Updates PDFJS to version 2.14.305.

This commit is contained in:
mateuswetah 2022-06-07 11:08:15 -03:00
parent aa1077b826
commit c07d3c4f5e
275 changed files with 115849 additions and 77021 deletions

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@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ mkdir $wp_plugin_dir
rsync -axz --exclude='vendor/bin/phpc*' --exclude='vendor/squizlabs' --exclude='vendor/wimg' \
--exclude='vendor/respect/validation/.git' --exclude='vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/.git' \
--exclude='vendor/respect/validation/docs' --exclude='vendor/respect/validation/tests' \
--exclude='pdf-viewer/pdfjs-dist/web/compressed.tracemonkey-pldi-09.pdf' \
--exclude='views/libs/pdf-viewer/pdfjs-dist/web/compressed.tracemonkey-pldi-09.pdf' \
--exclude='vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/fonts' \
--exclude='vendor/smalot/pdfparser/src/Smalot/PdfParser/Tests/' \
--exclude='vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/examples' \

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@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class Embed {
public function pdf_embed_handler($matches, $attr, $url, $rawattr) {
$viewer_url = $TAINACAN_BASE_URL . '/views/libs/pdf-viewer/pdf-viewer.html?file=' . $url;
$viewer_url = $TAINACAN_BASE_URL . '/views/libs/pdf-viewer/pdfjs-dist/web/viewer.html?file=' . $url;
//$viewer_url = $TAINACAN_BASE_URL . '/assets/pdfjs-dist/web/viewer.html?file=' . $url;
$defaults = array(

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@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
/* Copyright 2014 Mozilla Foundation
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
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@ -13,43 +13,42 @@
* limitations under the License.
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cleanup() {
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get active() {
@ -85,65 +83,62 @@ var FontInspector = (function FontInspectorClosure() {
set active(value) {
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// FontInspector specific functions.
fontAdded: function fontAdded(fontObj, url) {
fontAdded(fontObj, url) {
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var opMap;
// Manages all the page steppers.
var StepperManager = (function StepperManagerClosure() {
var steppers = [];
var stepperDiv = null;
var stepperControls = null;
var stepperChooser = null;
var breakPoints = Object.create(null);
const StepperManager = (function StepperManagerClosure() {
let steppers = [];
let stepperDiv = null;
let stepperControls = null;
let stepperChooser = null;
let breakPoints = Object.create(null);
return {
// Properties/functions needed by PDFBug.
id: 'Stepper',
name: 'Stepper',
id: "Stepper",
name: "Stepper",
panel: null,
manager: null,
init: function init(pdfjsLib) {
var self = this;
this.panel.setAttribute('style', 'padding: 5px;');
stepperControls = document.createElement('div');
stepperChooser = document.createElement('select');
stepperChooser.addEventListener('change', function(event) {
init(pdfjsLib) {
const self = this;
stepperControls = document.createElement("div");
stepperChooser = document.createElement("select");
stepperChooser.addEventListener("change", function (event) {
stepperDiv = document.createElement('div');
stepperDiv = document.createElement("div");
if (sessionStorage.getItem('pdfjsBreakPoints')) {
breakPoints = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('pdfjsBreakPoints'));
if (sessionStorage.getItem("pdfjsBreakPoints")) {
breakPoints = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("pdfjsBreakPoints"));
opMap = Object.create(null);
for (var key in pdfjsLib.OPS) {
for (const key in pdfjsLib.OPS) {
opMap[pdfjsLib.OPS[key]] = key;
cleanup: function cleanup() {
stepperChooser.textContent = '';
stepperDiv.textContent = '';
cleanup() {
stepperChooser.textContent = "";
stepperDiv.textContent = "";
steppers = [];
enabled: false,
active: false,
// Stepper specific functions.
