
5016 lines
182 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2013-06-09 06:54:50 +00:00
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WooCommerce 2.0.0 Admin\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/woothemes/woocommerce/issues\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-10 11:38:26+00:00\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-06-09 08:23+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Ali Mohammed Al-barrak <alaa13212@gmail.com>\n"
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#: admin/importers/importers-init.php:13
msgid "WooCommerce Tax Rates (CSV)"
msgstr "ضرائب WooCommerce (CSV)&lrm;"
#: admin/importers/importers-init.php:13
msgid "Import <strong>tax rates</strong> to your store via a csv file."
msgstr "استورد <strong>قيم الضرائب</strong>إلى متجرك عبر ملف CSV."
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:103
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:186
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:226
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:241
msgid "Sorry, there has been an error."
msgstr "نأسف، يبدو أن هناك مشكلة."
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:104
msgid "The file does not exist, please try again."
msgstr "الملف غير موجود، رجاءً حاول مجدد."
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:187
msgid "The CSV is invalid."
msgstr "ملف CSV غير صالح."
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:198
msgid "Import complete - imported <strong>%s</strong> tax rates and skipped <strong>%s</strong>."
msgstr "أكتمل الاستيراد - استورد <strong>%s</strong> من العمولات وترك <strong>%s</strong> منها."
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:208
msgid "All done!"
msgstr "اكتمل!"
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:208
msgid "View Tax Rates"
msgstr "عرض الضرائب"
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:259
msgid "Import Tax Rates"
msgstr "استيراد الضراب"
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:282
msgid "Hi there! Upload a CSV file containing tax rates to import the contents into your shop. Choose a .csv file to upload, then click \"Upload file and import\"."
msgstr "مرحبا بك! ارفع ملف CSV يحوي الضرائب لاستيراد محتوياته إلى سوقك. اختر ملف &lrm;.csv المراد رفعه، ثم اضغط \"رفع الملف واستيراده\"."
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:284
msgid "Tax rates need to be defined with columns in a specific order (10 columns). <a href=\"%s\">Click here to download a sample</a>."
msgstr "الضرائب يجب أن تكون بأعمدة محددة ومرتبة (10 columns). <a href=\"%s\">أضغط هنا لتحميل مثال</a>."
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:292
msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
msgstr "قبل البدء برفع الملف، يجب إصلاح الأعطال التالية:"
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:301
msgid "Choose a file from your computer:"
msgstr "أختر ملف من جهازك:"
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:307
msgid "Maximum size: %s"
msgstr "الحجم الأقصى: %s"
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:312
msgid "OR enter path to file:"
msgstr "أو أدخل مسار الملف"
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:319
msgid "Delimiter"
msgstr "الفاصل"
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:325
msgid "Upload file and import"
msgstr "رفع الملف واستيراده"
#: admin/includes/duplicate_product.php:23
msgid "No product to duplicate has been supplied!"
msgstr "لم يختر منتج لمضاعفته!"
#: admin/includes/duplicate_product.php:43
msgid "Product creation failed, could not find original product:"
msgstr "فشلت إضافة المنتج، لا بوجد منتج أصلي:"
#: admin/includes/duplicate_product.php:90
msgid "(Copy)"
msgstr "(نسخة)"
#: admin/includes/notice-install.php:6
msgid "<strong>Welcome to WooCommerce</strong> &#8211; You're almost ready to start selling :)"
msgstr "<strong>مرحبا إلى WooCommerce</strong> &#8211; يجب أن تكون مستعد للبيع :)"
#: admin/includes/notice-install.php:7
msgid "Install WooCommerce Pages"
msgstr "إعداد صفحات WooCommerce"
#: admin/includes/notice-install.php:7
msgid "Skip setup"
msgstr "تخطي الاعداد"
#: admin/includes/notice-theme-support.php:6
msgid "<strong>Your theme does not declare WooCommerce support</strong> &#8211; if you encounter layout issues please read our integration guide or choose a WooCommerce theme :)"
msgstr "<strong>قالبك الحالي لا يدعم WooCommerce</strong> &#8211; إذا واجهت مشاكل في التصميم رجاءً أقرأ دليل التكامل أو ثبت أحد قوالب WooCommerce :)"
#: admin/includes/notice-theme-support.php:7
msgid "Theme Integration Guide"
msgstr "دليل تكامل القوالب"
#: admin/includes/notice-theme-support.php:7
msgid "Hide this notice"
msgstr "أخف هذا الإشعار"
#: admin/includes/notice-update.php:6
msgid "<strong>Data Update Required</strong> &#8211; We just need to update your install to the latest version"
msgstr "<strong>يجب تحديث البيانات</strong> &#8211; نحن فقط نريدك أن تثبت آخر إصدار"
#: admin/includes/notice-update.php:7
msgid "Run the updater"
msgstr "شغل المحدث"
#: admin/includes/notice-update.php:12
msgid "It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?"
msgstr "يوصى بشدة أن تأخذ نسخة احتياطية من قاعدة بياناتك قبل المتابعة، هل تريد التحديث الآن؟"
#: admin/includes/updates/woocommerce-update-2.0.php:49
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:885
msgctxt "slug"
msgid "product-category"
msgstr "product-category"
#: admin/includes/updates/woocommerce-update-2.0.php:50
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:898
msgctxt "slug"
msgid "product-tag"
msgstr "product-tag"
#: admin/includes/updates/woocommerce-update-2.0.php:58
msgctxt "slug"
msgid "product"
msgstr "product"
#: admin/includes/updates/woocommerce-update-2.0.php:179
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:207
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "lost-password"
msgstr "lost-password"
#: admin/includes/updates/woocommerce-update-2.0.php:179
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:207
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:335
msgid "Lost Password"
msgstr "استرجاع كلمة المرور"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:48
msgid "Welcome to WooCommerce"
msgstr "مرحب إلى WooCommerce"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:135
msgid "Welcome to WooCommerce %s"
msgstr "مرحبا إلى WooCommerce %s"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:140
msgid "Thanks, all done!"
msgstr "شكراً، أكتملت العملية!"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:142
msgid "Thank you for updating to the latest version!"
msgstr "شكراً لتحديثك إلى آخر إصدار!"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:144
msgid "Thanks for installing!"
msgstr "شكراً للتثبيت!"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:146
msgid "%s WooCommerce %s is more powerful, stable, and secure than ever before. We hope you enjoy it."
msgstr "%s WooCommerce %s أكثر قوة، استقرار، وأمان من أي وقت مضى. نأمل أن يعجبك ذلك."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:150
msgid "Version %s"
msgstr "%s"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:153
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:41
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:88
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:278
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "الإعدادات"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:154
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "التوثيق"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:161
msgid "What's New"
msgstr "مالجديد"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:163
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "شكر وتقدير"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:186
msgid "Security in mind"
msgstr "الأمان مهم لنا"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:190
msgid "Sucuri Safe Plugin"
msgstr "إضافة آمنة ومحمية"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:191
msgid "You will be happy to learn that WooCommerce has been audited and certified by the Sucuri Security team. Whilst there is not much to be seen visually to understand the amount of work that went into this audit, rest assured that your website is powered by one of the most powerful and stable eCommerce plugins available."
msgstr "سوف نكون سعيد لمعرفة أن WooCommerce قد تم تدقيقها واعتمادها من قبل فريق الأمن Sucuri. في حين ليس هناك الكثير من الذين يمكنهم العمل والتدقيق للوصول مستوى الحماية المطلوب، أطمئن أن موقعك مدعوم بواحدة من أقوى و إضافات التسوق الإلكتروني المتوفرة."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:194
msgid "A Smoother Admin Experience"
msgstr "سلاسة في الإدارة"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:200
msgid "New Product Panel"
msgstr "لوحة \"المنتج\" جديدة"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:201
msgid "We have revised the product data panel making it cleaner, more streamlined, and more logical. Adding products is a breeze!"
msgstr "قمنا بمراجعة لوحة بيانات المنتج مما يجعلها أخف وأكثر بساطة، وأكثر منطقية. إضافة منتجات سهل!"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:206
msgid "Nicer Order Screens"
msgstr "صفحة طلبات أجمل"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:207
msgid "Order pages have had a cleanup, with a more easily scannable interface. We particularly like the new status icons!"
msgstr "صفحة صفحة الطلبات صارت أجمل، مع واجهة تحكم أسهل، خاصة رموز حالة الطلب الجديدة."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:212
msgid "Multi-Download Support"
msgstr "دعم تعدد المرفقات"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:213
msgid "Products can have multiple downloadable files - purchasers will get access to all the files added."
msgstr "المنتجات ممكن أن تملك أكثر من مرفق (لبيعه) - وسيحصل المشترون على جميع المرفقات."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:218
msgid "Less Taxing Taxes"
msgstr "الضرائب أقل تكلفة"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:224
msgid "New Tax Input Panel"
msgstr "لوحة \" إضافة ضرائب\" جديدة"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:225
msgid "The tax input pages have been streamlined to make inputting taxes simpler - adding multiple taxes for a single jurisdiction is now much easier using the priority system. There is also CSV import/export support."
msgstr "صفحة إضافة الضرائب صارت أبسط لتسهيل إدخال الضرائب - إضافة الضرائب المتعددة لمنطقة واحد صار أسهل بكثير بفضل نظام الأولوية. وهناك أيضا دعم استيراد وتصدير بصيغة CSV."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:229
msgid "Improved Tax Options"
msgstr "تحسين خيارات الضرائب"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:230
msgid "As requested by some users, we now support taxing the billing address instead of shipping (optional), and we allow you to choose which tax class applies to shipping."
msgstr "كما طلب بعض المستخدمين، نحن ندعم الآن فرض ضرائب على عنوان الزبون بدلا من الشحن (اختياري)، كما نسمح لك أن تختار الفئة الضريبة التي تنطبق على الشحن."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:235
msgid "Product Listing Improvements Customers Will Love"
msgstr "تنظيم المنتجات أسهل كما يحب الزبائن"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:241
msgid "New Sorting Options"
msgstr "خيارات ترتيب جديدة"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:242
msgid "Customers can now sort products by popularity and ratings."
msgstr "يمكن للعملاء الآن ترتيب المنتجات حسب الشهرة ودرجات التقييم."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:247
msgid "Better Pagination and Result Counts"
msgstr "تعدد صفحات وعدد نتائج أفضل"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:248
msgid "Numbered pagination has been added to core, and we show the number of results found above the listings."
msgstr "أضيف نظام الصفحات، كما أن عدد النتائج يعرض في رأس القائمة."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:253
msgid "Inline Star Rating Display"
msgstr "عرض تقيم بالنجوم"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:254
msgid "We have added star ratings to the catalog which are pulled from reviews."
msgstr "أضفنا تقييم بالنجوم عند إرسال مراجعة للمنتج."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:262
msgid "Under the Hood"
msgstr "من وراء الكواليس"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:266
msgid "New product classes"
msgstr "فئات منتجات جديدة"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:267
msgid "The product classes have been rewritten and are now factory based. Much more extendable, and easier to query products using the new <code>get_product()</code> function."
msgstr "فئات المتجات تم إعادة كتابتها. أفضل من التوريث، سهولة في الاستعلامات باستخدام الدالة الجديدة <code>get_product()&lrm;</code>."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:271
msgid "Capability overhaul"
msgstr "إصلاح الكفاءة"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:272
msgid "More granular capabilities for admin/shop manager roles covering products, orders and coupons."
msgstr "كفاءة أكثر في لإدارة المنتجات، والطلبات، والقسائم"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:276
msgid "API Improvements"
msgstr "تحسين API"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:277
msgid "<code>WC-API</code> now has real endpoints, and we've optimised the gateways API significantly by only loading gateways when needed."
msgstr "<code>WC-API</code> الآن متكامل، وقد صارت الطلبات أسرع بسبب تحميل البيانات التي ستستخدم فقط."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:283
msgid "Cache-friendly cart widgets"
msgstr "مربع العربة الجانبي أسرع"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:284
msgid "Cart widgets and other \"fragments\" are now pulled in via AJAX - this works wonders with static page caching."
msgstr "مربع العربة الجانبي وباقي \"الأجزاء\" الآن تعدل محتواها عبر AJAX - وهذا أسرع مع التخزين المؤقت للصفحات."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:288
msgid "Session handling"
msgstr "التعامل مع الجلسات"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:289
msgid "PHP SESSIONS have been a problem for many users in the past, so we've developed our own handler using cookies and options to make these more reliable."
msgstr "جلسات PHP كانت تسبب مشاكل لبعض المستخدمين في الماضي، لهذا طورنا نظام خاص عبر الكعكات والخيارات التي تجعل الجلسة أكثر أمانا."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:293
msgid "Retina Ready"
msgstr "تحسين الرسومات"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:294
msgid "All graphics within WC have been optimised for HiDPI displays."
msgstr "جميع الرسومات عدلت لتناسب الشاشات عالية الدقة."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:301
msgid "Better stock handling"
msgstr "تعمال أفضل مع الطلبات"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:302
msgid "We have added an option to hold stock for unpaid orders (defaults to 60mins). When this time limit is reached, and the order is not paid for, stock is released and the order is cancelled."
msgstr "أضفنا خيار للتعامل مع الطلبات الغير مدفوعة (أفتراضيا 60دقيقة) بعدها إذا لم يُدفَع الطلب، سيعاد المنتج ويلغى الطلب."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:306
msgid "Improved Line-item storage"
msgstr "تجسين تخزين العناصر"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:307
msgid "We have changed how order items get stored making them easier (and faster) to access for reporting. Order items are no longer serialised within an order - they are stored within their own table."
msgstr "غيرنا طريقة تخزين عناصر الطلب وجعلناها أسهل (وأسرع) في انشاء تقارير. المنتجات لم تعد تخزن في حقل واحد - صار لها جدول خاص بها."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:311
msgid "Autoload"
msgstr "التحمل التلقائي"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:312
msgid "We have setup autoloading for classes - this has dramatically reduced memory usage in 2.0."
msgstr "عدلنا التحميل التلقائي للكلاسات - - وهذا قد قلل بشكل كبير استخدام الذاكرة في الإصدار 2.0."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:319
msgid "Go to WooCommerce Settings"
msgstr "أذهب لإعدادات WooCommerce"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:337
msgid "WooCommerce is developed and maintained by a worldwide team of passionate individuals and backed by an awesome developer community. Want to see your name? <a href=\"https://github.com/woothemes/woocommerce/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md\">Contribute to WooCommerce</a>."
