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* CodeHacker class file.
* @package WooCommerce/Testing
//phpcs:disable WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions, WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged
namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\Testing\Tools\CodeHacking;
use \ReflectionObject;
use \ReflectionException;
* CodeHacker - allows to hack (alter on the fly) the content of PHP code files.
* Based on BypassFinals: https://github.com/dg/bypass-finals
* How to use:
* 1. Register hacks using CodeHacker::add_hack(hack). A hack is either:
* - A function with 'hack($code, $path)' signature, or
* - An object having a public 'hack($code, $path)' method.
* Where $code is a string containing the code to hack, and $path is the full path of the file
* containing the code. The function/method must return a string with the code already hacked.
* 2. Run CodeHacker::enable()
* For using with PHPUnit, see CodeHackerTestHook.
final class CodeHacker {
const PROTOCOL = 'file';
* Value of "context" parameter to be passed to the native PHP filesystem related functions.
* @var mixed
public $context;
* File handle of the file that is open.
* @var mixed
private $handle;
* Optional white list of files to hack, if empty all the files will be hacked.
* @var array
private static $paths_with_files_to_hack = array();
* Registered hacks.
* @var array
private static $hacks = array();
* Is the code hacker enabled?.
* @var bool
private static $enabled = false;
* Enable the code hacker.
public static function enable() {
if ( ! self::$enabled ) {
stream_wrapper_unregister( self::PROTOCOL );
stream_wrapper_register( self::PROTOCOL, __CLASS__ );
self::$enabled = true;
* Disable the code hacker.
public static function disable() {
if ( self::$enabled ) {
stream_wrapper_restore( self::PROTOCOL );
self::$enabled = false;
* Check if the code hacker is enabled.
* @return bool True if the code hacker is enabled.
public static function is_enabled() {
return self::$enabled;
* Execute the 'reset()' method in all the registered hacks.
public static function reset_hacks() {
foreach ( self::$hacks as $hack ) {
call_user_func( array( $hack, 'reset' ) );
* Register a new hack.
* @param mixed $hack A function with signature "hack($code, $path)" or an object containing a method with that signature.
* @throws \Exception Invalid input.
public static function add_hack( $hack ) {
if ( ! self::is_valid_hack_object( $hack ) ) {
$class = get_class( $hack );
throw new \Exception( "CodeHacker::add_hack for instance of $class: Hacks must be objects having a 'process(\$text, \$path)' method and a 'reset()' method." );
self::$hacks[] = $hack;
* Check if the supplied argument is a valid hack object (has a public "hack" method with two mandatory arguments).
* @param mixed $callback Argument to check.
* @return bool rue if the argument is a valid hack object, false otherwise.
private static function is_valid_hack_object( $callback ) {
if ( ! is_object( $callback ) ) {
return false;
$ro = new ReflectionObject( ( $callback ) );
try {
$rm = $ro->getMethod( 'hack' );
$has_valid_hack_method = $rm->isPublic() && ! $rm->isStatic() && 2 === $rm->getNumberOfRequiredParameters();
$rm = $ro->getMethod( 'reset' );
$has_valid_reset_method = $rm->isPublic() && ! $rm->isStatic() && 0 === $rm->getNumberOfRequiredParameters();
return $has_valid_hack_method && $has_valid_reset_method;
} catch ( ReflectionException $exception ) {
return false;
* Initialize the code hacker.
* @param array $paths Paths of the directories containing the files to hack.
* @throws \Exception Invalid input.
public static function initialize( array $paths ) {
if ( ! is_array( $paths ) || empty( $paths ) ) {
throw new \Exception( 'CodeHacker::initialize - $paths must be a non-empty array with the directories containing the files to be hacked.' );
self::$paths_with_files_to_hack = array_map(
function( $path ) {
return realpath( $path );
* Close directory handle.
public function dir_closedir() {
closedir( $this->handle );
* Open directory handle.
* @param string $path Specifies the URL that was passed to opendir().