create: function create(pageIndex) {
var debug = document.createElement('div');
debug.id = 'stepper' + pageIndex;
debug.setAttribute('hidden', true);
debug.className = 'stepper';
create(pageIndex) {
const debug = document.createElement("div");
debug.id = "stepper" + pageIndex;
debug.hidden = true;
debug.className = "stepper";
var b = document.createElement('option');
b.textContent = 'Page ' + (pageIndex + 1);
const b = document.createElement("option");
b.textContent = "Page " + (pageIndex + 1);
b.value = pageIndex;
var initBreakPoints = breakPoints[pageIndex] || [];
var stepper = new Stepper(debug, pageIndex, initBreakPoints);
const initBreakPoints = breakPoints[pageIndex] || [];
const stepper = new Stepper(debug, pageIndex, initBreakPoints);
if (steppers.length === 1) {
this.selectStepper(pageIndex, false);
return stepper;
selectStepper: function selectStepper(pageIndex, selectPanel) {
var i;
pageIndex = pageIndex | 0;
selectStepper(pageIndex, selectPanel) {
pageIndex |= 0;
if (selectPanel) {
for (i = 0; i < steppers.length; ++i) {
var stepper = steppers[i];
if (stepper.pageIndex === pageIndex) {
} else {
stepper.panel.setAttribute('hidden', true);
for (const stepper of steppers) {
stepper.panel.hidden = stepper.pageIndex !== pageIndex;
var options = stepperChooser.options;
for (i = 0; i < options.length; ++i) {
var option = options[i];
for (const option of stepperChooser.options) {
option.selected = (option.value | 0) === pageIndex;
saveBreakPoints: function saveBreakPoints(pageIndex, bps) {
saveBreakPoints(pageIndex, bps) {
breakPoints[pageIndex] = bps;
sessionStorage.setItem('pdfjsBreakPoints', JSON.stringify(breakPoints));
sessionStorage.setItem("pdfjsBreakPoints", JSON.stringify(breakPoints));
// The stepper for each page's IRQueue.
var Stepper = (function StepperClosure() {
// The stepper for each page's operatorList.
const Stepper = (function StepperClosure() {
// Shorter way to create element and optionally set textContent.
function c(tag, textContent) {
var d = document.createElement(tag);
const d = document.createElement(tag);
if (textContent) {
d.textContent = textContent;
@ -259,63 +243,70 @@ var Stepper = (function StepperClosure() {
function simplifyArgs(args) {
if (typeof args === 'string') {
return args.length <= MAX_STRING_LENGTH ? args :
args.substr(0, MAX_STRING_LENGTH) + '...';
if (typeof args === "string") {
return args.length <= MAX_STRING_LENGTH
? args
: args.substring(0, MAX_STRING_LENGTH) + "...";
if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) {
if (typeof args !== "object" || args === null) {
return args;
if ('length' in args) { // array
var simpleArgs = [], i, ii;
var MAX_ITEMS = 10;
if ("length" in args) {
// array
const MAX_ITEMS = 10,
simpleArgs = [];
let i, ii;
for (i = 0, ii = Math.min(MAX_ITEMS, args.length); i < ii; i++) {
if (i < args.length) {
return simpleArgs;
var simpleObj = {};
for (var key in args) {
const simpleObj = {};
for (const key in args) {
simpleObj[key] = simplifyArgs(args[key]);
return simpleObj;
function Stepper(panel, pageIndex, initialBreakPoints) {
this.panel = panel;
this.breakPoint = 0;
this.nextBreakPoint = null;
this.pageIndex = pageIndex;
this.breakPoints = initialBreakPoints;
this.currentIdx = -1;
this.operatorListIdx = 0;
Stepper.prototype = {
init: function init(operatorList) {
var panel = this.panel;
var content = c('div', 'c=continue, s=step');
var table = c('table');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
class Stepper {
constructor(panel, pageIndex, initialBreakPoints) {
this.panel = panel;
this.breakPoint = 0;
this.nextBreakPoint = null;
this.pageIndex = pageIndex;
