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How To Document Components

We rely on a markdown documentation file for the docs site on github.io, and an example JavaScript file for the DevDocs section in wp-admin. Read on for how to build out the docs files and devdocs section.

1. Create a markdown documentation file

Use npm run docs to generate a README.md for your new component. This will create a basic documentation file containing the component name, description comment, component props, and a placeholder section for example usage.

Edit the documentation file for completeness. We recommend using a simple component as a reference (like the Card component).

2. Create a JavaScript example file

The JavaScript example will be rendered in the DevDocs section and serves as interactive documentation for the component. Create a docs/example.js file in the component directory.

See count/docs/example.js for a simple example, or table/docs/example.js for a more detailed example.

3. Preview the documentation site

You can test the documentation site by running npx docsify serve docs. It will spin up a server at localhost:3000 to preview the docs. This also live-reloads as you're making changes.

4. Add your example to client/devdocs/examples.json

Keep these alphabetized. The component property is required. You can optionally provide a filePath, but it will default to /docs/component/packages/{component-name-as-slug}.

Now you can visit /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=/devdocs to see your component in action.