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Thanks for your interest in contributing to WooCommerce Blocks! Below are some developer docs for working with the project.

Get started

Required developer tools

See package.json engines for details of required versions.

Clone repo & install code dependencies

  • Clone this repository locally - git clone https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.git.
  • Change directory to your repo folder, e.g. cd woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.
  • Install javascript and php dependencies - npm install && composer install.

Run the plugin

  • Ensure the repo folder is in the wp-content/plugins folder of your WordPress environment.
  • Activate the WooCommerce Blocks plugin (should be dev version, e.g. 2.6.0-dev).
  • Edit a page or post in block editor - you should see WooCommerce blocks in the block inserter!

NPM commands

We have a set of scripts in npm to automate important developer tasks.


  • Run $ npm run build to build all assets for production.
  • Run $ npm start to run the development build and watch for changes.

These scripts compile the code using webpack.

You can also run $ npx webpack to run the development build and not keep watching.


Run $ npm run lint to check code against our linting rules.

This script runs 3 sub-commands: lint:php, lint:css, lint:js. Use these to run linters across the codebase (linters check for valid syntax).

  • lint:php runs phpcs via composer, which uses the phpcs.xml rule set.
  • lint:css runs stylelint over all the scss code in assets/css, using the rules in .stylelintrc.json.
  • lint:js runs eslint over all the JavaScript, using the rules in .eslintrc.js.


Run $ npm run test to run unit tests on the JavaScript.

The test scripts use wp-scripts to run jest for component and unit testing.

  • test:update updates the snapshot tests for components, used if you change a component that has tests attached.
  • Use test:watch to keep watch of files and automatically re-run tests.

Create a plugin package in ZIP format

Run $ npm run package-plugin to trigger install and build, and then create a zip file which you can use to install WooCommerce Blocks in WordPress admin.



Publishing @woocommerce/block-library

In the past, we published the blocks to NPM at @woocommerce/block-library.

Note: since version 2.3.0 @woocommerce/block-library has been deprecated, you shouldn't publish a new version without first discussing it with the team

To release a new version, perform the following steps:

  • Run npm pack to prep a .tgz file.
  • Optionally test the package by uploading this onto a test site.
  • Run npm publish --access public, which will push the version up to npm.

Legacy builds

This plugin supports two type of builds:

  • legacy builds (assets have -legacy suffix on their file names)
  • main builds (without the -legacy prefix)

The legacy builds are loaded in a site environment where the WordPress version doesn't meet minimum requirements for a components used in a set build.

You can read more about legacy builds in the this doc.