{# This template is NOT use by jekyll, but by the Darwin Core build script to create the terms/index.md file which mostly contains html. #} # Darwin Core quick reference guide This page provides a list of all currently recommended terms of the Darwin Core standard. Categories such as `Occurrence` or `Event` correspond to Darwin Core classes which group other terms. Convenient [files of these terms](https://github.com/tdwg/dwc/tree/master/dist) and [their full history](https://github.com/tdwg/dwc/blob/master/vocabulary/term_versions.csv) can be found in the [Darwin Core repository](https://github.com/tdwg/dwc). {% for class_group in class_groups %} ## {{ class_group.label }}
{% for term in class_group.terms %} {{ term.label }} {% endfor %}
{% if class_group.iri is not none %} {# Class (the above will exclude the Record-level class_group) #}
{{ class_group.label }}Class
Identifier{{ class_group.iri }}
Definition{{ class_group.definition }}
Comments{{ class_group.comments }}
Examples{{ class_group.examples }}
{%endif %} {% for term in class_group.terms %} {# Term #}
{{ term.label }}Property
Identifier{{ term.iri }}
Definition{{ term.definition }}
Comments{{ term.comments }}
Examples{{ term.examples }}
{% endfor %} {% endfor %}