msgstr "تم تطوير وصيانة WooCommerce بواسطة فريق عمل متطوعين من جميع أنحاء العالم ويدعمها مجتمع مطورين هائل. هل تريد أن ترى اسمك؟ <a href=\"https://github.com/woothemes/woocommerce/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md\">ساهم في WooCommerce</a>&rlm;<sup>(en)</sup>."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:363
msgid "View %s"
msgstr "شاهد %s"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:31
msgid "Make a duplicate from this product"
msgstr "أنسخة من هذا المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:32
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "مضاعفة"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:61
msgid "Copy to a new draft"
msgstr "مضاعفة"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:86
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:297
msgid "Image"
msgstr "الصورة"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:88
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:376
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:470
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:233
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:269
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:307
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:330
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:374
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:399
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:437
msgid "Name"
msgstr "الاسم"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:91
#: admin/post-types/product.php:557
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:52
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:98
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2099
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2135
msgid "SKU"
msgstr "الرمز التعريفي"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:94
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:83
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:63
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:90
msgid "Stock"
msgstr "المخزون"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:96
#: admin/post-types/product.php:568
#: admin/post-types/product.php:789
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:202
msgid "Price"
msgstr "السعر"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:98
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "التصنيف"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:99
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "الوسوم"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:100
#: admin/post-types/product.php:632
#: admin/post-types/product.php:906
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1058
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:450
msgid "Featured"
msgstr "مميز؟"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:101
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:251
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:309
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:386
msgid "Type"
msgstr "النوع"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:102
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:50
msgid "Date"
msgstr "التاريخ"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:151
msgid "Edit this item"
msgstr "تحرير هذا العنصر"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:151
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:140
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:230
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:387
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1061
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:323
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "تحرير"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:152
msgid "Edit this item inline"
msgstr "تحرير سريع بدون مغادرة الصفحة"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:152
msgid "Quick&nbsp;Edit"
msgstr "تحرير سريع"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:156
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:65
msgid "Restore this item from the Trash"
msgstr "استعادة هذا العنصر من سلة المهملات"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:156
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:65
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "استعادة"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:158
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:67
msgid "Move this item to the Trash"
msgstr "نقل إلى سلة المهملات"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:158
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:67
msgid "Trash"
msgstr "سلة المهملات"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:160
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:69
msgid "Delete this item permanently"
msgstr "حذف هذا العنصر بشكل دائم"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:160
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:69
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:463
msgid "Delete Permanently"
msgstr "حذف بشكل دائم"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:165
msgid "Preview &#8220;%s&#8221;"
msgstr "معاينة &#8220;%s&#8221;"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:165
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "معاينة"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:167
msgid "View &#8220;%s&#8221;"
msgstr "عرض &#8220;%s&#8221;"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:167
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:171
msgid "View"
msgstr "عرض"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:214
msgid "Grouped"
msgstr "مجموعة"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:216
msgid "External/Affiliate"
msgstr "خارجي ذو صلة"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:220
#: admin/post-types/product.php:407
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:174
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:52
msgid "Virtual"
msgstr "خدمة"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:222
#: admin/post-types/product.php:403
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:172
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:58
msgid "Downloadable"
msgstr "به مرفقات"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:224
msgid "Simple"
msgstr "عادي"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:228
#: admin/post-types/product.php:387
msgid "Variable"
msgstr "متغير"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:251
msgid "Toggle featured"
msgstr "تغيير التميز"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:253
msgid "yes"
msgstr "نعم"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:255
msgid "no"
msgstr "لا"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:262
#: admin/post-types/product.php:641
#: admin/post-types/product.php:930
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:231
msgid "In stock"
msgstr "متوفر"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:264
#: admin/post-types/product.php:642
#: admin/post-types/product.php:931
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:232
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2119
msgid "Out of stock"
msgstr "نفد"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:373
msgid "Show all product types"
msgstr "عرض كل أنواع المنتجات"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:381
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:39
msgid "Grouped product"
msgstr "مجموعة"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:383
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:40
msgid "External/Affiliate product"
msgstr "منتجات خارجية"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:385
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:38
msgid "Simple product"
msgstr "المنتجات العادية"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:399
msgid "Show all sub-types"
msgstr "عرض كل الأنواع الفرعية"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:520
msgid "[%s with SKU of %s]"
msgstr "[%s رمزه التعريفي هو %s]"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:526
msgid "[%s with ID of %d]"
msgstr "[%s معرفه هو %d]"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:552
#: admin/post-types/product.php:783
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:46
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:508
msgid "Product Data"
msgstr "معلومات المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:570
msgid "Regular price"
msgstr "السعر الأصلي"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:575
#: admin/post-types/product.php:813
msgid "Sale"
msgstr "سعر العرض"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:577
msgid "Sale price"
msgstr "سعر العرض"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:588
#: admin/post-types/product.php:839
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:96
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:84
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:273
msgid "Weight"
msgstr "الوزن"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:599
#: admin/post-types/product.php:863
msgid "L/W/H"
msgstr "طول\\عرض\\ارتفاع"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:601
#: admin/post-types/product.php:879
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:85
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:286
msgid "Length"
msgstr "الطول"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:602
#: admin/post-types/product.php:880
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:86
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:287
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:797
msgid "Width"
msgstr "العرض"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:603
#: admin/post-types/product.php:881
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:87
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:288
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:799
msgid "Height"
msgstr "الارتفاع"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:613
#: admin/post-types/product.php:887
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "عرض في"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:618
#: admin/post-types/product.php:893
msgid "Catalog &amp; search"
msgstr "القائمة و البحث"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:619
#: admin/post-types/product.php:894
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1047
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:46
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:183
msgid "Catalog"
msgstr "قائمة المنتجات"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:620
#: admin/post-types/product.php:895
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1048
msgid "Search"
msgstr "البحث"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:621
#: admin/post-types/product.php:896
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1049
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "مخفي"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:636
#: admin/post-types/product.php:924
msgid "In stock?"
msgstr "متوفر؟"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:657
#: admin/post-types/product.php:942
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:212
msgid "Manage stock?"
msgstr "تحديد الكمية؟"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:661
#: admin/post-types/product.php:961
#: admin/post-types/product.php:977
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:219
msgid "Stock Qty"
msgstr "الكمية"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:794
#: admin/post-types/product.php:818
#: admin/post-types/product.php:844
#: admin/post-types/product.php:868
#: admin/post-types/product.php:892
#: admin/post-types/product.php:911
#: admin/post-types/product.php:929
#: admin/post-types/product.php:947
#: admin/post-types/product.php:966
msgid "— No Change —"
msgstr "— كما هو —"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:795
#: admin/post-types/product.php:819
#: admin/post-types/product.php:845
#: admin/post-types/product.php:869
#: admin/post-types/product.php:967
msgid "Change to:"
msgstr "تغيير إلى:"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:796
#: admin/post-types/product.php:820
msgid "Increase by (fixed amount or %):"
msgstr "زيادة بمقدار (عدد عشري أو %):"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:797
#: admin/post-types/product.php:821
msgid "Decrease by (fixed amount or %):"
msgstr "انقاص بمقدار (عدد عشري أو %):"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:807
#: admin/post-types/product.php:832
msgid "Enter price"
msgstr "ادخل سعر"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:822
msgid "Decrease regular price by (fixed amount or %):"
msgstr "انقص السعر الأصلي بمقدار (عدد عشري أو %):"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:912
#: admin/post-types/product.php:948
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:190
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:122
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:286
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "نعم"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:913
#: admin/post-types/product.php:949
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:192
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:122
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:286
msgid "No"
msgstr "لا"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:1183
msgid "Sort Products"
msgstr "ترتيب المنتجات"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:1222
msgid "Insert into product"
msgstr "أدراج في المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:1223
msgid "Uploaded to this product"
msgstr "تحديث المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:25
msgid "Code"
msgstr "الرمز"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:26
msgid "Coupon type"
msgstr "نوع القسيمة"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:27
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:45
msgid "Coupon amount"
msgstr "قيمة القسيمة"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:28
msgid "Description"
msgstr "الوصف"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:29
msgid "Product IDs"
msgstr "معرفات المنتجات"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:30
msgid "Usage / Limit"
msgstr "استخدام \\ العدد"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:31
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:158
msgid "Expiry date"
msgstr "تاريخ الانتهاء"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:56
msgid "Edit coupon"
msgstr "تحرير القسيمة"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:114
msgid "%s / %s"
msgstr "%s \\ %s"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:116
msgid "%s / &infin;"
msgstr "%s \\ &infin;"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:149
msgid "Show all types"
msgstr "عرض كل الأنواع"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:43
#: admin/settings/settings-payment-gateways.php:29
#: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:31
msgid "Status"
msgstr "الحالة"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:44
msgid "Order"
msgstr "الطلب"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:45
msgid "Billing"
msgstr "الزبون"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:46
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:539
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:81
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:52
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:49
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:187
msgid "Shipping"
msgstr "الشحن"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:47
msgid "Order Total"
msgstr "مجموع الطلب"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:48
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:71
msgid "Order Notes"
msgstr "ملاحظات الطلب"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:49
msgid "Customer Notes"
msgstr "ملاحظات الزبون"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:51
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:386
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:433
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "الاجراءات"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:95
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:93
msgid "Guest"
msgstr "زائر"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:98
msgid "Order %s"
msgstr "الطلب %s"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:98
msgid "made by"
msgstr "بواسطة"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:101
msgid "Email:"
msgstr "البريد الإلكتروني:"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:104
msgid "Tel:"
msgstr "الهاتف:"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:114
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:123
msgid "Via"
msgstr "عبر"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:131
msgid "Unpublished"
msgstr "غير منشور"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:133
msgid "Y/m/d g:i:s A"
msgstr "Y/m/d g:i:s A"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:139
msgid "%s ago"
msgstr "منذ %s"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:141
msgid "Y/m/d"
msgstr "Y/m/d"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:158
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:176
msgid "Processing"
msgstr "جار العمل عليه"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:165
msgid "Complete"
msgstr "مكتمل"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:282
msgid "Show all statuses"
msgstr "مشاهدة جميع الحالات"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:301
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:326
msgid "Show all customers"
msgstr "شاهد جميع الزبائن"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-download-permission-html.php:6
msgid "Revoke Access"
msgstr "إزالة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-download-permission-html.php:7
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:7
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:369
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:463
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:439
msgid "Click to toggle"
msgstr "أضغط للتبديل"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-download-permission-html.php:9
msgid "File %d: %s"
msgstr "الملف %d: %s"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-download-permission-html.php:9
msgid "Downloaded %s time"
msgid_plural "Downloaded %s times"
msgstr[0] "لم يحمل"
msgstr[1] "حمل مرة واحدة"
msgstr[2] "حمل مرتين"
msgstr[3] "حمل %s مرات"
msgstr[4] "حمل %s مرةً"
msgstr[5] "حمل %s مرة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-download-permission-html.php:16
msgid "Downloads Remaining"
msgstr "حد التحميلات"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-download-permission-html.php:19
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:149
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:157
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:158
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr "غير محدود (&infin;)"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-download-permission-html.php:22
msgid "Access Expires"
msgstr "jhvo hgYkjihx"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-download-permission-html.php:23
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:164
msgid "Never"
msgstr "لا ينتهي"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-fee-html.php:10
msgid "Fee Name"
msgstr "اسم الرسوم"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-fee-html.php:17
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-item-html.php:89
msgid "Tax class"
msgstr "فئة الضريبة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-fee-html.php:19
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-tax-html.php:8
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:561
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:666
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1658
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2671
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2680
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:90
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:112
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "ليس قيمة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-fee-html.php:20
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:179
msgid "Taxable"
msgstr "خاضع للضريبة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-fee-html.php:25
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-item-html.php:96
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:54
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:186
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:972
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:29
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:228
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "قياسي"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-fee-html.php:43
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-item-html.php:115
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1562
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1615
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2386
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2555
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2633
msgid "Total"
msgstr "المجموع"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-item-html.php:10
msgid "Product ID:"
msgstr "معرف المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-item-html.php:13
msgid "Variation ID:"
msgstr "معرف النوع"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-item-html.php:16
msgid "Product SKU:"
msgstr "الرمز التعريفي"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-item-html.php:44
msgid "Add&nbsp;meta"
msgstr "إضافة&nbsp;معلومات"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-item-html.php:117
msgid "Subtotal"
msgstr "المجموع الأصلي"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-tax-html.php:6
msgid "Tax Rate:"
msgstr "الضرائب:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-tax-html.php:16
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:630
msgid "Sales Tax:"
msgstr "ضرائب البيع:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-tax-html.php:20
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:638
msgid "Shipping Tax:"
msgstr "ضرائب الشحن:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:6
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:368
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:462
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:438
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "إزالة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:20
msgid "Any"
msgstr "أي"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:52
msgid "Enter a SKU for this variation or leave blank to use the parent product SKU."
msgstr "أدخل رمز تعريف لهذا النوع أو أتركه فارغ لاستخدام رمز المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:63
msgid "Stock Qty:"
msgstr "الكمية:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:63
msgid "Enter a quantity to enable stock management at variation level, or leave blank to use the parent product's options."
msgstr "أدخل الكمية لتمكين تحديد كميات النوع، أو دعها فارغة لاستعمال اعدادات المنتج الأصلي."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:72
msgid "Regular Price:"
msgstr "السعر الأصلي:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:73
msgid "Variation price (required)"
msgstr "سعر النوع (مطلوب)"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:76
msgid "Sale Price:"
msgstr "سعر العرض:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:76
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:125
msgid "Schedule"
msgstr "جدولة عرض"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:76
msgid "Cancel schedule"
msgstr "إلغاء الجدولة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:83
msgid "Sale start date:"
msgstr "وقت بدأ العرض:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:84
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:136
msgctxt "placeholder"
msgid "From&hellip;"
msgstr "من&hellip;"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:87
msgid "Sale end date:"
msgstr "وقت نهاية العرض:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:88
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:137
msgctxt "placeholder"
msgid "To&hellip;"
msgstr "إلى&hellip;"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:96
msgid "Enter a weight for this variation or leave blank to use the parent product weight."
msgstr "أدخل وزن النوع أو دعه فارغ لاستخدام إعدادات المنتج الأصلي"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:104
msgid "Dimensions (L&times;W&times;H)"
msgstr "الأبعاد (ط×ع×ار)"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:115
msgid "Shipping class:"
msgstr "فئة الشحن:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:119
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:53
msgid "Same as parent"
msgstr "مثل المنتج الأصلي"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:130
msgid "Tax class:"
msgstr "فئة الضريبة:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:141
msgid "File paths:"
msgstr "مسارات الملفات:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:141
msgid "Enter one or more File Paths, one per line, to make this variation a downloadable product, or leave blank."
msgstr "أدخل واحد أو أكثر من المسارات، واحد لكل سطر، لتجعل النوع به مرفقات أو أتركه فارغ."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:142
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:153
msgid "File paths/URLs, one per line"
msgstr "مسارات الملفات\\الروابط، واحد لكل سطر"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:143
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:154
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr "أختر ملف"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:143
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "رفع"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:143
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:154
msgid "Insert file URL"
msgstr "أدرج الرابط"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:148
msgid "Download Limit:"
msgstr "حد التحميلات"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:148
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:158
msgid "Leave blank for unlimited re-downloads."
msgstr "أتركه فارغ لعدد غير محدود من التحميلات."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:156
msgid "Download Expiry:"
msgstr "وقت نهاية التحميل"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:156
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:164
msgid "Enter the number of days before a download link expires, or leave blank."
msgstr "أكتب عدد الأيام قبل تعطيل رابط التحميل، أو أتركه فارغ"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:170
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "استخدام"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:172
msgid "Enable this option if access is given to a downloadable file upon purchase of a product"
msgstr "مكن هذا الخيار لتتمكن من أرفاق ملفات للنوع"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:174
msgid "Enable this option if a product is not shipped or there is no shipping cost"
msgstr "مكن هذا الخيار للخدمات، ما يميز الخدمات أنها لا تشحن"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:37
msgid "Coupon description"
msgstr "وصف القسيمة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:37
msgid "Optionally enter a description for this coupon for your reference."
msgstr "يمكنك إضافة وصف للقسيمة لتتذكرها، لأن الاسم في الأعلى هو رمز القسيمة."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:42
msgid "Discount type"
msgstr "نوع الخصم"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:45
msgid "Value of the coupon."
msgstr "قيمة القسيمة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:51
msgid "Enable free shipping"
msgstr "مكن الشحن المجاني"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:51
msgid "Check this box if the coupon grants free shipping. The <a href=\"%s\">free shipping method</a> must be enabled with the \"must use coupon\" setting checked."
msgstr "مكن هذا الخيار إذا كانت القسيمة تضمن شحن مجاني. يجب تفعيل خيار <a href=\"%s\">الشحن المجاني</a> وأختيار متطلب به قسيمة."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:54
msgid "Individual use"
msgstr "الاستخدام الفردي"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:54
msgid "Check this box if the coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons."
msgstr "فعل هذا الخيار إذا كانت القسيمة لا يمكن استخدامه مع قسيمة أخرى."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:57
msgid "Apply before tax"
msgstr "أحسب قبل الضريبة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:57
msgid "Check this box if the coupon should be applied before calculating cart tax."
msgstr "فعل هذا الخيار إذا كانت القسيمة تحسب قبل الضريبة."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:60
msgid "Exclude sale items"
msgstr "منع مع العروض"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:60
msgid "Check this box if the coupon should not apply to items on sale. Per-item coupons will only work if the item is not on sale. Per-cart coupons will only work if there are no sale items in the cart."
msgstr "فعل هذا الخيار لمنع تفعيل القسيمة إذا وجد عرض على المنتج. في قسائم المنتجات تمنع القسيمة إذا كان المنتج عليه عرض. وفي قسائم العربات تمنع القسيمة إذا وجد منتج عليه عرض."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:65
msgid "Minimum amount"
msgstr "أقل تكلفة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:65
msgid "No minimum"
msgstr "بلا قيمة صغرى"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:65
msgid "This field allows you to set the minimum subtotal needed to use the coupon."
