Removed dotdotdot JS for not having compatible GPL license.

This commit is contained in:
Fabiano Alencar 2018-10-01 12:09:10 -03:00
parent fc0d0c53f3
commit e4ef853ff1
2 changed files with 1 additions and 565 deletions

View File

@ -1,551 +0,0 @@
* jQuery dotdotdot 3.2.2
* @requires jQuery 1.7.0 or later
* Copyright (c) Fred Heusschen
* License: CC-BY-NC-4.0
(function( $ ) {
'use strict';
var _PLUGIN_ = 'dotdotdot';
var _VERSION_ = '3.2.2';
if ( $[ _PLUGIN_ ] && $[ _PLUGIN_ ].version > _VERSION_ ) {
The class
$[ _PLUGIN_ ] = function( $container, opts )
this.$dot = $container;
this.api = [ 'getInstance', 'truncate', 'restore', 'destroy', 'watch', 'unwatch' ];
this.opts = opts;
var oldAPI = this.$ _PLUGIN_ );
if ( oldAPI ) {
if ( ) {;
return this;
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].version = _VERSION_;
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].uniqueId = 0;
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].defaults = {
ellipsis : '\u2026 ',
callback : function( isTruncated ) {},
truncate : 'word',
tolerance : 0,
keep : null,
watch : 'window',
height : null
$[ _PLUGIN_ ].prototype = {
init: function() {
this.watchTimeout = null;
this.watchInterval = null;
this.uniqueId = $[ _PLUGIN_ ].uniqueId++;
this.originalStyle = this.$dot.attr( 'style' ) || '';
this.originalContent = this._getOriginalContent();
if ( this.$dot.css( 'word-wrap' ) !== 'break-word' ) {
this.$dot.css( 'word-wrap', 'break-word' );
if ( this.$dot.css( 'white-space' ) === 'nowrap' ) {
this.$dot.css( 'white-space', 'normal' );
if ( this.opts.height === null ) {
this.opts.height = this._getMaxHeight();
if ( typeof this.opts.ellipsis == 'string' ) {
this.opts.ellipsis = document.createTextNode( this.opts.ellipsis );
getInstance: function() {
return this;
truncate: function() {
var that = this;
// Add inner node for measuring the height
this.$inner = this.$dot
.wrapInner( '<div />' )
'display' : 'block',
'height' : 'auto',
'width' : 'auto',
'border' : 'none',
'padding' : 0,
'margin' : 0
// Set original content
.append( this.originalContent.clone( true ) );
// Get max height
this.maxHeight = this._getMaxHeight();
// Truncate the text
var isTruncated = false;
if ( ! this._fits() ) {
isTruncated = true;
this._truncateToNode( this.$inner[ 0 ] );
this.$dot[ isTruncated ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]( _c.truncated );
// Remove inner node
this.$inner.replaceWith( this.$inner.contents() );
this.$inner = null;
// Callback this.$dot[ 0 ], isTruncated );
return isTruncated;
restore: function() {
.append( this.originalContent )
.attr( 'style', this.originalStyle )
.removeClass( _c.truncated );
destroy: function() {
this.$ _PLUGIN_, null );
watch: function() {
var that = this;
var oldSizes = {};
if ( == 'window' ) {
_e.resize + that.uniqueId,
function( e ) {
if ( that.watchTimeout ) {
clearTimeout( that.watchTimeout );
that.watchTimeout = setTimeout(
function() {
oldSizes = that._watchSizes( oldSizes, $wndw, 'width', 'height' );
}, 100
} else {
this.watchInterval = setInterval(
oldSizes = that._watchSizes( oldSizes, that.$dot, 'innerWidth', 'innerHeight' );
}, 500
unwatch: function() {
$ _e.resize + this.uniqueId );
if ( this.watchInterval ) {
clearInterval( this.watchInterval );