this.breakPoints = initialBreakPoints;
this.currentIdx = -1;
this.operatorListIdx = 0;
this.indentLevel = 0;
init(operatorList) {
const panel = this.panel;
const content = c("div", "c=continue, s=step");
const table = c("table");
table.cellSpacing = 0;
var headerRow = c('tr');
const headerRow = c("tr");
headerRow.appendChild(c('th', 'Break'));
headerRow.appendChild(c('th', 'Idx'));
headerRow.appendChild(c('th', 'fn'));
headerRow.appendChild(c('th', 'args'));
headerRow.appendChild(c("th", "Break"));
headerRow.appendChild(c("th", "Idx"));
headerRow.appendChild(c("th", "fn"));
headerRow.appendChild(c("th", "args"));
this.table = table;
updateOperatorList: function updateOperatorList(operatorList) {
var self = this;
updateOperatorList(operatorList) {
const self = this;
function cboxOnClick() {
var x = +this.dataset.idx;
const x = +this.dataset.idx;
if (this.checked) {
} else {
@ -324,130 +315,145 @@ var Stepper = (function StepperClosure() {
StepperManager.saveBreakPoints(self.pageIndex, self.breakPoints);
const MAX_OPERATORS_COUNT = 15000;
if (this.operatorListIdx > MAX_OPERATORS_COUNT) {
var chunk = document.createDocumentFragment();
var operatorsToDisplay = Math.min(MAX_OPERATORS_COUNT,
for (var i = this.operatorListIdx; i < operatorsToDisplay; i++) {
var line = c('tr');
line.className = 'line';
const chunk = document.createDocumentFragment();
const operatorsToDisplay = Math.min(
for (let i = this.operatorListIdx; i < operatorsToDisplay; i++) {
const line = c("tr");
line.className = "line";
line.dataset.idx = i;
var checked = this.breakPoints.indexOf(i) !== -1;
var args = operatorList.argsArray[i] || [];
const checked = this.breakPoints.includes(i);
const args = operatorList.argsArray[i] || [];
var breakCell = c('td');
var cbox = c('input');
cbox.type = 'checkbox';
cbox.className = 'points';
const breakCell = c("td");
const cbox = c("input");
cbox.type = "checkbox";
cbox.className = "points";
cbox.checked = checked;
cbox.dataset.idx = i;
cbox.onclick = cboxOnClick;
line.appendChild(c('td', i.toString()));
var fn = opMap[operatorList.fnArray[i]];
var decArgs = args;
if (fn === 'showText') {
var glyphs = args[0];
var newArgs = [];
var str = [];
for (var j = 0; j < glyphs.length; j++) {
var glyph = glyphs[j];
if (typeof glyph === 'object' && glyph !== null) {
line.appendChild(c("td", i.toString()));
const fn = opMap[operatorList.fnArray[i]];
let decArgs = args;
if (fn === "showText") {
const glyphs = args[0];
const charCodeRow = c("tr");
const fontCharRow = c("tr");
const unicodeRow = c("tr");
for (const glyph of glyphs) {
if (typeof glyph === "object" && glyph !== null) {
charCodeRow.appendChild(c("td", glyph.originalCharCode));
fontCharRow.appendChild(c("td", glyph.fontChar));
unicodeRow.appendChild(c("td", glyph.unicode));
} else {
if (str.length > 0) {
str = [];
newArgs.push(glyph); // null or number
// null or number
const advanceEl = c("td", glyph);
if (str.length > 0) {
decArgs = [newArgs];
decArgs = c("td");
const table = c("table");
} else if (fn === "restore") {
line.appendChild(c("td", " ".repeat(this.indentLevel * 2) + fn));
if (fn === "save") {
if (decArgs instanceof HTMLElement) {
} else {
line.appendChild(c("td", JSON.stringify(simplifyArgs(decArgs))));
line.appendChild(c('td', fn));
line.appendChild(c('td', JSON.stringify(simplifyArgs(decArgs))));
if (operatorsToDisplay < operatorList.fnArray.length) {
line = c('tr');
var lastCell = c('td', '...');
const lastCell = c("td", "...");
lastCell.colspan = 4;
this.operatorListIdx = operatorList.fnArray.length;
getNextBreakPoint: function getNextBreakPoint() {
this.breakPoints.sort(function(a, b) {
