each compared (mapped conceptually) to the current recommended Darwin Core terms [TERMS] in this document. Each historical version is mapped in a separate table and can be referenced quickly from the index in Version Comparison section.

2. References

[CLASSIC] Darwin Core 1.2 (Classic) schema.
[CURATORIAL] Darwin Core 1.4 Curatorial Extension schema.
[DRAFT14] Darwin Core 1.4 schema.
[DWC] An introduction to the Darwin Core Standard.
[GEOSPATIAL] Darwin Core 1.4 Geospatial Extension schema.
[MANIS] Darwin Core 1.21 (MaNIS/HerpNet/ORNIS/FishNet2) schema.
[OBIS] OBIS additions to Darwin Core 1.2 (Classic).
[TERMS] Quick reference to recommended Darwin Core terms.

3. Version Comparison

3.1 Darwin Core 1.2 (Classic)
3.2 Darwin Core 1.21 (MaNIS/HerpNet/ORNIS/FishNet2)
3.3 OBIS extension
3.4 Darwin Core 1.4 (Draft Standard)
3.5 Darwin Core 1.4 Curatorial extension
3.6 Darwin Core 1.4 Geospatial extension

3.1 Darwin Core 1.2 (Classic)

Darwin Core 1.2 ElementRecommended Term
DateLastModified dcterms:modified
InstitutionCode InstitutionCode
CollectionCode CollectionCode
CatalogNumber CatalogNumber
ScientificName ScientificName
BasisOfRecord BasisOfRecord
Kingdom Kingdom
Phylum Phylum
Class Class
Order Order
Family Family
Genus Genus
Species SpecificEpithet
Subspecies InfraspecificEpithet
ScientificNameAuthor ScientificNameAuthorship
IdentifiedBy IdentifiedBy
YearIdentified DateIdentified
MonthIdentified DateIdentified
DayIdentified DateIdentified
TypeStatus TypeStatus
CollectorNumber CollectorNumber
FieldNumber FieldNumber
Collector Collector
YearCollected YearSampled
MonthCollected MonthOfYear
DayCollected DayOfMonth
Country Country
StateProvince StateProvince
County County
Locality Locality
Longitude DecimalLongitude
Latitude DecimalLatitude
CoordinatePrecision CoordinatePrecision
BoundingBox FootprintWKT
MinimumElevation MinimumElevationInMeters
MaximumElevation MaximumElevationInMeters
MinimumDepth MinimumDepthInMeters
MaximumDepth MaximumDepthInMeters
Sex Sex
PreparationType Preparations
IndividualCount IndividualCount
PreviousCatalogNumber OtherCatalogNumbers
RelatedCatalogItem AssociatedSamples
Notes Remarks

3.2 Darwin Core 1.21 (MaNIS/HerpNet/ORNIS/FishNet2)

Darwin Core 1.21 ElementRecommended Term
DateLastModified dcterms:modified
BasisOfRecord BasisOfRecord
InstitutionCode InstitutionCode
CollectionCode CollectionCode
CatalogNumberText CatalogNumber
CatalogNumberNumeric CatalogNumberNumeric
Collector Collector
CollectorNumber CollectorNumber
FieldNumber FieldNumber
MonthCollected MonthOfYear
DayCollected DayOfMonth
VerbatimCollectingDate VerbatimCollectingDate
FieldNotes FieldNotes
HigherGeography HigherGeography
IslandGroup IslandGroup
Island Island
Country Country
StateProvince StateProvince
County County
Locality Locality
DecimalLatitude DecimalLatitude
DecimalLongitude DecimalLongitude
HorizontalDatum GeodeticDatum
OriginalCoordinateSystem VerbatimCoordinateSystem
VerbatimLatitude VerbatimLatitude
VerbatimLongitude VerbatimLongitude
GeorefMethod GeoreferenceProtocol
CoordinateUncertaintyInMeters CoordinateUncertaintyInMeters
LatLongComments GeoreferenceRemarks
BoundingBox FootprintWKT
MinimumElevationInMeters MinimumElevationInMeters
MaximumElevationInMeters MaximumElevationInMeters
VerbatimElevation VerbatimElevation
MinimumDepthInMeters MinimumDepthInMeters
MaximumDepthInMeters MaximumDepthInMeters
VerbatimDepth VerbatimDepth
ScientificName ScientificName
HigherTaxon HigherTaxon
Kingdom Kingdom
Phylum Phylum
Class Class
Order Order
Family Family
Genus Genus
Species SpecificEpithet
Subspecies InfraspecificEpithet
ScientificNameAuthor ScientificNameAuthorship
IdentifiedBy IdentifiedBy
IdentificationModifier IdentificationQualifier
YearIdentified DateIdentified
DayIdentified DateIdentified
TypeStatus TypeStatus
Sex Sex
Preparations Preparations
Tissues Preparations
IndividualCount IndividualCount
AgeClass LifeStage
GenBankNum AssociatedSequences
OtherCatalogNumbers OtherCatalogNumbers
RelatedCatalogedItems AssociatedSamples
Remarks Remarks

