Working on docs

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Leo Germani 2018-03-14 23:37:06 -03:00
parent 339686b9af
commit e7fb07eb16
2 changed files with 68 additions and 6 deletions

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# Exporting and Exposing your Repository
When you buid a digital repository with Tainacan, you gain the ability to show it to the world in many different ways thanks to the power and flexibility of WordPress.
But sometimes you dont want just to have your collections browsable via web, you want to download a spreadsheet to work with or you want to make it availabe via APIs so it can be consumed by other applications or harvested by an aggregator. This page describe how Tainacan handle with these situations.
## Mapping
With Tainacan you have the possibility to map your collection structure to one or more known standards you may want to be compatible with. So even if you use a custom set of fields to describe your collection, you may be compatible and interoperate with other repositories.
You do it by informing, for each field you create, what is it relative in each format you want to map your collection to. You may sau for example, that you "Name" Field is the equivalent to the dc:Title attribute in Dublin Core and some another attribute in other format you choose.
## Exporting
Exporting allows you to download the content of your repository to a file - or to multiple files. The format of the package you will download depends on the exporter you will use. Tainacan ships with a simple CSV exporter and a Tainacan-Package exporter, that allows you to export all the content of your collections, including the attachments, to import in another Tainacan instance.
Whatever exporter you choose to you use, you will be able to choose wether you want to download the collection as it is, which means, with the fields the way the were created in Tainacan, or wether you want to download it in a mapped version. For example, if you mapped your collection to Dublin Core, you can download a CSV file either in Dublin Core format or in the original format.
Tainacan makes it very easy to developers to create new exporters and publish them as plugins anyone can use.
## Exposing
Tainacan is powered with an API that allows other applications to search and consume the content of your repository. By default, this API serves the content in JSON format, preserving the fields in the collections the way you created them.
In the same way you can choose the format of the file when you export your collection, one can choose the format they want to consume yout content in. This is the role of exposers.
Each exposer implements a different way of presenting your data in the API response, and may support one or many mappings.
For example, the default JSON exposer supports any mapping and can serve your content exposing any metadata standard you mapped your content to. The decision is in the hands of the application that makes the request to your API.
On the other hand, OAI-PMH exposer only supports Dublin Core mapping and will allways serve content this way.
Exposers are also really easy to develop and can be added to your Tainacan instance via plugins.

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The typical workflow when you create a Digital Repository with Tainacan is:
* Create a collection
* Configure which fields the item in this collections will have
* Configure the collection
* Configure which filters will be used when browsing the collection
* Upload items to the collection or import them from an external source
* Choose which fields the item in this collections will have
* Choose which filters will be used when browsing the collection
* Insert items to the collection or import them from an external source
## Collections
@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ Each field has a set of settings. Is it required? Is it supposed to be unique (a
You may have repository-level fields, that will be inherited by all collections of your repository. In the same way, collections inherit fields from their parent collection.
(Note: you can import/export presets of field)
(Note: you can use and import/export presets of fields)
## Field Types
@ -58,4 +57,34 @@ Filter Types can be created via plugins and extend the default set of types ship
Categories (or Taxonomies) can be created and used to classify items. Typical Taxonomies are Genre, Country, etc.
They are the same WordPress Taxonomies you already know, and they can be shared among many collections.
In WordPress language, they are Taxonomies, and they can be shared among many collections.
Each Category has a set of terms. For example, the category Genre may have terms like "drama" and "comedy".
Terms can have hierarchy, which means that when you browse for items that have a parente term (for instance, "Rock"), the results will include items that have any of the child terms (for instance, "Progressive Rock" and "Classic Rock").
Terms also have a description, may have an icon or image that represents it and may also be linked to a existing concept of an ontology. They can have their own URL in your site, with a page listing all items that are related to them, despite their collection. In that way, they behave as if they were a collection themselves.
## Item types
Item types gives you the abiity to specialize the desription of an item based on its nature. So, inside the same collection you may have items that vary in its nature and, therefore, have a different set of metadata.
For each item type you can choose a group of Fields, in the same way you do for a collection. When you create an item inside a collection, it will have all the fields chosen for that collection plus the fields related to its type.
AN item type can be anything. For example, LPs, Books and paintings are õbvious distinct item types that may have specific fields. But it could also more abstract concepts, such as "financial transactions".
## Under discussion
### Desktop
Desktop holds items that are not part of any collections yet. You might want to use it when you want to upload a bunch of items and organize them afterwards, instead of having to thinh an prepare all the collections beforehand.
Items in Desktop are not publicly visible and have only the fields configured in repository level.
### Thematic Collections
Thematic Collections is another way to organize the items in your repository. In essecen, they are a Category, that can hold items from any collections, and an item can be part of many Thematic Collections.
They work in exactly the same way as categories, the only difference is that you have another way to manage it,..
Another idea here is, intead of having a "fixed category" called thematic collections, we could just have a menu item "Categories" or "Organize by categories" that lets you browse the items by category, instead of by collections, and manipulate them.