
73 lines
3.5 KiB

# ----------------
# Values set by the task group or maintainers of the standard.
# ----------------
# Official title of the document assigned by authors.
documentTitle: Darwin Core XML guide
# Abstract of document written by authors.
abstract: Guidelines for the implementation of Darwin Core in XML.
# This value is generally the name of the task group that created the document.
creator: Darwin Core Maintenance Group
# Current (2023-08-27) practice is to publish documents as Markdown files in a TDWG GitHub repository.
# These Markdown documents are then converted to HTML by GitHub Pages. To match the TDWG theme, the
# document maintainers will need to work with the Infrastructure team to set up the repository so
# that it can host the ancillary website for the standard or vocabulary.
# The exact setup of the repository will determin the values of accessUrl and browserRedirectUri.
# Media type of source document used to generate the HTML version of the document.
mediaType: text/markdown
# Value determined by the location of the raw Markdown file in the GitHub repository.
# The repository pattern used should be to create a subdirectory for the document whose name will be
# the slug for the page, then place the Markdown file named index.md in that subdirectory.
accessUrl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tdwg/dwc/master/docs/xml/index.md
# Actual URL of the document to which the permanent IRI is redirected.
# When generated by GitHub pages, this will be related to the location of the raw Markdown file.
# The initial default value is https://tdwg.github.io/repository_name/subdirectory_name/.
# However, typically, the Infrastructure team sets up a subdomain of the tdwg.org domain for the
# ancillary website. In that case, the value will eventually be
# https://subdomain.tdwg.org/subdirectory_name/.
browserRedirectUri: https://dwc.tdwg.org/xml/
# ----------------
# Values set by the TDWG Infrastructure team at time of ratification
# ----------------
# Permanent IRI of the standard with which the document is associated.
# For documents added to an existing standard, see the landing page
# for the standard on the TDWG website for the correct value.
# For new standards, this value will be set by the TDWG Infrastructure team.
dcterms_isPartOf: http://www.tdwg.org/standards/450
# IRI value assigned as a permanent identifier for the document based on standard TDWG IRI patterns.
# This value will automatically get updated from the general_configuration.yaml file. It should not be
# set manually.
current_iri: http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/guides/xml/
# Date of first ratification of the document. Will match the doc_modified value for the first
# version of the document. For lists of terms, this will also match the date that the
# first version of the vocabulary was issued (date_issued).
doc_created: '2009-02-12'
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# Do not edit below this line
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# Standard metadata determined by TDWG policy.
publisher: Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG)
license_statement: Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) License.
license_uri: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
# Typically left blank. May be used to provide additional information about the document
# in the machine-readable metadata.
comment: ''
# This value will automatically get updated from the date_issued value in config.yaml if the document
# is a list of terms document. For other types of documents, it is set from the general_configuration.yaml
# file.
doc_modified: '2023-09-13'