msgstr "هذا الخيار لتعيين أقل قيمة تعمل القسيمة عليها."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:74
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:28
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:122
msgid "Products"
msgstr "المنتجات"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:75
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:400
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:523
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:540
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1245
msgid "Search for a product&hellip;"
msgstr "أبحث عن منتج&hellip;"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:89
msgid "Products which need to be in the cart to use this coupon or, for \"Product Discounts\", which products are discounted."
msgstr "المنتجات التي يجب تواجدها في السلة لتعمل القسيمة، أو المنتجات التي عليها خصم في حال كانت قسيمة منتجات."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:94
msgid "Exclude products"
msgstr "المنتجات المستبعدة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:95
msgid "Search for a product…"
msgstr "أبحث عن منتج..."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:109
msgid "Products which must not be in the cart to use this coupon or, for \"Product Discounts\", which products are not discounted."
msgstr "المنتجات الذي لا يجب أن توجد في العربة ليعمل الخصم، أو المنتجات التي لا تخصم بقسيمة المنتجات."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:116
msgid "Product categories"
msgstr "تصنيفات المنتجات"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:117
msgid "Any category"
msgstr "أي تصنيف"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:125
msgid "A product must be in this category for the coupon to remain valid or, for \"Product Discounts\", products in these categories will be discounted."
msgstr "المنتجات في العربة يجب أن تكون من هذه التصنيفات، أو قسيمة المنتجات تخصم جميع منتجات هذه التصنيفات."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:130
msgid "Exclude categories"
msgstr "التصنيفات المستبعدة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:131
msgid "No categories"
msgstr "لا تصنيفات"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:139
msgid "Product must not be in this category for the coupon to remain valid or, for \"Product Discounts\", products in these categories will not be discounted."
msgstr "المنتجات في العربة يجب أن <b>ﻻ</b> تكون من هذه التصنيفات، أو قسيمة المنتجات <b>ﻻ</b> تخصم من منتجات هذه التصنيفات."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:145
msgid "Email restrictions"
msgstr "عناوين البريد للمالكين"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:145
msgid "No restrictions"
msgstr "جميع العناوين"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:145
msgid "List of emails to check against the customer's billing email when an order is placed."
msgstr "قائمة عناوين البريد الإلكتروني لمالكي القسائم، (التأكد يتم في مرحلة المحاسبة)"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:152
msgid "Usage limit"
msgstr "مرات الاستخدام"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:152
msgctxt "placeholder"
msgid "Unlimited usage"
msgstr "استخدام غير محدود (&infin;)"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:152
msgid "How many times this coupon can be used before it is void."
msgstr "كم مرة يمكن أن تستخدم القسيمة قبل تعطيلها."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:158
msgctxt "placeholder"
msgid "Never expire"
msgstr "لا تنتهي"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:158
msgid "The date this coupon will expire, <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code>."
msgstr "بعد هذا التاريخ تعطل القسيمة، أكتب بالصيغة <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code>."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:195
msgid "Coupon code already exists - customers will use the latest coupon with this code."
msgstr "رمز القسيمة موجود بالفعل - سيفعل هذا الرمز أحدث قسيمة موجودة له."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:59
msgid "Order Details"
msgstr "معلومات الطلب"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:62
msgid "Order number"
msgstr "الطلب رقم:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:67
msgid "Customer IP:"
msgstr "IP الخاص بالزبون"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:74
msgid "General Details"
msgstr "معلومات عامة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:76
msgid "Order status:"
msgstr "حالة الطلب:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:86
msgid "Order Date:"
msgstr "تاريخ الطلب:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:87
msgid "h"
msgstr "س"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:87
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:567
msgid "m"
msgstr "د"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:91
msgid "Customer:"
msgstr "الزبون:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:131
msgid "Customer Note:"
msgstr "ملاحظات الزبون:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:132
msgid "Customer's notes about the order"
msgstr "ملاحظات الزبون على الطلب"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:140
msgid "Billing Details"
msgstr "بيانات المشتري"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:144
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:234
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "الاسم الأول"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:148
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:238
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "العائلة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:152
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:242
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:155
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:204
msgid "Company"
msgstr "الشركة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:156
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:246
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:159
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:208
msgid "Address 1"
msgstr "العنوان 1"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:160
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:250
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:163
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:212
msgid "Address 2"
msgstr "العنوان 2"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:164
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:254
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:42
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:167
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:216
msgid "City"
msgstr "المدينة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:168
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:258
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:171
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:220
msgid "Postcode"
msgstr "الرمز البريدي"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:172
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:262
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:179
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:228
msgid "Country"
msgstr "الدولة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:175
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:265
msgid "Select a country&hellip;"
msgstr "أختر دولة&hellip;"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:178
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:268
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:175
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:224
msgid "State/County"
msgstr "الولاية\\المحافظة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:182
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:187
msgid "Email"
msgstr "البريد الإلكتروني"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:185
msgid "Phone"
msgstr "الهاتف"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:193
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:195
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:277
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:279
msgid "Address"
msgstr "العنوان"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:195
msgid "No billing address set."
msgstr "لم تحدد بيانات الزبون."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:208
msgid "Load billing address"
msgstr "النسخ من بيانات الزبون"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:230
msgid "Shipping Details"
msgstr "بيانات الشحن"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:279
msgid "No shipping address set."
msgstr "لم تحدد بيانات الشحن."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:292
msgid "Load shipping address"
msgstr "النسخ من بيانات الزبون"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:292
msgid "Copy from billing"
msgstr "النسخ من بيانات المشتري"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:339
msgid "Item"
msgstr "العنصر"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:344
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:191
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
msgid "Tax Class"
msgstr "فئة الضرائب"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:344
msgid "Tax class for the line item"
msgstr "فئة الضرائب لهذا العنص"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:347
msgid "Qty"
msgstr "الكمية"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:349
msgid "Totals"
msgstr "المجموع"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:349
msgid "Line subtotals are before pre-tax discounts, totals are after."
msgstr "المجموع الأصلي هو السعر قبل الخصومات (وقبل حساب الضرائب)، والمجموع فهو بعد الخصومات."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:352
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:387
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:475
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:48
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:186
msgid "Tax"
msgstr "الضريبة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:388
msgid "Delete Lines"
msgstr "حذف العنصر"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:390
msgid "Stock Actions"
msgstr "إجرائات المخزن"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:391
msgid "Reduce Line Stock"
msgstr "تقليل الكمية"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:392
msgid "Increase Line Stock"
msgstr "زيادة الكمية"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:396
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:456
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "تطبيق"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:402
msgid "Add item(s)"
msgstr "إضافة عنصر\\عناصر"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:403
msgid "Add fee"
msgstr "إضافة رسوم"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:434
msgid "Resend order emails"
msgstr "إرسال الطلب بالبريد الإلكتروني"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:465
msgid "Move to Trash"
msgstr "نقل لسلة المهملات"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:470
msgid "Save Order"
msgstr "حفظ الطلب"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:470
msgid "Save/update the order"
msgstr "حفظ\\تحديث الطلب"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:498
msgid "Discounts"
msgstr "الخصومات"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:502
msgid "Cart Discount:"
msgstr "خصومات العربة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:502
msgid "Discounts before tax - calculated by comparing subtotals to totals."
msgstr "الخصومات قبل الضرائب - تحسب بمقارنة السعر الأصلي مع السعر."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:510
msgid "Order Discount:"
msgstr "خصومات الطلب:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:510
msgid "Discounts after tax - user defined."
msgstr "الخصومات بعد حساب الضريبة - يحددها المستخدم."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:543
msgid "Label:"
msgstr "التسمية:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:544
msgid "The shipping title the customer sees"
msgstr "عنوان الشحن الذي يراه الزبائن"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:551
msgid "Cost:"
msgstr "التكلفة:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:552
msgid "(ex. tax)"
msgstr "(كمقابل)"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:559
msgid "Method:"
msgstr "الطريقة:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:581
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:583
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:682
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:684
msgid "Other"
msgstr "أخرى"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:597
msgid "Tax Rows"
msgstr "ضرائب إضافية"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:622
msgid "+ Add tax row"
msgstr "+ إضافة ضريبة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:622
msgid "These rows contain taxes for this order. This allows you to display multiple or compound taxes rather than a single total."
msgstr "هذه الضرائب تكون خاصة بهذا الطلب. وهي تسمح لك بتطبيق ضريبة على مكان معين أو تطبيق ضرائب متعددة."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:626
msgid "Tax Totals"
msgstr "مجموع الضرائب"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:630
msgid "Total tax for line items + fees."
msgstr "مجموع الضرائب للعناصر والعمولات."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:652
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:70
msgid "Order Totals"
msgstr "تكاليف الطلب"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:656
msgid "Order Total:"
msgstr "سعر الطلب"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:664
msgid "Payment Method:"
msgstr "طريقة الدفع:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:695
msgid "Calc taxes"
msgstr "حساب الضرائب"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:697
msgid "Calc totals"
msgstr "مساب السعر"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:57
msgid "Choose a downloadable product&hellip;"
msgstr "أختر منتج به مرفق&hellip;"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:87
msgid "Grant Access"
msgstr "السماح بالتحميل"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:125
msgid "Could not grant access - the user may already have permission for this file or billing email is not set. Ensure the billing email is set, and the order has been saved."
msgstr "لا يمكن السماح - أما أن المستخدم يمكنه التحميل بالفعل أو أن البريد الإلكتروني لم يحدد، تأكد من البريد ثم أحفظ الطلب."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:148
msgid "Are you sure you want to revoke access to this download?"
msgstr "هل تريد منع تحميل هذا الملف بالفعل؟"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:44
msgid "added %s ago"
msgstr "أضيف منذ %s"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:44
msgid "Delete note"
msgstr "حذف الملاحظة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:50
msgid "There are no notes for this order yet."
msgstr "لا يوجد ملاحظات لهذا الطلب بعد."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:56
msgid "Add note"
msgstr "إضافة ملاحظة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:56
msgid "Add a note for your reference, or add a customer note (the user will be notified)."
msgstr "تستخدم الملاحظات الخاصة لتذكيرك، أو ملاحظات الزبون لتنبيهه."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:62
msgid "Customer note"
msgstr "ملاحظة زبون"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:63
msgid "Private note"
msgstr "ملاحظة خاصة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:65
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:501
msgid "Add"
msgstr "إضافة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:23
msgid "Variations for variable products are defined here."
msgstr "أنواع المنتج المتغير تحدد هنا."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:23
msgid "Variations"
msgstr "الأنواع"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:65
msgid "Before adding variations, add and save some attributes on the <strong>Attributes</strong> tab."
msgstr "قبل إضافة الأنواع، أضف بعض الصفات من لسان <strong>الصفات</strong>."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:67
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr "معرفة المزيد"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:74
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:329
msgid "Close all"
msgstr "أغلق الكل"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:74
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:329
msgid "Expand all"
msgstr "أفتح الكل"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:75
msgid "Bulk edit:"
msgstr "تعديل الكل:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:77
msgid "Toggle &quot;Enabled&quot;"
msgstr "عكس &quot;الاستخدام&quot;"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:78
msgid "Toggle &quot;Downloadable&quot;"
msgstr "عكس &quot;به مرفق&quot;"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:79
msgid "Toggle &quot;Virtual&quot;"
msgstr "عكس &quot;خدمة&quot;"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:80
msgid "Delete all variations"
msgstr "حذف جميع الأنواع"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:81
msgid "Prices"
msgstr "الأسعار"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:82
msgid "Sale prices"
msgstr "العروض"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:88
msgid "File Path"
msgstr "مسار المرفق"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:89
msgid "Download limit"
msgstr "حدود التحميل"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:90
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:164
msgid "Download Expiry"
msgstr "تاريخ نهاية التحميل"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:93
msgid "Go"
msgstr "نفِّذ"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:193
msgid "Add Variation"
msgstr "إضافة نوع"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:195
msgid "Link all variations"
msgstr "إضافة جميع تركيبات الأنواع الممكنة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:197
msgid "Default selections:"
msgstr "النوع الإفتراضي"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:210
msgid "No default"
msgstr "بلا أفتراضيات"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:299
msgid "Are you sure you want to link all variations? This will create a new variation for each and every possible combination of variation attributes (max 50 per run)."
msgstr "هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في إضافة الجميع التركيبات الممكنة؟ هذا سينشأ نوع لكل تركيبات لصفات المنتج (أقصى حد 50 لكل مرة)."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:316
msgid "variation added"
msgstr "التركيب أضيف"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:318
msgid "variations added"
msgstr "التركيبات أضيفت"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:320
msgid "No variations added"
msgstr "لا تركيبات لإضافتها"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:343
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this variation?"
msgstr "هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في إزالة هذا النوع؟"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:399
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all variations? This cannot be undone."
msgstr "هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في إزالة جميع النوع؟ هذا لا يمكن التراجع عنه"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:402
msgid "Last warning, are you sure?"
msgstr "آخر سؤال، هل أنت متأكد؟"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:439
msgid "Enter a value"
msgstr "أدخل قيمة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:517
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:62
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:154
msgid "Choose an image"
msgstr "أختر صورة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:519
msgid "Set variation image"
msgstr "تحديد كصورة المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:563
msgid "Variable product"
msgstr "منتج متغير"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:629
msgid "Variation #%s of %s"
msgstr "النوع #%s من %s"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:43
msgid "Product Type"
msgstr "نوع المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:53
msgid "Virtual products are intangible and aren't shipped."
msgstr "الخدمات هي منتجات غير ملموسة ولا تشحن."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:59
msgid "Downloadable products give access to a file upon purchase."
msgstr "المنتجات التي بها مرفقات تمكنك من بيع الملفات."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:77
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:44
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:182
msgid "General"
msgstr "عام"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:79
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:47
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:185
msgid "Inventory"
msgstr "المخزون"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:83
msgid "Linked Products"
msgstr "المنتجات ذات صلة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:85
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:299
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:66
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "الصفات"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:87
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "المزيد"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:98
msgid "Stock Keeping Unit"
msgstr "الرمز التعريفي"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:98
msgid "SKU refers to a Stock-keeping unit, a unique identifier for each distinct product and service that can be purchased."
msgstr "رزم الرمز التعريفي، هو رمز لا يتكرر لأي منتج أو خدمة يمكن بيعها."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:109
msgid "Product URL"
msgstr "رابط المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:109
msgid "Enter the external URL to the product."
msgstr "إضافة رابط مكان بيع المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:112
msgid "Button text"
msgstr "نص الزر"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:112
msgctxt "placeholder"
msgid "Buy product"
msgstr "شراء المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:112
msgid "This text will be shown on the button linking to the external product."
msgstr "هذا النص سيرى على الزر الذي يقود لمكان بيع المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:119
msgid "Regular Price"
msgstr "السعر الأصلي"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:125
msgid "Sale Price"
msgstr "سعر العرض"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:135
msgid "Sale Price Dates"
msgstr "زمن العرض"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:138
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1082
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "إلغاء"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:152
msgid "File paths (one per line)"
msgstr "مسارات الروابط (واحد لك سطر)"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:158
msgid "Download Limit"
msgstr "حد التجميل"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:178
msgid "Tax Status"
msgstr "حالة الضريبة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:180
msgid "Shipping only"
msgstr "للشحن فقط"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:181
msgid "None"
msgstr "بدون"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:212
msgid "Enable stock management at product level"
msgstr "تمكين إدارة الكمية وإنقاص الكمية عند الشراء"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:219
msgid "Stock quantity. If this is a variable product this value will be used to control stock for all variations, unless you define stock at variation level."
msgstr "الكمية. إذا كان منتج متغير ستكون هذه كمية عامة بجميع اﻷنواع التي لا تحدد كميتها"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:230
msgid "Stock status"
msgstr "حالة المخزون"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:233
msgid "Controls whether or not the product is listed as \"in stock\" or \"out of stock\" on the frontend."
msgstr "التحكم في عرض المنتجات على أنها \"متوفرة\" أو \"نفدت\"."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:240
msgid "Allow Backorders?"