* @param int $options Whether or not to enforce safe_mode (0x04).
* @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function dir_opendir( $path, $options ) {
$this->handle = $this->context
? $this->native( 'opendir', $path, $this->context )
: $this->native( 'opendir', $path );
return (bool) $this->handle;
* Read entry from directory handle.
* @return false|string string representing the next filename, or FALSE if there is no next file.
public function dir_readdir() {
return readdir( $this->handle );
* Rewind directory handle.
* @return TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function dir_rewinddir() {
return rewinddir( $this->handle );
* Create a directory.
* @param string $path Directory which should be created.
* @param int $mode The value passed to mkdir().
* @param int $options A bitwise mask of values, such as STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE.
* @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function mkdir( $path, $mode, $options ) {
$recursive = (bool) ( $options & STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE );
return $this->native( 'mkdir', $path, $mode, $recursive, $this->context );
* Renames a file or directory.
* @param string $path_from The URL to the current file.
* @param string $path_to The URL which the path_from should be renamed to.
* @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function rename( $path_from, $path_to ) {
return $this->native( 'rename', $path_from, $path_to, $this->context );
* Removes a directory.
* @param string $path The directory URL which should be removed.
* @param int $options A bitwise mask of values, such as STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE.
* @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function rmdir( $path, $options ) {
return $this->native( 'rmdir', $path, $this->context );
* Retrieve the underlying resource.
* @param mixed $cast_as Can be STREAM_CAST_FOR_SELECT when stream_select() is calling stream_cast() or STREAM_CAST_AS_STREAM when stream_cast() is called for other uses.
* @return mixed The underlying stream resource used by the wrapper, or FALSE.
public function stream_cast( $cast_as ) {
return $this->handle;
* Close a resource.
public function stream_close() {
fclose( $this->handle );
* Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer.
* @return bool TRUE if the read/write position is at the end of the stream and if no more data is available to be read, or FALSE otherwise.
public function stream_eof() {
return feof( $this->handle );
* Flushes the output.
* @return bool TRUE if the cached data was successfully stored (or if there was no data to store), or FALSE if the data could not be stored.
public function stream_flush() {
return fflush( $this->handle );
* Advisory file locking.
* @param int $operation LOCK_SH, LOCK_EX, LOCK_UN, or LOCK_NB.
* @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function stream_lock( $operation ) {
return $operation
? flock( $this->handle, $operation )
: true;
* Change stream metadata.
* @param string $path The file path or URL to set metadata. Note that in the case of a URL, it must be a :// delimited URL. Other URL forms are not supported.
* @param mixed $value Depends on $option.
* @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. If option is not implemented, FALSE should be returned.
public function stream_metadata( $path, $option, $value ) {
switch ( $option ) {
$value += array( null, null );
return $this->native( 'touch', $path, $value[0], $value[1] );
return $this->native( 'chown', $path, $value );
return $this->native( 'chgrp', $path, $value );
return $this->native( 'chmod', $path, $value );
* Opens file or URL. Note that this is where the hacking actually happens.
* @param string $path Specifies the URL that was passed to the original function.
* @param string $mode The mode used to open the file, as detailed for fopen().
* @param int $options Holds additional flags set by the streams API: STREAM_USE_PATH, STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS.
* @param string $opened_path If the path is opened successfully, and STREAM_USE_PATH is set in options, opened_path should be set to the full path of the file/resource that was actually opened.
* @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function stream_open( $path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path ) {
$use_path = (bool) ( $options & STREAM_USE_PATH );
if ( 'rb' === $mode && self::path_in_list_of_paths_to_hack( $path ) && 'php' === pathinfo( $path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) ) {
$content = $this->native( 'file_get_contents', $path, $use_path, $this->context );
if ( false === $content ) {
return false;
$modified = self::hack( $content, $path );
if ( $modified !== $content ) {
$this->handle = tmpfile();
$this->native( 'fwrite', $this->handle, $modified );
$this->native( 'fseek', $this->handle, 0 );
return true;
$this->handle = $this->context
? $this->native( 'fopen', $path, $mode, $use_path, $this->context )
: $this->native( 'fopen', $path, $mode, $use_path );
return (bool) $this->handle;
* Read from stream.