if ( this.watchTimeout ) {
clearTimeout( this.watchTimeout );
_api: function() {
var that = this,
api = {};
$.each( this.api,
function( i ) {
var fn = this;
api[ fn ] = function() {
var re = that[ fn ].apply( that, arguments );
return ( typeof re == 'undefined' ) ? api : re;
return api;
_truncateToNode: function( _elem ) {
var that = this;
var _coms = [],
_elms = [];
// Empty the node
// -> replace all contents with comments
$( _elem )
function() {
var $e = $( this );
if ( ! $e.hasClass( _c.keep ) ) {
var c = document.createComment( '' );
$e.replaceWith( c );
_elms.push( this );
_coms.push( c );
if ( ! _elms.length ) {
// Re-fill the node
// -> replace comments with contents until it doesn't fit anymore
for ( var e = 0; e < _elms.length; e++ ) {
$( _coms[ e ] ).replaceWith( _elms[ e ] );
$( _elms[ e ] ).append( this.opts.ellipsis );
var fits = this._fits();
$( this.opts.ellipsis, _elms[ e ] ).remove();
if ( ! fits ) {
if ( this.opts.truncate == 'node' && e > 1 ) {
$( _elms[ e - 2 ] ).remove();
// Remove left over comments
for ( var c = e; c < _coms.length; c++ ) {
$( _coms[ c ] ).remove();
// Get last node
// -> the node that overflows
var _last = _elms[ Math.max( 0, Math.min( e, _elms.length - 1 ) ) ];
// Border case
// -> the last node with only an ellipsis in it...
if ( _last.nodeType == 1 ) {
var $e = $( '<' + _last.nodeName + ' />' );
$e.append( this.opts.ellipsis );
$( _last ).replaceWith( $e );
// ... fits
// -> Restore the full last node
if ( this._fits() ) {
$e.replaceWith( _last );
} else { //... doesn't fit // -> remove it and go back one node
_last = _elms[ Math.max( 0, e - 1 ) ];
// Proceed inside last node
if ( _last.nodeType == 1 ) {
this._truncateToNode( _last );
} else {
this._truncateToWord( _last );
_truncateToWord: function( _elem ) {
var e = _elem;
var that = this;
var txt = this.__getTextContent( e ),
sep = ( txt.indexOf( ' ' ) !== -1 ) ? ' ' : '\u3000',
arr = txt.split( sep ),
str = '';
for ( var a = arr.length; a >= 0; a-- ) {
str = arr.slice( 0, a ).join( sep );
that.__setTextContent( e, that._addEllipsis( str ) );
if ( that._fits() ) {
if ( that.opts.truncate == 'letter' ) {
that.__setTextContent( e, arr.slice( 0, a + 1 ).join( sep ) );
that._truncateToLetter( e );
_truncateToLetter: function( e ) {
var that = this;
var txt = this.__getTextContent( e ),
arr = txt.split( '' ),
str = '';
for ( var a = arr.length; a >= 0; a-- ) {
str = arr.slice( 0, a ).join( '' );
if ( ! str.length ) {
that.__setTextContent( e, that._addEllipsis( str ) );
if ( that._fits() ) {
_fits: function() {
return ( this.$inner.innerHeight() <= this.maxHeight + this.opts.tolerance );
_addEllipsis: function( txt ) {
var remove = [' ', '\u3000', ',', ';', '.', '!', '?'];
while ( $.inArray( txt.slice( -1 ), remove ) > -1 ) {
txt = txt.slice( 0, -1 );
txt += this.__getTextContent( this.opts.ellipsis );
return txt;
_getOriginalContent: function() {
var that = this;
// Add "keep" class to nodes to keep
.find( 'script, style' )
.addClass( _c.keep );
if ( this.opts.keep ) {
.find( this.opts.keep )
.addClass( _c.keep );
// Filter out unneeded whitespace
.find( '*' )
.not( '.' + _c.keep )
.add( this.$dot )
function() {
var e = this,
$e = $( this );
// Text nodes
if ( e.nodeType == 3 ) {