msgstr "كمية سالبة؟"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:241
msgid "Do not allow"
msgstr "لا"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:242
msgid "Allow, but notify customer"
msgstr "نعم، مع تنبيه الزبون"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:243
msgid "Allow"
msgstr "نعم"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:244
msgid "If managing stock, this controls whether or not backorders are allowed for this product and variations. If enabled, stock quantity can go below 0."
msgstr "إذا كان مفعل، ممكن أن تقل الكمية عن الصفر"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:255
msgid "Sold Individually"
msgstr "بيع واحد فقط"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:255
msgid "Enable this to only allow one of this item to be bought in a single order"
msgstr "بتمكين هذا الخيار لا يمكن بيع أكثر من واحد من هذا المنتج في كل طلب"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:273
msgid "Weight in decimal form"
msgstr "الوزن بالأرقام"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:284
msgid "Dimensions"
msgstr "الأبعاد"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:290
msgid "LxWxH in decimal form"
msgstr "الطول والعرض والارتفاع بالأرقام"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:311
msgid "No shipping class"
msgstr "بدون فئة شحن"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:317
msgid "Shipping class"
msgstr "فئة الشحن"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:317
msgid "Shipping classes are used by certain shipping methods to group similar products."
msgstr "تستخدم فئات الشحن لتحديد طرق شحن مجموعة متشابهة من المنتجات."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:384
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:476
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:440
msgid "Value(s)"
msgstr "القيمة\\القيم"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:386
msgid "Select terms"
msgstr "تحديد قيمة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:398
msgid "Select all"
msgstr "تحديد الكل"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:398
msgid "Select none"
msgstr "مسح الكل"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:400
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "إضافة المزيد"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:413
msgid "Pipe (|) separate terms"
msgstr "العمود (|) يفصل القيم"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:427
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:482
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:442
msgid "Visible on the product page"
msgstr "عرض في صفحة المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:440
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:488
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:443
msgid "Used for variations"
msgstr "تستخدم في الأنواع"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:477
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:441
msgid "Enter some text, or some attributes by pipe (|) separating values."
msgstr "أدخل بعض القيم، العمود (|) يفصل القيم"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:503
msgid "Custom product attribute"
msgstr "صفة خاصة بالمنتج"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:515
msgid "Save attributes"
msgstr "حفظ الصفات"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:522
msgid "Up-Sells"
msgstr "منتجات أفضل"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:537
msgid "Up-sells are products which you recommend instead of the currently viewed product, for example, products that are more profitable or better quality or more expensive."
msgstr "هذه المنتجات التي ينصح بشرائها نيابة عن هذا المنتج كونها أحدث أو أكثر كفاءة."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:539
msgid "Cross-Sells"
msgstr "المنتجات المكملة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:554
msgid "Cross-sells are products which you promote in the cart, based on the current product."
msgstr "هذه المنتجات ينصح بها مع هذه المنتج كونهم مجموعة واحدة مثلا."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:564
msgid "Choose a grouped product&hellip;"
msgstr "أختر مجموعة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:590
msgid "Grouping"
msgstr "المجموعة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:590
msgid "Set this option to make this product part of a grouped product."
msgstr "يستخدم هذا الخيار لجعل المنتج جزء من مجموعة منتجات"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:610
msgid "Purchase Note"
msgstr "ملاحظات البيع"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:610
msgid "Enter an optional note to send the customer after purchase."
msgstr "أدخل أي ملاحظة لترسل للزبون وقت الشراء."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:617
msgid "Menu order"
msgstr "ترتيب المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:617
msgid "Custom ordering position."
msgstr "الترتيب المخصص للعناصر (في العربة)"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:625
msgid "Enable reviews"
msgstr "تمكين مراجعات الزوار"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:714
msgid "Product SKU must be unique."
msgstr "رمز تعريف"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1046
msgid "Catalog/search"
msgstr "القائمة\\البحث"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1053
msgid "Catalog visibility:"
msgstr "عرض المنتج في:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1069
msgid "Define the loops this product should be visible in. The product will still be accessible directly."
msgstr "تحديد الأماكن التي يعرض المنتج فيها، الرابط المباشر يعمل ولا يتأثر بهذا الخيار."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1075
msgid "Enable this option to feature this product."
msgstr "فعل هذا الخيار للمنتجات المميزة."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1077
msgid "Featured Product"
msgstr "منتج مميز."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1081
msgid "OK"
msgstr "موافق"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_images.php:43
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_images.php:103
msgid "Delete image"
msgstr "حذف الصورة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_images.php:43
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_images.php:103
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:323
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "حذف"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_images.php:54
msgid "Add product gallery images"
msgstr "إضافة صور لمعرض المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_images.php:80
msgid "Add Images to Product Gallery"
msgstr "إضافة صور لمعرض المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_images.php:82
msgid "Add to gallery"
msgstr "إضافة للمعرض"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:47
msgid "Product Gallery"
msgstr "معرض المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:55
msgid "Product Short Description"
msgstr "الوصف القصير للمنتج"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:64
msgid "Reviews"
msgstr "المراجعات"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:68
msgid "Order Data"
msgstr "تاريخ الطلب"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:69
msgid "Order Items"
msgstr "عناصر الطلب"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:69
msgid "Note: if you edit quantities or remove items from the order you will need to manually update stock levels."
msgstr "ملاحظة: إذا حذفت عناصر من الطلب أو غير الكميات يجب أن تعدل الكيات التي في المخزن يدويا."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:72
msgid "Downloadable Product Permissions"
msgstr "صلاحيات تحميل المرفقات"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:72
msgid "Note: Permissions for order items will automatically be granted when the order status changes to processing/completed."
msgstr "ملاحظة: الصلاحيات تعطى تلقائيا عند تغير حالة الطلب إلى \"جار العمل عليه\\مكتمل\"."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:73
msgid "Order Actions"
msgstr "إجراءات الطلب"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:81
msgid "Coupon Data"
msgstr "بيانات القسيمة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:100
msgid "Coupon code"
msgstr "رمز القسيمة"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:101
msgid "Product name"
msgstr "اسم المنتج"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:185
msgid "Allow reviews."
msgstr "السماح بالمراجعات"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:186
msgid "Allow <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">trackbacks and pingbacks</a> on this page."
msgstr "السماح <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">بالتعقيبات والتنبيهات</a> في هذه الصفحة."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:186
msgid "http://codex.wordpress.org/Introduction_to_Blogging#Managing_Comments"
msgstr "http://codex.wordpress.org/Introduction_to_Blogging#Managing_Comments"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:23
msgid "Styles"
msgstr "الألوان"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:43
msgid "Primary"
msgstr "الأساسي"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:43
msgid "Call to action buttons/price slider/layered nav UI"
msgstr "يستخدم في الأزرار، والأسعار، والتنقل وباق الواجهة ..."
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:44
msgid "Secondary"
msgstr "الثانوي"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:44
msgid "Buttons and tabs"
msgstr "الأزرار والألسنة"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:45
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr "المميز"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:45
msgid "Price labels and Sale Flashes"
msgstr "طوابع العروض و الأسعار"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:46
msgid "Content"
msgstr "المحتوى"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:46
msgid "Your themes page background - used for tab active states"
msgstr "خلفية القالب واللسان الحالي"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:47
msgid "Subtext"
msgstr "النصوص"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:47
msgid "Used for certain text and asides - breadcrumbs, small text etc."
msgstr "يستخدم للنصوص والمقالات إلخ ..."
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:51
msgid "To edit colours <code>woocommerce/assets/css/woocommerce-base.less</code> and <code>woocommerce.css</code> need to be writable. See <a href=\"http://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions\">the Codex</a> for more information."
msgstr "لتغيير الألوان <code>woocommerce/assets/css/woocommerce-base.less</code> و <code>woocommerce.css</code> يجب أن يكونا قابلين للقرائة. شاهد <a href=\"http://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions\">Codex</a> لمزيد من التفاصل."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:18
msgid "Localisation"
msgstr "الترجمة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:19
msgid "Use informal localisation for %s"
msgstr "استخدام الترجمة الرسمية للغة %s"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:33
msgid "General Options"
msgstr "إعدادات عامة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:36
msgid "Base Location"
msgstr "الدولة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:37
msgid "This is the base location for your business. Tax rates will be based on this country."
msgstr "الدولة التي بها مشروعك الضرائب ستعتمد على هذه الدولة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:46
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "العملة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:47
msgid "This controls what currency prices are listed at in the catalog and which currency gateways will take payments in."
msgstr "هذه العملة التي تستخدم في كل مكان من الموقع."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:58
msgid "Allowed Countries"
msgstr "الدول المسموحة."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:59
msgid "These are countries that you are willing to ship to."
msgstr "هذه الدول أنت عل استعداد للشحن لها للشحن لها"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:67
msgid "All Countries"
msgstr "كل الدول"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:68
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:73
msgid "Specific Countries"
msgstr "دول محددة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:84
msgid "Store Notice"
msgstr "تنبيه الزوار"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:85
msgid "Enable site-wide store notice text"
msgstr "تمكين تنبيه يعرض في جميع صفحات الموقع."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:92
msgid "Store Notice Text"
msgstr "نص التنبه"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:95
msgid "This is a demo store for testing purposes &mdash; no orders shall be fulfilled."
msgstr "هذا متجر تجريبي &mdash; الطلبات لن تقبل."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:102
msgid "Cart, Checkout and Accounts"
msgstr "العربة، المحاسبة، والحساب"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:105
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:61
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:76
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:63
msgid "Coupons"
msgstr "القسائم"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:106
msgid "Enable the use of coupons"
msgstr "تمكين القسائم"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:110
msgid "Coupons can be applied from the cart and checkout pages."
msgstr "القسائم تستخدم في العربة وصفحة المحاسبة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:114
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:201
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:307
msgid "Checkout"
msgstr "المحاسبة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:115
msgid "Enable guest checkout (no account required)"
msgstr "تمكين الزوار من المحاسبة (التسجيل غير مطلوب)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:123
msgid "Enable customer note field on checkout"
msgstr "تمكين حقل ملاحظات الزبون في المحاسبة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:131
msgid "Force secure checkout"
msgstr "فرض المحاسبة الآمنة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:137
msgid "Force SSL (HTTPS) on the checkout pages (an SSL Certificate is required)."
msgstr "فرض أستخدام SSl (HTTPS)&lrm; في صفحات المحاسبة (يجب أن تملك شهادة SSL)."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:141
msgid "Un-force HTTPS when leaving the checkout"
msgstr "إلغاء HTTPS عند مغادرة صفحة المحاسبة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:150
msgid "Registration"
msgstr "التسجيل"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:151
msgid "Allow registration on the checkout page"
msgstr "يجب التسجيل في صفحة المحاسبة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:159
msgid "Allow registration on the \"My Account\" page"
msgstr "يجب التسجيل في صفحة \"حسابي\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:167
msgid "Register using the email address for the username"
msgstr "المسجلون يستخدمون البريد الإلكتروني كاسم مستخدم"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:175
msgid "Customer Accounts"
msgstr "حسابات الزبائن"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:176
msgid "Prevent customers from accessing WordPress admin"
msgstr "امنع الزبائن من الوصول للوحة تحكم ووردبريس"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:184
msgid "Clear cart when logging out"
msgstr "امسح السلة عند تسجيل الخروج"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:192
msgid "Allow customers to repurchase orders from their account page"
msgstr "السماح للزبائن بإعادة الطلب من صفحة حسابهم"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:201
msgid "Styles and Scripts"
msgstr "المظهر وجافاسكربت"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:204
msgid "Styling"
msgstr "المظهر"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:205
msgid "Enable WooCommerce CSS"
msgstr "تمكين تنسيقات WooCommerce"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:216
msgid "Scripts"
msgstr "جافاسكربت"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:217
msgid "Enable Lightbox"
msgstr "تمكين Lightbox"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:220
msgid "Include WooCommerce's lightbox. Product gallery images and the add review form will open in a lightbox."
msgstr "عند التمكين صور معرض المنتج وإضافة مراجعة ستفتح في lightbox."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:226
msgid "Enable enhanced country select boxes"
msgstr "تمكين صندوق البحث في الدول"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:231
msgid "This will enable a script allowing the country fields to be searchable."
msgstr "هذا السكربت يجعل حقل الدولة قابل للبحث."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:236
msgid "Downloadable Products"
msgstr "المنتجات التي تحوي مرفقات"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:239
msgid "File Download Method"
msgstr "طريقة التحميل"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:240
msgid "Forcing downloads will keep URLs hidden, but some servers may serve large files unreliably. If supported, <code>X-Accel-Redirect</code>/ <code>X-Sendfile</code> can be used to serve downloads instead (server requires <code>mod_xsendfile</code>)."
msgstr "فرض التحميل سيبقي الروابط مخفية، لكن بعض الاستضافات قد تعتبر الملفات الكبيرة غير موثوقة. إذا كان <code>X-Accel-Redirect</code>/ <code>X-Sendfile</code> مدعوما استخدمه بدل من ذلك (يجب أن تدعم الاستضافة <code>mod_xsendfile</code>)."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:248
msgid "Force Downloads"
msgstr "فرض التحميل"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:249
msgid "X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile"
msgstr "X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:250
msgid "Redirect only"
msgstr "التحويل فقط"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:255
msgid "Access Restriction"
msgstr "تقييد الوصول"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:256
msgid "Downloads require login"
msgstr "التحميل يتطلب التسجيل"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:260
msgid "This setting does not apply to guest purchases."
msgstr "هذا الإعداد لا يعمل على طلبات الزوار (غير المسجلين)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:265
msgid "Grant access to downloadable products after payment"
msgstr "أسمح بتحميل المرفقات فقط بعد الدفع"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:269
msgid "Enable this option to grant access to downloads when orders are \"processing\", rather than \"completed\"."
msgstr "فعل هذا الخيار ليكون الوصول للمرفقات عندما يكون الطلب \"جار العمل عليه\"، أو \"مكتمل\"."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:285
msgid "Note: The shop page has children - child pages will not work if you enable this option."
msgstr "ملاحظة صفحة التسوق لها صفحات فرعية لا تظهر عند تفعيل هذا الخيار"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:290
msgid "Page Setup"
msgstr "إعداد الصفحات"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:292
msgid "Set up core WooCommerce pages here, for example the base page. The base page can also be used in your %sproduct permalinks%s."
msgstr "إعداد صفحات WooCommerce موجود هنا، مثل صفحة المنتجات الرئيسية وغيرها، يمكنك إعداد الصفحات أيضا من الروابط %sالدائمة%s."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:297
msgid "Shop Base Page"
msgstr "صفحة المنتجات الرئيسية"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:298
msgid "This sets the base page of your shop - this is where your product archive will be."
msgstr "حدد الصفحة الرئيسية لسوقك - هو مكان بقائمة جميع المنتجات"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:308
msgid "Terms Page ID"
msgstr "صفحة الشروط والأحكام"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:309
msgid "If you define a \"Terms\" page the customer will be asked if they accept them when checking out."
msgstr "إذا عينت صفحة شروط وأحكام فإن الزبائن سيألون إذا كانوا يقبلونها أم لا في صفحة المحاسبة."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:320
msgid "Shop Pages"
msgstr "صفحات المتجر"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:320
msgid "The following pages need selecting so that WooCommerce knows where they are. These pages should have been created upon installation of the plugin, if not you will need to create them."
