
1.8 KiB

Testing notes and ZIP for release 4.5.2

Zip file for testing: woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.zip

Feature plugin and package inclusion in WooCommerce core

No changes.

Feature plugin only

Fix cart line subtotal display when currency has 0 decimals (3876)

  1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings and change the currency format so it has 0 decimals, ie: image
  2. Add any product to your cart and go to the Cart and Checkout blocks.
  3. Verify cart line prices are displayed correctly, instead of being 0.

Show total sale badge in medium carts & make it display below price (3879)

  1. Set your currency settings to display without a decimal place, like this: image
  2. Add a product that is on sale to your cart, if you've got an up to date WooCommerce Subscriptions repo (on branch: feature/checkout-block-simple-multiple-subscriptions) then add a subscription product that's on sale, too.
  3. View the Cart block and ensure the price and sale badge display well.

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