* @param int $count How many bytes of data from the current position should be returned.
* @return false|string If there are less than count bytes available, return as many as are available. If no more data is available, return either FALSE or an empty string.
public function stream_read( $count ) {
return fread( $this->handle, $count );
* Seeks to specific location in a stream.
* @param int $offset The stream offset to seek to.
* @param int $whence SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, or SEEK_END.
* @return bool TRUE if the position was updated, FALSE otherwise.
public function stream_seek( $offset, $whence = SEEK_SET ) {
return fseek( $this->handle, $offset, $whence ) === 0;
* Change stream options.
* @param int $arg1 Depends on $option.
* @param int $arg2 Depends on $option.
public function stream_set_option( $option, $arg1, $arg2 ) {
* Retrieve information about a file resource.
* @return array See stat().
public function stream_stat() {
return fstat( $this->handle );
* Retrieve the current position of a stream.
* @return false|int The current position of the stream.
public function stream_tell() {
return ftell( $this->handle );
* Truncate stream.
* @param int $new_size The new size.
* @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function stream_truncate( $new_size ) {
return ftruncate( $this->handle, $new_size );
* Write to stream.
* @param string $data Should be stored into the underlying stream.
* @return false|int The number of bytes that were successfully stored, or 0 if none could be stored.
public function stream_write( $data ) {
return fwrite( $this->handle, $data );
* Delete a file.
* @param string $path The file URL which should be deleted.
* @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function unlink( $path ) {
return $this->native( 'unlink', $path );
* Retrieve information about a file.
* @param string $path The file path or URL to stat. Note that in the case of a URL, it must be a :// delimited URL. Other URL forms are not supported.
* @param int $flags Holds additional flags set by the streams API. It can hold one or more of the following values OR'd together.
* @return mixed Should return as many elements as stat() does. Unknown or unavailable values should be set to a rational value (usually 0). Pay special attention to mode as documented under stat().
public function url_stat( $path, $flags ) {
$func = $flags & STREAM_URL_STAT_LINK ? 'lstat' : 'stat';
return $flags & STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET
? @$this->native( $func, $path )
: $this->native( $func, $path );
* Executes a native PHP function.
* @param string $func Name of the function to execute. Pass the arguments for the PHP function after this one.
* @return mixed Return value from the native PHP function.
private function native( $func ) {
stream_wrapper_restore( self::PROTOCOL );
$res = call_user_func_array( $func, array_slice( func_get_args(), 1 ) );
stream_wrapper_unregister( self::PROTOCOL );
stream_wrapper_register( self::PROTOCOL, __CLASS__ );
return $res;
* Apply the reigstered hacks to the contents of a file.
* @param string $code Code content to hack.
* @param string $path Path of the file being hacked.
* @return string The code after applying all the registered hacks.
private static function hack( $code, $path ) {
foreach ( self::$hacks as $hack ) {
if ( is_callable( $hack ) ) {
$code = call_user_func( $hack, $code, $path );
} else {
$code = $hack->hack( $code, $path );
return $code;
* Check if a file path is in the white list.
* @param string $path File path to check.
* @return bool TRUE if there's an entry in the white list that ends with $path, FALSE otherwise.
* @throws \Exception The class is not initialized.
private static function path_in_list_of_paths_to_hack( $path ) {
if ( empty( self::$paths_with_files_to_hack ) ) {
throw new \Exception( "CodeHacker is not initialized, it must initialized by invoking 'initialize'" );
foreach ( self::$paths_with_files_to_hack as $white_list_item ) {
if ( substr( $path, 0, strlen( $white_list_item ) ) === $white_list_item ) {
return true;
return false;
//phpcs:enable WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions, WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged