# Terms ## Terms Repository ### `class Terms extends Repository` Class Tainacan_Terms ### `public function insert($term)` **Parameters:** * `$term` — Entities\Entity **Returns:** Entities\Entity|Entities\Term ### `public function fetch( $args = [], $taxonomies = [])` fetch terms based on ID or get terms args Terms are stored as WordPress regular terms. Check (@see https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/get_terms/) get_terms() docs to learn all args accepted in the $args parameter The second paramater specifies from which taxonomies terms should be fetched. You can pass the Taxonomy ID or object, or an Array of IDs or taxonomies objects **Parameters:** * `$args` — array — WP_Query args || int $args the term id * `$taxonomies` — array — Array Entities\Taxonomy || Array int terms IDs || int collection id || Entities\Taxonomy taxonomy object **Returns:** `array` — of Entities\Term objects || Entities\Term ## Term Entity ### `class Term extends Entity` Represents the Entity Term ### `protected $repository = 'Terms'` {@inheritDoc} ### `function __construct($which = 0, $taxonomy = false )` Term constructor. **Parameters:** * `$which` — int * `$taxonomy` — string ### `function get_id()` Return the unique identifier **Returns:** integer ### `function get_name()` Return the name **Returns:** string ### `function get_parent()` Return the parent ID **Returns:** integer ### `function get_description()` Return the description **Returns:** string ### `function get_user()` Return the user ID **Returns:** integer ### `function get_taxonomy()` Return the taxonomy **Returns:** integer ### `function set_name($value)` Define the name **Parameters:** * `$value` — [string] ### `function set_parent($value)` Define the parent ID **Parameters:** * `$value` — [integer] ### `function set_description($value)` Define the description **Parameters:** * `$value` — [string] ### `function set_user($value)` Define the user associated **Parameters:** * `$value` — [integer] ### `function set_taxonomy($value)` Define the taxonomy associated **Parameters:** * `$value` — [integer]