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WooCommerce plugin API callbacks Plugin API callbacks reference


This document provides a guide on how to use the WooCommerce Plugin API to initiate callbacks for plugin actions, especially for gateways and classes not initialized by default.

Callback URL Structure

Before WooCommerce 2.0, use:


In WooCommerce 2.0 or later, use the endpoint:



When the callback URL is accessed, WooCommerce will:

  • Initialize the CALLBACK class, if available
  • Trigger the woocommerce_api_callback action
  • Exit WordPress

Hooking into the API Callback

To hook into the callback, add an action in your plugin:

add_action( 'woocommerce_api_callback', 'your_callback_handler_function' );

Redirecting After Callback

It's possible to redirect users after the action has been executed using your custom handler function.