msgstr "الصفحات التالية يجب أن تحدد ليتعرف عليها WooCommerce. هذه الصفحات تنشأ بشكل تلقائي وقت التثبيت إذا لم تنشأ، ستحتاج أن تنشئها بنفسك."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:323
msgid "Cart Page"
msgstr "عربة التسوق"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:324
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_cart]"
msgstr "الصفحة تحتوي: [woocommerce_cart]"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:334
msgid "Checkout Page"
msgstr "صفحة المحاسبة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:335
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_checkout]"
msgstr "الصفحة تحتوي: [woocommerce_checkout]"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:345
msgid "Pay Page"
msgstr "صفحة الشراء"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:346
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_pay] Parent: \"Checkout\""
msgstr "الصفحة تحتوي: [woocommerce_pay] أب: \"المحاسبة\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:356
msgid "Thanks Page"
msgstr "صفحة الشكر"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:357
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_thankyou] Parent: \"Checkout\""
msgstr "الصفحة تحتوي: [woocommerce_thankyou] أب: \"المحاسبة\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:367
msgid "My Account Page"
msgstr "صفحة حسابي"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:368
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_my_account]"
msgstr "الصفحة تحتوي: [woocommerce_my_account]"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:378
msgid "Edit Address Page"
msgstr "صفحة تحرير العنوان"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:379
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_edit_address] Parent: \"My Account\""
msgstr "الصفحة تحتوي: [woocommerce_edit_address] أب: \"حسابي\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:389
msgid "View Order Page"
msgstr "صفحة الطلبات"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:390
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_view_order] Parent: \"My Account\""
msgstr "الصفحة تحتوي: [woocommerce_view_order] أب: \"حسابي\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:400
msgid "Change Password Page"
msgstr "تغيير كلمة المرور"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:401
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_change_password] Parent: \"My Account\""
msgstr "الصفحة تحتوي: [woocommerce_change_password] أب: \"حسابي\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:411
msgid "Logout Page"
msgstr "تسجيل الخروج"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:412
msgid "Parent: \"My Account\""
msgstr "أب: \"My Account\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:422
msgid "Lost Password Page"
msgstr "استعادة كلمة المرور"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:423
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_lost_password] Parent: \"My Account\""
msgstr "الصفحة تحتوي: [woocommerce_lost_password] أب: \"حسابي\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:439
msgid "Catalog Options"
msgstr "خيارات قائمة المنتجات"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:442
msgid "Default Product Sorting"
msgstr "ترتيب المنتجات الإفتراضي"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:443
msgid "This controls the default sort order of the catalog."
msgstr "هذا الخيار يحدد الترتيب الافتراضي للمنتجات في القائمة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:449
msgid "Default sorting (custom ordering + name)"
msgstr "الافتراضي (الترتيب المخصص + الاسم)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:450
msgid "Popularity (sales)"
msgstr "الشعبية (كمية البيع)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:451
msgid "Average Rating"
msgstr "متوسط التقيم"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:452
msgid "Sort by most recent"
msgstr "الترتيب وفق الأكثر حداثة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:453
msgid "Sort by price (asc)"
msgstr "الترتيب وفق السعر (تصاعدي)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:454
msgid "Sort by price (desc)"
msgstr "الترتيب وفق السعر (تنازلي)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:460
msgid "Shop Page Display"
msgstr "محتوى صفحة التسوق"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:461
msgid "This controls what is shown on the product archive."
msgstr "ما محتوى صفحة المنتجات الرئيسية"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:467
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:482
msgid "Show products"
msgstr "المنتجات"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:468
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:483
msgid "Show subcategories"
msgstr "قوائم المنتجات"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:469
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:484
msgid "Show both"
msgstr "كلاهما"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:475
msgid "Default Category Display"
msgstr "محتوى قائمة المنتجات الافتراضية"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:476
msgid "This controls what is shown on category archives."
msgstr "ما محتوى قائمة المنتجات الافتراضية"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:490
msgid "Add to cart"
msgstr "إضافة للعربة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:491
msgid "Redirect to the cart page after successful addition"
msgstr "تحويل المستخدم لصفحة العربة بعد الإضافة بنجاح."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:499
msgid "Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archives"
msgstr "تمكين AJAX لزر إضافة للعربة."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:508
msgid "The following options affect the fields available on the edit product page."
msgstr "الخيارات التالية مختصة بالحقول المتوفرة في صفحة إضافة \\ تعديل منتج."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:511
msgid "Product Fields"
msgstr "حقول المنتج"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:512
msgid "Enable the <strong>SKU</strong> field for products"
msgstr "تمكين حقل <strong>الرمز المعرف (SKU)</strong> للمنتجات"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:520
msgid "Enable the <strong>weight</strong> field for products (some shipping methods may require this)"
msgstr "تمكين حقل <strong>الوزن</strong> للمنتجات (بعض طرق الشحن تتطلب ذلك)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:528
msgid "Enable the <strong>dimension</strong> fields for products (some shipping methods may require this)"
msgstr "تمكين حقل <strong>الأبعاد</strong> للمنتجات (بعض طرق الشحن تتطلب ذلك)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:536
msgid "Show <strong>weight and dimension</strong> values on the <strong>Additional Information</strong> tab"
msgstr "عرض قيم <strong>الوزن والأبعاد</strong>في لسان<strong>معلومات إضافية</strong> "
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:544
msgid "Weight Unit"
msgstr "وحدة قياس الوزن"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:545
msgid "This controls what unit you will define weights in."
msgstr "الوحدة المستخدمة لقياس الوزن"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:551
msgid "kg"
msgstr "كيلو جرام"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:552
msgid "g"
msgstr "جرام"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:553
msgid "lbs"
msgstr "رطل"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:554
msgid "oz"
msgstr "أوقية"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:560
msgid "Dimensions Unit"
msgstr "وحدة قياس الطول"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:561
msgid "This controls what unit you will define lengths in."
msgstr "هذه الوحدة تستخدم لقياس الأطوال"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:568
msgid "cm"
msgstr "سنتيمتر"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:569
msgid "mm"
msgstr "ميليمتر"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:570
msgid "in"
msgstr "انش"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:571
msgid "yd"
msgstr "ياردة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:577
msgid "Product Ratings"
msgstr "تقييم المنتج"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:578
msgid "Enable ratings on reviews"
msgstr "تمكين تقييم المنتج في المراجعات"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:587
msgid "Ratings are required to leave a review"
msgstr "التقيم إجباري لترك مراجعة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:596
msgid "Show \"verified owner\" label for customer reviews"
msgstr "مشاهدة علامة \"مالك موثوق\" على ملاحظات الزبائن"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:606
msgid "Pricing Options"
msgstr "خيارات الأسعار"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:606
msgid "The following options affect how prices are displayed on the frontend."
msgstr "الخيارات التالية تؤثر في كيفية عر الأسعار في الموقع"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:609
msgid "Currency Position"
msgstr "مكان العملة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:610
msgid "This controls the position of the currency symbol."
msgstr "مكان رمز العملة بالنسبة للرقم"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:616
msgid "Left"
msgstr "قبل"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:617
msgid "Right"
msgstr "بعد"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:618
msgid "Left (with space)"
msgstr "قبل (مع مسافة)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:619
msgid "Right (with space)"
msgstr "بعد (مع مسافة)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:625
msgid "Thousand Separator"
msgstr "فاصل الآلاف"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:626
msgid "This sets the thousand separator of displayed prices."
msgstr "هذا يحدد فاصل الآلاف في الأسعار المعروضة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:635
msgid "Decimal Separator"
msgstr "الفاصلة (للأعداد العشرية)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:636
msgid "This sets the decimal separator of displayed prices."
msgstr "هذا يحدد فاصل الأعداد العشرية في الأسعار المعروضة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:645
msgid "Number of Decimals"
msgstr "عدد الخانات بعد الفاصلة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:646
msgid "This sets the number of decimal points shown in displayed prices."
msgstr "يحدد عدد الخانات المعروضة بعد الفاصلة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:659
msgid "Trailing Zeros"
msgstr "مسح الأصفار"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:660
msgid "Remove zeros after the decimal point. e.g. <code>$10.00</code> becomes <code>$10</code>"
msgstr "يزيل الأصفار بعد الفاصلة مثل. <code>$10.00</code> تصبح <code>$10</code>"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:668
msgid "Image Options"
msgstr "خيارات الصور"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:668
msgid "These settings affect the actual dimensions of images in your catalog - the display on the front-end will still be affected by CSS styles. After changing these settings you may need to <a href=\"%s\">regenerate your thumbnails</a>."
msgstr "هذا الإعداد يغير أحجام الصور الفعلية - لكن حجم العرض تتحكم فيه ملفات CSS للقالب. بعد تعديل هذا الإعداد يجب أن <a href=\"%s\">تحدث الصور المصغرة</a>."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:671
msgid "Catalog Images"
msgstr "صور قائمة المنتجات"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:672
msgid "This size is usually used in product listings"
msgstr "الحجم الذي يستخدم عادة لصورة المنتج في القائمة مع باقي المنتجات."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:685
msgid "Single Product Image"
msgstr "صور المنتج المنفرد"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:686
msgid "This is the size used by the main image on the product page."
msgstr "هذا الحجم يستخدم كصورة رئيسية في صفحة المنتج."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:699
msgid "Product Thumbnails"
msgstr "صور المنتج المصغرة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:700
msgid "This size is usually used for the gallery of images on the product page."
msgstr "هذا الحجم يستخدم عادة في معرض الصور في صفحة المنتج."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:719
msgid "Inventory Options"
msgstr "خيارات المخزون"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:722
msgid "Manage Stock"
msgstr "مدير المخزن"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:723
msgid "Enable stock management"
msgstr "تمكين إدارة المخزن"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:730
msgid "Hold Stock (minutes)"
msgstr "استعادة المخزون"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:731
msgid "Hold stock (for unpaid orders) for x minutes. When this limit is reached, the pending order will be cancelled. Leave blank to disable."
msgstr "استعادة المخزون (للطلبات غير المدفوعة) بعد س دقيقة. المنتجات تعاد للمخزن، والطلب المعلق يلغى. أتركه فارغ للتعطيل."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:743
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "التنبيهات"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:744
msgid "Enable low stock notifications"
msgstr "مكن تنبيه أقتراب نفاد الكمية"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:752
msgid "Enable out of stock notifications"
msgstr "مكن تنبيه نفاد الكمية"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:760
msgid "Notification Recipient"
msgstr "مستلم التنبيهات"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:768
msgid "Low Stock Threshold"
msgstr "حد نقص الكمية"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:781
msgid "Out Of Stock Threshold"
msgstr "حد نفاد الكمية"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:794
msgid "Out Of Stock Visibility"
msgstr "رؤية المنتجات النافذة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:795
msgid "Hide out of stock items from the catalog"
msgstr "إخفائها من قائمة المنتجات"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:802
msgid "Stock Display Format"
msgstr "طريقة عرض الكمية"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:803
msgid "This controls how stock is displayed on the frontend."
msgstr "هذا الخيار يعرض في الموقع."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:809
msgid "Always show stock e.g. \"12 in stock\""
msgstr "دائما أعرض الكمية مثل \"12 في المخزن\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:810
msgid "Only show stock when low e.g. \"Only 2 left in stock\" vs. \"In Stock\""
msgstr "عرض الكمية عندما تقترب من النفاد مثل \"باقي 2 فقط\" وإلا \"متوفر\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:811
msgid "Never show stock amount"
msgstr "لا تعرض الكمية أبدًا"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:823
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:292
msgid "Shipping Options"
msgstr "خيارات الشحن"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:826
msgid "Shipping Calculations"
msgstr "حساب تكاليف الشحن"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:827
msgid "Enable shipping"
msgstr "تمكين الشحن"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:835
msgid "Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page"
msgstr "تمكين حساب تكلفة الشحن في صفحة العربة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:843
msgid "Hide shipping costs until an address is entered"
msgstr "إخفاء تكاليف الشحن حتى إدخال العنوان"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:851
msgid "Shipping Method Display"
msgstr "عرض طرق الشحن"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:852
msgid "This controls how multiple shipping methods are displayed on the frontend."
msgstr "هذا الخيار يحدد طريقة عرض طرق الشحن في الموقع"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:858
msgid "Radio buttons"
msgstr "أزرار تبديل (الدائرية)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:859
msgid "Select box"
msgstr "قائمة منسدلة (مثل هذه)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:865
msgid "Shipping Destination"
msgstr "وجهة الشحن"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:866
msgid "Only ship to the users billing address"
msgstr "الشحن (فقط) لعنوان المشتري"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:874
msgid "Ship to billing address by default"
msgstr "الشحن لعنوان المشتري بشكل إفتراضي"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:882
msgid "Collect shipping address even when not required"
msgstr "أطلب عنوان الشحن حتى حين يكون غير مطلوب"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:900
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:188
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:329
msgid "Payment Gateways"
msgstr "طرق الدفع"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:900
msgid "Installed payment gateways are displayed below. Drag and drop payment gateways to control their display order on the checkout."
msgstr "طرق الدفع المثبتة في الأسفل يمكنك ترتيبها بالسحب والإفلات"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:918
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:222
msgid "Tax Options"
msgstr "خيارات الضرائب"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:921
msgid "Enable Taxes"
msgstr "تمكين الضرائب"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:922
msgid "Enable taxes and tax calculations"
msgstr "تمكن الضرائب وحسابها"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:929
msgid "Prices Entered With Tax"
msgstr "أتكتب السعر بالضريبة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:933
msgid "This option is important as it will affect how you input prices. Changing it will not update existing products."
msgstr "هذا الخيار ضروري للحساب وإدخال الأسعار. تعديله لن يغير المنتجات الموجودة."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:935
msgid "Yes, I will enter prices inclusive of tax"
msgstr "نعم أكتب السعر بالضريبة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:936
msgid "No, I will enter prices exclusive of tax"
msgstr "لا أكتب السعر بدون الضريبة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:941
msgid "Calculate Tax Based On:"
msgstr "حساب الضريبة يعتمد على:"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:943
msgid "This option determines which address is used to calculate tax."
msgstr "هذا الخيار لمعرفة أي عنوان يستخدم لحساب الضريبة."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:947
msgid "Customer shipping address"
msgstr "عنوان الشحن للزبون"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:948
msgid "Customer billing address"
msgstr "عنوان المشتري للزبون"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:949
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:961
msgid "Shop base address"
msgstr "عنوان المشروع الخاص بك"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:954
msgid "Default Customer Address:"
msgstr "عنوان الزبون الإفتراضي"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:956
msgid "This option determines the customers default address (before they input their own)."
msgstr "هذا العنوان يستخدم للحساب قبل أن يحدد الزبون عنوانه."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:960
msgid "No address"
msgstr "بلا عنوان"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:966
msgid "Shipping Tax Class:"
msgstr "فئة ضريبة الشحن"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:967
msgid "Optionally control which tax class shipping gets, or leave it so shipping tax is based on the cart items themselves."
msgstr "أختياري لتحديد أي فئة ضرائب شحن تستخدم، أو أتركه لاستخدام فئات المنتجات الموجودة في عبرة التسوق."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:972
msgid "Shipping tax class based on cart items"
msgstr "استخدام فئات المنتجات الموجودة في عبرة التسوق"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:977
msgid "Rounding"
msgstr "التقريب"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:978
msgid "Round tax at subtotal level, instead of rounding per line"
msgstr "قرب الضريبة على مستوى المجموع اﻷصلي بدل التقريب لكل عنصر"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:985
msgid "Additional Tax Classes"
msgstr "فئات الضرائب الإضافية"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:986
msgid "List additonal tax classes below (1 per line). This is in addition to the default <code>Standard Rate</code>. Tax classes can be assigned to products."
msgstr "قائمة الفئات الإضافية (واحد لكل سطر). هي فئات أخرى غير <code>القياسي</code>. فئات الضرائب ممكن أن تطبق على المنتجات بشكل فردي."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:990
msgid "Reduced Rate%sZero Rate"
msgstr "المخفض%sالصفري"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:994
msgid "Display prices during cart/checkout:"
msgstr "عرض الأسعار في العربة \\ المحاسبة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:999
msgid "Including tax"
msgstr "تضمين الضرائب"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1000
msgid "Excluding tax"
msgstr "أستبعاد الضرائب"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1012
msgid "Email Sender Options"
msgstr "إعدادات البريد الإلكتروني"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1012
msgid "The following options affect the sender (email address and name) used in WooCommerce emails."
msgstr "الإعدادات التالية خاصة بمرسل البريد لإضافة WooCommerce."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1015
msgid "\"From\" Name"
msgstr "اسم المرسل"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1024
msgid "\"From\" Email Address"
msgstr "بريد المرسل الإلكتروني"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1037
msgid "Email Template"
msgstr "قالب البريد"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1037
msgid "This section lets you customise the WooCommerce emails. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Click here to preview your email template</a>. For more advanced control copy <code>woocommerce/templates/emails/</code> to <code>yourtheme/woocommerce/emails/</code>."
msgstr ".هذا القسم مختص بشكل الرسائل المرسلة للزبائن بخصوص الطلبات. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">اضغط هنا لمعاينة قالب الرسائل</a>. لمزيد من التخصيص في قالب الرسالة أنسخ الملف <code>woocommerce/templates/emails/</code> إلى <code>yourtheme/woocommerce/emails/</code> وعدله."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1040
msgid "Header Image"
msgstr "صورة الترويسة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1041
msgid "Enter a URL to an image you want to show in the email's header. Upload your image using the <a href=\"%s\">media uploader</a>."
msgstr "أدخل رابط الصورة التي ترى في رأس الرسالة. أو استخدم صورة من <a href=\"%s\">مكتبة الصور</a>."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1049
msgid "Email Footer Text"
msgstr "الخاتمة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1050
msgid "The text to appear in the footer of WooCommerce emails."
msgstr "النص الذي يوجد في ذيل الرسالة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1054
msgid "Powered by WooCommerce"
msgstr "بدعم من WooCommerce"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1058
msgid "Base Colour"
msgstr "اللون الأساسي"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1059
msgid "The base colour for WooCommerce email templates. Default <code>#557da1</code>."
msgstr "اللون الأساسي لقالب الرسائل. افتراضيا <code>&lrm;#557da1</code>."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1067
msgid "Background Colour"
msgstr "لون الخلفية"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1068
msgid "The background colour for WooCommerce email templates. Default <code>#f5f5f5</code>."
msgstr "لون خلفية قالب الرسائل. افتراضيا <code>&lrm;#f5f5f5</code>."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1076
msgid "Email Body Background Colour"
msgstr "خلفية صندوق الرسلة"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1077
msgid "The main body background colour. Default <code>#fdfdfd</code>."
msgstr "خلفية صندوق الرسلة. افتراضيا <code>&lrm;#fdfdfd</code>."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1085
msgid "Email Body Text Colour"
msgstr "لون النص"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1086
msgid "The main body text colour. Default <code>#505050</code>."
msgstr "لون نص الرسالة. افتراضيا <code>&lrm;#505050</code>."
