# Mapping Standards Mapping Standards are declarations of standards of metadata. Once they are available and activated in your repository, you can map the metadata of your collections to them. ## Structure A Mapping Standard has the following attributes. ### Name String $name The name of the Mapping Standard. ### Metadata Array or false $metadata A list of metadata, terms or attributes that this mapping have. These are the element you will be able to map your Collection's Metadata. Each metadatum has the following attributes: * slug - The metadatum name, that refers to the name of the attribute in the origin vocabulary or ontology (e.g. title) * label - The human readable name * URI - The URI of this term/attribute in the origin Ontoloy/Vocabulary * metadata_type - The prefered type for the metadatum Array of: ``` ['slug'] => [ 'URI' => 'http://...', 'label' => 'Label', 'metadata_type' => 'date', ] ``` ### Allow additional custom metadata Boolean $allow_extra_metadata Boolen indicating wether this mapping allows additional custom metadata to be added. ### Context URL / Vocab URL String $context_url The URL of the Ontology or vocabulary. For example `http://schema.org` or `http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/` ### Type The Class of the ontology that this mapping refers to. For example `CreativeWork`, which is a class of Schema.org, if applied ### Registering a new mapper For register a new mapper, the action need to be added to `tainacan-register-exposer-mappers` hook, like: ``` function myNewMapper($exposers) { $exposers->register_exposer_mapper('Tainacan\Exposers\Mappers\NewMapper'); } add_action('tainacan-register-exposer-mappers', 'myNewMapper'); ``` ## Examples ``` namespace Tainacan\Exposers\Mappers; /** * Support Dublin Core Mapping * http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ * */ class Dublin_Core extends Mapper { public $slug = 'dublin-core'; public $name = 'Dublin Core'; public $allow_extra_metadata = true; public $context_url = 'http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/'; public $header = ''; public $prefix = 'dc:'; public $metadata = [ 'contributor' => [ 'URI' => 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor', 'label' => 'Contributor' ], 'coverage' => [ 'URI' => 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/coverage', 'label' => 'Coverage' ], 'creator' => [ 'URI' => 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator', 'label' => 'Creator' ], ... ``` ``` namespace Tainacan\Exposers\Mappers; class CreativeWorks extends Mapper { public $name = 'Schema.org Creative Works'; public $slug = 'creative-works'; public $metadata = [ 'name' => [ 'label': 'Name', 'URI': 'http://schema.org/name' ], 'alternativeHeadline' => [ 'label': 'Alternative Headline', 'URI': 'http://schema.org/alternativeHeadline' ], ... And so on... ], public $allow_extra_fields = false; public $context_url = 'http://schema.org'; public $type = 'CreativeWork'; } ```