// Remove whitespace where it does not take up space in the DOM
if ( $.trim( that.__getTextContent( e ) ) == '' ) {
if ( $e.parent().is( 'table, thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, dl, ul, ol, video' ) ) {
if ( $e.prev().is( 'div, p, table, td, td, dt, dd, li' ) ) {
if ( $ 'div, p, table, td, td, dt, dd, li' ) ) {
if ( ! $e.prev().length ) {
if ( ! $ ) {
} else if ( e.nodeType == 8 ) { // Comment nodes
return this.$dot.contents();
_getMaxHeight: function() {
if ( typeof this.opts.height == 'number' ) {
return this.opts.height;
// Find smallest CSS height
var arr = [ 'maxHeight', 'height' ],
hgh = 0;
for ( var a = 0; a < arr.length; a++ ) {
hgh = window.getComputedStyle( this.$dot[ 0 ] )[ arr[ a ] ];
if ( hgh.slice( -2 ) == 'px' ) {
hgh = parseFloat( hgh );
// Remove padding-top/bottom when needed.
var arr = [];
switch ( this.$dot.css( 'boxSizing' ) ) {
case 'border-box':
arr.push( 'borderTopWidth' );
arr.push( 'borderBottomWidth' );
// no break -> padding needs to be added too
case 'padding-box':
arr.push( 'paddingTop' );
arr.push( 'paddingBottom' );
for ( var a = 0; a < arr.length; a++ ) {
var p = window.getComputedStyle( this.$dot[ 0 ] )[ arr[ a ] ];
if ( p.slice( -2 ) == 'px' ) {
hgh -= parseFloat( p );
// Sanitize
return Math.max( hgh, 0 );
_watchSizes: function( oldSizes, $elem, width, height ) {
if ( this.$ ':visible' ) ) {
var newSizes = {
'width' : $elem[ width ](),
'height' : $elem[ height ]()
if ( oldSizes.width != newSizes.width || oldSizes.height != newSizes.height ) {
return newSizes;
return oldSizes;
__getTextContent: function( elem ) {
var arr = [ 'nodeValue', 'textContent', 'innerText' ];
for ( var a = 0; a < arr.length; a++ ) {
if ( typeof elem[ arr[ a ] ] == 'string' ) {
return elem[ arr[ a ] ];
return '';
__setTextContent: function( elem, content ) {
var arr = [ 'nodeValue', 'textContent', 'innerText' ];
for ( var a = 0; a < arr.length; a++ ) {
elem[ arr[ a ] ] = content;
The jQuery plugin
$.fn[ _PLUGIN_ ] = function( opts ) {
opts = $.extend( true, {}, $[ _PLUGIN_ ].defaults, opts );
return this.each(
$( this ).data( _PLUGIN_, new $[ _PLUGIN_ ]( $( this ), opts )._api() );
Global variables
var _c, _d, _e, $wndw;
function initPlugin() {
$wndw = $( window );
// Classnames, Datanames, Eventnames
_c = {};
_d = {};
_e = {};
$.each( [ _c, _d, _e ],
function( i, o ) {
o.add = function( a ) {
a = a.split( ' ' );
for ( var b = 0, l = a.length; b < l; b++ ) {
o[ a[ b ] ] = o.ddd( a[ b ] );
// Classnames
_c.ddd = function( c ) { return 'ddd-' + c; };
_c.add( 'truncated keep' );
// Datanames
_d.ddd = function( d ) { return 'ddd-' + d; };
// Eventnames
_e.ddd = function( e ) { return e + '.ddd'; };
_e.add( 'resize' );
// Only once
initPlugin = function() {};
})( jQuery );

View File

@ -94,18 +94,5 @@ jQuery( document ).ready(function( $ ) {
// instead of a settings object
jQuery( document ).ready( function( e ) {
var t = e( ".dotmore" );
keep: ".toggle",
height: "watch"
var n = "dotdotdot" );
t.on( "click", ".toggle", function( e ) {
e.preventDefault(), t.hasClass( "ddd-truncated" ) ? (n.restore(), t.addClass( "full-story" )) : ( t.removeClass( "full-story" ), n.truncate(), )
e( ".trigger" ).click( function() {
e( ".collection-header--share" ).toggleClass( "active" );