#: admin/settings/settings-payment-gateways.php:27
#: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:29
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:757
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:27
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:121
msgid "Default"
msgstr "الافتراضي"
#: admin/settings/settings-payment-gateways.php:28
msgid "Gateway"
msgstr "الطريقة الدفع"
#: admin/settings/settings-payment-gateways.php:45
msgid "Gateway ID"
msgstr "معرف الطريقة"
#: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:23
msgid "Shipping Methods"
msgstr "طرق الشحن"
#: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:25
msgid "Drag and drop methods to control their display order."
msgstr "اسحب وافلت العناصر للتحكم في ترتيب عرضها للزائر"
#: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:30
msgid "Shipping Method"
msgstr "طريقة الشحن"
#: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:46
msgid "Method ID"
msgstr "معرف الطريقة"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:29
msgid "Tax Rates for the \"%s\" Class"
msgstr "الضرائب للصنف \"%s\""
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:30
msgid "Define tax rates for countries and states below. <a href=\"%s\">See here</a> for available alpha-2 country codes."
msgstr "يمكنك تحديد الضرائب للدول والمناطق من هنا. <a href=\"%s\">شاهد هنا</a>رموز Alpha-2 المتوفرة لتستخدمها."
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:36
msgid "Country&nbsp;Code"
msgstr "رمز&nbsp;الدولة"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:36
msgid "A 2 digit country code, e.g. US. Leave blank to apply to all."
msgstr "رمز alpha-2 للدولة. مثل US دعه فارغ لجميع الدول."
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:38
msgid "State&nbsp;Code"
msgstr "رمز&nbsp;الولاية"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:38
msgid "A 2 digit state code, e.g. AL. Leave blank to apply to all."
msgstr "رمز الولاية من حرفين. مثل AL دعه فارغ لجميع الولايات."
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:40
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
msgid "ZIP/Postcode"
msgstr "الرمز البريدي"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:40
msgid "Postcode for this rule. Semi-colon (;) separate multiple values. Leave blank to apply to all areas. Wildcards (*) can be used. Ranges for numeric postcodes (e.g. 12345-12350) will be expanded into individual postcodes."
msgstr "الرموز البريدية التي تطبق عليها الضرائب. \";\" تفصل بين القيم المتعددة. فارغ لكل الرموز. (*) تعني خانة من 0-9. ممكن أن تكتب مدى مثل (12345-12350)."
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:42
msgid "Cities for this rule. Semi-colon (;) separate multiple values. Leave blank to apply to all cities."
msgstr "الرموز البريدية التي تطبق عليها الضرائب. \";\" تفصل بين القيم المتعددة. فارغ لكل المدن."
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:44
msgid "Rate&nbsp;%"
msgstr "النسبة %"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:44
msgid "Enter a tax rate (percentage) to 4 decimal places."
msgstr "النسبة المئوية للضريبة بأربع خانات بعد الفاصلة."
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:46
msgid "Tax&nbsp;Name"
msgstr "اسم&nbsp;الضريبة"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:46
msgid "Enter a name for this tax rate."
msgstr "ادخل اسم لهذه الضريبة"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:48
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "الأولوية"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:48
msgid "Choose a priority for this tax rate. Only 1 matching rate per priority will be used. To define multiple tax rates for a single area you need to specify a different priority per rate."
msgstr "أختر أولوية هذه الضريبة. تؤخذ ضريبة واحدة من نفس الأولوي فقظ. لتحديد أكثر من ضريبة على منطقة واحدة استخدم أولوية مختلفة لكل ضرية."
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:50
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
msgid "Compound"
msgstr "مركب"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:50
msgid "Choose whether or not this is a compound rate. Compound tax rates are applied on top of other tax rates."
msgstr "الضرائب المركبة تحسب قبل حساب الباقين"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:52
msgid "Choose whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping."
msgstr "هل تحسب هذه الضريبة على تكاليف الشحن"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:59
msgid "Insert row"
msgstr "أدخل صف"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:60
msgid "Remove selected row(s)"
msgstr "أزل الصفوف المحددة"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:62
msgid "Export CSV"
msgstr "تصدير كـ CSV"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:63
msgid "Import CSV"
msgstr "استيراد كـ CSV"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:163
msgid "No row(s) selected"
msgstr "لا يوجد صفوف محددة"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
msgid "Country Code"
msgstr "رمز الدولة"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
msgid "State Code"
msgstr "رمز الولاية"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
msgid "Rate %"
msgstr "النسبة %"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
msgid "Tax Name"
msgstr "اسم الضريبة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:77
msgid "Please, provide an attribute name, slug and type."
msgstr "رجاء اختر اسم الصفة، اسمها اللطيف، ونوعها."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:79
msgid "Slug “%s” is too long (28 characters max). Shorten it, please."
msgstr "الاسم اللطيف “%s” أكبر من 28 حرف، صغره رجاءً."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:81
msgid "Slug “%s” is not allowed because it is a reserved term. Change it, please."
msgstr "الاسم اللطيف “%s” لا يمكن استخدامه لأنه كلمة محجوز."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:86
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:91
msgid "Slug “%s” is already in use. Change it, please."
msgstr "الاسم اللطيف “%s” مستخدم بالفعل."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:227
msgid "Edit Attribute"
msgstr "تحرير الصفة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:237
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:376
msgid "Name for the attribute (shown on the front-end)."
msgstr "اسم الصفة (يعرض في الموقع). مثل اللون، الحجم، الشكل&hellip;"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:242
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:308
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:380
msgid "Slug"
msgstr "الاسم اللطيف"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:246
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:382
msgid "Unique slug/reference for the attribute; must be shorter than 28 characters."
msgstr "“slug” هو الرابط \"اللطيف\" للاسم، وهو في العادة يتكون من حروف صغيرة ويحتوي على حروف، أرقام وشرطات فقط."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:255
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:388
msgid "Select"
msgstr "قائمة منسدلة (مثل هذه)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:256
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:389
msgid "Text"
msgstr "حقل نص"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:259
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:392
msgid "Determines how you select attributes for products. Under admin panel -> products -> product data -> attributes -> values, <strong>Text</strong> allows manual entry whereas <strong>select</strong> allows pre-configured terms in a drop-down list."
2013-06-09 06:54:50 +00:00
msgstr "هذا يحدد كيف تختار قيمة الصفة للمنتج. <strong>حقل نص</strong> لتختار القيم في صفحة المنتج، بينما <strong>قائمة منسدلة</strong> تمكنك من إضافة قيم محددة، لتستخدمها هي فقط في صفحة المنتج. إذا كانت الصفة لمنتج متغير أختر <strong>قائمة منسدلة</strong>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:264
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:396
msgid "Default sort order"
msgstr "ترتيب القيم"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:268
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:336
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:398
msgid "Custom ordering"
msgstr "ترتيب مخصص"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:270
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:333
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:400
msgid "Term ID"
msgstr "معرف القيمة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:272
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:402
msgid "Determines the sort order of the terms on the frontend shop product pages. If using custom ordering, you can drag and drop the terms in this attribute."
2013-06-09 06:54:50 +00:00
msgstr "هذا يحدد ترتيب القيم في والواجهة. إذا أخترت ترتيب مخصص، يمكنك سحب وإفلات القيم لترتيبها في صفحة القيم."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:277
msgid "Update"
msgstr "تحديث"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:310
msgid "Order by"
msgstr "طريقة الترتيب"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:311
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "القيم"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:356
msgid "Configure&nbsp;terms"
msgstr "أعداد&nbsp;القيم"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:360
msgid "No attributes currently exist."
msgstr "لا يوجد صفات حاليًا"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:370
msgid "Add New Attribute"
msgstr "إضافة صفة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:371
msgid "Attributes let you define extra product data, such as size or colour. You can use these attributes in the shop sidebar using the \"layered nav\" widgets. Please note: you cannot rename an attribute later on."
msgstr "الصفات تمكنك من تحديد معلومات أكثر عن المنتج، مثل الحجم أو اللون. ويمكنك عرض الخواص في موقعك عبر مربع \"\" الجانبي. تذكر أنه لا يمكنك تغيير اسم الصفات لاحقا."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:405
msgid "Add Attribute"
msgstr "إضافة صفة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:416
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this attribute?"
msgstr "هل حقًا تريد حذف الصفة؟"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:26
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:26
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:66
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:82
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:93
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "نظرة عامة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:29
msgid "Thank you for using WooCommerce :) Should you need help using or extending WooCommerce please <a href=\"%s\">read the documentation</a>. For further assistance you can use the <a href=\"%s\">community forum</a> or if you have access, <a href=\"%s\">our support desk</a>."
msgstr "شكرا لاستخدام WooCommerce :) إذا احتجت التوسع حول WooCommerce رجاءً <a href=\"%s\">أقرأ التوثيق</a>. لمزيد من المساعدة يمكن استخدام <a href=\"%s\">منتدى التواصل</a> أو تواصل مع <a href=\"%s\">مكتب الدعم</a>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:31
msgid "If you are having problems, or to assist us with support, please check the status page to identify any problems with your configuration:"
msgstr "إذا واجهت مشكلة ، أو احتجت مساعدة الدعم، رجاءً زر صفحة حالة النظام لعرف ما هي المشاكل الموجودة في إعداداتك:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:33
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:89
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:26
msgid "System Status"
msgstr "حالة النظام"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:35
msgid "If you come across a bug, or wish to contribute to the project you can also <a href=\"%s\">get involved on GitHub</a>."
msgstr "إذا واجهت خطأ في الإضافة، أو أردت المساهمة في المشروع يمكنك <a href=\"%s\">الانضمام إلى GitHub</a>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:43
msgid "Here you can set up your store and customise it to fit your needs. The sections available from the settings page include:"
msgstr "هنا يمكنك إعداد المتجر وتخصيصه ليناسب احتياجاتك. صفحة الإعدادات تحتوي:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:44
msgid "General settings such as your shop base, currency, and script/styling options which affect features used in your store."
msgstr "الإعدادات العامة مثل مكان مشروعك و جافاسكربت و المظهر. والخيارات المؤثرة في مميزات متجرك."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:45
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:184
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "الصفحات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:45
msgid "This is where important store page are defined. You can also set up other pages (such as a Terms page) here."
msgstr "الصفحات التي يستلزم وجودها في متجرك. تستطيع أيضا تحديد صفحات أخرى مثل(الشروط واﻷحكام) من هنا."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:46
msgid "Options for how things like price, images and weights appear in your product catalog."
msgstr "إعدادات لكيف تبدو الأسعار و الصور ووحدات القياس في قوائم منتجاتك."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:47
msgid "Options concerning stock and stock notices."
msgstr "أعدادات المخزون، وتنبيهات النفاد."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:48
msgid "Options concerning tax, including international and local tax rates."
msgstr "أعدادات الضرائب، تتضمن الضرائب المحلية والدولية."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:49
msgid "This is where shipping options are defined, and shipping methods are set up."
msgstr "هنا تحدد خيارات الشحن، وتعد طرق الشحن."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:50
msgid "Payment Methods"
msgstr "طرق الدفع"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:50
msgid "This is where payment gateway options are defined, and individual payment gateways are set up."
msgstr "هنا تعد طرق الدفع."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:51
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:189
msgid "Emails"
msgstr "الرسائل"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:51
msgid "Here you can customise the way WooCommerce emails appear."
msgstr "هنا تعد كيفية عر الرسائل الإلكترونية التي يرسلها WooCommerce للزبائن؟"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:52
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:190
msgid "Integration"
msgstr "التكامل"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:52
msgid "The integration section contains options for third party services which integrate with WooCommerce."
msgstr "هذه الإعدادات خاصة بخدمات طرف ثالث وتكامله مع WooCommerce."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:57
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:64
msgid "Reports"
msgstr "التقارير"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:59
msgid "The reports section can be accessed from the left-hand navigation menu. Here you can generate reports for sales and customers."
msgstr "يمكنك الوصول للتقارير من قائمة التنقل اليمنى. هنا يمكنك إعداد تقارير للمبيغات والزبائن."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:60
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:23
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:997
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1095
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1214
msgid "Sales"
msgstr "المبيعات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:60
msgid "Reports for sales based on date, top sellers and top earners."
msgstr "تقارير المبيعات وفق التاريخ. أعلى المبيعات والأرباح."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:61
msgid "Coupon usage reports."
msgstr "تقارير القسائم الشرائية"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:62
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:79
msgid "Customers"
msgstr "الزبائن"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:62
msgid "Customer reports, such as signups per day."
msgstr "تقارير حول الزبائن، مثل مرات الدخول اليومية."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:63
msgid "Stock reports for low stock and out of stock items."
msgstr "تقارير الكميات للمنتجات النافدة والقريبة النفاد."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:68
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:142
msgid "Orders"
msgstr "الطلبيات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:70
msgid "The orders section can be accessed from the left-hand navigation menu. Here you can view and manage customer orders."
msgstr "يمكنك الوصول للطلبات من قائمة التنقل اليمنى. هنا يمكنك مشاهدة وتلبية طلبات الزبائن."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:71
msgid "Orders can also be added from this section if you want to set them up for a customer manually."
msgstr "الطلبات ممكن أن تضاف من هذه الصفحة إذا أردت إضافة طلب مخصص لزبون معين."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:78
msgid "Coupons can be managed from this section. Once added, customers will be able to enter coupon codes on the cart/checkout page. If a customer uses a coupon code they will be viewable when viewing orders."