getNextBreakPoint() {
this.breakPoints.sort(function (a, b) {
return a - b;
for (var i = 0; i < this.breakPoints.length; i++) {
if (this.breakPoints[i] > this.currentIdx) {
return this.breakPoints[i];
for (const breakPoint of this.breakPoints) {
if (breakPoint > this.currentIdx) {
return breakPoint;
return null;
breakIt: function breakIt(idx, callback) {
breakIt(idx, callback) {
StepperManager.selectStepper(this.pageIndex, true);
var self = this;
var dom = document;
self.currentIdx = idx;
var listener = function(e) {
switch (e.keyCode) {
this.currentIdx = idx;
const listener = evt => {
switch (evt.keyCode) {
case 83: // step
dom.removeEventListener('keydown', listener);
self.nextBreakPoint = self.currentIdx + 1;
document.removeEventListener("keydown", listener);
this.nextBreakPoint = this.currentIdx + 1;
case 67: // continue
dom.removeEventListener('keydown', listener);
var breakPoint = self.getNextBreakPoint();
self.nextBreakPoint = breakPoint;
document.removeEventListener("keydown", listener);
this.nextBreakPoint = this.getNextBreakPoint();
dom.addEventListener('keydown', listener);
goTo: function goTo(idx) {
var allRows = this.panel.getElementsByClassName('line');
for (var x = 0, xx = allRows.length; x < xx; ++x) {
var row = allRows[x];
document.addEventListener("keydown", listener);
goTo(idx) {
const allRows = this.panel.getElementsByClassName("line");
for (const row of allRows) {
if ((row.dataset.idx | 0) === idx) {
row.style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(251,250,207)';
row.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(251,250,207)";
} else {
row.style.backgroundColor = null;
return Stepper;
var Stats = (function Stats() {
var stats = [];
const Stats = (function Stats() {
let stats = [];
function clear(node) {
while (node.hasChildNodes()) {
node.textContent = ""; // Remove any `node` contents from the DOM.
function getStatIndex(pageNumber) {
for (var i = 0, ii = stats.length; i < ii; ++i) {
if (stats[i].pageNumber === pageNumber) {
for (const [i, stat] of stats.entries()) {
if (stat.pageNumber === pageNumber) {
return i;
@ -455,14 +461,11 @@ var Stats = (function Stats() {
return {
// Properties/functions needed by PDFBug.
id: 'Stats',
name: 'Stats',
id: "Stats",
name: "Stats",
panel: null,
manager: null,
init(pdfjsLib) {
this.panel.setAttribute('style', 'padding: 5px;');
pdfjsLib.PDFJS.enableStats = true;
init(pdfjsLib) {},
enabled: false,
active: false,
// Stats specific functions.
@ -470,28 +473,27 @@ var Stats = (function Stats() {
if (!stat) {
var statsIndex = getStatIndex(pageNumber);
const statsIndex = getStatIndex(pageNumber);
if (statsIndex !== false) {
var b = stats[statsIndex];
stats.splice(statsIndex, 1);
var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
wrapper.className = 'stats';
var title = document.createElement('div');
title.className = 'title';
title.textContent = 'Page: ' + pageNumber;
var statsDiv = document.createElement('div');
const wrapper = document.createElement("div");
wrapper.className = "stats";
const title = document.createElement("div");
title.className = "title";
title.textContent = "Page: " + pageNumber;
const statsDiv = document.createElement("div");
statsDiv.textContent = stat.toString();
stats.push({ pageNumber, div: wrapper, });
stats.sort(function(a, b) {
stats.push({ pageNumber, div: wrapper });
stats.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.pageNumber - b.pageNumber;
for (var i = 0, ii = stats.length; i < ii; ++i) {
for (const entry of stats) {
cleanup() {
@ -502,40 +504,35 @@ var Stats = (function Stats() {
// Manages all the debugging tools.
