
292 lines
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2019-05-13 01:03:09 +00:00
* File used to generate docs for the repositories classes
* change the line below to the path to the wp-config of a WP installation
* Dont forget to set the language of your WordPress to english
$repos = [
'collections' => [
'instance' => \Tainacan\Repositories\Collections::get_instance(),
'methods' => [
'name' => 'fetch',
'name' => 'fetch_one',
'name' => 'insert',
'name' => 'update',
'name' => 'delete',
'name' => 'trash',
'metadata' => [
'instance' => \Tainacan\Repositories\Metadata::get_instance(),
'methods' => [
'name' => 'fetch',
'name' => 'fetch_one',
'name' => 'fetch_ids',
'name' => 'fetch_by_collection',
'name' => 'fetch_ids_by_collection',
'name' => 'fetch_metadata_types',
'name' => 'get_core_metadata',
'name' => 'get_core_title_metadatum',
'name' => 'get_core_description_metadatum',
'name' => 'fetch_all_metadatum_values',
'name' => 'insert',
'name' => 'update',
'name' => 'delete',
'name' => 'trash',
'filters' => [
'instance' => \Tainacan\Repositories\Filters::get_instance(),
'methods' => [
'name' => 'fetch',
'name' => 'fetch_one',
'name' => 'fetch_ids',
'name' => 'fetch_by_collection',
'name' => 'fetch_ids_by_collection',
'name' => 'insert',
'name' => 'update',
'name' => 'delete',
'name' => 'trash',
'items' => [
'instance' => \Tainacan\Repositories\Items::get_instance(),
'methods' => [
'name' => 'fetch',
'name' => 'fetch_one',
'name' => 'fetch_ids',
'name' => 'get_thumbnail_id_from_document',
'name' => 'insert',
'name' => 'update',
'name' => 'delete',
'name' => 'trash',
'taxonomies' => [
'instance' => \Tainacan\Repositories\Taxonomies::get_instance(),
'methods' => [
'name' => 'fetch',
'name' => 'fetch_one',
'name' => 'fetch_by_collection',
'name' => 'term_exists',
'name' => 'insert',
'name' => 'update',
'name' => 'delete',
'name' => 'trash',
'terms' => [
'instance' => \Tainacan\Repositories\Terms::get_instance(),
'methods' => [
'name' => 'fetch',
'name' => 'fetch_one',
'name' => 'insert',
'name' => 'update',
'name' => 'delete',
'name' => 'trash',
// 'item-metadata' => [
// 'instance' => \Tainacan\Repositories\Item_Metadata::get_instance(),
// 'methods' => [
// [
// 'name' => 'fetch',
// ],
// [
// 'name' => 'get_value',
// ],
// [
// 'name' => 'insert',
// ],
// [
// 'name' => 'delete',
// ],
// [
// 'name' => 'trash',
// ]
// ]
// ],
function get_method_doc($repo, $method) {
//return '';
$r = new ReflectionMethod($repo, $method);
$doc = $r->getDocComment();
$doc = str_replace('/**', '', $doc);
$doc = str_replace('*/', '', $doc);
$doc = str_replace(' * ', '', $doc);
$doc = str_replace(' *', '', $doc);
$doc = preg_replace('/\t+/', '', $doc );
return $doc;
foreach ($repos as $name => $repo) {
$i = $repo['instance'];
$map = $i->get_map();
$entity = $i->entities_type;
$entity = strtolower( str_replace('\Tainacan\Entities\\', '', $entity) );
$target_file = 'repository-' . $name . '.md';
# <?= $i->get_name(); ?> Repository
## Main Methods
These are the most used methods of this repository. For a complete list see [the repository file](../src/classes/repositories/class-tainacan-<?= $name; ?>.php).
<?php foreach ($repo['methods'] as $method): ?>
### <?= $method['name']; ?>()
<?= get_method_doc(get_class($i), $method['name']); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
## Usage
$repository = \Tainacan\Repositories\<?= $i->get_name(); ?>::get_instance();
## Entity Properties
These are the Entity attributes for this repository. The Entity class is at [classes/entities folder](../src/classes/entities/class-tainacan-<?= $entity; ?>.php)
Property | Description | Slug | Getter | Setter | Stored as
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
<?php foreach ($map as $s => $m): ?>
<?= $m['title']; ?>|<?= $m['description']; ?>|<?= $s; ?>|`$entity->get_<?= $s; ?>()`|`$entity->set_<?= $s; ?>()`|<?= $m['map'] . "\n"; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
### Entity usage
Create new
$entity = new <?= $i->entities_type; ?>();
Get existing by ID
$repository = \Tainacan\Repositories\<?= $i->get_name(); ?>::get_instance();
$entity = $repository->fetch(12);
echo 'My ID is ' . $entity->get_id(); // 12
file_put_contents($target_file, ob_get_clean());