3.3 OBIS extension

OBIS ElementRecommended Term
RecordURL SampleDetails
Citation Citation
Subgenus Subgenus
StartYearCollected EarliestDateCollected
EndYearCollected LatestDateCollected
StartMonthCollected EarliestDateCollected
EndMonthCollected LatestDateCollected
StartDayCollected EarliestDateCollected
EndDayCollected LatestDateCollected
StartJulianDay StartDayOfYear
EndJulianDay EndDayOfYear
StartTimeOfDay StartTimeOfDay
EndTimeOfDay EndTimeOfDay
StartLongitude FootprintWKT
EndLongitude FootprintWKT
StartLatitude FootprintWKT
EndLatitude FootprintWKT
Start_EndCoordinatePrecision CoordinateUncertaintyInMeters
DepthRange VerbatimDepth
Temperature SamplingEventAttributes
Lifestage LifeStage
ObservedIndividualCount IndividualCount
SampleSize SamplingEventAttributes
ObservedWeight SampleAttributes
GMLFeature FootprintWKT

3.4 Darwin Core 1.4 (Draft Standard)

Darwin Core 1.4 ElementRecommended Term
GlobalUniqueIdentifier SampleID
DateLastModified dcterms:modified
BasisOfRecord BasisOfRecord
InstitutionCode InstitutionCode
CollectionCode CollectionCode
CatalogNumber CatalogNumber
InformationWithheld InformationWithheld
Remarks Remarks
ScientificName ScientificName
HigherTaxon HigherTaxon
Kingdom Kingdom
Phylum Phylum
Class Class
Order Order
Family Family
Genus Genus
SpecificEpithet SpecificEpithet
InfraspecificRank TaxonRank
InfraspecificEpithet InfraspecificEpithet
AuthorYearOfScientificName ScientificNameAuthorship
NomenclaturalCode NomenclaturalCode
IdentificationQualifier IdentificationQualifier
HigherGeography HigherGeography
Continent Continent
WaterBody Waterbody
IslandGroup IslandGroup
Island Island
Country Country
StateProvince StateProvince
County County
Locality Locality
MinimumElevationInMeters MinimumElevationInMeters
MaximumElevationInMeters MaximumElevationInMeters
MinimumDepthInMeters MinimumDepthInMeters
MaximumDepthInMeters MaximumDepthInMeters
CollectingMethod SamplingProtocol
ValidDistributionFlag SamplingProtocol
EarliestDateCollected EarliestDateCollected
LatestDateCollected LatestDateCollected
Collector Collector
Sex Sex
LifeStage LifeStage
Attributes SampleAttributes
ImageURL AssociatedMedia
RelatedInformation SampleDetails

3.5 Darwin Core 1.4 Curatorial extension

Darwin Core 1.4 Curatorial ElementRecommended Term
CatalogNumberNumeric CatalogNumberNumeric
IdentifiedBy IdentifiedBy
DateIdentified DateIdentified
CollectorNumber CollectorNumber
FieldNumber FieldNumber
FieldNotes FieldNotes
VerbatimCollectingDate VerbatimCollectingDate
VerbatimElevation VerbatimElevation
VerbatimDepth VerbatimDepth
Preparations Preparations
TypeStatus TypeStatus
GenBankNumber AssociatedSequences
OtherCatalogNumbers OtherCatalogNumbers
RelatedCatalogedItems AssociatedSamples
Disposition Disposition
IndividualCount IndividualCount

3.6 Darwin Core 1.4 Geospatial extension

Darwin Core 1.4 Geospatial ElementRecommended Term
DecimalLatitude DecimalLatitude
DecimalLongitude DecimalLongitude
GeodeticDatum GeodeticDatum
CoordinateUncertaintyInMeters CoordinateUncertaintyInMeters
PointRadiusSpatialFit PointRadiusSpatialFit
VerbatimCoordinates VerbatimCoordinates
VerbatimLatitude VerbatimLatitude
VerbatimLongitude VerbatimLongitude
VerbatimCoordinateSystem VerbatimCoordinateSystem
GeoreferenceProtocol GeoreferenceProtocol
GeoreferenceSources GeoreferenceSources
GeoreferenceVerificationStatus GeoreferenceVerificationStatus
GeoreferenceRemarks GeoreferenceRemarks
FootprintWKT FootprintWKT
FootprintSpatialFit FootprintSpatialFit

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