
77 lines
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# Values set by the task group or maintainers of the standard.
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# Official title of the document assigned by authors.
documentTitle: Darwin Core namespace policy
# Abstract of document written by authors.
abstract: All terms in the Darwin Core must be assigned a unique Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
For convenience, the term URIs that are assigned and managed by the Darwin Core Task Group are
grouped into collections known as Darwin Core namespaces. This document describes how term URIs
are allocated by the Darwin Core Maintenance Group and the policies associated with Darwin Core
# This value is generally the name of the task group that created the document.
creator: Darwin Core Maintenance Group
# Current (2023-08-27) practice is to publish documents as Markdown files in a TDWG GitHub repository.
# These Markdown documents are then converted to HTML by GitHub Pages. To match the TDWG theme, the
# document maintainers will need to work with the Infrastructure team to set up the repository so
# that it can host the ancillary website for the standard or vocabulary.
# The exact setup of the repository will determin the values of accessUrl and browserRedirectUri.
# Media type of source document used to generate the HTML version of the document.
mediaType: text/markdown
# Value determined by the location of the raw Markdown file in the GitHub repository.
# The repository pattern used should be to create a subdirectory for the document whose name will be
# the slug for the page, then place the Markdown file named index.md in that subdirectory.
accessUrl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tdwg/dwc/master/docs/namespace/index.md
# Actual URL of the document to which the permanent IRI is redirected.
# When generated by GitHub pages, this will be related to the location of the raw Markdown file.
# The initial default value is https://tdwg.github.io/repository_name/subdirectory_name/.
# However, typically, the Infrastructure team sets up a subdomain of the tdwg.org domain for the
# ancillary website. In that case, the value will eventually be
# https://subdomain.tdwg.org/subdirectory_name/.
browserRedirectUri: https://dwc.tdwg.org/namespace/
# ----------------
# Values set by the TDWG Infrastructure team at time of ratification
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# Permanent IRI of the standard with which the document is associated.
# For documents added to an existing standard, see the landing page
# for the standard on the TDWG website for the correct value.
# For new standards, this value will be set by the TDWG Infrastructure team.
dcterms_isPartOf: http://www.tdwg.org/standards/450
# IRI value assigned as a permanent identifier for the document based on standard TDWG IRI patterns.
# This value will automatically get updated from the general_configuration.yaml file. It should not be
# set manually.
current_iri: http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/namespace/
# Date of first ratification of the document. Will match the doc_modified value for the first
# version of the document. For lists of terms, this will also match the date that the
# first version of the vocabulary was issued (date_issued).
doc_created: '2009-02-12'
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# Do not edit below this line
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# Standard metadata determined by TDWG policy.
publisher: Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG)
license_statement: Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) License.
license_uri: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
# Typically left blank. May be used to provide additional information about the document
# in the machine-readable metadata.
comment: ''
# This value will automatically get updated from the date_issued value in config.yaml if the document
# is a list of terms document. For other types of documents, it is set from the general_configuration.yaml
# file.
doc_modified: '2023-09-13'