create files and update strategic reserve and board comms

Created the blank files for the policies required in the strategic reserve policy, added the info to the board comm and strategic reserve policy.
This commit is contained in:
Steve Dogiakos 2022-02-21 14:59:56 -07:00
parent b2ba668199
commit c24261d88f
7 changed files with 360 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -4,3 +4,7 @@ Policies adopted by the Montana Dinosaur Center Board
* [Conflict of Interest Policy](, adopted April 2020
* [Board Communication Policy](, adopted 9/22/2020
* [Strategic Reserve Policy](, adopted September 2021
* [Financial Policy](, not yet adopted
* [Budget Policy](, not yet adopted
* [Contingency or Disaster Preparedness Plan](, not yet adopted
* [Investment Policy](, not yet adopted

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# Communication Policy
## Purpose
“A nonprofit should encourage internal communication that welcomes alternative perspectives, encourages participation at all levels, minimizes defensiveness, and builds and maintains camaraderie. Management should actively solicit, carefully listen, and respectfully respond to the views of internal constituents.
“Internal communications should be guided by a clear policies and practices manual, regularly scheduled and attended meetings, regularly printed and/or emailed informational updates, an understood forum for suggestions, and reports on meetings of the board of directors and its committees.”
From _Guidelines and Principles for Nonprofit Excellence _([](
## Notice of Meetings
“If notice is given of a regular or special meeting, notice must be given to each Director either personally, by U.S. mail or private carrier, or other form of electronic, wire, or wireless communication by correct address or authenticated electronic identification shown in the Corporations record of Directors. If e-mailed, a notice shall be deemed delivered when delivery receipt is received or an electronic notice of delivery is returned to the sender of the notice. If mailed, a notice shall be deemed delivered at the earliest of
A. five days after deposited in the U.S. mail, as evidenced by the postmark, if it is mailed postpaid and with the correct postage to the Director,
B. the date shown on the return receipt if sent by registered or certified mail and the receipt is signed by or on behalf of the Director, or
C. the date received.”
From _The Montana Dinosaur Center Bylaws 2020_.
## Submitting Feedback
### Reports
Electronic copies of reports will be uploaded to the Boards Google Drive folder as they come in, and electronic copies will be emailed out to board members two days before the regular board meeting. If a board member has questions or comments regarding the report they are encouraged to contact the author before the board meeting, otherwise, they can ask questions or comments after the report is given during the meeting.
### Agenda Items
If a board member has a topic they would like to see addressed at the meeting, they can submit their request to the President or Secretary before the agenda is set via email or written. Once the agenda is set (7 days before the board meeting), “agenda items may be added at the beginning of any regular meeting by presentation of the item topic by a Director and approval of the majority of Directors present” (TMDC Bylaws, 2020, p.10). Please keep in mind that board members can only request items to be on the agenda.
Agenda items with supporting documents will be uploaded to the Boards Google Drive folder, and electronic copies will be emailed out to board members two days before the regular board meeting. Questions or comments regarding the agenda items and document may be asked before the board meeting and suggestions (i.e. edits, additions, corrections, deletions, etc.) should be made during the discussion portion of a motion.
### Issues and Suggestions
Issues and suggestions should be brought to the attention of the Board President to be addressed. If a board member feels uncomfortable discussing the matter with the President they may request another board member to contact the President on their behalf or they may approach another officer.
## Committees
Committees are appointed by the President, if you would like to serve on a committee please submit a request for consideration.
## Etiquette and Conduct
Please be kind to each other. Every member of the board wants to do whats best for the organization and that might be different for each person. Use your communications to improve and propel the board and the organization forward.
## Meeting Communication Schedule
Below is a schedule for board meeting communications. It is the responsibility of each individual board member to check their email for these communications. If there are issues receiving these communications, it is the responsibility of the individual board member to contact the President or Secretary to identify the source of the error and remedy it.
