This bumps the version to 0.14.3 so that we can take advantage of some
upstream improvements. It also makes some changes to the way our
builds and watches work to minimize the number of unnecessary
Node processes involved in the execution.
We're adding this to _every_ package since they have their own
configuration and scripts to run. This also keeps them
isolated so that they can operate independently.
-Change "Requires PHP":
- In woocommerce.php
- In readme.txt
- In plugins/woocommerce-docs/woocommerce-docs.php
- In packages/js/create-product-editor-block/plugin-templates/$slug.php.mustache
- Change "testVersion" in phpcs.xml:
- In the root of the repository
- In plugins/woocommerce
- In plugins/woocommerce-beta-tester
- Change "require-php" and "config-platform-php" in composer.json
- Update composer.lock with more modern versions of some of the dependencies
- Remove the admin notice about the upcoming bump for PHP 7.3 users in class-wc-admin-notices.php
* WIP extend support for frontmatter in manifests.
* Change some of the prop names in the frontmatter support, add tests.
* WIP support new frontmatter in plugin.
* Improve category processing.
* restructure the docs to have a nested category with no index.
* Add WP test stubs to dev.
* Add tests for the ManifestProcessor.
* Add param docs to function
* Store post meta on posts when they are updated or created. Add supporting tests.
* WIP supporting more core block types.
* Fix bugs in conversion.
* Adjust conversion for issues with tables, blockquotes, code.
* Resolve pnpm lock conflicts
* Return manifest to state in trunk.
* Return pnpm lock to trunk state.
* Update fixture for new md content.