window.PDFBug = (function PDFBugClosure() {
var panelWidth = 300;
var buttons = [];
var activePanel = null;
const PDFBug = (function PDFBugClosure() {
const panelWidth = 300;
const buttons = [];
let activePanel = null;
return {
tools: [
tools: [FontInspector, StepperManager, Stats],
enable(ids) {
var all = false, tools = this.tools;
if (ids.length === 1 && ids[0] === 'all') {
all = true;
for (var i = 0; i < tools.length; ++i) {
var tool = tools[i];
if (all || ids.indexOf(tool.id) !== -1) {
const all = ids.length === 1 && ids[0] === "all";
const tools = this.tools;
for (const tool of tools) {
if (all || ids.includes(tool.id)) {
tool.enabled = true;
if (!all) {
// Sort the tools by the order they are enabled.
tools.sort(function(a, b) {
var indexA = ids.indexOf(a.id);
tools.sort(function (a, b) {
let indexA = ids.indexOf(a.id);
indexA = indexA < 0 ? tools.length : indexA;
var indexB = ids.indexOf(b.id);
let indexB = ids.indexOf(b.id);
indexB = indexB < 0 ? tools.length : indexB;
return indexA - indexB;
init(pdfjsLib, container) {
init(pdfjsLib, container, ids) {
* Basic Layout:
* PDFBug
@ -545,34 +542,29 @@ window.PDFBug = (function PDFBugClosure() {
* Panel
* ...
var ui = document.createElement('div');
ui.id = 'PDFBug';
const ui = document.createElement("div");
ui.id = "PDFBug";
var controls = document.createElement('div');
controls.setAttribute('class', 'controls');
const controls = document.createElement("div");
controls.setAttribute("class", "controls");
var panels = document.createElement('div');
panels.setAttribute('class', 'panels');
const panels = document.createElement("div");
panels.setAttribute("class", "panels");
container.style.right = panelWidth + 'px';
container.style.right = panelWidth + "px";
// Initialize all the debugging tools.
var tools = this.tools;
var self = this;
for (var i = 0; i < tools.length; ++i) {
var tool = tools[i];
var panel = document.createElement('div');
var panelButton = document.createElement('button');
for (const tool of this.tools) {
const panel = document.createElement("div");
const panelButton = document.createElement("button");
panelButton.textContent = tool.name;
panelButton.addEventListener('click', (function(selected) {
return function(event) {
panelButton.addEventListener("click", event => {
tool.panel = panel;
@ -580,41 +572,50 @@ window.PDFBug = (function PDFBugClosure() {
if (tool.enabled) {
} else {
panel.textContent = tool.name + ' is disabled. To enable add ' +
' "' + tool.id + '" to the pdfBug parameter ' +
'and refresh (separate multiple by commas).';
panel.textContent =
`${tool.name} is disabled. To enable add "${tool.id}" to ` +
"the pdfBug parameter and refresh (separate multiple by commas).";
loadCSS() {
const { url } = import.meta;
const link = document.createElement("link");
link.rel = "stylesheet";
link.href = url.replace(/.js$/, ".css");
cleanup() {
for (var i = 0, ii = this.tools.length; i < ii; i++) {
if (this.tools[i].enabled) {
for (const tool of this.tools) {
if (tool.enabled) {
selectPanel(index) {
if (typeof index !== 'number') {
if (typeof index !== "number") {
index = this.tools.indexOf(index);
if (index === activePanel) {
activePanel = index;
var tools = this.tools;
for (var j = 0; j < tools.length; ++j) {
if (j === index) {
buttons[j].setAttribute('class', 'active');
tools[j].active = true;
} else {
buttons[j].setAttribute('class', '');
tools[j].active = false;
tools[j].panel.setAttribute('hidden', 'true');
for (const [j, tool] of this.tools.entries()) {
const isActive = j === index;
buttons[j].classList.toggle("active", isActive);
tool.active = isActive;
tool.panel.hidden = !isActive;
globalThis.FontInspector = FontInspector;
globalThis.StepperManager = StepperManager;
globalThis.Stats = Stats;
export { PDFBug };

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->
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