<td>20 Days Before Meeting:
<td>Notification of the meeting sent out via U.S. postal mail (if necessary).
<td>15 Days Before Meeting:
<td>Notification of the meeting sent out via email.
<td>14-9 Days Before Meeting:
<td>8 Days Before Meeting:
<td>Agenda item requests due to the President.
<td>7 Days Before Meeting:
<td>Agenda will be uploaded to the Boards Google Drive folder (link to view below)
<a href=""></a>
<td>6-4 Days Before Meeting:
<td>3 Days Before Meeting:
<td>Officer and committee/project reports due to the President or Secretary; they will be uploaded to the Boards Google Drive folder as they come in.
<td>2 Days Before Meeting:
<td>Email sent out with digital attachments of meeting documents, as well as instructions for connecting to the meeting remotely.
Board members that are unable to attend the meeting are encouraged to notify the President or Secretary at least 2 days before the meeting.
<td>1 Day Before Meeting:
<td>Day of the Board Meeting:
<td>Remote board members are encouraged to log on to the online meeting platform 10-15 minutes early in case of problems.
Board members that are not present 5 minutes before the meeting and have not notified the President or Secretary of their absence will receive one phone call from a fellow board member in an attempt to connect them to the meeting.
**Board Member Contact Information**
<td>Stacia Martineau (President)
<td>206-856-5267 (cell, text OK)
<td><a href=""></a> (work, preferred)
<a href=""></a> (personal)
<td>Cory Coverdell (Vice President)
<td>406-539-5008 (cell)
<td><a href=""></a> (work)
<a href=""></a> (personal)
<td>Sandra Dogiakos (Secretary)
<td>406-788-4365 (cell)
<td><a href=""></a>
<td>Cindy Lockner (Treasurer)
<td><a href=""></a>
<td>Steve Dogiakos
<td>406-203-4679 (cell)
<td><a href=""></a>
<td>Text/email first
<td>Jim Gilmore
<td>406-469-2271 (home)
<td><a href=""></a>
<td>Bob Graham
<td><a href=""></a>
<td>Erin Haacker
<td><a href=""></a>
<td>Tony Lesofski
<td>406-469-2233 (home)
<td><a href=""></a>
<td>Dale Smith
<td><a href=""></a>
<td>Dave Trexler
<td>406-590-7432 (cell)
<td><a href=""></a>
<td>Bruce Wright
<td><a href=""></a>
<td><a href=""></a>
<td>PO Box 786
Bynum, MT 59419

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# Strategic Reserve Policy
## Purpose
The purpose of the Reserves Policy for the Montana Dinosaur Center is to ensure the stability of the mission, programs, employment, and ongoing operations of the organization and to provide a source of internal funds for organizational priorities such as building repair and improvement, program opportunity, and capacity building. The Reserves Policy will be implemented in concert with the other governance and financial policies of the Montana Dinosaur Center and is intended to support the goals and strategies contained in these related policies and in strategic and operational plans.
## Definitions and Goals
### Operating Reserve
The Operating Reserve is intended to provide an internal source of funds for situations such as a sudden increase in expenses, one-time unbudgeted expenses, unanticipated loss in funding, or uninsured losses. Operating Reserves are not intended to replace a permanent loss of funds or eliminate an ongoing budget gap. It is the intention of the Montana Dinosaur Center for Operating Reserves to be used and replenished within a reasonably short period of time. The Operating Reserve Fund is defined as a designated fund set aside by action of the Board of Directors. The minimum amount to be designated as Operating Reserve will be established in an amount sufficient to maintain ongoing operations and programs measured for a set period of time, measured in months. The Operating Reserve serves a dynamic role and will be reviewed and adjusted in response to both internal and external changes.