msgstr "القسائم الشرائية يمكن أن تدار هنا. بعد إضافتها يمكن أن يستخدمها الزوار في صفحة العربة \\ المحاسبة. إذا أستخدم الزبون قسيمة فإن رمزها سيكون مرئي له في صفحة الطلبات."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:82
msgid "For more information:"
msgstr "لمزيد من المعلومات:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:83
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:62
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:71
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:404
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:84
msgid "Project on WordPress.org"
msgstr "المشروع في WordPress.org"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:85
msgid "Project on Github"
msgstr "المشروع في Github"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:86
msgid "WooCommerce Docs"
msgstr "توثيق WooCommerce"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:87
msgid "Official Extensions"
msgstr "الإضافات الرسمية"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:88
msgid "Official Themes"
msgstr "القوالب الرسمية"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:40
msgid "Monthly Sales"
msgstr "مبيعات الشهر"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:43
msgid "WooCommerce Right Now"
msgstr "إحصائيات WooCommerce"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:44
msgid "WooCommerce Recent Orders"
msgstr "الطلبات الحديثة لـ WooCommerce"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:45
msgid "WooCommerce Recent Reviews"
msgstr "المراجعات الحديثة لـ WooCommerce"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:78
msgid "Shop Content"
msgstr "محتوى المتجر"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:84
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:200
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:761
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:996
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1094
msgid "Product"
msgid_plural "Products"
msgstr[0] "المنتج"
msgstr[1] "منتج واحد فقط"
msgstr[2] "منتجان"
msgstr[3] "منتجات"
msgstr[4] "منتجًا"
msgstr[5] "منتج"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:98
msgid "Product Category"
msgid_plural "Product Categories"
msgstr[0] "لا قوائم منتجات"
msgstr[1] "قائمة منتجات واحدة"
msgstr[2] "قائمتا منتجات"
msgstr[3] "قوائم منتجات"
msgstr[4] "قائمة منتجات"
msgstr[5] "قائمة منتجات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:112
msgid "Product Tag"
msgid_plural "Product Tags"
msgstr[0] "بلا وسوم منتجات"
msgstr[1] "وسم منتجان واحد"
msgstr[2] "وسما منتجات"
msgstr[3] "وسوم منتجات"
msgstr[4] "وسم منتجات"
msgstr[5] "وسم منتجات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:126
msgid "Attribute"
msgid_plural "Attributes"
msgstr[0] "بلا صفات"
msgstr[1] "صفة واحدة"
msgstr[2] "صفتان"
msgstr[3] "صفات"
msgstr[4] "صفةً"
msgstr[5] "صفة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:148
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "معلق"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:162
msgid "On-Hold"
msgstr "بانتظار المراجعة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:190
msgid "Completed"
msgstr "مكتمل"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:207
msgid "You are using <strong>WooCommerce %s</strong>."
msgstr "أنت تستخدم <strong>WooCommerce %s</strong>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:238
msgid "l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A"
msgstr "l j F Y، h:i:s a"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:239
msgid "item"
msgid_plural "items"
msgstr[0] "لا عناصر"
msgstr[1] "عنصر واحد"
msgstr[2] "عنصران"
msgstr[3] "عناصر"
msgstr[4] "عنصرًا"
msgstr[5] "عنصر"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:239
msgid "Total:"
msgstr "المجموع:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:245
msgid "There are no product orders yet."
msgstr "لا يوجد طلبيات بعد"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:279
msgid "out of 5"
msgstr "من 5"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:287
msgid "There are no product reviews yet."
msgstr "لا يوجد مراجعات بعد"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:428
msgid "Sold"
msgstr "عمليات بيع"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:429
msgid "Earned"
msgstr "أرباح"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:190
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:225
msgid "Order Received"
msgstr "طلب مستلم"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:192
msgid "Thank you, we are now processing your order. Your order's details are below."
msgstr "شكرا لك، جار العمل على طلبك. معلومات الطلب في الأسفل."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:194
msgid "Order:"
msgstr "الطلب:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:201
msgid "Quantity"
msgstr "الكمية"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:214
msgid "Order total:"
msgstr "المجموع"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:220
msgid "Customer details"
msgstr "معلومات الزيون"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:226
msgid "Billing address"
msgstr "عنوان المشتري"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:233
msgid "Shipping address"
msgstr "عنوان الشحن"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:465
msgid "Could not compile woocommerce.less:"
msgstr "لا يمكن ترجمة woocommerce.less:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:486
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:487
msgid "Mark processing"
msgstr "تعليم كجار العمل عليه"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:489
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:490
msgid "Mark completed"
msgstr "تعليم كمكتمل"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:527
msgid "Order status changed by bulk edit:"
msgstr "تغيرت حالة جميع الطلبات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:550
msgid "Order status changed."
msgid_plural "%s order statuses changed."
msgstr[0] "لم يغير شئء"
msgstr[1] "تغيرت حالة طلب واحد"
msgstr[2] "تغيرت حالة طلبان"
msgstr[3] "تغيرت حالة %s طلبات"
msgstr[4] "تغيرت حالة %s طلبًا"
msgstr[5] "تغيرت حالة %s طلب"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:88
msgid "WooCommerce Settings"
msgstr "إعدادات WooCommerce"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:89
msgid "WooCommerce Status"
msgstr "حالة WooCommerce"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:142
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:144
msgctxt "Admin menu name"
msgid "Orders"
msgstr "الطلبات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:433
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the selected items? If you have previously reduced this item's stock, or this order was submitted by a customer, you will need to manually restore the item's stock."
msgstr "هل بالتأكيد تريد إزالة هذه العناصر، قد تحتاج لتعديل الكميات في المخازن يدويا إذا كان الطلب أرسل من زبون."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:434
msgid "Please select some items."
msgstr "رجاءً حدد بعض العناصر"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:435
msgid "Remove this item meta?"
msgstr "إزالة هذه البيانات؟"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:436
msgid "Remove this attribute?"
msgstr "إزالة هذه الخاصية"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:444
msgid "Enter a name for the new attribute term:"
msgstr "أدخل اسم قيمة الصفة:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:445
msgid "Calculate totals based on order items, discounts, and shipping?"
msgstr "حساب السعر الأصلي لمنتجات الطلب مع الخصم و الشحن؟"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:446
msgid "Calculate line taxes? This will calculate taxes based on the customers country. If no billing/shipping is set it will use the store base country."
msgstr "حساب ضرائب العنصر؟ الحساب يتم حسب دولة الزبون. إذا كان العنوان لم يحدد ستحسب الضرائب بدولة متجرك."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:447
msgid "Copy billing information to shipping information? This will remove any currently entered shipping information."
msgstr "نسخ بيانات المشتري إلى بيانات الشحن؟ هذا سمحو أي قيمة في بيانات الشحن."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:448
msgid "Load the customer's billing information? This will remove any currently entered billing information."
msgstr "جلب بيانات الزبون؟ هذا سمحو أي قيمة في بيانات المشتري."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:449
msgid "Load the customer's shipping information? This will remove any currently entered shipping information."
msgstr "جلب بيانات الزبون؟ هذا سمحو أي قيمة في بيانات الشحن."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:453
msgid "No customer selected"
msgstr "لم تحدد الزبون"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:665
msgid "Product updated. <a href=\"%s\">View Product</a>"
msgstr "تم تحديث المنتج. <a href=\"%s\">عرض المنتج</a>"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:666
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:681
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:696
msgid "Custom field updated."
msgstr "تم تحديث الحقل الخاص."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:667
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:682
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:697
msgid "Custom field deleted."
msgstr "تم حذف الحقل الخاص."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:668
msgid "Product updated."
msgstr "تم تحديث المتج."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:669
msgid "Product restored to revision from %s"
msgstr "تمت استعادة النسخة (%s) من المنتج."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:670
msgid "Product published. <a href=\"%s\">View Product</a>"
msgstr "تم نشر المنتج. <a href=\"%s\">عرض المنتج</a>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:671
msgid "Product saved."
msgstr "تم حفظ المنتج."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:672
msgid "Product submitted. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview Product</a>"
msgstr "تمت إضافة المنتج. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">معاينة المنتج</a>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:673
msgid "Product scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">Preview Product</a>"
msgstr "تمت جدولة المنتج ليوم: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">معاينة المنتج</a>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:674
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:689
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:704
msgid "M j, Y @ G:i"
msgstr "M j، Y @ G:i"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:675
msgid "Product draft updated. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview Product</a>"
msgstr "تم حفظ المنتج كمسودة<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">معاينة المنتج</a>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:680
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:683
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:685
msgid "Order updated."
msgstr "تم تحديث الطلب."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:684
msgid "Order restored to revision from %s"
msgstr "تمت استعادة النسخة (%s) من الطلب."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:686
msgid "Order saved."
msgstr "تم حفظ الطلب."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:687
msgid "Order submitted."
msgstr "تمت إضافة الطلب."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:688
msgid "Order scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>."
msgstr "تمت جدولة الطلب ليوم: <strong>%1$s</strong>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:690
msgid "Order draft updated."
msgstr "تم حفظ الطلب كمسودة."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:695
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:698
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:700
msgid "Coupon updated."
msgstr "تم تحديث القسيمة."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:699
msgid "Coupon restored to revision from %s"
msgstr "تمت استعادة النسخة (%s) من القسيمة."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:701
msgid "Coupon saved."
msgstr "تم حفظ القسيمة."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:702
msgid "Coupon submitted."
msgstr "تمت إضافة القسيمة."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:703
msgid "Coupon scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>."
msgstr "تمت جدولة القسيمة ليوم: <strong>%1$s</strong>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:705
msgid "Coupon draft updated."
msgstr "تم حفظ القسيمة كمسودة."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:722
msgid "Order notes"
msgstr "ملاحظات الطلب"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:737
msgid "These settings control the permalinks used for products. These settings only apply when <strong>not using \"default\" permalinks above</strong>."
msgstr "هذا الخيار يحدد تركيبة الروابط الدائمة المستخدمة للمنتجات. هذا الخيار <strong>لا يعمل إذا أخترت \"افتراضي\" في الخيار العلوي</strong>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:744
msgctxt "default-slug"
msgid "shop"
msgstr "shop"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:745
msgctxt "default-slug"
msgid "product"
msgstr "product"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:766
msgid "Shop base"
msgstr "shop + المنتج"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:770
msgid "Shop base with category"
msgstr "shop + التصنيف + المنتج"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:776
msgid "Custom Base"
msgstr "تركية مخصصة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:778
msgid "Enter a custom base to use. A base <strong>must</strong> be set or WordPress will use default instead."
msgstr "ادخل تركيبة مخصصة، <strong>يجب</strong> ألا يترك فارغ."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:806
msgid "Product permalink base"
msgstr "الرابط الدائم للمنتج"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:811
msgid "Product category base"
msgstr "تركيبة قائمة المنتجات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:818
msgid "Product tag base"
msgstr "تركيبة وسوم المنتجات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:825
msgid "Product attribute base"
msgstr "تركيبة الصفات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:195
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "shop"
msgstr "shop"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:195
msgid "Shop"
msgstr "السوق"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:198
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "cart"
msgstr "cart"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:198
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:303
msgid "Cart"
msgstr "العربة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:201
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "checkout"
msgstr "checkout"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:204
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "my-account"
msgstr "my-account"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:204
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:319
msgid "My Account"
msgstr "حسابي"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:210
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "edit-address"
msgstr "edit-address"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:210
msgid "Edit My Address"
msgstr "تعديل عنواني"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:213
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "view-order"
msgstr "view-order"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:213
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:327
msgid "View Order"
msgstr "عرض الطلبات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:216
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "change-password"
msgstr "change-password"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:216
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:331
msgid "Change Password"
msgstr "تغيير كلمة المرور"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:219
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "logout"
msgstr "logout"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:219
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "تسجيل الخروج"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:222
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "pay"
msgstr "pay"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:222
msgid "Checkout &rarr; Pay"
msgstr "المحاسبة&larr; الدفع"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:225
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "order-received"
msgstr "order-received"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:32
msgid "Sales by day"
msgstr "المبيعات اليومية"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:37
msgid "Sales by month"
msgstr "المبيعات الشهرية"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:42
msgid "Product Sales"
msgstr "مبيعات منتج"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:47
msgid "Top sellers"
msgstr "الأكثر بيعًا"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:52
msgid "Top earners"
msgstr "الأكثر قيمةً"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:57
msgid "Sales by category"
msgstr "مبيعات تصنيف"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:72
msgid "Discounts by coupon"
msgstr "خصومات قسيمة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:104
msgid "Taxes by month"
msgstr "الضرائب الشهرية"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:243
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:508
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:713
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:894
msgid "Sales amount"
msgstr "قيمة المبيعات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:248
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:508
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:713
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:894
msgid "Number of sales"
msgstr "عدد الطلبيات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:380
msgid "Total sales"
msgstr "مجموع المبيعات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:382
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:388
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:394
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:400
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:406
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:412
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:655
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:661
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:667
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:673
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:839
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:845
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:851
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:857
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1380
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1386
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1392
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1826
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1832
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1838
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1844
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1850
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1856
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2320
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2331
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2342
msgid "n/a"
msgstr "لا قيمة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:386
msgid "Total orders"
msgstr "عدد الطلبات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:388
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:661
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:845
msgid "items"
msgstr "من العناصر"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:392
msgid "Average order total"
msgstr "متوسط سعر الطلبية"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:398
msgid "Average order items"
msgstr "متوسط عناصر الطلبية"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:404
msgid "Discounts used"
msgstr "الخصومات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:410
msgid "Total shipping costs"
msgstr "مجموع تكاليف الشحن"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:418
msgid "This month's sales"
msgstr "مبيعات الشهر الحالي"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:647
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:991
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1089
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1372
msgid "From:"
msgstr "من:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:647
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:991
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1089
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1372
msgid "To:"
msgstr "إلى:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:647
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:832
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:991
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1089
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1245
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1372
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1505
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2309
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2492
msgid "Show"
msgstr "عرض"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:653
msgid "Total sales in range"
msgstr "مجموع المبيعات في النطاق"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:659
msgid "Total orders in range"
msgstr "عدد الطلبيات في النطاق"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:665
msgid "Average order total in range"
msgstr "متوسط سعر الطلبية في النطاق"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:671
msgid "Average order items in range"
msgstr "متوسط عناصر الطلبية في النطاق"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:679
msgid "Sales in range"
msgstr "المبيعات في النطاق"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:826
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2303
msgid "Year:"
msgstr "السنة:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:837
msgid "Total sales for year"
msgstr "مجموع المبيعات للسنة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:843
msgid "Total orders for year"
msgstr "عدد الطلبات للسنة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:849
msgid "Average order total for year"
msgstr "متوسط سعر الطلبية للسنة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:855
msgid "Average order items for year"
msgstr "متوسط عناصر الطلبية للسنة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:863
msgid "Monthly sales for year"
msgstr "المبيعات الشهرية للسنة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1011
msgid "Product does not exist"
msgstr "المنتج غير موجود"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1110
msgid "Product no longer exists"
msgstr "المنتج لم يعد موجود"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1209
msgid "Sales for %s:"
msgstr "مبيعات %s"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1213
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2351
msgid "Month"
msgstr "الشهر"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1235
msgid "No sales :("
msgstr "لا مبيعات :("
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1378
msgid "Total orders containing coupons"
msgstr "عدد الطلبات المستخدمة للقسائم"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1384
msgid "Percent of orders containing coupons"
msgstr "نسبة الطلبات المستخدمة للقسائم"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1390
msgid "Total coupon discount"
msgstr "مجموع الخصومات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1399
msgid "Most popular coupons"
msgstr "القسائم الأكثر استخدام"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1409
msgid "Used 1 time"
msgid_plural "Used %d times"
msgstr[0] "لم يستخدم"
msgstr[1] "استخدم مرة واحدة"
msgstr[2] "استخدم مرتين"
msgstr[3] "استخدم %d مرات"
msgstr[4] "استخدم %d مرةً"
msgstr[5] "استخدم %d مرة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1412
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1434
msgid "No coupons found"
msgstr "القسيمة غير موجودة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1421
msgid "Greatest discount amount"
msgstr "أعلى الخصومات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1431
msgid "Discounted %s"
msgstr "خُصِم %s"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1490
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2469
msgid "Show:"
msgstr "عرض:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1547
msgid "Coupon"
msgstr "القسيمة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1630
msgid "Top coupon"
msgstr "أفضل قسيمة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1638
msgid "Worst coupon"
msgstr "أسوأ قسيمة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1646
msgid "Discount average"
msgstr "متوسط الخصم"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1654
msgid "Discount median"
msgstr "وسيط الخصم"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1674
msgid "Monthly discounts by coupon"
msgstr "خصم القسيمة الشهري"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1824
msgid "Total customers"
msgstr "مجموع الزبائن"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1830
msgid "Total customer sales"
msgstr "مجموع مشتريات الزبائن"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1836
msgid "Total guest sales"
msgstr "مجموع مشتريات الزوار"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1842
msgid "Total customer orders"
msgstr "عدد طلبيات الزبائن"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1848
msgid "Total guest orders"
msgstr "عدد طلبيات الزوار"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1854
msgid "Average orders per customer"
msgstr "متوسط عدد الطلبات لكل زبون"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1862
msgid "Signups per day"
msgstr "التسجيلات اليومية"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2083
msgid "Low stock"
msgstr "أقترب من النفاد"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2106
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2145
msgid "%d in stock"
msgid_plural "%d in stock"
msgstr[0] "المخزن فارغ"
msgstr[1] "بقي قطعة واحدة في المخزن"
msgstr[2] "بقي قطعتان في المخزن"
msgstr[3] "بقي %d قطع في المخزن"
msgstr[4] "بقي %d قطعةً في المخزن"
msgstr[5] "بقي %d قطعة في المخزن"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2111
msgid "No products are low in stock."
