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Testing notes and ZIP for release 6.6.0

Zip file for testing: woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.zip

Feature Plugin

Fix You attempted to edit an item that doesn't exist error on WordPress 5.8 #5425

Test the following under these scenarios:

  • WordPress 5.8 and the Gutenberg plugin
  • WordPress 5.8 without the Gutenberg plugin
  • WordPress 5.9 and the Gutenberg plugin
  1. Open the FSE editor
  2. From the sidebar on the left click on Templates.
  3. Click on one of these templates Product Category Page, Product Archive Page, Product Archive Page or Single Product Page.
  4. Edit the template and save it.
  5. Go back (not refresh the page, because you will reproduce a known bug (#5426).
  6. Reopen the same template and check if the changes are still there.
  7. Check if the template works correctly on the frontend side too.

Fix modified block templates to have a user friendly Plugin name. #5420

  1. Modify one of the WooCommerce block templates via the Site Editor. Save it.
  2. Load the templates screen and ensure the Added By column value says WooCommerce and not woocommerce
  3. Ensure the modified version of the template loads in the Site Editor and on the frontend.

Check if the current theme has a product-archive block template in the absence of a product taxonomy block template. #5380

Add the following block markup to the following templates so you know which one is getting rendered:

  1. woo-blocks/archive-product.html
  2. woo-blocks/taxonomy-product_tag.html
  3. woo-blocks/taxonomy-product_cat.html


<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Woo Blocks: [template-filename].html</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->
  1. Install Gutenberg plugin and Blockbase theme to activate Site Editor and FSE.
  2. Go to a product category page and check that woo-blocks/taxonomy-product_cat.html is the template being used.
  3. Duplicate woo-blocks/archive-product.html into blockbase/block-templates/ and change the markup you added above to say "Blockbase" instead of "Woo Blocks" so we can differentiate.
  4. Reload the product category page, product tag page, and main shop page/product archive page and check that the archive-product.html from Blockbase is being loaded.
  5. Go into Site Editor > All Templates and check that "Product Archive Page", "Product Category Page" and "Product Tag Page" are all in the list and it states they're being loaded from the Blockbase theme
  6. Customise the Product Category Page template and save your changes
  7. Reload the product category page on the frontend and check the customised version of this template is being rendered.

Switch to correct view if inner block is selected #5358

  1. Insert or edit the Cart block.
  2. Open the block navigation list panel.
  3. Ensure the current view is the Filled Cart.
  4. Select an inner block of the Empty Cart parent block. The view should change to "empty cart".

Fix extra network request on cart #5394

To test this, you must open developer tools and look at the network requests sent.

  1. View the cart page on the frontend.
  2. There should be no requests (batch or otherwise) to update customer data once the cart is mounted. Look for calls to the /batch endpoint (filter by XHR requests).

Sync order data with cart data when cart is updated from any route 5379

Ensure you have a store with products and at least 2 shipping methods.

  1. Add an item to the cart.
  2. Visit the checkout page.
  3. In another tab, open admin and view the draft order. Note the shipping method.
  4. Leave checkout and go to the cart page. Change the shipping method.
  5. In your admin tab, refresh the order. Confirm the shipping method + totals all updated.
  6. Smoke test checkout/cart to ensure totals, taxes, items, and fee totals all make sense and change when the cart changes.

Trigger validation on change if the input is not focussed #5373

  1. In a clean browser session with no address, add an item to the cart.
  2. Go to Cart block on the front end.
  3. Open the shipping calculator form and use browser autofill to fill out the address fields.
  4. Click update - you should see no inline validation errors and shipping rates should update.

Revise checkout payment statuses to avoid data loss on error #5350

This requires Stripe and a saved payment method.

  1. Go to checkout and select a saved method for payment.
  2. Leave a required address field blank and try to place an order. Validation errors should be displayed.
  3. Correct mistake and fill out required fields, then place the order again.
  4. The order should go through without an error.

Add error message for fetch errors on checkout #5341

  1. Go to checkout and open network tools (in browser development tools).
  2. Place an order using an invalid postcode so that an error is returned. Confirm postcode error is shown.
  3. Right click the checkout/ request in browser tools and block it.
  4. Place order again and it should give you a network error, for example: "You are probably offline. Please try placing your order again."

Remove legacy shipping_phone handling in the StoreAPI #5326

  1. Go through the checkout flow with a new address, taking note of your billing and shipping phone number.
  2. Confirm the address persists to the order.
  3. Confirm the billing and shipping phone numbers are correct.

Remove full-width mode from cart and checkout block #5315

  1. Create a test page with the cart block.
  2. Verify that both the Cart, the Filled Cart and the Empty Cart only show the alignment options None and Wide width.
  3. Create a test page with the checkout block.
  4. Verify that only the alignment options None and Wide width are available.

Fix saving WooCommerce templates in WP 5.9 beta 3 (5408)

  1. With WP 5.9 beta 3 and Gutenberg disabled, go to Appearance > Editor.
  2. Edit one of the WooCommerce templates and try to save it.
  3. Verify the template is saved without errors.
  4. Repeat the process with Gutenberg enabled and verify it works as well.

Fix required scripts not loading for WC block templates. (5346)

  1. Install a Block Theme such as TT1 and the Gutenberg plugin.
  2. Load the product page of a variable product.
  3. Change some of the options (such as colour) on the variable product and check that the image in the product gallery updates to show the correct image for that variant.
  4. Clicking "Add to cart" should successfully add the product to the cart.

Fix reverting WC templates. (5342)

  1. With WC 6.0 or later, Gutenberg and a block theme installed, go to Appearance > Editor.
  2. Go to the Templates page and edit one of the WooCommerce templates (ie: Single Product Page).
  3. In the frontend, verify the changes you just saved are applied.
  4. Go back to the Templates page and press on Clear Customizations of the template you just edited.
  5. Verify there is no error and the changes have been reverted in the frontend.
  6. Repeat the steps above with WP 5.9 beta without Gutenberg enabled.

Fix WC templates loading for WP 5.9 without Gutenberg plugin. (5335)

  1. Make sure you have WP 5.9 or above.
  2. Install a Block Theme such as TT1.
  3. Make sure you can load the list of Block Templates in the Appearance > Site Editor

Make it so WooCommerce template names are not editable (5385)

  1. With WC 6.0 beta 3 and a block theme installed, go to Appearance > Editor.
  2. Go to the Templates page and edit one of the WooCommerce templates (ie: Single Product Page).
  3. Save and refresh the page.
  4. Verify the template name is not editable.