The target minimum Operating Reserve Fund is equal to six months of highest operating costs. The calculation of average monthly operating costs includes all recurring, predictable expenses such as salaries and benefits, occupancy, office, travel, program, and ongoing professional services. Depreciation, in-kind, and other non-cash expenses are not included in the calculation. The calculation of average monthly expenses also excludes some expenses passthrough programs, one-time or unusual, capital purchases_._
The amount of the Operating Reserve Fund target minimum will be calculated each year after approval of the annual budget, reported to the Finance Committee, and included in the regular financial reports.
### Building and Capital Asset Reserve
The Building and Capital Asset Reserve is intended to provide a ready source of funds for repair or acquisition of buildings, leaseholds, furniture, fixtures, and equipment necessary for the effective operation of the organization and programs.
The target amount of the Building and Capital Asset Reserve will be determined by the executive director.
### Vehicle and Emergency Repair Reserve
The Vehicle and Emergency Repair Reserve is intended to provide a ready source of funds for acquisition or _emergency_ repairs of vehicles necessary for the effective operation of the organization and programs.
The target amount of the Building and Capital Asset Reserve will be determined by the executive director.
### Opportunity Reserve
The Opportunity Reserve is intended to provide funds to meet special targets of opportunity or need that further the mission of the organization which may or may not have specific expectation of incremental or long-term increased income. The Opportunity Reserve is also intended as a source of internal funds for organizational capacity building such as staff development, research and development, or investment in infrastructure that will build long-term capacity.
The target amount of the Opportunity Reserve will be determined by 20% of the annual budget.
### Accounting for Reserves
The Reserve Funds will be recorded in the financial records as Board-Designated [XXXX] Reserve. The Funds will be funded and available in cash or cash equivalent funds. Reserves will be maintained in segregated bank accounts.
## Funding of Reserves
The Operating Reserve will be funded with surplus unrestricted operating funds. The Board of Directors may from time to time direct that a specific source of revenue be set aside for Operating Reserves. Examples could include one time gifts or bequests, special grants, or special appeals.
The Building and Capital Assets Reserve will be funded by setting aside the equivalent amount of cash equal to 5% of depreciation in the annual budget and funds from the endowment.
The Opportunity Reserve will be funded with occasional special designations made by the Board of Directors.
## Use of Reserves
Use of the Reserves requires three steps:
1. **Identification of appropriate use of reserve funds.**
*The Executive Director and staff will identify the need for access to reserve funds and confirm that the use is consistent with the purpose of the reserves as described in this Policy. This step requires analysis of the reason for the shortfall, the availability of any other sources of funds before using reserves, and evaluation of the time period that the funds will be needed and replenished
2. **Authority to use reserves.**
The Executive Director will submit a request to use Reserves to the Finance Committee of the Board of Directors. The request will include the analysis and determination of the use of funds and plans for replenishment. The organizations goal is to replenish the funds used within twelve months to restore the Reserve Fund to the target minimum amount. If the use of Reserves will take longer than 12 months to replenish, the request will be scrutinized more carefully. The Finance Committee will approve or modify the request and authorize transfer from the fund.
3. **Reporting and monitoring.**
The Executive Director or designee is responsible for ensuring that the Reserve Funds are maintained and used only as described in this Policy. Upon approval for the use of Reserve Funds, the Executive Director will maintain records of the use of funds and plan for replenishment, if required. He/she will provide quarterly reports to the Finance Committee/Board of Directors of progress to restore the Fund to the target minimum amount, if required.
## Relationship to Other Policies
The Montana Dinosaur Center shall maintain the following board approved policies, which may contain provisions that affect the creation, sufficiency, and management of the Reserve Fund.
* Financial Policy
* Budget Policy
* Contingency or Disaster Preparedness Plan
* Investment Policy
## Review of Policy
This Policy will be reviewed every other year, at minimum, by the Finance Committee, or sooner if warranted by internal or external events or changes. Changes to the Policy will be recommended by the Finance Committee to the Board of Directors.
_Authorized by the TMDC board as amended, September 14, 2021._