msgstr "لا يوجد منتجات قريبة من النفاد."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2143
msgid "Marked out of stock"
msgstr "تعليم كنفد"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2150
msgid "No products are out in stock."
msgstr "لا يوجد منتجات نفدت."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2314
msgid "Total taxes for year"
msgstr "مجموع الضرائب للسنة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2325
msgid "Total product taxes for year"
msgstr "مجموع ضرائب المنتجات للسنة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2336
msgid "Total shipping tax for year"
msgstr "مجموع ضرائب الشحن للسنة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2352
msgid "Total Sales"
msgstr "مجموع المبيعات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2352
msgid "This is the sum of the 'Order Total' field within your orders."
msgstr "مجموع المبيعات، مع طلباتك."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2353
msgid "Total Shipping"
msgstr "مجموع الشحن"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2353
msgid "This is the sum of the 'Shipping Total' field within your orders."
msgstr "مجموع الشحن، مع طلباتك."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2354
msgid "Total Product Taxes"
msgstr "مجموع ضرائب المنتجات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2354
msgid "This is the sum of the 'Cart Tax' field within your orders."
msgstr "مجموع ضرائب العربات، مع طلباتك."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2355
msgid "Total Shipping Taxes"
msgstr "مجموع ضرائب الشحن"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2355
msgid "This is the sum of the 'Shipping Tax' field within your orders."
msgstr "مجموع ضرائب الشحن، مع طلباتك."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2356
msgid "Total Taxes"
msgstr "مجموع الضرائب"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2356
msgid "This is the sum of the 'Cart Tax' and 'Shipping Tax' fields within your orders."
msgstr "مجموع ضرائب العربات والشحن، مع طلباتك."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2357
msgid "Net profit"
msgstr "الأرباح الصافية"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2357
msgid "Total sales minus shipping and tax."
msgstr "مجموع المبيعات بدون الضرائب والشحن"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2402
msgid "Toggle tax rows"
msgstr "إخفاء الصفوف"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2545
msgid "Category"
msgstr "التصنيف"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2648
msgid "Top category"
msgstr "أفضل تصنيف"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2657
msgid "Worst category"
msgstr "أسوأ تصنيف"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2665
msgid "Category sales average"
msgstr "متوسط مبيعات التصنيف"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2676
msgid "Category sales median"
msgstr "وسيط مبيعات التصنيف"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2696
msgid "Monthly sales by category"
msgstr "المبيعات الشهرية للتصنيف"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:45
msgid "Action failed. Please refresh the page and retry."
msgstr "فشل تنفيذ الإجراء. رجاءً حدث الصفحة وحاول مجددا"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:164
msgid "Your settings have been saved."
msgstr "تم حفظ إعداداتك"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:210
msgid "More functionality and gateway options available via <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">WC official extensions</a>."
msgstr "المزيد من الخيارات وطرق الدفع متوفرة في <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">ملحقات WC الرسمية</a>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:228
msgid "Tax Rates"
msgstr "معدل الضرائب"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:255
msgid "Email Options"
msgstr "خيارات البريد"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:388
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "حفظ التغييرات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:429
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page."
msgstr "تغييراتك لن تحفظ إذا غادرت الصفحة."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:801
msgid "Hard Crop"
msgstr "اقتصاص الصورة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:826
msgid "Select a page&hellip;"
msgstr "اختر صفحة&hellip;"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:849
msgid "Choose a country&hellip;"
msgstr "اختر دولة&hellip;"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:869
msgid "Choose countries&hellip;"
msgstr "اختر دول&hellip;"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:27
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:664
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "أدوات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:62
msgid "Please include this information when requesting support:"
msgstr "رجاءً ضمن هذه البيانات عند طلب الدعم"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:63
msgid "Download System Report File"
msgstr "تحميل تقرير عن حالة النظام"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:71
msgid "Environment"
msgstr "بيئة النظام"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:77
msgid "Home URL"
msgstr "رابط ووردبريس"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:81
msgid "Site URL"
msgstr "رابط الموقع"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:85
msgid "WC Version"
msgstr "إصدار WC"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:89
msgid "WC Database Version"
msgstr "اصدار قاعدة بيانات WC"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:93
msgid "WP Version"
msgstr "اصدار ووردبريس"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:97
msgid "Web Server Info"
msgstr "معلومات الخادم"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:101
msgid "PHP Version"
msgstr "اصدار PHP"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:105
msgid "MySQL Version"
msgstr "اصدار MySQL"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:109
msgid "WP Memory Limit"
msgstr "حدود ذاكرة ووردبريس"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:114
msgid "%s - We recommend setting memory to at least 64MB. See: <a href=\"%s\">Increasing memory allocated to PHP</a>"
msgstr "%s - نحن نفضل أن يكون كحد ادنى 64MB. شاهد: <a href=\"%s\">زيادة الذاكرة المخصصة لل PHP</a>"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:121
msgid "WP Debug Mode"
msgstr "وضع المطورين لووردبريس"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:125
msgid "WP Max Upload Size"
msgstr "أقصى حجم رفع لووردبريس"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:129
msgid "PHP Post Max Size"
msgstr "أقصى حجم بيانات ترسل لل PHP"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:133
msgid "PHP Time Limit"
msgstr "أقصى وفت تنفيذ لل PHP"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:137
msgid "WC Logging"
msgstr "سجلات WC"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:140
msgid "Log directory is writable."
msgstr "ملف السجل قابل للكتابة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:142
msgid "Log directory (<code>woocommerce/logs/</code>) is not writable. Logging will not be possible."
msgstr "ملف السجل (<code>woocommerce/logs/</code>) غير قابل للكتابة. لا يمكن كتابة سجلات."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:149
msgid "fsockopen/cURL"
msgstr "fsockopen/cURL"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:152
msgid "Your server has fsockopen and cURL enabled."
msgstr "خادمك يمكن كل من fsockopen و cURL."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:154
msgid "Your server has fsockopen enabled, cURL is disabled."
msgstr "خادمك يمكن fsockopen، ويمنع cURL."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:156
msgid "Your server has cURL enabled, fsockopen is disabled."
msgstr "خادمك يمنع fsockopen، ويمكن cURL."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:160
msgid "Your server does not have fsockopen or cURL enabled - PayPal IPN and other scripts which communicate with other servers will not work. Contact your hosting provider."
msgstr "الخام يمنع كل من fsockopen و cURL - خدمات PayPal IPN والخدمات التي تتصل بخوادم أخرى لن تعمل. تواصل مع خادمك لتفعيلها."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:165
msgid "SOAP Client"
msgstr "عميل SOAP"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:167
msgid "Your server has the SOAP Client class enabled."
msgstr "خادمك يمكن عميل SOAP."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:170
msgid "Your server does not have the <a href=\"%s\">SOAP Client</a> class enabled - some gateway plugins which use SOAP may not work as expected."
msgstr "خادمك لا يمكن <a href=\"%s\">عميل SOAP</a> - بعض إضافات طرق الدفع تستخدمه وقد لا تعمل كما يجب."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:175
msgid "WP Remote Post"
msgstr "الطلب البعيد لووردبريس"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:186
msgid "wp_remote_post() was successful - PayPal IPN is working."
msgstr "wp_remote_post()&lrm; تجحت - PayPal IPN يعمل."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:189
msgid "wp_remote_post() failed. PayPal IPN won't work with your server. Contact your hosting provider. Error:"
msgstr "wp_remote_post()&lrm; فشلت. PayPal IPN لا يعمل في حادمك. تواصل مع مستضيفك لحل ا. الخطأ:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:192
msgid "wp_remote_post() failed. PayPal IPN may not work with your server."
msgstr "wp_remote_post()&lrm; فشلت. PayPal IPN لا يعمل في خادمك."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:215
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "الإضافات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:221
msgid "Installed Plugins"
msgstr "الإضافات المثبتة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:259
msgid "is available"
msgstr "متوفر"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:262
msgid "by"
msgstr "بواسطة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:262
msgid "version"
msgstr "الإصدار"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:285
msgid "Force SSL"
msgstr "فرض SSL"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:292
msgid "WC Pages"
msgstr "صفحات WC"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:299
msgid "Shop Base"
msgstr "السوق"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:311
msgid "Pay"
msgstr "الدفع"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:315
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "الشكر"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:323
msgid "Edit Address"
msgstr "تحرير العنوان"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:355
msgid "Page not set"
msgstr "الصفحة لم تحدد"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:365
msgid "Page does not exist"
msgstr "الصفحة غير موجودة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:370
msgid "Page does not contain the shortcode: %s"
msgstr "الصفحة لا تحتوي: %s"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:389
msgid "WC Taxonomies"
msgstr "أنواع WC الخاصة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:395
msgid "Order Statuses"
msgstr "حالات الطلبات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:405
msgid "Product Types"
msgstr "أنواع المنتجات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:418
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "القوالب"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:424
msgid "Template Overrides"
msgstr "تعديلات القالب"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:442
msgid "No core overrides present in theme."
msgstr "القالب الحالي لا يؤثر في الإضافة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:537
msgid "WC Transients"
msgstr "تخزين WC المؤقت"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:538
msgid "Clear transients"
msgstr "مسح التخزين"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:539
msgid "This tool will clear the product/shop transients cache."
msgstr "مسح التخزين المؤقت للمنتجات والسوق."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:542
msgid "Expired Transients"
msgstr "التخزين المنتهي"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:543
msgid "Clear expired transients"
msgstr "حذف التخزين المنتهي"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:544
msgid "This tool will clear ALL expired transients from Wordpress."
msgstr "هذه الأداة ستحذف جميح تخزين ووردبريس المؤقت"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:547
msgid "Term counts"
msgstr "عد قيم الصفات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:548
msgid "Recount terms"
msgstr "إعادة العد"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:549
msgid "This tool will recount product terms - useful when changing your settings in a way which hides products from the catalog."
msgstr "هذه القيمة تعيد عد صفات المنتجات - تستخدم عند تغيير أعداد عرض أو إخفاء المنتجات من القائمة."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:552
msgid "Capabilities"
msgstr "الاساسات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:553
msgid "Reset capabilities"
msgstr "إعادة تعيين الأساسات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:554
msgid "This tool will reset the admin, customer and shop_manager roles to default. Use this if your users cannot access all of the WooCommerce admin pages."
msgstr "هذا الخيار يعيد تعيين جميع أساسات الإضافة - يستخدم عند عدم عمل أي من صفحات التحكم."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:557
msgid "Customer Sessions"
msgstr "جلسات الزبائن"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:558
msgid "Clear all sessions"
msgstr "محو جميع الجلسات"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:559
msgid "<strong class=\"red\">Warning</strong> This tool will delete all customer session data from the database, including any current live carts."
msgstr "<strong class=\"red\">أنتبه</strong> هذا الخيار سيحذف جميع جلسات المستخدمين من قاعدة البيانات، بما في ذلك محتوى عربات التسوق"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:569
msgid "Product Transients Cleared"
msgstr "ذاكرة المنتجات المؤقتة مسحها"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:610
msgid "%d Transients Rows Cleared"
msgstr "%d من عناصر الذاكرة المؤقتة تم مسحه"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:618
msgid "Roles successfully reset"
msgstr "نجحت إعادة تعيين الأساسات "
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:630
msgid "Terms successfully recounted"
msgstr "الصفات أعيد عدها بنجاح"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:649
msgid "There was an error calling %s::%s"
msgstr "عناك خطأ عطل %s::%s"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:652
msgid "There was an error calling %s"
msgstr "عناك خطأ عطل %s"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:25
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:118
msgid "Display type"
msgstr "ماذا يعرض؟"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:29
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:123
msgid "Subcategories"
msgstr "التصنيفات الفرعية"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:30
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:124
msgid "Both"
msgstr "كلاهما"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:34
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:129
msgid "Thumbnail"
msgstr "صورة مصغرة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:38
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:134
msgid "Upload/Add image"
msgstr "رفع أو إضافة صورة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:39
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:135
msgid "Remove image"
msgstr "إزالة صورة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:64
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:156
msgid "Use image"
msgstr "استخدام صورة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:222
msgid "Product categories for your store can be managed here. To change the order of categories on the front-end you can drag and drop to sort them. To see more categories listed click the \"screen options\" link at the top of the page."
msgstr "تصنيفات(قوائم) المنتجات يمكن أن تدار هنا. لتغيير ترتيب العناصر اسحبها وأفلتها لعرض المزيد من التصنيفات استخدم \"خيارات الشاشة\" في أعلى الصفحة."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:237
msgid "Shipping classes can be used to group products of similar type. These groups can then be used by certain shipping methods to provide different rates to different products."
msgstr "فئات الشحن تستخدم لجمع المنتجات من نفس النوع. وممكن أن تستخدم هذه المجموعات في طرق الشحن لتطبيق ضرائب مختلفة لكل منتج."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:365
msgid "Edit Class"
msgstr "تحرير الفئة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:26
msgid "Billing Address"
msgstr "عنوان المشتري"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:27
msgid "Shipping Address"
msgstr "عنوان الشحن"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:28
msgid "Paying Customer?"
msgstr "دفح الزبائن"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:29
msgid "Completed Orders"
msgstr "طلب مكتمل"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:144
msgid "Customer Billing Address"
msgstr "عنوان الشراء للزبون"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:147
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:196
msgid "First name"
msgstr "الاسم الأول"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:151
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:200
msgid "Last name"
msgstr "الاسم الأخير"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:176
msgid "Country or state code"
msgstr "رمز الدولة أو المدينة"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:180
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:229
msgid "2 letter Country code"
msgstr "رمز الدولة من حرفين"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:183
msgid "Telephone"
msgstr "الهاتف"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:193
msgid "Customer Shipping Address"
msgstr "عنوان الشحن للزبون"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:225
msgid "State/County or state code"
msgstr "رمز المحافظة أو الولاية"
#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
msgid "http://www.woothemes.com/woocommerce/"
msgstr "http://www.woothemes.com/woocommerce/"
#. Description of the plugin/theme
msgid "An e-commerce toolkit that helps you sell anything. Beautifully."
msgstr "أداة متجر إلكتروني تساعدك في بيع أي شيء جميل."
#. Author of the plugin/theme
msgid "WooThemes"
msgstr "WooThemes"
#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
msgid "http://woothemes.com"
msgstr "http://woothemes.com"
#~ msgid "Cost"
#~ msgstr "السعر"
#~ msgid "Enter an amount or percentage e.g. 2.99 or 15%"
#~ msgstr "أكتب رقم أو نسبة مثل: 2.95 أو 15%"
#~ msgid "Any customer"
#~ msgstr "أي زبون"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Comma separate email addresses to restrict this coupon to specific "
#~ "billing and user emails."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "الفاصلة \",\" تفصل عناوين البريد للمستخدمين المصرح لهم باستخدام القسيمة."
#~ msgid "Base Page Title"
#~ msgstr "عنوان الصفحة الرئيسية"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This title to show on the shop base page. Leave blank to use the page "
#~ "title."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "هذا العنوان يعرض في صفحة البيع الرئيسية أتركه فارغ لاستخدام اسم الصفحة"
#~ msgctxt "page_slug"
#~ msgid "Checkout"
#~ msgstr "المحاسبة"
#~ msgid "Configure shipping class"
#~ msgstr "أعداد فئات التسوق"