This document is intended for internal developers of the WooCommerce Blocks plugin. If you feel like a new endpoint should be added, feel free to open an issue or a PR detailing why.
private $endpoints = [ /* other identifiers */, BillingAddressSchema::IDENTIFIER ];
This is to prevent accidentally exposing new endpoints.
2. Inside your endpoint schema class (for this example, inside `BillingAddressSchema`), in its `get_properties` method, add this call at the end of the returned array.
You can pass extra parameters to `get_extended_schema` and those would be passed to third party code.
That's it, your endpoint would now contain `extensions` in your endpoint, and you can consume it in the frontend.
Extending a new endpoint is usually half the work, you will need to receive this data in the frontend and pass it to any other extensibility point (Slot, Filter, Event).
There might be a case when you want to extend an existing schema, for example, you want to add `order_number` to the checkout endpoint. In [Add order number to checkout schema]( we did that.
### Adding a new schema
There might be a case when you want to add a new schema, for example, you need a new endpoint that do not exist in the Store API yet, e.g. `wc/store/order`. In [Add an endpoint for getting pay for order orders]( we did that.
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